• 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (6th April 1998)
00:33Cheers, fellas.
00:40Good night?
00:41About 400 quid.
00:42Up or down?
00:44So am I going to have to find somewhere else to play?
00:47I thought George wanted to close this gaff down.
00:49He does, but I've decided to keep it open.
00:52That'd be telling.
00:53Love you.
00:55Don't let him get me!
00:56He's hitting me!
00:58I, um, I can't stay for the whole hearing.
01:02All right.
01:03It's just I have a few jobs I really need to see to.
01:06If this is getting in your way.
01:07No, no, it's not that.
01:09I know you put a lot of time into it.
01:10Ian, this is a big case for me, too.
01:12I found Cindy.
01:13We got the kids back.
01:14Now it's a matter of tying the whole thing up.
01:16You win, I win.
01:19Come on, kids, come get your coats on.
01:21Are we taking them with us?
01:22No, Auntie Pauline's having them.
01:23Come on, coat them.
01:25Do you think they'll call you today?
01:26I hope so.
01:28Look, if looking after Ben's a problem.
01:29No, no, I'll be fine.
01:30I could look after him.
01:32Well, I hadn't thought.
01:33I'd already asked Sarah.
01:35I might need someone later in the week.
01:37It's all right.
01:38I understand.
01:39Oh, that'd be grand.
01:41Is there anything I can do to help
01:42or want to make myself useful?
01:43I don't think so.
01:44Well, what about the cafe?
01:45I mean, Pat might need an extra pair of hands.
01:47Well, I'm not sure.
01:48I don't mind.
01:50Well, it's just that, uh.
01:51All right, forget it.
01:52I don't need charity.
01:53It's got nothing to do with charity.
01:55I'll ring Pat and tell him you might call him later, all right?
01:59Sarah, will you do me a favor?
02:00If you see Alex, tell him that I'll
02:02be trying to get hold of him.
02:04And if he's around later, I need to see him.
02:05All right, I'll tell him.
02:06Bye-bye, sweetheart.
02:08I'll see you later.
02:21You sure this is all right?
02:22No problem.
02:32Have a look at this.
02:33Think it reads all right?
02:34Well, it looks fine to me.
02:35Or do you think it'd be better the other way around?
02:37Terry Gordon Raymond and Irene Constance
02:39Ethel Hills request the pleasure at their wedding
02:41rather than Irene Constance Ethel Hills.
02:45What's wrong?
02:46Well, I was wondering, do we really need invites?
02:48Of course we need invites.
02:49Oh, don't you think I look too casual, do you?
02:51It's the bookies.
02:52You don't need to be dressed up.
02:53I know, but first I want to create the right impression.
02:55You look great.
02:57Can't we just ask people?
02:58Printing's not cheap.
03:00If we don't have proper invitations,
03:01it'll look really tacky.
03:02Of course we've got to have them.
03:03I want you to drop this off at the printers today.
03:05What about the guest list?
03:06We haven't finished it.
03:07We don't know how many we're going to need.
03:08Well, get 100 done.
03:09That should be plenty.
03:12So far, we've got Tony, Sarah, Tiffany, and Simon.
03:14If they have already been invited,
03:15shall I get them to only do 96?
03:16No, 100.
03:18Here I go.
03:20Knock them dead.
03:21Well, I doubt if she'll even show you what she's like.
03:24If she does, it'd make things easy for me.
03:28I'll be with you in a minute, love.
03:30We'll look on the bright side.
03:31At least we don't serve alcohol.
03:33All right.
03:34I'm right seeing as it's you.
03:36Oh, and good luck, Kath.
03:37Thanks, Pat.
03:38Look, I'd better go.
03:39I'll speak to you later, all right?
03:43Hello, Mrs Mitchell.
03:45You'll have to wait out here until you're called,
03:47and then when you've given evidence,
03:48you can sit at the back of the court.
03:50Do you know how long that's likely to be?
03:51Well, with a bit of luck, we hope to get to you today,
03:53but it depends on the other counsel how long she takes.
03:56Sorry, I can't tell you any more than that at the moment.
04:03A cup of coffee, please, love.
04:04You don't want to drink too much coffee.
04:07No milk, no sugar.
04:08There's not much else I can give up.
04:10Barry's gone down to the drop center.
04:11I doubt they'll have too many openings
04:13before Fred Cole sells them.
04:16He's willing to try anything.
04:17He's been really good about this.
04:19Well, at least that's something.
04:20It's not just yourself you're letting down, Martin.
04:22It's everybody else.
04:23Why can't I just read the stupid lines?
04:25Did you ever see Bruce Willis reading his lines?
04:28No, but I've never seen him do anything as stupid as this.
04:33We're going to be all right, you know?
04:35The play? I've got the costumes.
04:36You have?
04:37Yeah, panic over.
04:39Where? How do you get them back?
04:41I have them.
04:42Do you know that shop, Frocks for Pops?
04:44They're our costumes.
04:46Well, for fetch dress parties and plays and that.
04:48I read the article that Tony done in the Gazette
04:49and they're going to send us a large over for free.
04:53It must be good for publicity.
04:54It's great, isn't it?
04:56Kathy Speeds here?
05:00Do you need me?
05:02On what?
05:03I haven't got time to show you the ropes.
05:04I certainly haven't got time to carry anybody.
05:06You won't have to carry me.
05:07I'm on the wagon.
05:08Where shall I start?
05:09You can do the dishes.
05:11Give me that washing up liquid.
05:12Eat your heart out, isn't it, Newman?
05:16Now, this judge is a bit of a character,
05:18but don't be fooled by him.
05:20He's on the ball.
05:22Your wife's counsel will open the case.
05:24She'll call the welfare officer.
05:25At least we know what she's going to say.
05:27See you in a bit, Mum.
05:28And don't worry.
05:29Everything will be fine.
05:30Yeah, good luck.
05:41Don't play up to the judge.
05:43No batting your eyelids or anything.
05:44He hates women thinking he's stupid.
05:47But whether he is or not is another matter.
05:52He deserves to win.
05:54Only that the judge thinks so.
05:57Have you told Phil yet that you're going?
05:59No, not yet.
06:00Why not?
06:01It's difficult.
06:03What, because of Ben?
06:07A bit like what Cindy's doing, really.
06:09No, it's not.
06:11You're taking his kid away from him.
06:12Don't you dare compare me to her.
06:13It's not the same at all.
06:14I haven't done what Cindy's done.
06:17I'll tell him tonight.
06:19Would you want me with you when you tell him?
06:21He's not drinking again, is he?
06:22No, I don't think so.
06:23But he's up to his neck in something.
06:25He's, er...
06:26He's gambling, have he?
06:28Gambling, drinking, womanising.
06:30What's it going to be next? Heroin?
06:33I'm sorry, Karl.
06:34You'd better get off, go on.
06:35Thanks for the lift.
06:38You, er...
06:40You sure you're going to be okay?
06:41Yeah, I'll be fine.
06:45Look carefully out...
06:46Just good friends, remember?
06:48I'll see you later.
06:56I thought you weren't coming in today.
06:57I'm just the messenger.
06:59Not bad news, I hope.
07:00No, no, no, Kathy asked me to tell you
07:01that she's been trying to get a hold of you.
07:03Do you know why?
07:04No, she didn't say.
07:06I'll go and run a cath now.
07:07She's at the court.
07:10Yeah, it's an all-day job.
07:12I'll go and see her there, then.
07:13Well, she didn't say it was urgent.
07:15Oh, I'll go anyway. I could do with a change of scenery.
07:19You say in your report that the mother has a
07:21striking emotional rapport with her children.
07:24She would be a full-time carer.
07:26She's in a long-term relationship
07:28and shows a desire to foster contact
07:31and good relationships between the father and the children.
07:34Is that correct?
07:34That's correct.
07:35You also state that the father has a stable lifestyle,
07:38but he doesn't have a good relationship with his children.
07:41That's correct.
07:42You also state that the father has a stable lifestyle,
07:45but he doesn't have a good relationship with his children.
07:47He lacks some emotional warmth with regards to his children.
07:52That's right.
07:53Yet you still consider him to be a suitable parent.
07:56With the greatest of respects, Miss Dyson,
07:58I don't really think it's quite that simple.
08:01The whole history of this case, in particular the circumstances
08:04in which the children were first placed with the father,
08:06and then the subsequent removal,
08:08all this is going to give us cause for concern
08:10once we begin to examine the advantages of the mother having residence.
08:13Of course, my Lord.
08:14But I was merely pointing out that on reading the welfare report,
08:17I would have said the mother's case appeared much the stronger,
08:19and yet Miss Chan says...
08:20What do you think, Miss Chan?
08:21I think I made things perfectly clear in my report.
08:24Thank you, Miss Chan.
08:25Do you have any other questions, Miss Dyson?
08:27Yes, my Lord.
08:29Is this good or bad for them?
08:32The judge isn't happy.
08:33They should let it go.
08:34Well, let's hope they continue to dig their own grave.
08:37Miss Dyson!
08:39Oh, it's going to look good, isn't it?
08:43Yes, lady?
08:45Nobody told me.
08:46Did you think he was going to call it?
08:47Palmer's, for all I know.
08:48Don't be ridiculous.
08:49Palmer's Italian restaurant.
08:50That way there'd be no mistake about who owned it.
08:52I think Giuseppe sounds a lot better.
08:55I take it you don't like the name?
08:57Well, I'm just wondering why it's named after my brother.
08:59When it's me that does all the work.
09:00It's named after your father, not your brother.
09:04He knows that. He's just been awkward.
09:05Well, that's why we have kids, isn't it?
09:07So they can be awkward.
09:08Oh, it's really coming on, Rosa.
09:11Have you finalised the menus?
09:13We need to get them off to the printers.
09:15They'll be done by the end of the day.
09:16Anything else need sorting?
09:18Kitchen all finished?
09:19Yeah, we're just waiting for the tablecloths,
09:20more pictures, candle holders,
09:22and someone to sort out a dimmer switch.
09:25What's wrong with the dimmer switches?
09:29They don't work.
09:31In your opinion, Miss Chan,
09:33which is better for the children?
09:34The benefit of the father's extended family
09:37or the cohabitee that the mother offers?
09:39I think that's obvious.
09:41Can you please tell her
09:42so the court can be quite clear on this matter?
09:44The extended family of the father.
09:46But that's just...
09:47Thank you, Miss Chan.
09:54Sarah said you wanted to see me.
09:56Yeah, that's right, but I didn't expect you to come here.
09:58I thought we might be important.
10:00It's just about Lorna.
10:03Yeah, I was wondering if you could find her a place at Bridgeres.
10:05No, she hasn't got the bedsit anymore.
10:09That's all it was.
10:12What did you think I wanted to see you about?
10:14I thought you might have an answer for me.
10:16It's not easy for me.
10:19You're not the only one with problems, you know.
10:20I never said I was.
10:21You act as if you are.
10:23To be honest, Alex, if you want to stop being a vicar,
10:25then it's up to you. Make up your own mind.
10:27Either you do or you don't.
10:28Don't try and force me to make the decision for you.
10:30I'm not trying to force you to do anything.
10:32You are.
10:33But if I did leave the church, what then?
10:35That's for you to decide.
10:37Grow up, Alex, and join the real world.
10:39Make a decision for once in your life.
10:42Were you aware of any resentment being harboured against the mother
10:45and her partner by the father's family?
10:47It's difficult to say.
10:48Just explain why you think it's difficult, Miss Chan.
10:52There were signs with the paternal grandmother, but she...
10:54Who is?
10:55Katherine Mitchell.
10:57What sort of signs? How were they manifested?
10:59She got very irritated at the mention of her name.
11:02Why? In what way?
11:04Well, at one point, she went as far as to accuse her
11:06of trying to have her son killed.
11:14I take it, Miss Dyson, this is the first time you've heard mention of this?
11:17Yes, my lord.
11:19Mr Painter, do you know anything about this?
11:20As I understand it, my lord, the father was shot in an incident in the street.
11:24The mother was questioned, but never arrested.
11:27There has never been a trial of her or anyone else.
11:30It was directly after the incident
11:31that the mother removed the children to Italy.
11:34Well, I don't want to raise temperatures by discussing this matter here.
11:38It's not going to help the case in any way.
11:40So, we'll leave it at that.
11:43Carry on, Miss Dyson.
11:45Yes, my lord.
11:46What did you use on that?
11:47Elbow grease. I was in the army.
11:49It teaches you all you need to know about keeping everything
11:51from your boots to your teeth clean.
11:53Well, you should have no problem getting a job, then.
11:55I won't, as long as I stay sober.
11:59So, your place, Pat?
12:01I'm very pleased with myself.
12:02Yeah, you could say that.
12:03Sit down. I'll fetch you home for you.
12:08Your son-in-law, right?
12:10I'll bring you both a cup of tea.
12:12Oh, thanks.
12:14Right. How long?
12:16Not much to tell, really.
12:18I just know that I made a good decision this morning.
12:20What did they offer you?
12:21Two jobs.
12:22They said they were mine.
12:23All I had to do was turn up for the interview.
12:24What were they?
12:26One was security man in a warehouse at night,
12:28and the other was an office cleaner.
12:29Which one did you go for?
12:33That's right.
12:34I thought you said you made a good decision.
12:35Oh, I have.
12:36You turned down two jobs, Barry.
12:37The decision I made was that you have to have standards.
12:40You're broke.
12:41Sometimes you have to do things in this life that you don't like.
12:44What, cleaning?
12:45Yes, cleaning.
12:47I've done cleaning.
12:48You think I liked it?
12:49Nobody likes cleaning.
12:50They just do it for the money.
12:52But you, you lazy, arrogant slob.
12:54It's beneath you, isn't it?
12:56Well, let me tell you, nothing is beneath you when you're broke.
12:59Your problem is you've been mollycoddled all your life.
13:01You're useless.
13:02Oh, thanks.
13:03Thanks very much. That's right.
13:04Go ahead and kick a man when he's down.
13:05I can't wait around for you to come up, because it'll never happen.
13:08You're a failure.
13:09You always have been. You always will be.
13:10And you're a huge success, aren't you?
13:12Working in a cafe.
13:13At least I'm doing something.
13:14Only because you have to now.
13:16You're more used to living off other people's money.
13:17You what?
13:18Ask me dead.
13:20How dare you?
13:21Easy, because it's true.
13:22After what you did to him, you have the nerve...
13:24You know, in a way, I'm glad it's happened.
13:26Because you'd only have slowly bled him dry like you did poor old Frank Butcher.
13:29Get out!
13:31Don't worry. I'm going.
13:32I don't want to see you again.
13:34And you'd better find somewhere else to live,
13:35because I'm not spending time under the same roof as you.
13:37Who'd want to live with an old witch like you, anyway?
13:44Get on well, dear.
13:48You heard anything from Nicole?
13:49No, nothing.
13:51Picking her up?
13:53No, she's coming back with Ian.
13:54Why didn't she go with Ian?
13:55Well, he had to be there earlier.
13:57You two seem like you're putting the world to rights this morning.
14:00In the car.
14:02What are you talking about?
14:03Just about Ian. A cool case, that's all.
14:05Well, let me know if you hear anything.
14:06I'll be at the club.
14:08Why the sudden interest in Ian's kids?
14:10It's not Ian or his kids.
14:11It's Kathy.
14:14Is that so bad she's still my wife?
14:16Well, you've changed your tune.
14:17Don't worry, it doesn't.
14:19Fighting her might step on your toes.
14:21Only you two seem pretty pally these days.
14:23She's a friend.
14:24She's going through a bad time in the CM business.
14:27I'm just looking out for her, that's all.
14:30You want her back, don't you?
14:32Since when has it mattered what I want?
14:34I was just asking.
14:43The police have been on to me again.
14:45What about?
14:46About the break-in.
14:47Get this, they think it might be an inside job.
14:49A what?
14:49Well, because nothing else was nicked,
14:51she's ended up half accusing me.
14:53You're not going to make your own costumes, are you?
14:55Are you?
14:55Yeah, well, sort of me.
14:56Well, the policewoman seems to think it must be some sort of a joke.
15:00Not funny.
15:01Definitely not funny.
15:04So, what was all that about with Phil?
15:06All what?
15:07Well, was he asking you about Cathy?
15:09What about Cathy?
15:10Well, you and her whispering in corners.
15:12It's nothing.
15:13Fine, if you won't tell me, I'll just have to ask Evan, won't I?
15:15All right.
15:17Cathy's leaving Walford.
15:19On Friday.
15:21And that's what we've been talking about.
15:26Well, where's she going?
15:29South Africa.
15:30What for?
15:31To be with Ted.
15:32What's Phil got to say about it?
15:34He doesn't know yet.
15:35How come?
15:36Because she hasn't told him, so don't let it slip.
15:38Yeah, he'll be too happy when he finds out.
15:41Well, I can't say I blame her wanting to get out of here.
15:43South Africa sounds pretty good to me.
15:44And what would you know about it, eh?
15:46I mean, what would you know about South Africa?
15:48This is where her family is, and this is where she belongs.
15:51Hang on just a minute.
15:52No, you hang on just a minute.
15:53When it's something you know nothing about,
15:55you'd be advised to keep it shut.
15:56Cathy will leave you more for this bad news.
15:58All right?
16:01Bad news for who?
16:02That's what I want to know.
16:04How's it going?
16:06I'd say we were just ahead.
16:08Yeah, Cindy's in the middle of doing her bit.
16:10Have you had the waterworks yet?
16:12Well, give her time.
16:15I've just been to the refuge looking for you.
16:17Is there a problem?
16:19No, not really.
16:20I just wanted to talk to you, that's all.
16:22What about?
16:24You know, I've started seeing this boy.
16:27Well, he's really nice and I really like him.
16:29Matthew, isn't it?
16:32What's the problem?
16:34Well, I think that he's going to want to...
16:37You know, and I don't know if I can.
16:39Sarah, sometimes it's best to just grab life now
16:41and not worry about the hereafter.
16:44Well, if you're not careful, you're going to miss out on everything.
16:47Yeah, but after what happened to me, I...
16:50You're going to have to try and put all that behind you.
16:53It's not easy.
16:55You're going to find quite quickly that nothing is easy in this life.
16:58What happened to you wasn't your fault.
17:00You mustn't spend your life feeling guilty about something you had no control over.
17:03No, but if I go with this boy, then I'll be going against the church.
17:07Yes and no.
17:09That's for you to decide.
17:11If you don't think it's right, don't do it.
17:13But if you've not got a problem with it...
17:15But it says in the Bible that...
17:16I know, but you're going to have to ask yourself,
17:18is it all still relevant today?
17:20And if you feel that it affects your faith,
17:22then it's relevant.
17:23If not, you're going to have to go with what you believe.
17:26We all have these problems.
17:27Is this right? Is that right?
17:28I don't have the answers.
17:30Look, talk to someone else.
17:32I'm in no position to discuss it with you.
17:34I'm not the person to talk to.
17:36You're the only person I can talk to.
17:42Sarah, I don't know what I believe.
17:44You don't mean that.
17:46My faith, my religion,
17:47it's just stopped me having a relationship with someone I care about.
17:51That's the way it is.
17:52And at this moment in time, I'm regretting it like mad.
17:55What's the problem?
17:56You're not Catholic. You can marry.
17:58I could.
17:59If she wasn't already married.
18:03There is no argument that you took Peter and Stephen out of the country.
18:08But what we need to make clear is why.
18:10It'd become impossible.
18:12What had?
18:13The situation with Ian.
18:15He told me I'd never see my children again.
18:18And you believed he could do this?
18:20So you felt that your only course of action was to take your children?
18:25I have to point out to you, Mrs Beale,
18:27that the court views the abduction of children very seriously.
18:30Now, I know this has already been dealt with at a criminal trial,
18:33but here I have to consider what possible harm
18:36might have been done to the children by your irresponsible action.
18:39Do you not think it might have been wiser to have gone through the courts?
18:42I, um...
18:45I just didn't think.
18:47Well, next time you might not be so hasty.
18:49I should also point out
18:51that nowhere in your evidence do I see any sign of regret,
18:55any real explanation of why you thought this abduction was necessary.
19:00You might want to deal with this at a later stage, Miss Dyson.
19:03Yes, my lord.
19:05Has he calmed down yet?
19:07I don't know. I haven't seen him.
19:09What do you think's going on?
19:10I don't know.
19:11I let him bully me, didn't I?
19:13Yeah. Yeah, you do.
19:15I don't know what the armature is.
19:17Does he hit you?
19:18No. No, nothing like that.
19:20Well, maybe there isn't an answer.
19:22Maybe he just needs to make sure it doesn't go too far.
19:28Barry wants us to do him a favour.
19:31He wants us to put him up for a few nights.
19:33What, at our place?
19:34Yeah. He reckons Pat's had a breakdown.
19:36I don't think it'd be fair staying at the house.
19:38Yeah, but he was the one who said he couldn't live in a squat.
19:40Looks like he's changed his mind, doesn't it?
19:42Just went crazy, like a madwoman,
19:43ranting and raving about me not having a job.
19:45I couldn't believe it.
19:46Well, how did you leave it with her?
19:48You'd best check that with her.
19:49The way I see it is I've been kicked out.
19:51I am no longer wanted.
19:52Thank God I've got some loyal friends, eh?
19:57Mrs Beale, you state in your evidence
19:59that you are just as reliable and stable as the father.
20:03Can I look at that with you a moment?
20:05Apart from Mr Holland,
20:07you have no relatives who would help in the bringing up of the children.
20:10Is that correct?
20:12But no doubt you would say that your relationship with Mr Holland
20:15is firm and secure.
20:17Yes, we're getting married.
20:19And will provide a solid foundation
20:21for the bringing up of Stephen, Peter and Lucy.
20:25Can we look at how well your past relationships
20:27have stood the test of time?
20:29I won't go into your relationships before your marriage to the father,
20:32but is it not true, Mrs Beale,
20:34that the first time you left the father
20:36was because you were in a relationship with another man?
20:40Who was that man?
20:42Simon Wicks.
20:43And did you believe this relationship was going to be permanent?
20:47And where is Mr Wicks now?
20:50I don't know.
20:51Is it not true he left you destitute
20:53and Mr Beale rescued you from that situation
20:56and returned you to his home without bearing any malice against you?
21:00Then when you left the father a second time,
21:02was it not because once again
21:04you were having a relationship with another man?
21:06It was over by the time I left.
21:08But you had been seeing another man?
21:11Would you care to tell us the name of the other man?
21:16David Wicks.
21:17David Wicks.
21:18Brother of Simon Wicks.
21:20How many other brothers are there?
21:22Might I suggest, Mrs Beale,
21:24that the reason for the marriage breakdown on both occasions
21:27was because you were seeing other men?
21:30Your partner now is a Mr Nicholas Holland.
21:34Was he any brothers?
21:38The move went all right, then?
21:40And I got the van back in time
21:41before they charged me for the extra day.
21:43What's the place like?
21:45Well, there would have been.
21:46It was Michael Rose's place, wasn't it?
21:48I've got to get back to Carmichael.
21:49I thought you was coming back to mine.
21:52I've just got to sweat a nap.
21:58Looks a bit serious, doesn't it?
22:00I thought Mary was seeing what you call him.
22:03Yeah. What happened there?
22:05It didn't work out.
22:07See you.
22:08What's the time?
22:10I said I'd be back by 3.00. Go shopping for Nigel.
22:12Don't worry about it. I want my watch back.
22:14You can say it was my fault. Come on.
22:16I wouldn't even be suggesting it
22:18if I wasn't serious about you, Sarah.
22:20I'm not like that.
22:21Look, Matthew, I'm not, you know,
22:23saying no cos I don't like you.
22:25I don't want you to think that.
22:27It's just I've had some bad experiences.
22:30Like what?
22:31I'd rather we didn't talk about them.
22:33Look, I had a bad experience with Mary, yeah?
22:36So we quit.
22:37I respect what you want to do. I'm in no rush.
22:40I thought boys were always in a rush.
22:42Not me.
22:43I just don't want you to miss out on anything.
22:45I'm worried about you.
22:47I can wait.
22:48Till at least next week.
22:53Mrs Beale, is your current relationship with Mr Holland
22:56one you believe to be long-lasting?
22:58Yes. Like I said, we're getting married.
23:00And do you now realise how wrong it was
23:02to remove your children to Italy?
23:04And are you sorry for doing it?
23:07It wasn't because Ian was a bad father.
23:09I mean, I didn't hate him or anything.
23:11I really loved him. I wanted to be with him.
23:14Otherwise, why would I have gone back?
23:16I was willing to give it a second go.
23:18But the only warmth I got in the house was from my children.
23:22And when I took them away,
23:24I took them away...
23:28..because I couldn't bear to leave them.
23:31I tried to stay in their house,
23:33but I just couldn't.
23:36It was the only thing I could do.
23:38My children are my life, and I need them more than I need anything.
23:47Do anything from business cards to invitations,
23:49and it's a fraction of the price of a printer's.
23:51A do-it-yourself printer's?
23:54But what's the point? We can afford proper invitations.
23:56Yeah, but it's more fun designing them for yourself.
23:58Where did you find it?
23:59Easy. It's in the bus station.
24:02I thought they might get to me, but they didn't.
24:04I gave Alex your message.
24:05Yeah, I know. Thanks.
24:07Have you seen him?
24:09Was he all right with you?
24:11He's been acting really strange with me.
24:13You know, he's in love with a married woman.
24:15You know, he told me he's thinking about quitting the church over it.
24:18Did he say that?
24:19Well, not in so many words, but I know that's exactly what's going through his head.
24:22I didn't know, Kath.
24:24Well, he's just saying that. He'll get over it.
24:26No, he's not. He's serious.
24:28You know, I should have realised something's wrong.
24:30It's got nothing to do with you.
24:32But I should have been there for him.
24:34He's always been there for me.
24:36How'd it go?
24:39At the court.
24:40We're back again tomorrow.
24:42Painful, isn't it?
24:44How do you feel for Ian?
24:45Well, he's got to win.
24:47You know, if he doesn't, does that mean you'll forget South Africa?
24:50South Africa?
24:52Yeah, well, I've been toying with the idea of going to South Africa.
24:56For a holiday?
24:57No, to live. My brother's out there.
24:59I see.
25:00I've only just made up my mind, really.
25:03I wasn't sure what I was going to do.
25:04No, it's OK. It's your life. You can do what you want.
25:06I spoke to Alex today about getting you a place across the road.
25:09Bridge House.
25:10I see.
25:11He said he'd see what he can do.
25:14Sarah, would you mind running Ben's bath for me, please?
25:21Is Phil going?
25:23No. No, he's not going.
25:25What's he said about it?
25:27Not a lot.
25:28Nothing, really. I'm still sorting it out with him.
25:33John Valakia?
25:35Me and Grant tracked him down last time.
25:37Do you know anything more about him?
25:39Now what?
25:40He's turned up in prison and he's doing life for a murderer.
25:43Well, that's hardly surprising.
25:45He's not giving anything away on Sunday, though.
25:47And why should he?
25:48He's got nothing to lose.
25:49And nothing to gain.
25:50Excuse me.
25:55I had a phone call on my mobile for George.
25:57He gave me a number for him to call.
25:59Was it the cars?
26:00Could have been.
26:01But whoever it was wasn't interested in talking to me.
26:03What are you going to do?
26:05See what happens.
26:06Drink, Benny?
26:08Well, that's very kind of you.
26:10Same again, is it?
26:11You know what? I think I could manage a pint.
26:14Don't serve her.
26:16I don't want any more trouble.
26:19Have you seen her? She just walked in.
26:22Want me to throw her out?
26:25As long as she stays sober.
26:27Orange juice, please.
26:28I'm sorry, but...
26:29It's all right.
26:30Serve her.
26:35Place across the road, Bridge House.
26:37Do you know anything about it?
26:38Yeah, a bit.
26:39Her ex-con's losers, isn't he?
26:42Thanks a lot, Cathy.
26:44Look, do you want some ice in there?
26:46No, it's fine.
26:47I didn't think she was the sort to do that.
26:49Not Cathy.
26:50Leave me high and dry.
26:51Which ice is OK?
26:53Not as good as South Africa, though, is it?
26:55I'd rather be moving there with her
26:57than across the road to a doss house.
27:00South Africa, can't be bad.
27:02A new start. Sounds perfect.
27:04What did you say about Cathy?
27:05She didn't say anything.
27:06Come on.
27:08She's moving where?
27:09South Africa.
27:10To live with her brother.
27:11Her and Ben.
27:12She's taking my son?
27:14That's what she told me.
27:15She's taking my son?