• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “La conferma indiretta, ma molto forte, arriva dal tasso di disoccupazione che è vicino a quello frizionale. Lasciate alle spalle le incertezze delle guerre ci sarà un futuro molto positivo” ha spiegato Tommaso Rossini, ceo del Gruppo Rta, a margine dell’Assemblea 2024 di Assolombarda.


00:00What do you think about the future of Lombardy?
00:04Lombardy is very strong.
00:06There are certainly very muscular companies that have invested,
00:10they have done very well in the post-pandemic.
00:12The unemployment rate, which is close to that of Fritzionale,
00:15is an indirect confirmation, but very strong.
00:18The period now is a bit what it is,
00:20but presumably, left behind,
00:22the uncertainties of the wars and an inversion of the cycle,
00:27in particular the cycle of shortages,
00:29are quite confident,
00:31which will give us a very positive and very radiant future.
