• 10 hours ago
00:00Yo, what's up guys today, I wanted to go ahead and talk about the galaxy s22 series in
00:062024 I get a ton of questions about these I want to go ahead and just answer the questions do like a little comparison
00:12Here as well, too
00:14This is really the sweet spot when it comes to old flagships for anyone trying to get into old flagships the
00:20overall specs and overall
00:23Samsung putting the galaxy AI features on these models was actually a huge deal
00:28I think it just made it's gonna make these phones feel, you know, way more modern, you know in a couple years
00:33They'll still feel like extremely modern just because of the AI features
00:38So let's go ahead and dive into it guys. So let's talk about the price. This is a common question
00:43So for the s24 the best price you get for a used refurbished version that's going to be unlocked is around 400
00:50So I would try to stay around that range
00:52I wouldn't pay more than 400 for this phone for the galaxy s
00:5522 plus the best price is like
00:59265 like I said, this phone is really cheap, but I'm you know, I've refurbished, you know unlocked version as well, too
01:04so I would stay around that price point as well and then for the s22, so
01:10This one's kind of interesting because the price is really similar or really close to the yes 22 plus
01:18But if you can I would try to stay around the lower
01:22200s and
01:24if you really need and really it just comes down to preference at this point because if you're buying s22
01:30You're most likely buying it because of the size because most people would just get them
01:34Yes 22 plus anyway, but you can get these in a good condition for 200 bucks
01:40Like I said, I think eBay is probably the best place
01:43To find a really good deal on the s22 because you can get it a little bit cheaper
01:47But yeah, like I always say guys like shop around always shop eBay Amazon go to swap go to you know, whatever, you know
01:56marketplace you that you trust right and
01:59Check all the platforms, right?
02:02All right. So let's talk about the displays here. So virtually the same displays guys
02:08For the most part here. There's really no difference in terms of quality, of course here
02:14But you'll have a 6.1 inch display with the s22
02:186.6 inch display and a 6.8 inch display
02:20The only difference is that you'll find is that you need to know that the s22 ultra has a curved panel
02:27Which some people may or may not like that's why you might actually prefer the s22
02:33Plus here because it's not a curved panel. It's completely flat and it's still pretty big, you know at 6.6 inches
02:40So that's just one thing to know about the displays but besides that the s22 ultra does have a 1440p display
02:47But it's not really noticeable
02:50Colors look the same. They all have the same punch hole 120 Hertz HDR 10 plus
02:54Basically, like I said the same displays. It's just those like minor differences all have really good
03:00You know brightness levels outdoors as well, too. So they're pretty easy to see so overall for displays, you know
03:06They all look fantastic for the most part I think that's the biggest difference is these two are flat displays
03:12this is a curve point the most exciting thing about these phones this year is actually the
03:18Android 14 when you add 6.1 update, which I did go over the features on each phone and
03:24these phones got the update and like I said, that was the most impressive thing here because
03:30Basically it pretty much guarantees that these phones are gonna feel really
03:35Modern because AI is gonna be the next kind of like push with software. So you'll you'll be seeing a lot of AI stuff
03:43You know with Apple doing their AI thing and Samsung is kind of early
03:47So the AI is only gonna get better and that's gonna be like the big thing with smartphones. So
03:53They these got it. I was really surprised by that
03:57But there's a lot of AI features and I like I said
03:59I went over it in the when you add 6.1 update video and all of these phones got it
04:04So one of the my favorite things is the circle to search feature is is really awesome
04:09It's actually has a bunch of other stuff in here. I think the only thing that these
04:12don't have is the
04:15The pause
04:18Slow-mo thing which you know, not a lot of people
04:22You might not even care but there's a feature it's on the s23
04:27But you can pause and you can do the AI stuff, but everything else is here guys
04:30so it's it's very it's very very impressive that these phones actually got the
04:36The update next question is software update. So Samsung has a four-year pledge
04:41So these phones launch with Android 12, which means that it will get up to Android 16
04:46And I wouldn't be surprised if it if Samsung extended that to Android 17
04:51But Android 16 for sure and then it will get security patches after that
04:56so you will be able to use these phones for you know a while and enjoy the
05:00Latest one UI updates and all the features that Samsung will add
05:06All right, so let's talk about the processors here so I didn't notice a difference here
05:11so all these phones have these snapdragon 8 gen 1
05:15They well, I would really say the s22 does score a little bit
05:20Lower here now the s22 ultra s22 plus are pretty much on par the s22
05:27Plus got a slightly higher score here. You can see there's lower for frames on the
05:34s22 not by much but definitely
05:37lower battery life, they all drain by 1% and
05:42overall, you can see the temperature is
05:45You know roughly the same for the most part but you can see 3 to 7 FPS
05:50So yes, 22 doesn't quite perform as good as the bigger models and that could be for various reasons
05:57But that's just something that I did notice now performance wise in general is really
06:03Identical for the most part when I'm talking about like opening apps opening games is pretty much on par
06:09But that's just something that I noticed when you run these benchmarks. Also, if you've noticed the s22 ultra didn't get as hot
06:17as the s22
06:19Plus in the standard s22 these went up by 4 this went up by 3
06:23So that's also something that I noticed now these the snapdragon 8 gen 1 these phones do tend to
06:29To get a little bit warm, but me not being a you know, hardcore
06:34User or a gamer. It's not nothing that I've actually
06:38Was an actual concern to me using these phones
06:41Strictly because you know, I just don't game for a long time on phones like that
06:47But I've never had an issue with performance in terms of crashing or overheating or anything like that
06:52so when it comes to gaming performance here, the
06:55Phones are pretty much the same in terms of optimization for pretty much most games here
07:02So like I said, they all here run, you know PUBG at
07:0690 frames and
07:11Yeah, the gaming experience is going to be great for the most part here
07:15So if you're thinking about buying an s22, you know for gaming
07:19Like I said, these these phones run the games are really well
07:23The only issue that you could possibly run into with gaming is that it will take a hit to the battery life
07:30Like I said pretty much Samsung never really
07:33Like address the battery situation until the s23 series so
07:38That that phone any of the s23 s24 those phones have spectacular
07:44Battery life guys, it's really good. But these phones they're just kind of you know around that average range
07:50For the most part, but yeah gaming performance on here is gonna be great guys. Let's talk about the s-pen
07:56So this is pretty much what you're gonna be paying like that extra money for and it really depends
08:02I would say honestly if you don't care about the s-pen and you don't need like a really really big display
08:08Then I would say just get the s22 plus you save quite a bit of money
08:12But if you're a digital artist or something like that, or you really like the you know
08:17You just really like navigating with the pen
08:20Then you'll really like this. I also think this is really great for content creators
08:24So if you're trying to do, you know your YouTube Instagram tik-tok
08:28You can actually
08:30Since this is Bluetooth, you can actually put it, you know at a distance and you can you know
08:35Hit the record button take pictures
08:38You can see just press the button and it's very very handy. If you're a content creator
08:43It's a really really nice built-in tool that you can use. So definitely take that into consideration
08:50Yeah, it's a it's a very handy little pen
08:52All right. So a lot of questions that I get about the cameras. Is there a difference in image quality?
08:57No for a still photography. I don't really notice like an issue
09:01So if you're just coming here like right now take a photo and all these they'll pretty much look identical
09:06I can't really tell much of a difference where the extra money is going to is really the
09:14S22 ultra with its, you know telephoto lens being able to do the just better zoom shots
09:20It goes all the way up to a hundred times these go to 30 times
09:24But in general if you're somebody that goes to like sporting events
09:28The 10 times 30 times will look way better on the the s22 ultra and it's just you know
09:35It's just more impressive and also you do have bigger
09:39You know or higher resolutions these go up to 50 megapixels. This one goes up to 108 megapixels
09:44so if you're going somewhere where you're tech I would say this is more useful if you have like a
09:48Obscene with a lot of detail then you take a picture then it'll be it'll be useful for that
09:53But for the most part if you're just a casual photo taker
09:56Then and you don't need like the zoom then these are definitely are gonna be great
10:01They they all take fantastic photos guys, really really good image quality. Check out the individual videos
10:07I have I mean, it's it's really impressive the the image quality that you get here with these phones
10:12So I would say definitely if you take a lot of photos, these are great for photos great dynamic range great colors
10:20The ultra wide everything on these phones are really solid guys
10:24I'm always really impressed by the image quality if we can spot a speaker difference here. We'll start with the s22
10:5422 plus a little bit louder
11:06Yeah, so they pretty much sound identical except for the s22 not being as loud
11:12All right, and one of the last common questions is screen on time
11:15So I think the s22 plus I really think this phone has better screen on time than the s22 ultra
11:22And then the s22 obviously having a smallest battery, you know, it's gonna have the least, you know screen on time
11:30But yeah, I would say the s22 plus definitely has better screen on time in my opinion
11:35This phone can easily get you six hours of screen on time. All of these can get you through the day
11:40But if you game on the s22 then the battery life would definitely drain a lot
11:46But I noticed the s22 plus is really not that bad
11:50But yeah, so as far as battery life, it's it's an okay experience on all of these phones
11:55Like they're not like crazy crazy good. They all do wireless charging. They all do reverse wireless charging as well to guys
12:01So yeah, it's pretty interesting the s22 series in general. I think is an excellent buy this year
12:08It's just really really nice the price point I think is excellent. Also, these phones will be getting software updates. They got the you know
12:17Advanced AI features and stuff like that. They feel pretty much identical to something like an s24
12:23Like if you got an s24 plus and get buried compared it to a s22 plus you see that they're extremely similar
12:30So I would say definitely
12:32Check these phones out great buys. Let me know what you guys think and I'll catch you guys in the next one
