• 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (10th April 1998)
00:00:00When you see the man you're looking for, tell me.
00:00:05What's my father doing here?
00:00:06Please do as you're told.
00:00:09Kevin Poulter. First boy I ever kissed.
00:00:12But he's not the one?
00:00:14Go on.
00:00:17Marcus Duffy.
00:00:18Raped me when I was 14.
00:00:20Fathered my first child.
00:00:22Why am I the one that's in prison?
00:00:24Just keep looking at the photos.
00:00:27Well, it's nice seeing you again. How you been, Kevin?
00:00:30Next time, Kathy, I promise, things will be perfect.
00:00:34What is all this?
00:00:36This is getting us nowhere.
00:00:38Turn the page.
00:00:40Is he the one?
00:00:41Could be. I don't know.
00:00:45This is driving me nuts.
00:00:47You think he could be the one?
00:00:48I don't know. Maybe.
00:00:50Not good enough. You have to be sure.
00:00:52What's he doing here?
00:00:53You tell me.
00:00:54I'm really confused now.
00:00:55You haven't got all day.
00:00:57You've got ten seconds.
00:01:00No, hang on. I can't make a decision just like that.
00:01:05For God's sake.
00:01:08No, I don't know, really.
00:01:24Why didn't you even say goodbye?
00:01:42Well, you were asleep and I got means with police, fire brigade, insurance company, you name it this morning.
00:01:46And you know what them insurance companies can be like.
00:01:48I'll see you.
00:01:50Morning, Grant.
00:01:53What's up?
00:01:54Oh, I shouldn't have expected him, I don't suppose.
00:01:57He's lost his house after all.
00:01:59What do you mean?
00:02:00Well, Kathy's off to South Africa today.
00:02:03Taking my grandson with her.
00:02:05And no one seems to give a damn about her.
00:02:07Except me.
00:02:08I don't think she wants to go.
00:02:10While you're here, you can make yourself useful.
00:02:13Are you listening to me?
00:02:14Kathy's perfectly capable of making up her own mind.
00:02:17Look, she wants a reason to stay and I think you might be that reason.
00:02:20It's the most important service I'll conduct all year and I haven't even finished my sermon yet.
00:02:23But she cares about you and I care about you.
00:02:26Why won't you care about yourself?
00:02:27I've got things to do.
00:02:31You can spend the morning with me if you like.
00:02:33I'm assuming you want to.
00:02:35I'm having lunch over at Ian's so you can drop him off there.
00:02:37I'd better give this to him now.
00:02:38Well, make sure he cleans his teeth afterwards.
00:02:40What time's the flight?
00:02:41I booked a cab to the airport for two o'clock.
00:02:43How's your vicar feel about you going?
00:02:45How do you feel about it, more to the point?
00:02:47I seem to remember you said you'd never take Ben away from me.
00:02:50You haven't exactly put up much of a fight, have you?
00:02:53I'm sick of fighting.
00:02:54Oh, fine.
00:02:55Right, well, don't forget to drop him off at Ian's, will you?
00:02:58See you later, sweetheart.
00:03:02Well, I think she's probably doing the right thing.
00:03:04I beg your pardon?
00:03:06Oh, I envy her. I've always wanted to travel.
00:03:09Well, it'd be a chance for her to sort her life out, wouldn't it?
00:03:11It's not just her, though, is it?
00:03:12Ben's my grandson, your nephew.
00:03:14Well, it's not like she's going to be gone forever.
00:03:16Well, what if she meets someone out there? Have you thought about that?
00:03:18What, at her age, with a kid in tow?
00:03:20I think she's still very attractive. I wouldn't be surprised.
00:03:22Exactly. And no-one's doing anything to stop it.
00:03:27Are you going to go and knock some sense into that brother of yours?
00:03:30Cos he's the only one who stands any chance of persuading her to stay.
00:03:33Phil can make up his own mind.
00:03:35But he'll listen to you.
00:03:36You can go round there while I go and see Kathy.
00:03:38I thought you wanted her to stay.
00:03:40And what's that supposed to mean?
00:03:43I don't know what's got into him.
00:03:45It's Ian's kids I feel sorry for.
00:03:47Losing their gran and their dad in one day.
00:03:49You're both talking like she's going.
00:03:51Well, she's not going. Understand?
00:03:54Well, he's all yours now.
00:03:57As soon as I'm gone, feel free. You're welcome to him.
00:03:59What are you talking about?
00:04:01You were made for each other.
00:04:02Too sad, no opus.
00:04:04I'm sure you'd be very unhappy together.
00:04:06I don't understand. What's happened?
00:04:07Nothing's happened. That's the whole point.
00:04:09Now, if you don't mind, I'd like the place to myself.
00:04:11What have I done?
00:04:12Just pack your bags and go.
00:04:13They're already packed.
00:04:14Then what are you waiting for?
00:04:15Why are you suddenly turning on me again?
00:04:17You mean to say you don't know?
00:04:19Because without you, none of this would have happened.
00:04:21Without you, I would still have a husband,
00:04:23and my little boy would still have his father live with him.
00:04:25Would that do you?
00:04:26Nobody's making you go.
00:04:27Just leave me alone, please.
00:04:32Do I pick up the keys from the vicar?
00:04:34How should I know?
00:04:35Are you not capable of doing anything for yourself?
00:04:37I'm sorry, all right?
00:04:38Yeah, yeah.
00:04:39I'm sorry about your son as well. I know what he's going through.
00:04:41Look, I'm just in a bit of a state, that's all.
00:04:43There's something for you on the side there,
00:04:44but just chuck it in the bin if you want.
00:05:02You all right there, Doc?
00:05:03How's the new flat coming on?
00:05:04You must be moving in soon.
00:05:05You should be ashamed of yourself, Mark Powell,
00:05:07of the day Jesus died for our sins, and look at you all.
00:05:10I'm just making a living.
00:05:11Ah, well, Pontius Pilate said much the same thing.
00:05:14Here, have you heard about Ian losing his pork case?
00:05:17Oh, yeah.
00:05:18Oh, it's a terrible thing, isn't it?
00:05:19Not seeing your children.
00:05:21Yes, Doc.
00:05:22Yes, well, of course, we both know about that, don't we, Mark?
00:05:25How is it without little Jesse?
00:05:27Not good.
00:05:29Well, of course, what I can't understand
00:05:30is Kathy shooting off half way across the world
00:05:32just when Ian needs her most.
00:05:33I'll never understand some parents.
00:05:35No, Doc.
00:05:36Oh, I'll have a swede, since I'm here.
00:05:42Right, what are we going to do this morning?
00:05:44Your grands aren't coming round till lunchtime.
00:05:46We've got hours till then.
00:05:47When's Mummy picking us up?
00:05:49That's not till this afternoon,
00:05:50so let's try not to think about it, eh?
00:05:53Come on, what do you fancy?
00:05:54Anything you like.
00:05:55We could go to the zoo or Madame Tussauds.
00:05:59Come on, there must be something you want to do.
00:06:03Stephen, where are you going?
00:06:05Stephen, come back!
00:06:08This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life.
00:06:11I'm just thinking about Ian, that's all.
00:06:13You what?
00:06:14Well, how I'd be feeling if the judge had gone the other way.
00:06:16A bit late for sentiment.
00:06:17Three days from now, we'll be in Italy,
00:06:20starting to put all this behind us.
00:06:22What if we never came back?
00:06:25Well, what is there to stop us?
00:06:26We were happy there before, weren't we?
00:06:28We could go somewhere Ian would never find us again.
00:06:30Have you gone stark raving mad?
00:06:32Well, why not?
00:06:36One minute ago, you were feeling sorry for him.
00:06:39Now you're talking about abducting his kids again.
00:06:41I'm just worried, that's all.
00:06:43I mean, what's Ian going to start saying to them about me when they get older?
00:06:46I don't know. You tell me.
00:06:47What is he going to start saying to them about you?
00:06:49I just want it all behind me,
00:06:51so I don't have to think about it ever again.
00:06:53Think about what?
00:06:54Are you keeping something from me?
00:06:56What do you mean?
00:06:58Well, supposing you and I fell out
00:07:00and you wanted to run off without a baby
00:07:02and I didn't want you to.
00:07:05Am I going to have to start wearing a bulletproof vest or something?
00:07:08That's not funny.
00:07:13I've just left a message on your machine.
00:07:15Oh, yeah? What about?
00:07:16Are you busy today?
00:07:17I'm on my way to see Ian.
00:07:18What about the rest of the day?
00:07:19I've got one or two appointments.
00:07:20We'll cancel them.
00:07:22I'll run to my office after you've seen Ian and we'll find out.
00:07:31I hope you're feeling pleased with yourself.
00:07:34I'm losing my grandson because of you.
00:07:36How does it feel to be a marriage wrecker?
00:07:38If you had an ounce of self-respect,
00:07:40you'd clear out and never come back.
00:07:45Mary's playing with Courtney, so we've got five minutes.
00:07:48I made you a cup of coffee. There you go.
00:07:56So how do you feel about Kathy going then?
00:07:58Look, I know you probably don't want to,
00:08:00but it'd mean a lot to your mum if you did go and see Phil.
00:08:02She put you up to this, didn't she?
00:08:04No, but at least you could say you tried.
00:08:06Is it me? Have I done something?
00:08:08I can never understand it when you get into one of these moods.
00:08:12Well, say something, will you?
00:08:14Do you know what? I'm getting fed up with this.
00:08:21Come on in.
00:08:24How are you?
00:08:25I've got to get through another five hours of this.
00:08:28Danny wants to see me.
00:08:30Oh, yeah? What about?
00:08:32You shouldn't say.
00:08:33I've got a good mind to phone up Cindy
00:08:35and tell her to come and pick up the kids now.
00:08:37I wouldn't do that.
00:08:38I don't think I've been a very good father.
00:08:40I feel like I'm turning into my dad.
00:08:42What have I done with my life?
00:08:43You've got three lovely kids for a start.
00:08:46This house, a thriving business.
00:08:48So please don't give me the
00:08:50what-have-I-done-with-my-life routine.
00:08:52But why have I done it?
00:08:53I always thought it was for the kids,
00:08:54you know, putting through university and that.
00:08:56But it's not true.
00:08:58It came to me at three o'clock this morning, clear as day.
00:09:01All this time, I've been doing it for my dad.
00:09:04I still want that pat on the back.
00:09:07And it's a bit late now, isn't it?
00:09:08He's been dead for years.
00:09:09I think I'm wasting my time.
00:09:10No-one could have tried harder.
00:09:12I know how hard I've tried.
00:09:14And somewhere along the way, I've...
00:09:16I've lost sight of what I was trying for.
00:09:29Hang on.
00:09:35Oh, I was expecting Pat.
00:09:42This is for you.
00:09:43What is it?
00:09:44Ted's dinner suit.
00:09:45He phoned me last night, wanted me to bring it round.
00:09:47There you go.
00:09:49Well, he probably gets invited to all sorts of posh do's.
00:09:51It must be lovely.
00:09:52It's a bit late, isn't it?
00:09:53No, it's not.
00:09:54It's a bit late.
00:09:55He probably gets invited to all sorts of posh do's.
00:09:57It must be lovely.
00:09:58It always was a greaseball.
00:09:59Irene, I ain't going to have the room.
00:10:01Up to you. I've done my bit.
00:10:03Is this what I think it is?
00:10:04What's this doing here?
00:10:06I was clearing out a suitcase.
00:10:07I came across it.
00:10:08You and Pete's wedding.
00:10:09Is that really me?
00:10:11Look at Ted there.
00:10:13Look at my kimono.
00:10:14Ted really hated that, so I showed him up.
00:10:16Little did he know that was the whole idea.
00:10:19Listen, I'm sorry if I've been a bitch.
00:10:23But talking to Ted on the phone rakes it all up again for me.
00:10:25Oh, forget it.
00:10:27Do you realise that there's not one married couple in this photograph
00:10:31that are still together?
00:10:33Poor old Pete. I quite liked him.
00:10:35I still do, in a funny kind of way.
00:10:37Oh, you were too good for him.
00:10:39But then we women usually are.
00:10:41I'll leave you to it.
00:10:44And when you see Ted, tell him that...
00:10:46Tell him what?
00:10:47Oh, for a minute there, I came over all sentimental.
00:10:50It's all right.
00:10:51Crisis over.
00:10:52So what should I tell him?
00:10:53Oh, don't tell him anything at all.
00:10:55Won't want to give him the satisfaction.
00:11:13Who are you phoning?
00:11:14My mum.
00:11:15Oh, yeah?
00:11:16Got a message from your mum.
00:11:17She asked very politely, can you go round and see Phil?
00:11:20Look, Kathy doesn't want Phil back.
00:11:22When will she get that into her thick head?
00:11:24Grant, he's your brother.
00:11:25So what?
00:11:26I beg your pardon?
00:11:27Look, I'm sick and tired of clearing up his mess.
00:11:29Now leave me alone.
00:11:30Look, for my sake then, get Peggy off of my back,
00:11:32otherwise there's going to be a big row.
00:11:34Why won't you tell me who's on the phone?
00:11:36Cos I ain't in the mood.
00:11:37Well, it's a simple question.
00:11:38And it's a simple answer.
00:11:39Well, what's the big deal?
00:11:40There ain't a big deal.
00:11:41So why won't you tell me then?
00:11:42Cos of the way that you're asking.
00:11:43What do you mean, the way that I'm asking?
00:11:45Just listen to yourself.
00:11:46I don't know what you're talking about.
00:11:48Your voice!
00:11:49I'm sick and tired of listening to your voice.
00:11:51Oh, well, I'm sorry.
00:11:52There's not much I can do about that, is there?
00:11:54Do you mind telling me who you're on the phone to?
00:11:56Oh, Lord, oh, Master.
00:11:59What's going on down there?
00:12:01Oh, it's all right, Mum.
00:12:02I've just fallen against a baluster.
00:12:04Look, everything's all right.
00:12:05We're sorted.
00:12:06Yeah, but the...
00:12:07Look, don't come downstairs.
00:12:08We're fine.
00:12:09It's all right, Peggy.
00:12:10I'll take care of it.
00:12:13All right.
00:12:14I was ringing in that, Kathy.
00:12:16So why couldn't you have just said?
00:12:19I don't know.
00:12:21Where are you going?
00:12:22To see if I can get another one of these.
00:12:24And what were you doing phoning her anyway?
00:12:27I mean, on the one hand,
00:12:28I think she's very brave going all that way,
00:12:30leaving behind her friends and family.
00:12:32Has she ever lived anywhere outside of East End before?
00:12:34Oh, don't fret about her.
00:12:35She can take care of herself.
00:12:37On the other hand, I worry about her marbles.
00:12:39Your what?
00:12:40Well, she's going to live with Ted.
00:12:41Need I say more?
00:12:42You mean anybody who's ever chosen to live with Ted
00:12:44must be a bit crazy?
00:12:45More than a bit.
00:12:46I'll say nothing.
00:12:55Haven't you got a better suitcase than that?
00:12:57No, that's big enough. No.
00:12:59I'll lend you one if you like.
00:13:01I don't bother, that'll do.
00:13:03What are you doing with a bit of broken banister in your hand?
00:13:06Grant, are you all right? What's up?
00:13:08I need to talk to you.
00:13:09Well, I should ask what about?
00:13:10Don't go.
00:13:12I'm saying don't go. Stay here.
00:13:14Has your mother sent you round here?
00:13:15This has got nothing to do with her.
00:13:17Stay here, or rather, don't stay here.
00:13:20Come away with me.
00:13:28Where is he?
00:13:29Oh, in there, writing his sermon.
00:13:31Well, still, he was up half the night with it.
00:13:33Then the silly twit goes and leaves his frock behind.
00:13:35Nanny's only dry, clean, special.
00:13:37Oh, well, I won't go in there.
00:13:38He doesn't really want to be disturbed.
00:13:40It'll only take a couple of secs.
00:13:41No, really.
00:13:43It isn't a good idea.
00:13:44Look, he just needs some time to himself.
00:13:46Why don't I give it to him?
00:13:51I thought you said he was in here.
00:13:52Well, he really was.
00:13:53If he'd been in the church the whole time,
00:13:54we would have noticed him if he'd gone.
00:14:13Just ten minutes of your time, that's all.
00:14:15I can't. I've got someone here.
00:14:16Tell them to go.
00:14:17I can't do that. It's my brother-in-law.
00:14:19Well, how long's he gonna be?
00:14:20I don't know.
00:14:21I thought you had a service this morning.
00:14:23I need to see you.
00:14:24Look, there's some things I've got to pick up from the shop later.
00:14:26Why don't you go over to the cab, get yourself a cup of tea or something.
00:14:29I'll join you over there as soon as I can.
00:14:31Don't be long, please.
00:14:40What was all that about?
00:14:41The vicar.
00:14:42The vicar?
00:14:43He wants to see me.
00:14:44I've told him I'll meet him in the cafe later.
00:14:46We're having one of the most important conversations we'll ever have in our lives
00:14:48and you want to slope off to see the vicar?
00:14:49Grant, the flight leaves at 4.30 this afternoon.
00:14:51I've got tickets.
00:14:52Well, let me come with you.
00:14:54Well, it doesn't have to be South Africa.
00:14:55It could be anywhere.
00:14:56You're crazy.
00:14:57And we never taught anyone where we were.
00:14:59We both know how we feel about each other.
00:15:01We've been given a chance here.
00:15:02Let's not throw it away.
00:15:03And how do we feel about each other?
00:15:05Have you forgotten what you said to me in Paris?
00:15:07Because I can remember every word you said.
00:15:08I sometimes think I married the wrong brother.
00:15:10And I thought we agreed that afternoon
00:15:11you were going to make another go of it with Tiff.
00:15:13I've tried, I swear.
00:15:14But there hasn't been a day since when those words of yours haven't gone through my mind.
00:15:18I was drunk.
00:15:19What, you're saying you didn't mean it?
00:15:21All right, look me in the eye and say that.
00:15:22Go on.
00:15:24Do you know what I think?
00:15:27I think we could love each other in a way we've never loved anyone else before.
00:15:31It's not on, Grant.
00:15:32What, you're telling me you don't care for me?
00:15:34No, I can't say that because it's not true.
00:15:36Well, then.
00:15:37How many reasons do you want?
00:15:39Tiffany for one.
00:15:40That's the whole point.
00:15:41And Phil, your mother?
00:15:42All I get from them is aggravation.
00:15:44And what about Courtney?
00:15:45You're going to just wash your hands of her and all, are you?
00:15:47No, of course not.
00:15:48And what about me?
00:15:49And Ian, Lucy, Steve and Peter?
00:15:52We can sort all those things out once things have settled down.
00:15:56It's not such a clean break after all, is it?
00:15:59Listen, Grant, there's part of me that would love to run off and be with you.
00:16:02Well, listen to that part, then.
00:16:07Grant, you've got to stop it.
00:16:08You've got to go.
00:16:09Go on.
00:16:10That was a real you just then.
00:16:11You weren't pretending anything.
00:16:12Grant, if you think anything for me, you'll go.
00:16:14You'll do as I ask.
00:16:16Look, I've never kissed anyone and meant it like I meant it just then,
00:16:18and I know you feel the same.
00:16:19I can't make a decision just like that.
00:16:21All right, I'll give you some time to think about it.
00:16:24I'll ring you, yeah?
00:16:26Look, in a couple of hours we could be on our way.
00:16:29It's the right thing, Cathy.
00:16:32We both know that.
00:16:40I suppose this is your big day, then.
00:16:45Good Friday, all set.
00:16:47Have you said goodbye to Cathy yet?
00:16:50I'm meeting her here in a minute, actually.
00:16:52All right, I'll see you.
00:16:55Your dad said you were over at the church.
00:16:57Have you got a minute?
00:16:58Not a good time right now, actually, Laura.
00:16:59You don't have the keys to my room, do you?
00:17:01Have you spoken to the project worker?
00:17:02I tried. He weren't there.
00:17:04Well, I'm sure he will be soon.
00:17:05I could do with a chat, actually.
00:17:07I'm sorry, but like I said, it's not a good time right now.
00:17:10Oh, I see.
00:17:11So when would be a good time?
00:17:12I don't know.
00:17:13You need to speak to the project worker.
00:17:14That's what he's paid for.
00:17:24Where have you been?
00:17:25I was just coming up for you.
00:17:26Ian was in a right state.
00:17:27I couldn't just walk out on him.
00:17:28He started going on about his father.
00:17:30And that his whole life was a complete waste of time.
00:17:33What was his mother doing in South Africa?
00:17:35Isn't it unethical for you girls to get involved with a client?
00:17:38I beg your pardon?
00:17:39I mean, don't it contravene your code of practice or something?
00:17:41Who said I was involved with him?
00:17:43Are you telling me you're not?
00:17:45I mean, yes, I'm telling you I'm not.
00:17:47It's all right. I don't mind.
00:17:49What time's his missus picking up the kids?
00:17:50Two o'clock.
00:17:51In that case, we're not a moment too soon.
00:17:52Do you cancel those appointments?
00:17:54Are you going to explain to me what's going on?
00:17:56You see, what you mistake as flippancy is just my way of showing confidence.
00:18:01We're going to pay that little visit today.
00:18:09Do you want to go somewhere else?
00:18:11Why should I?
00:18:12Well, I don't know. It's just a bit...
00:18:14I'm not going to make a scene if that's what you're worried about.
00:18:16I wasn't.
00:18:18Go on.
00:18:20You tell me, I'll keep my feelings to myself.
00:18:22I wasn't having a go.
00:18:25You're absolutely right.
00:18:26I always have done.
00:18:27I've bottled it up ever since I was a kid.
00:18:29Why's that?
00:18:31You weren't allowed to cry in our house.
00:18:33You had to be brave.
00:18:34That was a rule.
00:18:35I got a bit sick of it in me old age.
00:18:39I'm supposed to be writing a sermon right now.
00:18:41I'm leaning off the cross.
00:18:44I haven't been able to write a single word.
00:18:47Because all I'm hearing is this conversation I'm having.
00:18:50What conversation?
00:18:52The one I'm having with you right now.
00:18:54The one where I tell you how I really feel.
00:18:57And when I'm hearing it, the words are all there and it all seems to flow,
00:18:59but now, when it comes to it...
00:19:03Marry me.
00:19:06There's so much more I was going to say before that,
00:19:08only it's... it's gone now.
00:19:10But that's the most important thing.
00:19:13Or will you?
00:19:16Why didn't you say this to me three months ago?
00:19:19I didn't know what I wanted three months ago.
00:19:21I didn't know what I wanted three hours ago.
00:19:23But I know what I want now.
00:19:25I'm going to resign the priesthood and marry you.
00:19:27And what with the divorce coming through, there's nothing to stop us, is there?
00:19:30Apart from the fact that I've got a plane to catch this afternoon.
00:19:34I've got the tickets.
00:19:35Well, cancel them. Why not?
00:19:37We could have a good life, me and you and Ben.
00:19:39But you love your work.
00:19:41I don't need a dog collar. I serve God.
00:19:43And whatever I end up doing, the work's going to mean nothing if I haven't got you.
00:19:47You're not like any other man I've ever met.
00:19:50Is that a good or a bad thing?
00:19:54It's a good thing.
00:19:56You have so much to offer one another.
00:19:59It just seems so obvious and so right.
00:20:03Mark's going like a flipping steam hammer in here.
00:20:05Say something, please.
00:20:09I need an answer one way or the other.
00:20:11Like later?
00:20:12All set for the land of sunshine, then?
00:20:13I guess.
00:20:15Well, some people that do it get away from the British forever, eh?
00:20:20We're all going to miss you, you know that, don't you?
00:20:22I'd better get back. I've got a sermon to write.
00:20:25Look, I'll pop along to the church. Maybe talk to you later.
00:20:27Yeah. Please do that.
00:20:29See you.
00:20:30See you.
00:20:32What's all this?
00:20:33You going to church? Since when?
00:20:35Since I got scared of flying.
00:20:37So you're really nervous, then?
00:20:38I'm beginning to feel that way.
00:20:40Safer than crossing the road these days.
00:20:43In case I don't see you before I go.
00:20:47Take care.
00:20:51What's that all about?
00:20:52I'll be over at the house as soon as you can.
00:21:00What are you doing at this time of the morning?
00:21:02Turning into your brother or something?
00:21:04Leave me alone.
00:21:05Well, I wish someone would tell me what's going on.
00:21:07Tiffany's soaking and gone back to her room and now you're on the sauce.
00:21:11So what did Kathy have to say for herself?
00:21:13You what?
00:21:14I know you've been there because I saw you.
00:21:18She's back in her suitcase.
00:21:19But you did ask her to stay?
00:21:22And what did she say?
00:21:26Well, it's not her you should be going to see, it's Phil.
00:21:28Look, I've told you, he's big enough to look after himself.
00:21:30She'll listen to him.
00:21:31Yeah, well, I've done my bit, so leave me alone.
00:21:33She can't stop loving him just like that.
00:21:37Look, Grant, I've told you.
00:21:40Well, if you won't go and see him, I will.
00:21:45Hello? Are you decent?
00:21:49Door was on a latch.
00:21:50Hope you don't mind.
00:21:51What are you doing here?
00:21:53I'm having a flat-warming party tonight.
00:21:54You're invited.
00:21:56Hello, Ben.
00:21:57Are you taking the mic?
00:21:58Actually, it's only a room.
00:22:00But room-warming party doesn't sound quite right.
00:22:02I've just moved in.
00:22:03Thought I'd introduce myself to some of my new neighbours.
00:22:05Not now, Lorraine.
00:22:06I'm getting ink crisps and lemonade.
00:22:08I'm going to spend some time with my son this afternoon, all right?
00:22:10I'll be here for myself. I'll be a good girl, I promise.
00:22:12And he's going off halfway around the world.
00:22:14So I doubt that I'll be in the mood, somehow.
00:22:16That's the whole point.
00:22:17If we're both lonely, we need someone to talk to.
00:22:21Only not one another.
00:22:23You really should see my room, you know.
00:22:25It's got a sink and a bed and a wardrobe.
00:22:28And all the walls are freshly painted lovely grey.
00:22:30And there's a notice saying no posters,
00:22:32and I'm saying to myself,
00:22:33I can either get Raven drunk or I can go and see Phil.
00:22:35Look, do you mind?
00:22:36This took a bit of pride swallowing, you know.
00:22:39Not that there's much pride left to swallow.
00:22:41I'm offering you a shoulder to cry on.
00:22:43I know what it's like to lose your kids.
00:22:45You can go on about how you still love her if you like,
00:22:47and I'll just sit there and listen.
00:22:49And when you've done,
00:22:50you can close your eyes and think of her.
00:22:52I won't mind.
00:22:53You won't get a better offer.
00:22:55Not today, anyway.
00:22:56What makes you think I still love her?
00:22:58Are you telling me you don't?
00:22:59You've always loved her.
00:23:01And do you know the funniest thing?
00:23:02I know it and she doesn't.
00:23:05And you're too scared to tell her.
00:23:10What do you think you're doing?
00:23:12Look, just leave off Mum, will you?
00:23:13Hang around with this shabby old tart
00:23:15when your wife's leaving on a plane for South Africa this afternoon.
00:23:17What did you call me?
00:23:19I was talking to my son.
00:23:20Clear off.
00:23:24You'd better go.
00:23:29I didn't invite her round here, if that's what you're thinking.
00:23:32I want you to go round to Kathy's now
00:23:34and tell her she's not going anywhere.
00:23:36That you're sorry,
00:23:37that you love your son,
00:23:39and you love her,
00:23:40and you want to give it another go.
00:23:42What's the point?
00:23:43She's made up her mind.
00:23:45I'm not going to argue with you, Phil.
00:23:47For once, you're going to do as you're told.
00:23:48She ain't going to listen to me.
00:23:50Well, she's not going to listen to anyone else, that's for sure.
00:23:52I'm not going to let Ben go, do you understand?
00:23:56Now, go on, love.
00:23:57Off you go.
00:23:58I'll wait for you here.
00:24:05And don't take no for an answer.
00:24:09See you in a little while, Ben.
00:24:13Doesn't look like a vicious, sadistic monster, does he?
00:24:16But then neither do I.
00:24:22Hello, John.
00:24:30Who's this?
00:24:31I'm Annie.
00:24:33We haven't met,
00:24:34but I do believe we've got an awful lot of people in common.
00:24:43So, who's looking after Ben?
00:24:46Oh, I get it.
00:24:47She sent you round here, did she?
00:24:49Well, what did she tell you to say?
00:24:51She doesn't want you to go.
00:24:53And what about you?
00:24:54You mean I've got some say in the matter?
00:24:56Just tell me how you feel.
00:24:58Not a lot.
00:24:59I think if I'd have been married to me for these last three years,
00:25:01I'd want to go, too.
00:25:03So that's it, is it?
00:25:05You're half-paid,
00:25:06and you've got a job,
00:25:07and you've got a job,
00:25:08and you've got a job,
00:25:09and you've got a job,
00:25:10is that it?
00:25:12You're half-packed, you've got the tickets,
00:25:13Ted's expecting you, what's the point?
00:25:15Tickets can be cancelled.
00:25:17What are you saying?
00:25:18I could phone Ted.
00:25:20I don't get you.
00:25:21Your mother sent you round here to say something.
00:25:23Well, go on, then.
00:25:25You mean you're going to listen?
00:25:26Try me.
00:25:29Kev, I'm an alcoholic.
00:25:31And I'm a waster.
00:25:33Do we really want to go through all that again?
00:25:36I just wanted us to be normal, that's all.
00:25:39Well, normal was never my good point, was it?
00:25:42It's not all that bad, though.
00:25:44We made Ben, didn't we?
00:25:47And I've taken him on a plane.
00:25:49God knows how many thousands of miles away,
00:25:51and you're happy about that, are you?
00:25:52Of course I'm not, but...
00:25:54Well, I gave up being happy a long time ago.
00:25:58I'd better get back to him.
00:26:01I'll drop him off at Ian's later, and...
00:26:05Good luck, eh?
00:26:06Is that it?
00:26:09I suppose so.
00:26:15Go on.
00:26:16You go, then.
00:26:20I was trying to give you a chance!
00:26:22But you're too much of a coward to take it!
00:26:30You know how the saying goes, John?
00:26:32Confession is good for the soul.
00:26:34Who is this?
00:26:35I told you.
00:26:36She's a friend of mine.
00:26:37I'm a friend of a lot of people, John, as I think I mentioned before.
00:26:40I ain't confessing to nothing, darling.
00:26:42It's not like you've got anything to lose.
00:26:44You're already doing a life sentence.
00:26:46What's an attempted next to that?
00:26:48No way.
00:26:49I think you're being a little unreasonable.
00:26:53Ten years from now, I'm going to be facing a review board.
00:26:56I'm not in the business of shooting myself in the foot.
00:26:58Although you did try and shoot Ian Villanueva.
00:27:02You have my answer.
00:27:04So how do you fancy spending the next ten years on Rule 43?
00:27:10Because that's what it's going to mean, John.
00:27:12What are you getting at?
00:27:14Your face is in one piece at the moment.
00:27:17I assume you want it to stay that way.
00:27:19Look, what's going on here?
00:27:21Do you know Danny McCann?
00:27:23What about him?
00:27:24The piece myth?
00:27:26Mean anything to you, do they?
00:27:28What a coincidence.
00:27:30There's Danny McCann now.
00:27:33Danny and my dad go back an awfully long way.
00:27:35I'd do anything for my dad but Danny.
00:27:38Get out of it.
00:27:39And what's more, my dad would do anything for me.
00:27:42That's the way it is between fathers and daughters.
00:27:45See the way my mind's working?
00:27:47Now, I know what you're thinking.
00:27:49I'll apply for a transfer.
00:27:51It's not as simple as that.
00:27:53Because, like I say, we've got a lot of friends in common.
00:27:56All over the place, it happens.
00:27:59Now, what are you going to do?
00:28:01Spend the next ten to twelve years on the rule.
00:28:03Are you going to be sensible?
00:28:05Because, like I say, John,
00:28:07confession isn't only good for the soul,
00:28:09good for the body and all.
00:28:13Thanks, love.
00:28:14Mark, have you seen Alex?
00:28:15Why, what's up?
00:28:16Well, he's just disappeared into thin air.
00:28:18He's not at the church and he's not at the vicarage.
00:28:20And he's got a service to conduct.
00:28:21Look, calm down. I've seen him, all right?
00:28:22He was in the cafe with Kathy.
00:28:24Oh, right.
00:28:25You happier now?
00:28:26Yeah, yeah, a lot happier.
00:28:27Is he still there?
00:28:28No, he left as soon as I got there.
00:28:29Kathy said something about meeting him in the church.
00:28:32Yeah, that's what I thought.
00:28:33What's Kathy planning to do out in South Africa?
00:28:35Becoming a nun?
00:28:36Thanks, Mark. See you later.
00:28:37Yeah, see you later.
00:28:46What did she say?
00:28:47She's mad over my mum. It's no good.
00:28:49But you did try.
00:28:52I begged her, all right.
00:28:55Does she not know what she's doing to us?
00:29:00So, how's it going?
00:29:02All right.
00:29:03Just that Mary's upstairs with Courtney and I'm in the bar all by myself.
00:29:06Well, you're just going to have to work a little longer, then, aren't you?
00:29:08Where's your mum?
00:29:09Last I heard, she was going out with the Fills, but that was ages ago.
00:29:11Oh, so you haven't had another row with her, then?
00:29:14Is my voice still getting on your nerves?
00:29:17Let's just forget about all that, shall we?
00:29:19So, how did it go with Kathy?
00:29:21How do you know I've been round to see Kathy?
00:29:23Peggy saw you. Did you persuade her to stay?
00:29:25I don't know. Look, who's looking after Till?
00:29:28Phil, what did she say?
00:29:29She's having a problem making up her mind.
00:29:31Well, what sort of problem?
00:29:32Look, will you get back behind that bar and let me get on with this?
00:29:38Is he gone?
00:29:39Who? Phil. I saw you let him in an hour or so back.
00:29:42Oh, he only stayed for a couple of minutes.
00:29:45Who's looking after the kid?
00:29:47You've got to stop worrying about things like that. It's all taken care of.
00:29:51Now, you ready for this farewell lunch with the grandchildren?
00:29:55No, but I don't suppose I ever will be.
00:29:58What happened between you and Phil?
00:29:59Not a lot.
00:30:00Oh, dear.
00:30:01How's packing coming on?
00:30:03I don't think I'm going to fit it all in. I've got dinner suit to go yet.
00:30:06Dinner suit?
00:30:07Oh, it's the high life out there, you know.
00:30:09And he wants me to take some smart outfits with me.
00:30:12Can you believe that?
00:30:14So I don't let him down, I guess.
00:30:16I don't know why I'm doing this, Pat.
00:30:18You having second thoughts?
00:30:19Just a few.
00:30:21What did the vicar have to say for himself?
00:30:24The vicar has asked me to marry him.
00:30:27That was a conversation you saw.
00:30:29What did you say?
00:30:30Told him I think about it.
00:30:32You were vicar's wife?
00:30:33That's just it.
00:30:34He wants to jack it all in and for us to make a fresh start.
00:30:36Oh, that old one.
00:30:37I've had more fresh starts than Linford Christie.
00:30:39So no go?
00:30:40Oh, I didn't say that.
00:30:42You know, I woke up with this dream in my head this morning.
00:30:45Well, it was a nightmare, really.
00:30:47You were in it.
00:30:48Oh, thanks a lot.
00:30:50I was in this prison cell when you were a prison guard or a policewoman or something.
00:30:54And there was all these photos laid out of all the men I've ever been with.
00:30:57And you were telling me I had to choose one.
00:31:01Was Alex one of them men?
00:31:03And Phil.
00:31:04Which one did you choose?
00:31:05I don't know.
00:31:06I woke up.
00:31:07Do you know now?
00:31:09Does it look like it?
00:31:11Flipping men.
00:31:12Don't laugh.
00:31:13Well, you always think the next man's going to be the right one, don't you?
00:31:16You're in love with him, aren't you?
00:31:17Surely you can't have picked yourself another swine.
00:31:19You think Pete was a swine?
00:31:21Pete's dead.
00:31:23Bit of a prat, though, weren't he?
00:31:25But you are rotten, you are.
00:31:28He was in the dream and all.
00:31:31I had half a mind to go and visit your grave today.
00:31:34Just to say goodbye and that.
00:31:35Do you know how done I think I've ever been?
00:31:36I mean, neither.
00:31:38When's your flight leave?
00:31:39Oh, I've still got ages yet.
00:31:41Get your coat on.
00:31:43Get your coat on.
00:31:47You better answer that, Cath.
00:31:48I'm going to get Roy's car.
00:31:53Have you made your mind up?
00:31:55Grant, I'm just on my way out.
00:31:56I need to know. I'm going crazy awaiting.
00:31:58Pet's outside in the car.
00:32:00I just want you to remember what it felt like when we kissed each other.
00:32:03Don't, Grant.
00:32:04It's what we both want. You know that.
00:32:06I've got to go.
00:32:07I'll be in my car, outside the tube station at two o'clock.
00:32:09I'll be waiting for you.
00:32:10I've got a plane to catch.
00:32:11Forget the plane. Just be there, please.
00:32:18Watch out.
00:32:20What do you want?
00:32:22I just said goodbye to Ben.
00:32:24I'm feeling a bit choked. I just wanted to chat.
00:32:27All right, look.
00:32:28Go down to the bar.
00:32:29I've just got to make a phone call.
00:32:30I'll be down in a minute, yeah?
00:32:31All right.
00:32:45Hey, Cath.
00:32:49Oh, Cathy.
00:32:51I just dropped Ben off at Ian's.
00:32:53Why didn't Phil do it?
00:32:54He was too upset.
00:32:56Cathy, how can you do this to him?
00:32:57He loves that boy. He loves you.
00:32:59It's going to destroy him if you go.
00:33:00Is that a fact?
00:33:01And me.
00:33:02So how comes when he was with me earlier,
00:33:04he was doing a pretty good impression of someone who don't give a damn?
00:33:06Why? What did he say?
00:33:07And if he's been telling you any different, then he's a two-faced skit.
00:33:10But then what's new?
00:33:11Why? What did he say?
00:33:12Not a lot.
00:33:13Tell me.
00:33:14Why don't you go and ask him yourself?
00:33:15I don't understand.
00:33:16He said he begged you to stay.
00:33:18Peggy is a liar.
00:33:20To me, to you, to everyone.
00:33:22Ben's my grandson.
00:33:24Don't take him from me.
00:33:25He's the only one I've got.
00:33:26Phil's the one you should be talking to, Peggy.
00:33:28Not me.
00:33:30Mum can't understand why I ain't putting up more of a fight.
00:33:32But what Mum don't know is she's had another geezer on the go.
00:33:35You what?
00:33:36I think it's over now.
00:33:37It probably is since she's gone.
00:33:39But that ain't the point.
00:33:41Do you know who this geezer is?
00:33:42I don't want to talk about it.
00:33:44Oh, come on.
00:33:45I ain't going to tell you.
00:33:46But you know what his name is?
00:33:48Yeah, I know his name.
00:33:50Look, forget about it, Grant, will you?
00:33:51The point is, if she's had one, there's probably going to be another.
00:33:54Ben, is that why you're happy to let her go?
00:33:56No, I ain't happy, no.
00:33:57What's going to do my head in if I have to sit here and look on while she works her way through the phonebook with my boy in the next bedroom?
00:34:02Is she going to do it?
00:34:03She might as well do it 5,000 miles away where I ain't going to know about it.
00:34:06What did you say to her this morning?
00:34:09I've just spoken to Kathy.
00:34:12You lying toad.
00:34:14Ever occurred to you how I might feel about this?
00:34:16Well, it might teach you to keep your interfering nose out, mightn't it?
00:34:23Stick another one of those in there when you're ready, Grant, will you?
00:34:28Well, who's been looking after it then?
00:34:35Always in my thoughts, Pauline.
00:34:39Puts us to shame, doesn't it?
00:34:41It's not as if either of us was married to him when he died.
00:34:44Yeah, but even so.
00:34:46I still reckon he was the best of the bunch.
00:34:48What, Pete?
00:34:50Never hit me.
00:34:51Never got drunk.
00:34:52Never raped me.
00:34:54Never talked to his own business.
00:34:55Never disappeared in a thin hair to go and have another spray.
00:35:00Do you remember that day when we fixed the fuse round at your place?
00:35:03Yeah, of course I do.
00:35:05We were talking about men and how hopeless they are.
00:35:07Yeah, just for a change.
00:35:10When we fixed that fuse, I felt so good about myself.
00:35:13I know it's only a little thing, but it seemed so important.
00:35:16No men, right?
00:35:17And I remember thinking, sod it.
00:35:19I could do anything I want.
00:35:21You still can.
00:35:22And what did I do that very same afternoon?
00:35:25You went back to Phil.
00:35:26Yeah, I went back to Phil.
00:35:28And do you know what?
00:35:30If he asks me nicely, I'll probably go back again.
00:35:32Catch me plane ticket and away we go.
00:35:35Don't tell me I'm stupid, Pat. I already know.
00:35:37Only he ain't asked you.
00:35:39Probably thinks he's doing me a favour.
00:35:42And guess what?
00:35:46Come on.
00:35:48You're going to need a stiff drink after I tell you this.
00:35:51Grant wants me to run off with him.
00:35:53I beg your pardon.
00:35:54It's true.
00:35:55You ain't serious.
00:35:56There's always been a bit of a thing between me and Grant.
00:35:59You never said anything to me.
00:36:00And it's not the kind of thing you boast about, is it?
00:36:02Fancying your husband's brother.
00:36:04Yeah, but I thought Alex asked you to marry him this morning.
00:36:07Oh, well, it's like waiting for that old number 19 bus, isn't it?
00:36:10Kathy, you ain't considering it, are you?
00:36:12No, I could do a lot worse.
00:36:14It's not exactly a bundle of laughs, you know.
00:36:16Yeah, but Grant Mitchell!
00:36:18Well, maybe you don't know him like I know him.
00:36:21What about Alex?
00:36:23Alex is the one I should choose.
00:36:26If I was sensible.
00:36:28Like me, you mean?
00:36:31Marry him right.
00:36:32What are you saying?
00:36:34That was being sensible.
00:36:36Are you telling me you regret it?
00:36:39Not often.
00:36:41So when Frank's around...
00:36:43I don't want to talk about it, Kath, please.
00:36:46Which leaves me back where I started.
00:36:51Always comes back to Phil.
00:36:56You don't want to go on this plane, do you?
00:37:00Maybe we should ask Pete, eh?
00:37:09What do you think, Pete?
00:37:12Answer came near none.
00:37:14Come on, girl, we'd better get back.
00:37:16I want to say goodbye to our grandchildren.
00:37:26Any sign of Kathy?
00:37:29He's not getting anywhere with this sermon.
00:37:31I don't know what he's going to do.
00:37:33Hello, Dot.
00:37:34Ask the vicar.
00:37:36I thought he might have been a bit upset.
00:37:38Why would he be upset?
00:37:39What, with Kathy going away?
00:37:41Well, everyone's upset Kathy's going.
00:37:44I don't understand.
00:37:47Don't you know?
00:37:49Know what?
00:37:50Well, I thought you'd have known what with you and him being so close.
00:37:53I've known since January.
00:37:55She's running away because of a broken love affair, ain't she?
00:37:59You can tell the vicar, he can rest assured I ain't told a soul.
00:38:06Look, there's just one or two last-minute things I need to get.
00:38:08You go ahead, I'll meet you over at Ian's.
00:38:10OK, thank you.
00:38:22Listen, I'm sorry about this morning, about your road off like that.
00:38:25I've just taken it out on you.
00:38:27Thanks for St Christopher. It meant a lot to me.
00:38:30Are you all right?
00:38:31Have a good trip.
00:38:34I don't know why I'm doing this. I probably shouldn't.
00:38:37And if you breathe a word of it to Kathy, I'll break your neck.
00:38:40Is that clear?
00:38:42Go on.
00:38:43Do you want her to go?
00:38:45It's not up to me, is it?
00:38:46Yeah, but if it was up to you?
00:38:50No, of course I don't.
00:38:51What if I was to tell you that maybe she won't go after all?
00:38:53What are you saying?
00:38:54Well, how would you feel?
00:38:56I don't understand.
00:38:57She might be staying, Phil.
00:38:58But she'd be staying to marry the vicar.
00:39:01He's asked her, and she's thinking about it.
00:39:03Do you fancy seeing your son brought up by another man under your very nose?
00:39:07Why are you telling me this?
00:39:09Because deep down she still wants you, you idiot, and you know that.
00:39:12But if you don't do anything, she'll marry Alex.
00:39:15It's up to you.
00:39:18Not now. We're having lunch with Ian and the kids after that.
00:39:21And don't tell her I told you.
00:39:54I hope this doesn't give them the wrong idea.
00:39:56What do you mean?
00:39:57They might think they're going to get a tea like this every night.
00:40:00Are you all right?
00:40:01Are you?
00:40:02Yeah, I'm fine.
00:40:04I'm sorry about this morning.
00:40:06You're supposed to be on my side.
00:40:08I am, but no more talk about abducting the kids, eh?
00:40:10I know, I'm sorry.
00:40:12I just get nervous.
00:40:13And when I'm nervous, I say stupid things.
00:40:15Look, can we make a start?
00:40:18We haven't done that for ages, have we?
00:40:19I know, but I don't want to hang around here.
00:40:21You know what the North Circular's like.
00:40:22And if we get there early, we can stop for some lunch, eh?
00:40:25If it makes you happy.
00:40:26It would.
00:40:28I can't wait any more than that.
00:40:31I'm going to go and be mum with the products.
00:40:38What are you doing?
00:40:39I'm writing a note.
00:40:40I brought you some of your paper, hope you don't mind.
00:40:42No, of course not.
00:40:43Who's it to?
00:40:44To Alex.
00:40:45He's doing his Good Friday service right now.
00:40:46I won't get a chance to say goodbye, so...
00:40:48Mum, it's something I've been meaning to say.
00:40:51If you don't want to go...
00:40:52What gave you that idea?
00:40:53Because I bought you the tickets,
00:40:54I don't want you to feel under any pressure.
00:40:56Are you saying you don't want me to go?
00:40:58I'm saying I want you to do what you think's right.
00:41:01Well, I think what I'm doing probably is right.
00:41:03As long as you're sure.
00:41:04I'm sure.
00:41:06Listen, there's something you should know.
00:41:08Alex asked me to marry him this morning.
00:41:11It's all right.
00:41:12I didn't say yes.
00:41:13That's what the note's about.
00:41:15It's not because I don't care for him or that he's not a good man,
00:41:17it's just...
00:41:18Well, maybe he's too good a man.
00:41:20For me, anyway.
00:41:22You didn't say no because of me, did you?
00:41:24I said no because I think what I'm doing is for the best.
00:41:27But it would mean a lot to me if you two could bring yourselves
00:41:30to bury the differences.
00:41:32Of course.
00:41:51What are you doing up here?
00:41:52Me and Mary could do with an errand downstairs.
00:41:54I would have asked your mum, but she's still in a strop over the field.
00:41:56Yeah, well, you're going to have to manage by yourself, so...
00:41:59I'm off out in a bit.
00:42:00Oh, yeah? Where?
00:42:02Just to get some paint for the banisters.
00:42:06Listen, I'm sorry.
00:42:08What, about this morning?
00:42:09Forget it.
00:42:11No, not just this morning.
00:42:13For everything.
00:42:15Come here.
00:42:18What are we going to do about you and your timber, eh?
00:42:24I'd be lost without you.
00:42:26You know that, don't you?
00:42:31Listen, me and Ben will be back for Christmas.
00:42:33I know that seems a long way away now,
00:42:35but it'll pass by in no time, you'll see.
00:42:37Why don't you go and wait in the other room, eh?
00:42:39I just want to have a word with Daddy.
00:42:41I'll wait outside, Kath.
00:42:43Well, I don't know what this is doing to you, but it's killing me.
00:42:46Ian, don't. Please don't.
00:42:49Cos if you do, I'll never get on that plane.
00:42:52And when it comes to it with Cindy, you be strong, yeah?
00:42:55Don't worry.
00:42:57I won't cry, Mum.
00:42:59I'm not going to give the captain satisfaction.
00:43:01Good boy.
00:43:03I'll give you a ring as soon as I get there, all right?
00:43:05Give Ben a kiss, then. Come on.
00:43:07See you, mate.
00:43:12Hi, there. Remember me?
00:43:14For God's sake.
00:43:16Who's got himself all dolled up, then?
00:43:18Is it for me?
00:43:20You've got to go. I'm just on me way out.
00:43:23And where will that be, I wonder?
00:43:25Before I sling you out.
00:43:27I thought if you weren't prepared to come to the party,
00:43:29I'd bring the party to you. Come on.
00:43:31I'm not going.
00:43:33I'm not going.
00:43:35I'm not going.
00:43:37I'm not going.
00:43:39I thought if you weren't prepared to come to the party,
00:43:41I'd bring the party to you. Come on.
00:43:43For old time's sake.
00:43:45I'll just go through to the bathroom.
00:43:47Freshen up a bit, all right?
00:43:49No, it's not all right.
00:43:55Look, now.
00:43:57Don't worry, this won't take long.
00:43:59There you go.
00:44:01Get that down, yeah?
00:44:03Can't take it with me.
00:44:05Oh, so that's Alex crossed off the list, then.
00:44:07Where does that leave Grant?
00:44:09He's going to be waiting for Minnie's car down by the tube station.
00:44:13Why not? He'll certainly be one in the eye for Phil.
00:44:15Listen, Cathy, before you do anything...
00:44:19You're going to be angry with me. Why?
00:44:21Because when you were in the shop, I had a word with Phil.
00:44:23You what? I told him about Alex asking you to marry him.
00:44:25Pay it?
00:44:27Because I know and you know that Phil's the one you want.
00:44:29And the stupid thing is, he wants it and all.
00:44:31I just thought I'd give him a kick up the backside.
00:44:33What did he say?
00:44:35That he'd be round after lunch to see you.
00:44:37Well, it's after lunch now.
00:44:39So he'll be here in a minute.
00:44:41Do you want me to go?
00:44:43Are you angry?
00:44:47I just can't shake him off, can I?
00:44:49Look, if you don't come out of there now, I'm going to drag you out.
00:44:51Don't be like that.
00:44:53I've got a bottle in here.
00:44:55Only it's not a bottle of what you think.
00:44:57What do you mean?
00:44:59Luna, don't be an idiot. Come on, let me in.
00:45:01I never knew you cared.
00:45:03See you around. I think he's surprised.
00:45:13I thought you'd gone already.
00:45:15I just need to get my keys. I left them out there.
00:45:17But your car keys?
00:45:19You're only getting some paint.
00:45:21Yeah, well, it needs a proper match, so I've got to get them in the ice cream.
00:45:23I tell you what, why don't you give your mum a break and take Courtney with you?
00:45:25She ain't been out all day.
00:45:27No, not this time.
00:45:29I've got to see her.
00:45:41Grant! Quick as you can!
00:45:43I've got to go somewhere.
00:45:45No, forget that. It's an emergency. Come on. Now!
00:45:49Strange. He was only going out for a can of paint,
00:45:51and yet he was taking a big bag with him.
00:45:53I mean, what does he need the bag for?
00:45:55To carry the paint.
00:45:57Well, what's she done?
00:45:59I think she's got a bottle of pills.
00:46:01You what? She's trying to top herself.
00:46:03We're right together, yeah?
00:46:07The dial 999, yeah?
00:46:09Don't do this to me.
00:46:11Luna! Luna!
00:46:13Your ambulance, please.
00:46:17Probably left it off the hook.
00:46:19Why would he do that?
00:46:21He'll have bottled out.
00:46:23Probably never meant to come in the first place.
00:46:27I was just remembering my dream again, that's all.
00:46:29The one where you were telling me to choose between the different men.
00:46:33The prison door was open.
00:46:35What was there to stop me just walking out, eh?
00:46:37There was another choice all along.
00:46:41Let's get these bags sorted out, eh?
00:46:43Wake up, will ya?
00:46:45Wake up!
00:46:47The ambulance is on its way.
00:46:49I'm supposed to be with Kathleen.
00:46:51Who was it?
00:46:53You know, I told you she'd been seeing someone.
00:46:55Wake her.
00:46:57Only Pat tells me now that she's thinking of not going to South Africa at all,
00:46:59but she's going to stay here and marry him.
00:47:01Kathy, are you sure you're doing the right thing, love?
00:47:03I'm not going to get this shut.
00:47:05Can I give you a hand?
00:47:07No, it's all right, I know.
00:47:09Says he'll have to do without his dinner suit.
00:47:11And if you don't like it,
00:47:13tough luck.
00:47:15Now let's give it a try.
00:47:17There we are.
00:47:19Oh, Kath, what about Phil?
00:47:21Right. Passports, tickets.
00:47:23I've been waiting on men all my life.
00:47:25I think it's time for a change, don't you?
00:47:27I'm going to South Africa, Pat.
00:47:29I'm going to do what I want for once.
00:47:35KG Grand's taxi's here.
00:47:37Do you want to come and wave out the window?
00:47:49Oh, I'm going to miss you.
00:47:51Now you look after your mum, you hear me?
00:47:55Best friend I ever had.
00:47:57Can't believe you're doing this, Kath.
00:47:59You look after the calf, all right? I'm counting on you.
00:48:01Kathy. No more words.
00:48:03City airport, please.
00:48:29We're going on a big adventure together, you and me.
00:48:47She's through in the bathroom.
00:48:49Can you spare her?
00:48:55It's Lorna. She's taken an overdose.
00:48:57Where's Kathy?
00:48:59She's just a minute left for the airport.
00:49:01What about the vicar?
00:49:03I was wrong, Phil. She's gone.
00:49:05Well, she waited for you,
00:49:07but you never turned up.
00:49:11Lorna? Lorna?
00:49:13How is she?
00:49:15We're going to have to get her straight to casualty,
00:49:17and then we'll find out.
00:49:19Listen, Grant, Pat's just said that Kath's left for the airport.
00:49:21The airport? I thought you said she was marrying a vicar.
00:49:23I've got to see her. I know what I want now.
00:49:25I'm going to bring her back.
00:49:27She's your wife.
00:49:29You'd better go and get her.
00:49:31No-one's going anywhere. You'll both be needed, I'm afraid.
00:49:33What for?
00:49:35We're going to need all the background information you can give us.
00:49:37You're going to have to come with us. There's no way out of it.
00:49:39And that this is important? And this isn't.
00:49:43Am I late?
00:49:45No, you're bang on time.
00:49:47Are they ready? Yeah, they're ready.
00:49:49Kids, your mum's here.
00:49:51Where's Nick?
00:49:53He's waiting in the car. He thought it best.
00:49:55How considerate of you.
00:49:57Let's just try and keep this civilised day in,
00:49:59for the kids' sake.
00:50:01Certainly not for yours.
00:50:03Hello. Come and give Mummy a cuddle.
00:50:07Let's just get this over with, shall we?
00:50:15I'll leave you alone for a minute, shall I?
00:50:19Don't, kids.
00:50:23Mrs Beale?
00:50:25Yeah, who wants to know?
00:50:27Oh, you don't remember me.
00:50:29Detective Superintendent Mason.
00:50:31This is my colleague,
00:50:33Detective Sergeant Peters.
00:50:35Mrs Beale, we're arresting you on suspicion of conspiracy to murder.
00:50:39You do not have to say anything,
00:50:41but it may harm your reputation.
00:50:43You do not have to say anything,
00:50:45but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned
00:50:47something which you later rely on in court.
00:50:49Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
00:50:51What the hell is going on?
00:50:53And who are you? I'm her fiancé.
00:50:55Walford Police had a statement faxed to them this morning
00:50:57implicating Mrs Beale in a very serious crime,
00:50:59and we are taking her down the station now for questioning.
00:51:03Are you out of your mind?
00:51:05She's right in the middle of taking custody of her kids.
00:51:07You'd like to step in the car, Mrs Beale?
00:51:09We can get to know each other all over again.
00:51:15Go on, you go inside.
00:51:17Take your brother and sister with you.
00:51:19Is this some kind of sick joke?
00:51:21I swear I don't know anything about this.
00:51:23Come on, Mrs Beale.
00:51:25Where are you taking her?
00:51:27Walford Neck.
00:51:29I'm coming too.
00:51:31Told you what she was like.
00:51:43Would someone like to tell me what's going on?
00:51:45So how long's this thing with the vicar been going on?
00:51:49Sometime after Christmas, I suppose.
00:51:51Why didn't you tell me?
00:51:53It's not something you really want to talk about, is it?
00:51:55Yeah, but now she's going to South Africa.
00:51:57Yeah, and I'm stuck here.
00:51:59Listen, take some advice from me.
00:52:01You've got a wife and a lovely little girl.
00:52:03I have a better guess.
00:52:05Stick with it.
00:52:07Because it couldn't be any worse than what I'm feeling right now.
00:52:13Excuse me.
00:52:15What's going on?
00:52:17Well, she's slipping in and out of consciousness.
00:52:19I'll be giving her a washout soon.
00:52:21What's she going to be like?
00:52:23Fingers crossed.
00:52:25Do they still need us?
00:52:27Well, maybe just one of you.
00:52:29There you go. Take them.
00:52:31See if you can catch them before a flight leaves.
00:52:33What about you?
00:52:35Don't worry about me. I'll get a cab.
00:52:37Right, thanks.
00:53:09I've been looking all over for you.
00:53:11What's up?
00:53:19Oh, no.
00:53:23Son, I am so sorry.
00:53:31Oh, for God's sake, come on!
00:53:33Come on.
00:53:39Oh, no, just sit down here.
00:53:43Well, what?
00:53:45They charged me. Did you phone the solicitor?
00:53:47What solicitor?
00:53:49Your solicitor.
00:53:51My solicitor?
00:53:53Yeah, you told me you'd phone him.
00:53:55Oh, yeah, so I did. Yeah, must have slipped my mind.
00:53:59I wouldn't worry. Some of these duty guys are top-notch.
00:54:01I'm keen on being made a fool of,
00:54:03and you've made a right fool of me.
00:54:05Don't tell me you believe everything they're saying.
00:54:07Don't worry. First offence.
00:54:09Life doesn't really mean life.
00:54:11Dad, if you get more than eight to ten...
00:54:13It's not true. None of it's true.
00:54:15I'd come and visit you inside,
00:54:17but those places just give me the creeps.
00:54:19What about our baby?
00:54:21Your baby?
00:54:23I'll see you, sweetheart. Or rather, I won't.
00:54:25Well, good riddance, you spineless git!
00:54:27The only man I ever met that made Ian look interesting.
00:54:29I don't need you!
00:54:31The size of your wallet's the only good thing you've got going for you.
00:54:33First thing I was going to do was talk to you.
00:54:35Do you know that?
00:54:43Mum! Ian!
00:54:45Cindy's been arrested.
00:54:47What? Yeah, for the shooting. I can hardly believe it.
00:54:49I'm going to keep the kids.
00:54:51When I come? Right.
00:54:53Ros and Annie have got John Ballacute to make a statement from prison.
00:54:55He's implicated her. She's not going to get out of this one.
00:54:57Oh, Ian!
00:55:05What do you think you're doing? You can't park there.
00:55:07Oi! Are you sure you're doing the right thing?
00:55:09Is it still time to change your mind?
00:55:11You and me are just the same, Ian.
00:55:13We've always thought there had to be someone there for us
00:55:15because we didn't think we were strong enough to make it on our own.
00:55:17Well, we both know different now, don't we?
00:55:19We're survivors. You bet.
00:55:21It's such a strange feeling,
00:55:23being freer.
00:55:25I'm going to make the most of it.
00:55:27I love you, Mum.
00:55:29I swore I wasn't going to do this.
00:55:31I couldn't let you go without saying it.
00:55:33All the times I've let you down and hurt you...
00:55:35Just stop it, all right?
00:55:37Don't you dare put yourself down.
00:55:39I am so proud of you.
00:55:41And I know if your dad was here, he'd say the same.
00:55:45You and Ben are the best things that have ever happened to me in my life.
00:55:49Every man I've ever known counts for nothing next to you two.
00:55:51I love you to death.
00:55:53Come here.
00:55:57Come on.
00:55:59Otherwise you're going to miss your plane.
00:56:01I'll ring you as soon as I get there.
00:56:03No, don't watch me, will you?
00:56:05We just go.
00:56:07See you, mate. Have fun.
00:56:23What the hell are you doing here?
00:56:25Where is she?
00:56:27She's gone through. It's too late.
00:56:29No, it ain't.
00:56:31Phil, don't do this. Don't do this!
00:56:33I've got to talk to her.
00:56:35Just let her go.
00:56:37I mean, for the first time ever, she's doing what she really wants to do.
00:56:39What are you going to do, drag her back and make her miserable again?
00:56:41Is that what you really want?
00:56:43You're never going to make her happy, and you know it.
00:56:45No, I don't want to have to hit you here.
00:56:47Yes, you do. You always do.
00:56:49But what are you going to get away from?
00:56:51I mean, do you love her?
00:56:53I know you say you do, but do you really love her?
00:56:55Because if you do, you'll let her go,
00:56:57and just for once in your life, you'll do the decent thing.
00:56:59So what's it going to be?
00:57:03Flight 710 to Amsterdam
00:57:05and connecting flights to Cape Town
00:57:07and other intercontinental destinations
00:57:09is now boarding.
00:57:11Will those passengers...
00:57:13Come on, darling.
00:57:19You all right?
00:57:21I don't want to watch this.
00:57:23I'm off.
00:57:51You took your time.
00:57:53So, did you get your pain?
00:57:55Yes, thanks.
00:57:57I've been really cross with you.
00:57:59The pump in the lager's not been working,
00:58:01and me and Peggy have been trying to fix it,
00:58:03but it's been hopeless.
00:58:05I'll see to it. Is Courtney OK?
00:58:07Well, yeah, she's fine. Why?
00:58:09No reason.
00:58:11Can I have a word?
00:58:15I know what you've been doing to my brother's wife.
00:58:17I'm not sending you through the blender.
00:58:19I've just come from Walford General.
00:58:21Lorna Cartwright took an overdose this afternoon.
00:58:23It's all right.
00:58:25They've pumped her out. She's going to be OK.
00:58:27But for some reason, which completely escapes me,
00:58:29she was asking for you.
00:58:35Was he threatening you?
00:58:37It doesn't matter.
00:58:39I've got to go.
00:58:47I've got to go.
00:59:17I've got to go.
00:59:47I've got to go.
01:00:17I've got to go.
01:00:47I've got to go.