• 2 days ago
Kidrobot Bobs Burgers The Trick Or Treating Tour Blind Box Vinyl Figures ENTIRE CASE!
00:00Hmm, I wonder if these got mysteriously sent to me by To Groom It May Concern.
00:05Here's your spooky spot on the Kid Robot, Bob's Burgers, the Trick-or-Treating Tour,
00:08Vinyl Minifigures.
00:09Yes, I don't need to be reminded again of the pumpkining.
00:32I can't help but also notice we're being joined again by the Interdimensional Candle.
00:37We have patched things up and he had voiced his concerns about maybe perhaps the way that
00:41we are running shop around here.
00:43I don't know necessarily considering that you don't have arms and legs, Candle, that
00:47you really have much of a say in matters, seeing as I'm really the one that's doing
00:50all the work behind the camera.
00:52No, sorry, what?
00:54My soul.
00:55Still talking about souls.
00:56We're gonna be having a look at an entire case of these, as you probably can already
01:00see for yourselves.
01:01The case itself consists of three across, four up, times two.
01:07How do you do in simple math?
01:08You could bring out your fingers and your toes if you want.
01:10That's gonna give us 24, although you're not gonna be able to do both of them counting
01:13on your fingers and toes.
01:14Oh, you can?
01:15Okay, that's a little unsettling.
01:17Yes, we're gonna be looking at an entire case of these.
01:20I'm gonna pull out one of them at least so you guys can see.
01:22I had to actually bring this back a little bit because this is a pretty substantially
01:25large case.
01:26Featured on the side, as you can see, there's Bob's Burgers, Trick-or-Treating.
01:29The back side will also have the same, and on the back of the box, it'll feature all
01:33the characters that make up this set.
01:35There are rarities ones as well.
01:37If it's a little harder for you guys to be able to see this, perhaps maybe I can in fact
01:40bring the camera down.
01:41I just wanted to make sure that everything is in frame.
01:44Here's what one of the individual boxes look like though, and featured on the side, you
01:47can see there's Bob.
01:49We've got Sheriff Linda, although it's Cherif Linda, No Country for Louise, Tina the Sandwich.
01:57We've got Momby Tina, a little hard to actually make out some of the fonts on these, Officer
02:01Carmine Jean.
02:03We've got Grape Jean.
02:04On the other side, we've got Hot Mess Tammy, Mike the Mailman.
02:09There's Millie, question mark, that looks like it's probably again another Tina.
02:13We've got Felix.
02:14We've got Nurse Teddy, and we've got Teddy the Tiger.
02:16Again, we're going to be looking at each of these individually.
02:20Of course, in order to do that, I might need myself a knife.
02:22We're going to be joined this time around by McCutcheons.
02:25Bob's Burgers has had several Halloween-themed episodes.
02:28Let me know if you guys do watch Bob's Burgers, what your favorite one is down below in the
02:31comment section.
02:32Some of you, in fact, actually have jumped over the idea of watching Simpsons as their
02:36go-to Halloween cartoon episodes, and actually, some prefer Bob's Burgers instead.
02:41I'm not quite sure, obviously, the contents.
02:43None of the contents, I'll really know until I eventually open these all up.
02:47Again, I'm just going to grab my knife, watching to only cut the bag and not cut these digits.
02:52Still looking at you, Candle, while I'm doing this.
02:55Speaking of Teddy, we've got ourselves, I just want to make sure that all the contents
02:59are out.
03:00We've got ourselves here.
03:02Teddy the Tiger.
03:03Teddy the Tiger, as you can see, looks fairly much like Teddy.
03:07He's a little on the smaller side, obviously, you can see.
03:10He's got some nice striping there on the back of his body.
03:12There's some posability.
03:13Now, most of the posability on these kid robot figures is limited.
03:17Head swivels only.
03:18The arms swivel back and forth, and that's really it.
03:20Just to make sure, though, that Teddy doesn't come in clear with any accessories.
03:23Obviously, the worst thing would be for me to just discard the bag.
03:27Obviously, I want to put everything back.
03:29These will likely go in the garbage.
03:30I don't know if I can actually recycle these, and then the boxes.
03:33The boxes, yes, we'll be going and recycling.
03:35Actually, while I have the box right here, this is dated from 2019, so I've had these
03:40actually for a while.
03:41I never really got around to reviewing them.
03:44Now would be a perfect time during the month of Spot-tober.
03:45So, of course, we've got Teddy the Tiger.
03:48We're going to put him right over there.
03:50He's great.
03:51The next one, we're going to be opening up and cutting this across.
03:55I'm not really sure when this is going to be going online, but I'm sure it will be going
03:59online before Halloween comes around.
04:02Let me know down below if you are one that likes to dress up during Halloween, and what
04:05kind of costumes have you worn in the past?
04:07I don't know if I have any plans, to be all honest, if I'm going to be dressing up.
04:11My daughter's already got some ideas in mind.
04:12She's going to go as Pomny.
04:13Anybody know who Pomny is?
04:15It's from like the digital circus.
04:17I really had no idea.
04:18I honestly had no idea either, and then I saw the costume, and I'm like, you know what?
04:22I still don't know.
04:23We have another Teddy the Tiger.
04:25Teddy, though, happens to be, I'm looking at the box here.
04:28It's two, two of 24, and the likelihood there is high that we're obviously going to be getting
04:33a couple of duplicates here, like Millie is two, Felix is only one, and then of course
04:38we've got Mike.
04:39He's only one.
04:40I really would like to get Hot Mess Tammy, just so I can actually say Hot Mess Tammy.
04:46Opening up the next box.
04:49I have now gone to Spirit Halloween.
04:51If anybody was all that interested, probably now five times, just kind of doing ... I've
04:56gone to two different Spirit Halloweens, no, three.
04:58I've gone to three different Spirit Halloweens.
05:01One I actually have gone back to twice, so that's five.
05:04I think that's five.
05:05Actually, no, that's four, and then I went to another Spirit Halloween.
05:08Yeah, that was the five.
05:10The next one.
05:11Now, there is technically a little perforation here.
05:14I don't really need to waste my troubles or accidentally cut myself.
05:17Really, I could only just pull the side here.
05:19Boy, that's even easier.
05:23What do we have in here?
05:26We got Mailman.
05:27We got Mike the Mailman.
05:28Again, I just want to make sure that we've got ... Oh, see, now there, there's an accessory
05:33in there.
05:34Oh, actually, you know what?
05:35Mike's missing an arm.
05:37I just happened to have retrieved the arm before I discarded the bag onto the floor.
05:41Get Mike back his arm.
05:42That's the easiest way for him to deliver the mail.
05:44If he doesn't have ... I guess he could deliver the mail with one arm, but then it probably
05:48would be hard for him to reach behind and grab anything from the bag.
05:50If he has one arm, I would imagine that the bag would go here and maybe not on the back
05:54of his body.
05:55Still, though, for Mike, the articulation is going to be the exact same.
05:58Head's going to swivel.
05:59Arms are going to swivel back and forth.
06:00There is no articulation.
06:01There never seems to be articulation for the lower legs or really ... The legs are basically
06:05built to the rest of the body, so it's only really going to be like ... Well, you get
06:09the idea.
06:10Put Mike down over there.
06:12Reaching right in the middle.
06:13Also, too, one thing I really like about these, and I haven't really looked at nearly enough
06:17Bob's Burgers things on this channel.
06:19I like that the actual Bob's Burgers does have some illumination of orange lights.
06:23It kind of, in a way, looks like it's a face, like an evil face, like the Amityville house.
06:28Love the Amityville movies.
06:29Again, we're going to cut the seal that's on the front.
06:34While I've also been doing this as well, I feel like I really need to make some amends
06:38to this candle.
06:39I've called this candle, I think now in a couple of videos, already stupid.
06:42You really shouldn't be calling anything stupid, whether it be a real living person that breathes
06:46and goes out and does their things, goes and makes a living, or it could just be an
06:49animate candle that doesn't do anything.
06:51Again, probably even just saying that sounds like I'm also diminishing the candle.
06:55It's probably because I am.
06:56You do nothing, candle.
06:57You just literally sit there.
06:58I know what you're thinking.
07:01Aren't you worried about the whole soul stealing?
07:03He hasn't stolen any souls so far.
07:07So far.
07:08Opening up the next bag here.
07:11We should never really joke about stealing souls.
07:15Now we're getting somewhere.
07:16We've got a couple of accessories going on here.
07:20And again, I'm just going to look at...
07:22So I'm looking at the side here.
07:24Oh, okay.
07:25That would explain it.
07:26I was going to say there's no country for Louise, but then like Louise doesn't look
07:30like that.
07:31But then I realized that she's got all these extra things that go with her as well.
07:34And those other things, by the way, happen to be what seems to be a hairpiece.
07:38Let's open that up.
07:40Is that the hairpiece?
07:41I think.
07:42Is that supposed to go...
07:45She's missing arms.
07:46Where are her arms?
07:47Oh, maybe...
07:48Oh, okay.
07:49That's the back of her hair.
07:50I can't help it, though, notice that Louise does not have arms.
07:54Let's go back to quickly check here.
07:56I hope this isn't going to be like an ongoing problem where I'm going to have to just to
07:59go and make sure that nothing is missing arms.
08:02Where is Tina's arms?
08:04That's the big mystery for today.
08:05No, it's not in that bag.
08:07No, it's not.
08:10I knew you...
08:11I knew, Candle, you were going to put a curse on this review.
08:14No, I'm not seeing any arms.
08:15Where's Tina's...
08:16Where's Tina's arms?
08:17There's a tank, but I don't see anything that looks like she is missing arms.
08:22Now, that's sad.
08:25Not that she's missing arms.
08:26I mean, obviously, people...
08:27Some people don't have arms, but it's disappointing, though, that the Kid Robot release here does
08:31not actually...
08:32Does not have arms.
08:34Let's hope, going back and looking at this again, no country for Louise.
08:38She's two of 24.
08:39So let's hope at least the next release of her does actually come included with arms.
08:44In the meantime, though, this looks like these two halves attach, so this probably goes around
08:48her ears like that, and then we get the front section of her hair that snaps in place.
08:54So she's got, like, the wig piece going there.
08:56Boy, I'm really disappointed, though, that she's missing her arms.
09:00She does have a tank, but the tank's not going to be doing much of anything.
09:06She comes with a little tank, but, yeah, I would have actually rathered the arms instead.
09:10Oh, that's a bit of a bummer.
09:12Oh, well, we can only hope that the next time we come around to seeing Tina again, Tina's
09:17going to actually have arms.
09:22I don't know.
09:24Maybe Kid Robot just left the arms out.
09:27Maybe that's the only trick, hopefully, that we'll be getting in this review.
09:31I would like, if anything, more treats than tricks.
09:33I guess even Kid Robot has a trick for me.
09:37Discarding the box.
09:38Now the boxes, basically, are all going to go down here, because I'm kind of running
09:40out of space over here.
09:41I mean, also, the candle needs to really see what's going on here.
09:44Can you see everything okay?
09:45You're only really looking at the box.
09:46Let's move it around right here.
09:50So what do we have for the next bag?
09:51Hopefully, a Tina with arms, but what we have instead ... Oh, okay.
09:56We got Tina.
09:58So, you know what?
09:59Let's carefully pull this one out just to ensure ... Yeah, you know, okay.
10:04So, this one has arms, and the arms are luckily already attached to her body.
10:07Because I've already taken the liberty of adding already the hair, I'm not going to
10:10do it, obviously, for this one, because it's literally the exact same character.
10:13Short of, this one does have arms.
10:15This one's been disarmed.
10:16You probably could see where I was going with that.
10:22I know.
10:23I know.
10:24It's a terrible joke.
10:25But again, like now, she does have at least articulation.
10:27These arms sometimes are prone to popping off.
10:29Not that I've experienced it necessarily with Bob's Burgers, but I know of ones in the past.
10:34If you're not careful sometimes when you are moving these, the arms are prone to popping
10:38What I may end up doing, though, is having one displayed on the shelf, obviously without
10:41arms, sadly, and then with a hair piece, and then I'll have just the regular Tina displayed,
10:45well, obviously with her, you know, her little rabbit headpiece, which, by the way, are soft
10:51You can wiggle them around if you want.
10:52Seeing as I've already opened up the accessories for her before, I'm going to just put the
10:56accessories over there now.
10:57I don't feel the need to probably go back and, you know, just do everything I've already
11:01finished doing.
11:02Let's open up the next box, and if you're now taking a tally, we are about, what, halfway,
11:08about halfway through the top layer.
11:11We'll be finishing that top layer shortly.
11:14And the next box, if you can hear that noise, I've just dropped something onto the floor.
11:17Just dropping the boxes, because, you know, again, I'm running out of space here.
11:20And what we have next, hot mess, no, not a hot mess.
11:25We have ourselves Mike.
11:26And again, I just want to make sure that I've got nothing missing inside.
11:31Not Mike, Millie, Millie right there.
11:33Now Millie comes included with, I don't, I don't know what that is.
11:40I really should know what that is.
11:41I'm sure somebody's going to be able to tell me.
11:45It looks like a little, I don't know, like, I don't want to say tablet, it almost even
11:50looks like a little ant farm, but we're just going to go ahead.
11:54It's going to fit into Millie's hands.
11:57Not well, not well, mind you, I'm not careful.
12:00That's going to get, maybe I have to put it this way.
12:02No, help me, help me here.
12:05Candle, help me.
12:06Oh, right.
12:07I was, I was insulting you earlier.
12:09I don't blame you.
12:10I probably wouldn't be helping myself either.
12:11Yeah, this doesn't fit very well in the hands.
12:15It really falls out unless it's supposed to be displayed like that.
12:19Little arms.
12:20I don't want to, I don't want to jinx turning the head and I happen then to pop this off,
12:25so I'm just going to, no, I'm just going to leave it.
12:28Yeah, so articulation I think is still there in the head.
12:31The thing that's strange though is with Millie, the head is on an angle, so when you're rotating
12:35the head for Millie, it's going to be turning a little weirdly, but that will just display
12:40Millie though along with Tina.
12:44And then of course we're going to grab the next one here.
12:46Tina, Louise.
12:50We are now six.
12:51Oh, I've started grabbing from the bottom.
12:53I really should have.
12:54Come on, man.
12:55Come on.
12:56Stick to the formula.
12:57We got to grab from the top layer first.
12:59This one is substantially heavy and also large as well.
13:03Now based on that, if I'm kind of just looking at this and deducing, it could maybe be like
13:07Jean with the grapes.
13:08It could also be Bob.
13:09Who else could it maybe be?
13:11No, I probably would think it's, I'm going to guess it's Bob and I would hope to think,
13:17I mean, Bob is three out of 24.
13:18Sooner rather than later, we're going to be coming across Bob.
13:22And what do we have inside?
13:23We've got some accessories.
13:24Oh, we've got a hat.
13:25So that's probably going to be Tina.
13:27So slices of bread, got some arms again, like loose arms.
13:32What's the deal with all these loose arms?
13:34Oh, it's because again, like she's, yeah, she's attached to the bread.
13:37So like one side is going to be, yeah.
13:39So she's, you know, she's Tina the Sand Witch.
13:43Get it?
13:45Slices of bread.
13:47That would explain why obviously Tina is missing arms.
13:51Doesn't really necessarily explain why Louise was missing arms earlier, but at least it
13:54justifies the missing arms.
14:00So this is going to attach just to the side of Tina's arms or Tina's torso.
14:03I'm going to kind of wiggle it on there.
14:06Just want to make sure it's all the way on there.
14:07Oh, I'm putting a lot more pressure than I was expecting it to have to do.
14:11And then we'll do the same on this side as well.
14:14Pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure.
14:17Don't break the pegs, whatever you do.
14:20I will say attaching the arm sleeves aren't the easiest thing to do because you have to
14:23kind of put them in on an angle.
14:26And of course, no, no witch, sand witch or otherwise would be complete without the witch's
14:31So we're going to take that off.
14:32And then the witch's hat will just go on top of Tina's head.
14:36Now I will say right away, one thing that's unfortunately with this is that the hat and
14:40also these bread pieces, nothing really stays on Tina at all.
14:47If anything, I would have probably said that you should have really made the pegs longer.
14:50If they were made longer at least, then also too, you got to get them underneath her hair.
14:54So you have to get underneath the hair and then you also have to peg them in place.
14:58That's a lot of requirements being asked of me, who really is only just trying to provide
15:02a service for you guys.
15:04And these pegs also seem to be getting bent.
15:07Don't like the construction of Tina.
15:09I like the idea that she's part of this set as part of the, of course, the sand witch.
15:13I don't like though, the way that you have to attach these arms.
15:16The hat also, by the way, doesn't attach at all to her head.
15:19So you really have to just kind of balance it on her head.
15:22Okay, so I failed, failed right away.
15:25Tina looks good, but the construction of trying to get those sandwiches on.
15:29Now, if this was Gordon Ramsay, he put two sandwiches on either side.
15:33He put a slice of bread on this side, slice of this bread of this side on the side of
15:36either of your heads.
15:37And then he would just say, what are you?
15:38I'm an idiot sandwich.
15:40That's right.
15:41An idiot sandwich.
15:42Yeah, I don't, I don't really like the way that these have to attach.
15:44These really need to be longer.
15:46Anyways, let's put that down here.
15:49Tina, by the way, the sandwich was two of 24.
15:51So whatever frustrations we had with Tina already, we're going to be dealing with her
15:56The flap, open that up.
15:59I suppose I really didn't even need a knife.
16:01I was just kind of using the knife because, you know, McCutcheon's kind of like the candle,
16:04just likes to be included.
16:06Even if, you know, even if I just kind of hear waving them, maybe we don't want to be
16:11waving the knife around, but at least have the knife there from time to time.
16:15So at least he knows he's being included and want to make sure again, like all the accessories
16:20are out here.
16:21So we've got Nurse Teddy.
16:24So Nurse Teddy does come, of course, included with the, which is, which is the nurse's hat
16:29and the hat.
16:31I'm assuming just most hats tend to go on heads.
16:34So we're just going to put it on Teddy's head.
16:37That's, you know, I will say at least, unlike Tina, the hat stays in place on Teddy's head.
16:43Now this is actually the second Teddy we've gotten.
16:45We've got Teddy the Tiger and Nurse Teddy.
16:48I love, I love the stubble that they add to his face.
16:52Nicely painted too.
16:53I think I like Teddy the Tiger just a little bit more, but Nurse Teddy's pretty cool too.
16:58He's two of 24 as well.
17:00So put all the characters over there.
17:01And of course, as I always do too, and we do these very lengthy, long-winded videos,
17:07I was at the end of this when I'm all exhausted, I tell you guys what my, my, my top three,
17:11my top three favorites are.
17:12And of course, as I'm doing this, you guys can let me know down below in the comment
17:15section, who your favorite three characters were from the Bob's Burger set.
17:19Of course, opening these up.
17:25After a while, I started, I almost feel like I start developing calluses after opening
17:28up all these boxes.
17:29It's just constantly opening, opening.
17:33But the next bag, Oh, I dropped that on the floor, pulling open the tab here, seeing what
17:39we've got inside here.
17:41You know, it's, it's a shame.
17:42And I understand why they have to kind of pack the way that they do, but like, it's
17:46usually the case that if you open up one, the next door neighbor to that tends to usually
17:50be the exact same character.
17:51And sure enough, once you know it, Nurse Teddy is in this, in this bag as well.
17:57And I suppose they probably could have randomly put this in a little bit better because like,
18:00you'd hate to think, like we're obviously looking at an entire case or we're having
18:03some fun.
18:04I hope to think we're having some fun.
18:05Are you having fun Candle, by the way?
18:09If we were opening this up, it's so much easier, obviously to show you guys this, everything
18:11that's in this.
18:12But if say you were going into a comic book store and like, you know, you had a few extra
18:16dollars to spend.
18:17You were just grabbing the two.
18:18If you're grabbing this one and you're grabbing this one, if it always tends to be this layout,
18:23you ultimately always going to be grabbing a duplicate.
18:24It's almost like you kind of want to reach to the back and you want to reach the one
18:27in the front.
18:28Maybe like Homer, like grabbing the peanuts.
18:30No, no Marge.
18:31What was it?
18:32What was a Flanders wife's name?
18:34I don't remember.
18:35He says, grab the peanuts from the bottom.
18:37Anyways, though, the, uh, the hat, I'm not going to, I'm not going to open up simply
18:40just because again, like I've already got Teddy's, Teddy's hat already open and we've
18:44already got that displayed on the character.
18:48So let's cut the seal here in the front.
18:52Rinse and repeat.
18:53Of course, until we get the job done.
18:56Have you guys been watching any Halloween movies so far?
18:59I think, you know, based on when I'm recording this, we're about halfway through October.
19:03So based on that, let me know in the comments what, what horror movies doesn't even really
19:08have to be horror movies.
19:09Some, some prefer to watch, like speaking of us, obviously we're looking at Bob's Burgers.
19:12You know, maybe have you seen some animated Halloween specials?
19:15Let me know down below.
19:17So far I've watched Garfield.
19:18I still hope to watch Witch's Night Out and I still really want to watch, uh, It's a Great
19:22Pumpkin Charlie Brown.
19:23Really, those are the ones, those are the only ones that we're sticking with, like animation.
19:26Those are really only the ones I need to watch every single year.
19:29So we've got ourselves another Millie.
19:31I'm going to keep this just in the bag, whatever again this is.
19:34Somebody's probably going to tell me down below in the comments section, and I'm just
19:37going to think to myself, oh, I should have known that, I should have known that, but
19:41I didn't know that.
19:42I didn't know that at the time that I was opening these up.
19:44I'm going to slide this a little bit further forward.
19:46I'm going to actually just move these a little to the front as well, just so it's a little
19:50bit easier for this guy, because of course I'm reaching behind.
19:53My camera is giant.
19:55Well, it's maybe not, it's small, but reaching though around the tripod is a little bit difficult
20:00at times, especially when I'm doing blind boxes like this.
20:04So again, we're just going to open the flap.
20:08I'm probably sure, I probably may have wanted to mention this at the beginning of the video,
20:12that this, because this is a longer video, you could pause obviously throughout this
20:16if you guys need to go and do like bathroom breaks, you know, you need to let the person
20:20in the other room know, I know I said I was going to be coming in the next five minutes
20:23for dinner.
20:24I didn't realize that Spot was going to be dumping a long video like this on the channel.
20:27I have to stick around.
20:29And then the person in the kitchen is just going to say, can't you just pause it?
20:32I can't pause it.
20:33I can't.
20:34I have to like watch the video in its entirety.
20:37Thank you for those, for those individuals that do get the chance to watch this in its
20:40I know sometimes again, like these videos are a little bit longer in format.
20:45We also though have ourselves, Momby Tina, head rotates back and forth again, the arms
20:51luckily to see they're, they're at least include like if any of them had missing arms, I would
20:55expect Momby Tina to have it.
20:56Luckily though, she has her arms intact.
20:59Now Tina here again, the sandwich version of Tina missing, unfortunately an arm.
21:03I still can't, I still can't figure that out.
21:06Very similar in sculpts.
21:07I would imagine that they're probably almost identical.
21:09This one just obviously cast in gray plastic.
21:11This is just an irregular skin tone plastic.
21:14I like the look of Momby Tina.
21:15Momby is three of 24.
21:18If you like the look that she has, she has right now, you're going to see this look again
21:23Because we're doing, we're doing 24 of these.
21:25So if there's three and 24, then again, you're going to be, I mean, what's the off chance
21:29that inside one of these boxes is just not even going to be a character at all.
21:32Just going to be some, someone's discarded lunch.
21:35Somebody was partially eating a sandwich.
21:36Could you imagine somebody working in the plant line, all these boxes being stocked
21:40and you know, packed inside, somebody just eating a sandwich could give no, no cares
21:45whatsoever and they just kind of discard like half eaten a sandwich.
21:48And I would not want to be the person that has to open up this box and realize that there's
21:51a partially eaten egg salad, that there was partially eaten egg salad sandwich inside.
22:00Don't do that.
22:01If you don't like your work, don't, don't sabotage your work just because you're trying
22:05to make a statement.
22:06Does that means that the people around you, your coworkers, they're going to have to go
22:11back and pick up the slack because you want to be the one that, you know, just phones
22:15it in.
22:16Don't just phone things in.
22:17Do the best that you can in job, doing the best you can in life.
22:20That's the best advice this guy could give you during a Halloween review.
22:23And it really has no connection with one another.
22:25Again, we've got ourselves mom beat Tina, so we're just going to put her right over
22:29We now can, we can now say successfully we've completed the top tier, even though really
22:34the ones missing here, this is really the start of the second half.
22:38So of course, again, if you guys have been joining me this whole time, thank you for
22:42Some of you may have already left ship right now.
22:44You've just jumped on board.
22:45So you know what?
22:46This, this is too much.
22:47This guy just talks way too much about other things.
22:49I do do that from time to time, but for those that actually enjoy this format of video,
22:54thank you.
22:55Again, I can't, I can't thank you enough.
22:57Again, another mom beat Tina, I really feel like again, kid robot, anybody that's really
23:02listening from kid robot, which probably absolutely nobody, you need to kind of randomly put these
23:07things around in the trays so that if I was somebody that was going into a comic book
23:11store and just grabbing, you know, the three that I had in front of me, I'm not grabbing
23:15then ultimately three mom beat Tina's, I guess it is really smart because you're, you'd be
23:20You think, Oh, I just blew how much money on this?
23:23How much?
23:26First of all, I need to be going into a different comic book store, but if you're spending a
23:28lot and then you realize you got a duplicate, I guess it probably would be smart marketing
23:32that you'd go back to the store and you'd say, okay, slap down the money in front of
23:36the person that's working behind the till, I'm going to go buy, I'm going to go buy another
23:39box and watch you get the exact same character again.
23:42Ah, I would just totally suck.
23:45Let's cut the flap then on this one.
23:49And this, if once we finished this, we're going to be like, what, 10, we got 10 left
23:53to go through.
23:54The thing about kid robot is that you get a lot more cases, you get a lot more boxes
23:59per case.
24:00So usually that's why, I mean, on this channel, when we do do the kid robot stuff, it may,
24:04it makes for a much longer video.
24:06Not only with all the filler that I add in there as well, but just because like the length
24:09of it of opening the boxes alone, there's just a lot to cover off.
24:14Now I could be smart enough and just go back and edit all this stuff out.
24:18I could maybe zip through this part of the material where you know, you guys would only
24:21see the end result of it, but I figured like you guys should join along with me.
24:26I don't want to say suffer along with me, but I would hope that you guys are going to be
24:29enjoying yourselves.
24:30So the next one we have is Felix.
24:32Now Felix does come in clue with his cat.
24:34No, I'm sorry.
24:35That's not his cat, his dog.
24:37We'll just open this up here.
24:41Take the little canine out, display him along with Felix.
24:45Felix does actually have glasses, but the glasses are just, just for frames.
24:49Like if you compare it, say for example, with Tina, Tina, they've painted the pupils on
24:53the front of the lens.
24:56So like Felix is a little bit different in that sense.
24:58Got his matching jacket and pants.
25:00Of course the head does rotate, still has arm articulation.
25:03I kind of think that that's neat for a little accessory like this.
25:06It doesn't look like the dog does.
25:07I can't think he can rotate it.
25:09It kind of looks more like a wolf.
25:10Can't rotate the head, but you know, again, nice little accessory to go along with Felix.
25:16Let's see what's next, colleagues of mine.
25:19This one also happens to feel good thing that nothing was breakable inside because I probably
25:26would have broke it about five times already.
25:28This one feels heavy and it could possibly be Bob.
25:31I mean, considering that we haven't even looked at Bob yet, Bob is three of 24.
25:35I'm hoping that we're going to be getting also a grape gene.
25:38Grape gene might be in there.
25:39Officer, I can't even see that, officer canine gene might be in there as well.
25:44I mean, he's two of 24.
25:45I mean, this only makes me realize I need to probably get, I have to probably look into
25:49getting glasses.
25:50The font seems to be getting smaller, seems to be getting blurrier.
25:53I can't imagine that that's the factory that's doing that deliberately.
25:56It's probably this guy.
25:57I just need to clean away my eyes.
26:02Let's see what we got for this extra heavy sized box.
26:04Come on, Bob, Bob, give me a Bob, give me a Bob.
26:07No, actually, no, no, oh, no, it's not.
26:11I was thinking for a second it was going to be Gene and sure enough, no, it's not.
26:14It's the sandwich Tina.
26:15Well, I'm not even going to bother because again, like these pegs, have I already said
26:19that too much?
26:20I don't want to beat a dead horse talking about Tina's pegs.
26:22I'm going to put that off to the side.
26:25Tina, if not for the fact that the sandwich pieces were so hard to get onto her torso,
26:30she might rank pretty high on my list of favorite figures.
26:33Because of that, I don't know.
26:35Will she still make the top three?
26:36Who knows?
26:37Who knows really by now?
26:40We still don't have ourselves a Linda.
26:42We still don't have a Bob.
26:44Gene, I should say.
26:46Gene has not made any appearances yet.
26:50Let's hope that that changes sometime soon.
26:52Well, I can already tell you.
26:54We have fixed one of our problems.
26:56We now finally have Sheriff Linda.
26:59Now Linda does have a hat.
27:02I hope the hat actually stays on her head, although looking at the size of the hat, realizing
27:07that it has to go, I thought for a second that that was a hole right on her head.
27:11No, it doesn't look like, like there's an indentation there, but like whereabouts on
27:16the lay of the land, do you figure out that that's supposed to go, like is it go right
27:23I really don't understand what this is supposed to attach onto.
27:26It's almost like if only there was like a mark or something on there that would guide
27:29you in this direction.
27:31Where am I supposed to go?
27:32There's like an arrow right there.
27:33It's pointing.
27:34You want this one right here, dummy.
27:36It doesn't tell you anything.
27:37So if anything, you just have to kind of guess whereabouts this is supposed to go.
27:40Maybe it's supposed to go a little bit further on the back of her head.
27:42I mean, it's again, like one of those cases where you're going to have to only rest the
27:45head on Linda's head.
27:47There's no way that it doesn't look like it's going to be able to stay on her head.
27:50I like her face.
27:51There's a little smudge.
27:53Is it?
27:54Oh, it has to be like right there too.
27:55A little smudge in the front of her glasses.
27:57Luckily though, Linda is going to be another three of 24 character.
28:01So again, we're going to have another, another two examples of these, which also too, considering
28:05that we don't have a Bob, there's three of 24 for Bob's.
28:08Sheriff Linda is again, another three of 24, considering that we only really have eight
28:13boxes left to go.
28:14I think there's a good likelihood that we're probably going to be getting now Bob's, Linda's,
28:19and probably a couple of Jean's because Jean is also a two of 24.
28:23That being said, the next box hopefully will reveal one of those.
28:28Maybe not as much a Linda, but I know by now Linda's going to be, I mean, it's just going
28:32to happen.
28:33You know, sooner rather than later, we're going to be getting another Linda inside these
28:37The boxes, by the way, can keep continuing to be dropped down onto the floor.
28:40I'll have to clean those all up a little bit later, but we have ourselves another Linda.
28:46Of course her hat's still in there as well.
28:48I want to make sure I retrieve the hat, even though I know, again, we've already gotten
28:51this hat before.
28:52I want to make sure that I don't leave it in the bag because if I leave it in the bag
28:55and I happen to discard the bag somewhere, then later, but a little bit later, I'll be
28:59looking at this and being like, where did I put Linda's hat?
29:01I'll be screaming up the stairs, does anybody see Linda's hat?
29:04And then the person up the stairs is like, I don't know what you're talking about.
29:08They know what I'm talking about.
29:09They know very well what I'm talking about.
29:12So this is now giving us, this is the seventh last box, seventh.
29:18After that, of course, will be six.
29:20After that, well, you know how numbers work.
29:23We have ourselves, hopefully, a Bob by this point and no, sure enough, it's not.
29:28It's another Linda, who's this time around, her hat seems to be stuck to the box, stuck
29:34to the bag, pulling out Linda right now.
29:37So now we have three Lindas.
29:38I mean, it's a good looking figure, even though, you know, perhaps maybe a little tired of
29:42the idea that I've seen her now three times in a row.
29:45She's a good looking figure though.
29:46And again, like a little hat would go on her head.
29:48Top three?
29:49Don't know.
29:50Don't know.
29:51Still got to get a Bob.
29:52Bob is like the most crucial one right now.
29:54I mean, it's after all, like his, his place is named after him.
29:59You'd like to think that Bob's going to be somewhere in this box.
30:00Wouldn't it be just the, just the absolute worst?
30:03I mean, looking at this box again, what if, what if Bob likes was zero of 24?
30:08I mean, what's, there's no likelihood that that would ever happen or one of 24.
30:12You want to think that Bob's going to be in there.
30:14And I think now we're probably going to start seeing Bob.
30:16So we're going to open this up and sure enough, just speaking of him, say his name and he
30:24We got ourselves Bob.
30:25Now I'm just looking inside the bag.
30:26Anything else in there?
30:28Okay, good.
30:29Got ourselves Bob.
30:30Bob's a little more of a portlier fellow.
30:33He eats well.
30:34They say that.
30:35You ever have somebody say that to you?
30:37You eat well.
30:38It's not just the most insulting thing.
30:40I mean, why don't you just say I'm ugly.
30:42Just say like I'm ugly.
30:43I think I would enjoy that.
30:45Probably not on this.
30:46I don't think I would enjoy it more.
30:48I would think I would enjoy it just as much.
30:50You know, you eat well.
30:51What does that mean?
30:52What does that mean?
30:53If, if it means fat, just say fat, you look fat.
30:56Then I can at least know the direction that you're going.
30:58If you say you eat well, you're trying to find a nice way to dodge around the idea of
31:02telling somebody, Hey buddy, you look fat.
31:06Sometimes I tell my friends, Hey buddy, you look fat.
31:09I probably should also say you eat very well.
31:11And then my friends, knowing the way that my friends would be, my friends would just
31:14reply with, yeah, I eat very well.
31:17Or they probably would just come back with some insulting thing that I can't repeat again
31:19here on this channel.
31:21Head rotates on Bob.
31:23Arms rotates, although I feel like the arms are going to fall out.
31:26They're very rubbery.
31:27And of course, nothing for the articulation down below.
31:31You like Bob?
31:32Let's see him again because we're going to opening up to, well, we're going to have two
31:36more Bobs before, I guess what, looking at the tally here, who, who don't we have yet?
31:42Oh, hot mess.
31:45Hot mess.
31:47I hope we get a hot mess.
31:49I mean, she's one of, she's one of 48.
31:50So the likelihood is very low that we're probably going to get her inside the case.
31:53That would be the best way to send off this review is to get hot mess Tammy inside the
31:58That doesn't sound right at all.
31:59I know, I know.
32:02So again, we're probably going to be getting a Bob and sure enough, yes, we do.
32:08Avoiding any insulting things.
32:09Oh, Bob's got a smear on the back of his, I'm imagining that's, yeah, that's gonna be on
32:13all of them.
32:14Uh, I can't help but also notice that this Bob's head is really loose.
32:18Was Bob's other head like that?
32:19No, it wasn't.
32:21What's so unique about Bob's?
32:22Did somebody just sneak up behind him and snap his neck like an assassin?
32:27This Bob's head is really, really loose.
32:29Of course, his arms do move back and forth.
32:32It's so ironic though that his arms seem a little bit tighter on his, on this body and
32:35yet his, his, his neck, his head is so loosey goosey, just spinning around like a basketball.
32:43So we now have four, four figures left to go.
32:45Four boxes left to go.
32:52Now it has been a while since I've seen it, admittingly Bob's Burgers.
32:55It's been really a while since I've seen one of the Bob's Burgers Halloween episodes.
32:59And to be fair too, like anything, like even Simpsons, it's been a while since I've seen
33:03a Treehouse of Horror, which really is bad.
33:05Like at one point I was marathoning those things every Halloween, usually Teletoon here
33:10in Canada.
33:11I don't think you guys probably have Teletoon in your areas.
33:13Teletoon was always really the good place on Halloween nights.
33:16I'd sneak upstairs, just end this video already, no, hold on a second.
33:20Sneak upstairs, I'd go to like the little bucket of pail of whatever my parents had
33:24put out for candy and in between obviously trick-or-treaters coming to the door, I'd
33:28scoop up a few candies and I'd dash back downstairs and I'd put back on the Simpsons
33:32Treehouse of Horror marathons.
33:34That was always my Halloween for me.
33:37Bob is missing an arm, so let's get that out of the bag, put that back on his body where
33:42it belongs.
33:43Yeah, the only criticism I would also make about these figures is that like some of the
33:48arms are really difficult to get back in place.
33:51Sandwich, obviously would be a sandwich, Tina the Sandwich would be the hardest one to get
33:57in place.
33:58I can't get Bob's arm back in.
34:00You can see it's very rubbery.
34:02What caused these arms to fall off in the first place?
34:04I don't know.
34:05It's not like they were really banging around in there.
34:08I can't get that.
34:09I can't get that completely on there.
34:10So we'll just leave it.
34:11Luckily, Bob is in really in some bad states.
34:14I got one that was missing an arm.
34:15I can't get quite back in.
34:16I got one with an overly loose head and then I got just a regular Bob that eats well.
34:22I don't think that's insulting.
34:23I mean, maybe it is insulting.
34:25I've had people again tell me that, you know, you eat well.
34:30What's a nice, what's another nice way of insulting somebody?
34:33I don't want to say like, let me know down below in the comment.
34:35Yeah, yeah.
34:36Let me know down below.
34:37What's a nice way of insulting somebody?
34:39You eat well.
34:45Something else that somebody says to me, and this happens a lot too, is when I arrive just
34:49a little, just a little bit late, what do they always tell you?
34:53Good afternoon, right?
34:54If you're supposed to be coming in the morning and you come just a few minutes late, they
34:57always say, good afternoon.
34:59That's their nice way of saying, I recognize the fact that you're late this whole time
35:03prior to you actually showing up and coming through the door.
35:05I was already well aware that you were five minutes late by then, and then the moment
35:08you came in, you were clocking at eight minutes late and what came out of your mouth, not
35:12that you're late.
35:13Hey, you're late.
35:14Good afternoon.
35:15That's another nice way of insulting somebody.
35:17To be fair, they're not wrong.
35:18I mean, you are late, but you know, just, just don't say anything.
35:22That's, you know, that's the easiest thing.
35:23Just don't say anything.
35:25So now we have ourselves officer.
35:28It's a hard thing to say this, uh, officer, is that officer car canine, canine, Jean,
35:33Ooh, you're gonna have to get your eyes checked.
35:36If somebody was to say you need to get your eyes checked, that probably could also be
35:39considered insulting and you know, they'd be a hundred percent right.
35:42I really need to get my eyes checked.
35:44Officer a canine and Jean half, half, as you can see is a dog.
35:48The other half is just Jean and the two it's like, it's like two face.
35:53It's a dog still got the head rotation, got the arms back and forth.
35:57I liked that.
35:58They actually gave him like these gold pants, at least on one side.
36:02That's a cool looking figure.
36:03That's probably going to be, I don't know, top three, maybe hot mess, Tina, hot mess,
36:09I should say hot mess.
36:10Tammy, come on.
36:11Two boxes left to go.
36:12She's one of two.
36:13She's one of 48.
36:14Is there a likelihood that I'm going to get that?
36:16Probably not, but you never know.
36:17I could be surprised.
36:19Let's see if we've got a hot mess in this bag.
36:22That doesn't sound right.
36:23You eat well.
36:24Let's see what we got.
36:29So we got it again.
36:30Another officer canine, a Jean, why I'm having such a hard time saying that.
36:34What is it about those combination of three words that I'm having a hard, hard time saying
36:37officer canine Jean says right there, you need to get your eyes checked.
36:44It's very hard to see.
36:45Look how small that font is.
36:48At least they do actually put it on there.
36:50Was it Funko?
36:51Funko was always bad with this.
36:52When it came to their blind bag figures, they would literally just show you images on the
36:55side, but they'd never give you the details of what the character actually is.
36:59So you would just look at this.
37:00And then if you weren't familiar with the source material, like I was sometimes in doing
37:03those unboxings, you just look at that and you're like, could they not have just put
37:07the name of the blasted character there?
37:09There's a question mark by the way.
37:10I don't think, I don't think we're going to be getting that.
37:12This is the last box, by the way, everybody, for those that have been joining this journey,
37:16what now?
37:1738 minutes in.
37:20What's the chances that we're going to get a hot mess inside?
37:23Okay, here we go.
37:28Probably not going to happen, but I have been surprised before.
37:32Let's see what we got inside the box.
37:35Is it in fact a hot mess?
37:37Let's see.
37:38And what we have inside is in fact not a hot mess, but it is the question mark one, which
37:44I think is the glow in the dark version.
37:46It is.
37:50I don't know if it actually has a name.
37:51I don't know if it's just glow in the dark Jean or glow in the dark Tina.
37:55That's pretty cool.
37:57You can see that she just has black eyes.
37:59I never really noticed that before.
38:02So like the regular Tina, missing arms and all, does not have black behind the glasses.
38:07And yet though spooky Tina, as you can see, does actually have a little black spots behind
38:12her eyes.
38:13That's kind of creepy.
38:14I guess it's so that it looks like she's got bags under her glasses.
38:18Same articulation.
38:20Same rules apply.
38:21Same articulation also in the arms as well.
38:23I didn't get a hot mess, but I did get at least the glow in the dark Tina.
38:28So like looking through now the lay of the land and what we've now all already opened
38:32up, I mean, we're getting close to 40 minutes here.
38:34So let's see of the characters that at least we got this time around for the Bob's Burgers
38:39trick or treating tour.
38:41I don't know if I would say that Bob makes the cuts as much as I like Bob and all.
38:45I probably would say my third favorite is probably Teddy the Tiger.
38:52I like the coloring on him.
38:53I mean, he still has his stubble peeking through there.
38:56It'd be nice actually that they had some stubble sticking out of his fabric outfit.
39:01I'm going to say this.
39:02Teddy the Tiger is number three for me.
39:04I probably would also go, even though I'm so frustrated with getting these arms in place,
39:10I probably would have to say also Tina the Sandwich.
39:15I think what I might just end up doing is I might just get them.
39:19I mean, it's a fun figure, even though like the hat doesn't stay in place, the arms keep
39:23falling off.
39:25For all those things, you would think that she'd get demerit points and I wouldn't really
39:28put Tina the Sandwich as my top three.
39:30And yet though there's something charming about anybody that's walking around with slices
39:34of bread on either side of their body gets my, at least my respect.
39:38So I'm going to say that Tina the Sandwich is my second favorite figure from the set.
39:43So my top favorite figure, I don't want to say Bob kind of for the fact that this is
39:50a Bob's Burgers blind box tour that we've gone on.
39:54Part of me would really want to say I'd want to go with Bob.
39:56I think though my favorite, whether she had arms or not, I'd probably have to go with
40:00No Country for Louise.
40:02Now I would rather just have her displayed with just the regular, you know, the bunny
40:07If you wanted to, though, again, even though she was missing arms, you could technically
40:09put the toupee on her head as well, but I would say that she is probably my favorite
40:13of this set.
40:15What's your favorite?
40:16Now that we have completed this journey, let me know down below in the comment section
40:19what your favorite figure was.
40:21Of course, today's spookerific review, a very long one.
40:24I'm so sorry for that.
40:25We've been joined of course by the candle.
40:26We had, we were talking about insulting people in nice ways.
40:29Don't insult people anyway, but of course, you know, you eat well.
40:33Nice way of saying, I think you've gained a little bit of weight.
40:36Let me know down below in the comment section, your top three favorite figures from this.
40:39And also as well, if you guys did enjoy this video, do it a solid, throw it a like.
40:43You guys want to stick around for more so I hope so.
40:47Hit the subscribe, of course, turn on that bell and come back to this channel.
40:50We're going to have some more videos coming away during the month of Spottober and hey,
40:53why not?
40:54The candle will also be joining us as well.
40:56Will the candle be eating better by then?
40:58I don't know.
40:59You're a good afternoon.
41:01Good afternoon.
41:02It's my nice way of insulting the candle.
41:03I'm going to find a nicer way to talk to you candle and moving, moving forward in videos.
41:07But in the meantime, of course, making sure that you guys keep your ghoulish peepers peel
41:10to this channel.
41:11And as always, thanks for watching.
41:12See you guys next time.
