• 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (14th April 1998)
00:00He didn't say why.
00:28No, just that it was shutting down.
00:29Yeah, we'll see about that.
00:30And I'd finish the day if that's okay.
00:31Just that I told Padlet to start in the cafe next week.
00:32Do what you like.
00:33What about my wages?
00:34Well, it's time to celebrate, isn't it?
00:35The end of community service.
00:36Are you pleased?
00:37No, you're not kidding.
00:38I thought it was never going to end.
00:39What's this?
00:41Ricky, the clothes.
00:42Where'd these come from?
00:43I can't believe it.
00:44Does anyone understand this?
00:45Yeah, it's weird, isn't it?
00:46I mean, why would Ricky do something like that?
00:47Who knows why Ricky does anything?
00:48You know what?
00:49When Bianca finds out, she's going to kill me.
00:50She's going to kill me.
00:51She's going to kill me.
00:52She's going to kill me.
00:54I mean, why would Ricky do something like that?
00:56Who knows why Ricky does anything?
00:58You know what?
00:59When Bianca finds out, she's going to go up the wall.
01:01I tell you, I could get used to this breakfast in bed luck.
01:04Oh, that's one thing about older men.
01:06They do know how to treat women, don't they, Peggy?
01:08That's right, love.
01:09Where is he, by the way?
01:11Don't ask me.
01:12Oh, business, I suppose.
01:13That man works too hard.
01:24Oh, I'm glad you turned up.
01:26I was going to call you.
01:27What's this?
01:28Well, just what it says.
01:29We're closing down for a while.
01:31I haven't got time to explain.
01:32Just ring round our regulars and tell them, will you?
01:34Tell them what?
01:35That you've gone off your head?
01:36I got a call this morning.
01:38I know who fired my place.
01:39Oh, why?
01:40The Carters?
01:41No, I've never heard of them either.
01:43But for some reason, they think I'm muscled in on their patch.
01:45A very nasty bunch, by all accounts.
01:47That's no reason to hit the panic button, is it?
01:49I'm not taking any chances, Annie.
01:50Until I find out what's going on, we've got to keep our heads down.
01:52But why close the club?
01:53Ain't that a bit drastic?
01:54Look, don't argue with me, OK?
01:55Just bung that sign back outside and put the books in the safe.
01:57I'll be back later.
02:00Well, I think a free meal's a good prize.
02:02I don't know what she's worried about.
02:03Well, you know what Peggy's like.
02:04She's just panicking at the last minute, that's all.
02:06She just wants everything to be perfect, doesn't she?
02:08Yeah, maybe we should make her for two.
02:10Hang on, we don't want to go mad, here.
02:12I'll suggest it to Peggy.
02:15I'm just making sure I haven't forgotten anything.
02:16Well, if we're all going to be at the play,
02:17who's going to be behind the bar?
02:18Well, Grant's talking out the cover, ain't you?
02:21I think I'm longer dressed.
02:23So, who've you got to help Tracy, then?
02:29Yeah, I'm on the case, all right.
02:30But you haven't got no-one?
02:31No, not yet, but I'll be busy.
02:32If you leave it to the last minute, you won't get anyone, will you?
02:35Or is that the idea?
02:36No, of course not.
02:37You're coming to the play, Grant.
02:39I know, if I can find somewhere.
02:40Don't give me that, and there's no way you're getting out of it,
02:42even if it means closing down the pub.
02:43Now, hold on!
02:44No, forget it.
02:47Yeah, I'll see you later, OK?
02:48You haven't said a word all morning.
02:50Are you still angry with me?
02:51No, of course not.
02:52It's just...
02:53Well, you gave me a lot to think about yesterday.
02:55It was horrible to you.
02:56I'm not blaming you, OK?
02:57You were right.
02:59Maybe I should say something to Julie.
03:01I don't know what exactly.
03:02You can speak to her today.
03:03Look, don't push me.
03:04I haven't definitely decided.
03:06Hi, Julie.
03:07I've come to see how you are.
03:08Oh, I'm sorry.
03:09I'm sorry.
03:10I'm sorry.
03:11I'm sorry.
03:12I'm sorry.
03:13I'm sorry.
03:14I've come to see how you were last night.
03:16Great, thanks.
03:17Why don't you make Julie some tea?
03:19Have you, er...
03:20Have you got time?
03:21OK, yeah.
03:24Oh, you see, you can't carry that in the flat.
03:26It's too heavy.
03:27Oh, that's all right.
03:28Just stick me a bath bath between me teeth.
03:30No, don't be silly.
03:31Look, I'll take it.
03:32Well, I don't want to be no trouble, Nigel.
03:35Mind you, I'm a bit chesty this morning.
03:38I'll see you at the dress rehearsal, OK?
03:45Bit of luck that coffee job turning up like that, eh?
03:47At least I'll still be earning.
03:48Yeah, it's all right for you.
03:49What about me?
03:50You should go over there.
03:51Yeah, so I sit out.
03:53I'll get that, will you, then?
03:59Look, er...
04:00Can't it wait?
04:01I was about to go out.
04:04Recognise this?
04:07I found it in a skip.
04:09It's, er, not really my colour.
04:11I saw you dump the clothes last night.
04:14You're in big trouble.
04:17So, who told him?
04:18Does it matter?
04:19I suppose not.
04:21Is he going to move out of Vic?
04:22Why should he tell me his plans?
04:24I'm just his lackey, ain't I?
04:26I was so close.
04:27It's mine, Phil.
04:28Look, I know you're wound up,
04:29but George has got a point, hasn't he?
04:31I mean, after what they did to his house.
04:32They're businessmen, that's all.
04:33He's just got out of hand.
04:34Are you joking?
04:35In case you ain't noticed,
04:36they're trying to start a war here.
04:38Why is everyone freaking out around here?
04:40Do I look worried?
04:41So, what are you saying?
04:42Just stay cool.
04:43Show the carters we don't want any trouble.
04:45And in a few days, it'll all calm down.
04:47And what if it don't?
04:48Oh, you and Dad are both totally paranoid.
04:50Give it a rest, will you?
04:51No, I won't.
04:52Look, all I know is that while George is in the Vic,
04:54it's a target.
04:55And Mum's in danger.
04:56She's got to be warned.
04:57So, tell her, then.
04:58But whatever way it comes out, Phil,
05:00she's going to hate your guts.
05:05No, wait, Grant.
05:06Forget it.
05:07I'm not missing the play.
05:08Look, can I?
05:09We're doing the music, aren't we?
05:10Anyone can press a button on the cassette player.
05:11It's a little bit more complicated than that.
05:13So, you're just going to have to find someone else.
05:15And I was going to keep quiet.
05:16Well, it looks like I'm going to have to drop you in it.
05:18Sorry, lads.
05:19No, no, hang on.
05:20It only takes one of us to do the music.
05:22Here, we'll help you out.
05:24Look, I might be out of a job for a while, I know.
05:26You're sorted, ain't you?
05:27You won't say anything, will you?
05:32Oh, this is the thanks I get for helping a mate out.
05:36So, how come you're not getting heavy with Ricky?
05:38Because Tiffany knows all about it.
05:40And if Tiffany knows, it won't be long before Bianca does.
05:46So, you've got no idea who brought them back?
05:48No, none.
05:49Ricky, Tony's going to do a story on me about getting the clothes back, good day.
05:52What's the point? You've got them back, you might as well forget about them.
05:54No, it's a great story to end on.
05:56I wonder if they left any clues.
05:57Oh, yeah.
05:58Well, I shouldn't think so.
05:59The photographer hasn't turned up.
06:01I don't know why they bother with those freelancers.
06:03Well, what about the interview?
06:04Well, we can still do it.
06:05I suppose it might be better to send the photographer round later when Bill's kids are there.
06:11Oh, yeah, hi, Max.
06:12Thanks, Bianca.
06:13If anything occurs to you, I'll be back this way later, yeah?
06:15Yeah, all right then, thanks.
06:16When did this happen?
06:21Oh, yeah, cool, sure.
06:22OK, I'll check in later.
06:26They've charged her.
06:28On Friday, conspiracy to murder.
06:30And they've refused her bail.
06:31You're joking.
06:32They must have new evidence, then.
06:33Looks like it.
06:34Heavy stuff.
06:35I wonder what Ian's got to say about it.
06:37Let's go and find out, shall we?
06:38Yeah, right.
06:39As the century closed, things improved.
06:43The residents of Walford...
06:44Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a minute.
06:45You've missed a huge bit out here.
06:48Right indeed.
06:49Hope you have better luck than me.
06:51Yeah, yeah.
06:52Didn't want to do it anyway.
06:53You're not getting out of it that easily.
06:55I've got a reputation to uphold.
06:57Well, you're my cousin.
06:58I don't want you showing me up anyway.
06:59How difficult can it be to learn a few lines?
07:01It's supposed to be a holiday.
07:03I'll tell you what, I'll help.
07:04How about that?
07:05Mum said you had an interview with a paper.
07:07I mean, you're busy.
07:08We can wait.
07:09This is important.
07:11I fancy a lone Scottish piper in the four gear.
07:14Amazing Grace always makes me cry.
07:16Very nice.
07:17Um, look, Irene, it's very kind of you, love,
07:20but I'll have to check with Roy first.
07:21What do you mean?
07:22Well, he might have made other plans for that day.
07:25Don't you see, I was very familiar.
07:26Whatever it is, get him to cancel it.
07:28I'll see.
07:29I'll pop in later to confirm, shall I?
07:31Tell Aaron.
07:39She's after you, Nigel.
07:41No, she isn't.
07:42Yes, she is.
07:43She's had a free sample.
07:45Now she wants to buy the goods.
07:47Oh, Mrs. C, please.
07:51So you're sure everything's OK?
07:53I mean, you haven't been bothered by anyone,
07:54you know, those kids or...
07:55Oh, no, everything's fine now.
07:57In fact, I think I'm going to be very happy here.
08:00I know what you're doing.
08:02Don't change the subject.
08:03I'm not going to change the subject.
08:05I know what you're doing.
08:06Don't change the subject.
08:08You're reading too much anyway.
08:10Well, maybe I am.
08:11Anyway, it don't matter now, do it.
08:13I mean, she'll be up in Scotland in a few days' time.
08:15Anyway, she ain't your type.
08:17Why do you say that?
08:18Well, anyone who's going away forever
08:19can't be your type, can they?
08:21I mean, it stands to reason.
08:22Where do you want this?
08:23Oh, put it in the bedroom.
08:25No, on second thought, it's only a pile of junk.
08:27Bang it under the sink.
08:29On the other hand, we could leave it in here.
08:31Yes, put it in the pile
08:32and I'll organise it when I move in.
08:35Come on.
08:36Let's go and get another lot.
08:50Oh, cheers, Pat.
08:51I need this.
08:52There's never any milk over the squat.
08:53You don't think you could rust us up
08:55a bit of lunch to go with it, do you?
08:57Yeah, of course you can pay for it.
08:58The thing is, I'm...
08:59I've already given to charity, Barry.
09:01Can I have a couple of cheese rolls, please?
09:04Ian and Bianca told me about the costumes.
09:06I guess I was a bit surprised.
09:07I've never heard of a thief with a conscience.
09:09Have you?
09:11Right, I'll see you later.
09:14I thought the interview was arranged.
09:15It was.
09:16Maybe he's avoiding us.
09:17Two teas, please.
09:19You know, I can't help thinking
09:20the timing's a bit perfect.
09:22Does he automatically get Cassidy and Betsy?
09:24Well, no.
09:25If Cindy's put away,
09:26they can't stay without us.
09:27He'll do well out of this.
09:29Playing the victim
09:30won't arm his election chances.
09:31You could bet your life
09:32Annie Palmer's in there somewhere
09:33whispering in his ear and egging him on.
09:35They never had enough evidence
09:36to charge Cindy before.
09:37So where's it all suddenly come from?
09:39Some bloke crawled out the woodwork
09:40and confessed, apparently.
09:42Talk about lumbered.
09:43I've got to work in the Vic,
09:44I'm afraid, you know, because of you.
09:45Yeah, well, I didn't know
09:46they were gonna follow us, did I?
09:47Still, at least the panic's over.
09:49Well, he's got what he wants now.
09:50He won't grass us up.
09:52Maybe he will, but Tiffany will.
09:53What, Tiff knows?
09:54That's what the man said.
09:55Oh, that's it, I've had it.
09:56I might as well move out now.
09:57All right?
09:58All right.
09:59Want a cake?
10:02Are you smiling?
10:03Yeah, I know.
10:04Well, we're celebrating, aren't we?
10:05Ricky's finished his community service
10:06and I've got all the costumes made.
10:07Did he tell you?
10:09See you.
10:10See you.
10:11See you later.
10:12I can't wait to tell Tiff
10:13I've hit a guy over there now.
10:14No, she's gone out, hasn't she?
10:15Oh, when did you know?
10:16I saw her a little while ago.
10:17Gone shopping, I think.
10:18Oh, it's all right.
10:19I'll catch you later, then.
10:20We'd better get going.
10:21Do you mind if I leave you to it?
10:23I only want to write up this costume story.
10:25I know it's not such a big deal,
10:26but at least it's all mine, eh?
10:30Oh, yeah?
10:31Give us a chance.
10:32Oh, hello, darling.
10:33Hi, Mum.
10:34Tony did give you an invite, didn't he?
10:37What weddings do to people.
10:39Might be catching.
10:40Put you in the mood.
10:41I shouldn't think so.
10:42But you are, can't he?
10:43It's going to be the do of the century.
10:44Oh, look, Mrs Hills, I'm really busy right now.
10:46Oh, of course you are,
10:47but a simple yes or no will do.
10:51Mind if I join you?
10:52If you must.
10:54Things are never as bad as you think, you know.
10:56Oh, please.
10:57I suppose there's somebody worse off than me, is there?
10:59I'm sure there is.
11:00Right, now, I'd gladly swap places with you.
11:02Don't say that.
11:04Is there anything I can do?
11:07Look, I'm sure you mean well,
11:09but you haven't got no idea.
11:11No-one can help me, no-one.
11:13I'm a good listener.
11:14You wouldn't understand.
11:16Something that happened a long time ago,
11:18it might not even be a problem.
11:20Or it might be.
11:22What is it?
11:23I don't think I'm a bad person, do you?
11:25Well, no.
11:26So why does that boot have to go in again and again?
11:29Why can't I get a break?
11:31Look, I have to get back to work now,
11:33but why don't you come with me and I'll buy you a drink?
11:35It won't make it go away.
11:37Come on.
11:38I can't leave you sitting here being miserable, can I?
11:42It's the perfect solution, Si.
11:44This way we'll both have our freedom.
11:46Look, I'd like you to stay over a couple of nights a week.
11:48I want you to move in.
11:49Yeah, I know, but...
11:50If you keep your flat on as well,
11:51then you won't be able to help me out with the rent, will you?
11:53I'm not sure I can afford it.
11:55You asked for a rise.
11:56Oh, yeah, right.
11:57Well, why not?
11:58You don't know Sanjay.
11:59I mean, he'd rather walk barefoot over hot coals than pulp with money.
12:02Oh, come on, you work hard enough. It's got to be worth a try.
12:05Why don't you take Sanjay for a drink while I look after the store?
12:09Oh, I don't know.
12:11Do you want this flat or not?
12:13Martin, we've been through this.
12:16Is it a boy or a girl?
12:18I hope it's a girl. I hate boys.
12:22Well, come on, hit me.
12:23I don't have to act it, do I?
12:25Can't I just say the line?
12:26Yeah, if you knew it.
12:27Found you at last. I thought we had an appointment this morning.
12:29I left a message for you at the Gazette. Didn't you get it?
12:31No. I was beginning to think you were trying to avoid me.
12:33I'm a bit busy at the moment, that's all.
12:35I was hoping we could do the interview tonight in my place.
12:37I've got to go.
12:40Right, so how do you feel about your wife being charged with conspiracy to murder?
12:44Not a lot.
12:45Well, you must have something to say about it.
12:47I mean, it's a bit of luck for you, isn't it? What, with a coming election and everything?
12:49Yeah, you're right. I've been ever so lucky.
12:50I've had a terrific couple of years, when you think about it.
12:53I've been in court, and then had my boys snatched away from me.
12:55And Cindy was the cause of it, and now she's going to get hers.
12:57I mean, you must have some thoughts.
12:59I'm not going to slag her off if that's what you're after.
13:01No, I wouldn't blame you.
13:02I'm past all that. I've had enough. Just write what you want.
13:05Oh, you don't mean that.
13:06Yes, I do.
13:07All I want to do right now is help Martin with a play.
13:10Normal life, Polly, that's all I care about.
13:12In fact, I can't wait to get back to the normal routines that everybody else moans about.
13:15That'd be my idea of heaven after what I've suffered.
13:18I don't expect you to understand.
13:21Look, if you still want to do the piece about being reunited with the kids, I'll come back later, yeah?
13:25Yeah, thanks.
13:29Maybe we should cancel.
13:31It's only a pub.
13:32So what? We promised to do it.
13:34And any exposure's got to be good for the band.
13:36Well, what can we do?
13:37There must be plenty of teenagers out there who are desperate for the cash.
13:40Ask around.
13:41Leave Carl with just anyone?
13:43Well, if you're desperate.
13:47Look, I've known the same way since I started.
13:49And you said yourself you're satisfied with my work.
13:51Yeah, but we're not doing too well at the moment.
13:53We're not doing that badly either.
13:54Look, I've never asked before, have I? And I wouldn't, but...
13:57Well, I really want that flat.
13:59All right, I'll think about it.
14:03It's a shame Carl's not invisible. Then it'd be fine, wouldn't it?
14:06Maybe you'd like me to get him adopted, or I could sell him, put an ad in the paper.
14:10Kids are fine as long as they don't think the fear of your life, right, Mick?
14:13Well, it's not like that.
14:16I said the wrong thing. I'm sorry.
14:18But if you really care about the band, something's got to be worked out.
14:21Well, maybe you should find another singer.
14:24I told you it could be a problem, but you ignored it.
14:26Carl comes first with me. I thought you understood that.
14:29You haven't got a clue, Mick.
14:31I'm not going to cancel it. Something will turn up, I'm sure.
14:34Well, keep trying.
14:38We should have enough mixers, but if he looks like we're running low,
14:41just give me a shout and I'll put an order straight in.
14:43What the hell do you think you're doing?
14:45I made an executive decision.
14:47Well, I said close it down. It wasn't a suggestion. It was an order.
14:50Hang on, Dad. You can't just waltz in here and bark orders at me.
14:53We don't need to close the club. You're overreacting.
14:56Get lost, Lenny.
14:59Did you hear me?
15:01Go on, but don't leave the club.
15:06Right. So what was it you didn't understand?
15:09It's not like you to cave in at the first sight of trouble.
15:12Do I have to spell it out for you? These people are vicious.
15:14They don't play by the rules.
15:16The carters don't scare me.
15:17Then you must be out of your tiny mind.
15:19I can handle them. It's not a problem.
15:21So what are you going to do, say my dad's bigger than your dad,
15:23then run away and leave me to sort them out?
15:25I haven't got time for all this.
15:27If you insist on playing silly beggars, I'll have to do it myself.
15:29You can't. It's mine.
15:30Not yet, it isn't.
15:31No. I've worked too hard for this.
15:33And you haven't learned a thing.
15:35This isn't the time to kick your eels in like some willful little kid.
15:38I'm not going to say it again. Just do as you're told.
15:40I won't be slapped down. Not this time.
15:42Why can't you believe me? I'm on top of the situation.
15:45Of course you're not.
15:46Yes, I am.
15:47It's me who trod on their toes. Me, Dad.
15:50I bought the protection racket from Johnny.
15:52I've been running the show.
15:59So, are you going to tell her?
16:01Well, that's just it. Now that George knows, I might not have to.
16:03Then what if he don't do the right thing?
16:05He knows it's dodgy, and he cares about her.
16:07And so do I.
16:09Let's just give him a chance, eh?
16:11I mean, if he thinks about it...
16:12You just don't want to be the one that has to tell her, do you?
16:18Oh, look, boys.
16:20What do you think?
16:21Who are they for?
16:22Well, George, of course. I thought I'd treat him.
16:24Well, he's had a bit of a rough time lately, hasn't he?
16:26What with the house and everything.
16:28So when's he moving back in?
16:30When's he moving out?
16:32Oh, that's charming.
16:33You know how much I love having George here.
16:35Not putting you out, is it?
16:37No, but...
16:38You can't bear to see me happy, can you?
16:40Either of you.
16:41No, don't say that, Mum.
16:42No, it's true.
16:43You spoil everything.
16:48If he's not gone by Friday, I know.
16:51I know.
16:52It was pretty hairy, I can tell you.
16:54But I didn't lose my bottle.
16:56I kept dead calm.
16:57That's the secret, innit?
16:59You should have stayed in New Zealand.
17:00Settled down, had a couple of kids.
17:02How can you say that?
17:03So this is the result of giving you what you wanted.
17:05Don't you see?
17:07I've done wonders with the business.
17:09And I've done it all on my own.
17:10You think you've got what it takes, do you?
17:12Yeah, I know I have.
17:13You've learnt nothing from me.
17:15Your little raw ambition and no finesse.
17:17Doesn't take brains to run a protection racket,
17:19just hired muscle.
17:20But I've got respect now, Dad.
17:22From who? A bunch of scumbags?
17:23I had to earn respect, not get it off the back of my family.
17:26Oh, that's not fair. I've worked really hard.
17:28Well, you can put your feet up now, can't you?
17:29I'm getting out, and so are you.
17:31Just because you've had a change of heart,
17:33I don't see why I should go along with it.
17:34This is my life.
17:35And what about Peggy's life?
17:36Your stupidity's put her in danger as well as me,
17:38but I don't suppose you give a toss about that.
17:40If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't have gone legit.
17:42She's made you soft.
17:43Oh, that's right. Begrudge me a bit of happiness.
17:45You really are a spoiled brat, aren't you?
17:49I had this silly little idea that you might be quite proud of me.
17:52Proud that you went behind my back?
17:54No, I'm not proud.
17:56Well, what are you still hanging about for, then?
17:58Why don't you just get out?
18:01You heard me.
18:02For your information, I grew up a long time ago,
18:04but you weren't around to notice, were you?
18:06I survived and I will again.
18:11Mr Palmer's leaving now.
18:15You've forgotten one thing.
18:17I haven't signed the contract yet.
18:24If he comes back, don't let him back in.
18:26He's no longer a member.
18:27Look, I made sure...
18:28Just do it!
18:34Stick another one in there for me, darling, will you?
18:36Don't you think you've had enough?
18:39Anyway, Mary said she wanted to cheer me up.
18:41You know what, sweetheart?
18:42It's working.
18:43Yeah, one more and that's it.
18:45He's making the place look untidy.
18:51So, what was the plan?
18:53Get me legless and I'll agree to anything.
18:55You're going to whip out a contract in a minute.
18:57I mean, I'm not that devious.
18:58Look, I deserve a pay rise.
18:59I mean, I'm not that devious.
19:00I mean, I'm not that devious.
19:01I mean, I'm not that devious.
19:03I'm not that devious.
19:04I deserve a pay rise.
19:05I'd never have time off.
19:06I don't mind packing up, working in the shop.
19:08Stop it.
19:09You're making me feel guilty.
19:10Sorry, I didn't mean to.
19:11All right, you win.
19:12But only at the rate of inflation.
19:13No more, all right?
19:14I could kiss you someday.
19:15Just get back to work, all right?
19:16Every time I turn around, there's Irene grinning at me.
19:18It's not something out of one of them horror films.
19:20She nabs me.
19:21What do I say?
19:22Are we going or not?
19:23I don't know.
19:24Nige, are you RSVP-ed yet?
19:28Terry and Irene's wedding.
19:29I haven't been invited.
19:30Oh, you will be.
19:31What can I get you?
19:33Move it!
19:35Roy, did Pat ask you if you could come...
19:36I can't stop, I'm sorry.
19:41They're slightly smaller than the napkins I brought over from the other restaurant.
19:45It doesn't matter.
19:46I don't suppose anyone will complain, do you?
19:50What is it, George? What's the matter?
19:52Oh, it's Annie.
19:53I can't believe how stupid she is.
19:55What's she done?
19:57You know better than that, Rosa.
19:58I'm not asking for details, but she's obviously upset, yeah?
20:04Why don't you just spit it out and give us all a break, eh?
20:07I'm sorry, Nigel, but you're all over the place.
20:09You could have sorted this out between you ages ago.
20:11It's too late now.
20:12What, so you're just going to carry on pretending and let her walk out of your life forever?
20:15I suppose so.
20:16That's stupid. I mean, what have you got to lose by talking?
20:18Well, apart from her pride and dignity, you mean.
20:21Yes, mate.
20:23Another pint of your finest, if you please.
20:25No, I'm taking you home.
20:27That's the best offer I've had all day.
20:31What's the point? I mean, even if she feels the same...
20:33That's what the problem is, if you both love each other.
20:35But there's no future in it, Grant.
20:37I mean, how can you have any kind of relationship with me in Waltham?
20:40No, I'm in Edinburgh.
20:41You can't, unless you persuade her to stay.
20:42No, she wouldn't.
20:43Well, then you've got to go up there.
20:44I mean, if somebody's got to give it, it might as well be you.
20:46Leave Waltham?
20:48Yeah, look, I know it's a big step for you, but it can be done.
20:50I mean, look at Kathy.
20:51She had much stronger ties here than you.
20:53It didn't stop her jumping on a plane and flying halfway around the world
20:55to start a new life, did it?
20:59She was busting the staff around, deliberately trying to undermine me.
21:01I could have killed her.
21:03You encouraged her to stand up for herself.
21:05Sure. I didn't expect her to make deals behind my back.
21:07That's not on.
21:09She chips away at me until I give her a little bit of power,
21:11and then what happens? It goes straight to her head.
21:13Well, maybe she was just trying to prove herself to you.
21:15Prove she's an idiot?
21:16Of course it would be me. I'd have to tidy up after her.
21:18Good old dad, riding to the rescue.
21:20I really don't need this right now.
21:22I don't know, George.
21:23Why not? She's totally lusted.
21:25She threw me out, Rosa. Can you believe that?
21:27Her own father.
21:29She'll come to her senses. You'll soon make her.
21:31She can shit you as far as I'm concerned.
21:34Peggy's all I care about now.
21:36He's got to be a moron.
21:38Even I know you don't wash your shirt with bleach.
21:40Here we go. Sorry it took so long.
21:47Oh, great.
21:48Need some help?
21:50Because you're an angel, aren't you, Mary? You're a genuine one.
21:52Oh, Barry!
21:54Let her go!
21:55Get lost, kid, or look away if you must.
21:57I'll have you, Barry!
21:58This is what I get for feeling sorry for you!
22:00I didn't have him!
22:02Filthy pig!
22:04No, I'm not. I'm not.
22:06Look, I'm really sorry, Mary.
22:07No, forget it. He's drunk.
22:08You can't get anything right, can you?
22:15Oh, it's you.
22:17Do you think it'll be all right if I'm a bit late for dress rehearsal?
22:19Oh, no, I've got a casserole in the oven and George will be back soon.
22:22Oh, if you could hear yourself, Peggy.
22:23Proper little housewife these days, ain't we?
22:25Yeah, I suppose so.
22:27It's funny how things work out.
22:29There were hours me and George used to have about living together.
22:31We even split up over it.
22:33Yeah, but not for long, eh?
22:34Yeah, and a good job.
22:36Because, to be honest, George was right all along.
22:38I'm really enjoying it.
22:40Are you going to make it more permanent?
22:42Who knows?
22:43I'm really happy for you.
22:49All right? You never guess what.
22:51So, tell me.
22:52Max has put me down for a day-release course.
22:54It's brilliant, isn't it?
22:56Exams, short-hand and homework all on top of the job.
22:58A bit of the glutton for punishment, but well done.
23:00It was that series of articles that did it.
23:02Max was well-placed.
23:03So when do you start?
23:04One day a week from September.
23:06In a year's time, I'll be a true professional.
23:08All right, then. Let's celebrate. You get the drinks in.
23:10What about you? How was the interview with him?
23:12Oh, a lovely, heart-warming story of a family reunited.
23:16Great picture.
23:17Didn't talk about Cindy, then?
23:18Still, who cares? The readers will get what they want.
23:26OK, right. Listen, everybody. Listen.
23:28Cindy, I've got to talk to you.
23:30Hang on one minute.
23:31Right, we've got just a couple of days left now to count down
23:33and we've still got a lot to do.
23:35And I know you've all been working really hard and, um...
23:39Um, so if, um...
23:41Well, we'll just take it from there, shall we?
23:45Yeah. Yeah, they finished yesterday, them boys.
23:48Oh, they done a lovely job. Oh.
23:52What? With my chest?
23:54What do you want me to do, Ethel Skinner, kill meself?
23:56I ain't sleeping here to the smell of that paint's gone.
24:00Yes, well, I'll be late for rehearsals.
24:04No, of course not.
24:06Script supervisors don't have understudies.
24:09Yeah. Yeah.
24:11Yeah. Well, look, I've got to go or I'll miss me bus.
24:24I'll kill him. He's been looking like a scared rabbit all day.
24:27He's terrified you're going to find out.
24:29Yeah, I bet he is. And there's me being really nice.
24:31I even took him a cake.
24:32So what are you going to do?
24:35Make him suffer.
24:37Yeah, I'm pleased for you.
24:38Me and Bianca were really happy in that class.
24:40So what did you and Lenny think about it?
24:41I'm going to tell him tonight, but I don't think they'll mind.
24:54This is your establishment, my good man.
24:56It is, Your Majesty.
24:58And a finer pub you wouldn't find anywhere in Walford.
25:01More life. Much more. No-one will hear you.
25:05She means you, not me.
25:07Judy. You looked like you needed me.
25:10I was hoping we could have a...
25:11What's the point in lugging all the scenery over here?
25:13It'll help give us a feel of how it'll be on the night. We haven't got long.
25:16Yeah, well, it's really heavy, you know. I think we should try and secure it somehow.
25:19Well, I don't know.
25:20Can you sort this out later?
25:22Because I want a quick word with you. In private.
25:24Just hang on.
25:25What do you reckon?
25:26Just give me a chance to think, OK?
25:28Lean it up against the wall. It'll be all right.
25:30I don't think that'll be safe.
25:31It will. It'll be fine. Come on.
25:33I shouldn't really.
25:34Look, it won't take long.
25:35Sorry, Joe.
25:38Now where's she gone?
25:45So, er...
25:46Not long now?
25:48No, no.
25:49I just hope it all holds together.
25:51Perhaps really wouldn't.
25:52Martin hasn't even turned up yet.
25:53No, no, I mean...
25:54I mean, you going to Scotland?
25:58No, not long.
26:01I'm really busy, Nigel.
26:02What did you bring me out here for?
26:04Good question.
26:06Nigel, be quick, please. I've got to get back.
26:08Well, you know, er...
26:09You know, we talked yesterday and we decided that, erm...
26:13It wasn't on.
26:14Us, I mean.
26:15Yes, what about it?
26:17Well, to be honest, the thing is...
26:19I was kidding myself.
26:21What was that?
26:24Watch out!
26:27Are you all right?
26:28Are you all right?
26:29What happened?
26:30I nearly got flat.
26:31Couldn't hold up.
26:32I'm just going round.
26:33Is everyone all right?
26:34I just sat up.
26:35I tell you, you're lucky you didn't get really hurt.
26:37Cos that weighs a tonne.
26:38I told you, didn't I?
26:39I'm sorry.
26:40It wasn't Julie's fault.
26:41Well, look at the state of it.
26:42I spent ages on that.
26:43I can't do it all again.
26:44It's not that bad.
26:46I'm sorry.
26:47Let me help put this...
26:48I don't believe this.
26:49Nigel, leave it.
26:50Let me help.
26:51It was my fault.
26:52You're making it worse.
26:53Well, maybe I should go before I do any more damage.
27:08Sorry, Claire.
27:33I'm sorry.
27:34I'm sorry.
27:35I'm sorry.
27:36I'm sorry.
27:37I'm sorry.
27:38I'm sorry.
27:39I'm sorry.
27:40I'm sorry.
27:41I'm sorry.
27:42I'm sorry.
27:43I'm sorry.
27:44I'm sorry.
27:45I'm sorry.
27:46I'm sorry.
27:47I'm sorry.
27:48I'm sorry.
27:49I'm sorry.
27:50I'm sorry.
27:51I'm sorry.
27:52I'm sorry.
27:53I'm sorry.
27:54I'm sorry.
27:55I'm sorry.
27:56I'm sorry.
27:57I'm sorry.
27:58I'm sorry.
27:59I'm sorry.
28:00I'm sorry.
28:01I'm sorry.