• 12 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - E’ stata presentata in anteprima alla Festa del Cinema di Roma, "Dostances. La vita va avanti, più lontano", la docuserie Novartis realizzata in collaborazione con Salute Donna Onlus, Associazione di cui fanno parte le 6 donne coinvolte, che celebra la capacità di affrontare la malattia senza perdere la propria identità e la propria forza, dimostrando che oggi queste donne possono beneficiare di una prospettiva di vita più lunga e di una qualità di vita migliore. La serie è parte della campagna ‘È tempo di vita’, nata per fornire supporto emotivo, informativo e pratico alle pazienti per migliorare il loro benessere complessivo.


00:04It was presented in advance at the Rome Cinema Festival,
00:07DISTANCES. Life goes on, further.
00:10The Novartis docu-series made in collaboration with Salute Donna Omlus,
00:14an association of which women involved are part,
00:17which celebrates the ability to face the disease without losing their identity.
00:22With 30% of female oncological diagnoses
00:25and about 55,909 estimated cases in 2023,
00:29the disease is a priority for the national health system.
00:33However, thanks to the progress of scientific research
00:36and innovation in the pharmaceutical field,
00:38women can now count on a longer life expectancy
00:41and a quality of life that is significantly better.
00:45There is an extraordinary opportunity for innovation,
00:48a capacity that concerns not only the identification of new molecular targets
00:54or the research of new pharmacological therapies,
00:57but above all the ability to better listen to patients,
01:01what are those side effects that seem apparently low-level,
01:07low-profile, low-impact to the doctor,
01:09but which, on the other hand, experienced by patients,
01:12no longer for a few months, but for years,
01:15can represent a really serious link.
01:17Today in Italy, over 830,000 women live with a breast cancer diagnosis,
01:23a condition that brings with it often complex therapeutic challenges.
01:27By now the world knows that oncological care,
01:31tumor care, is personalized thanks to innovation,
01:35not only therapeutic, but above all biological knowledge.
01:39It is not by chance that it is said personalized.
01:41Each person will have their tumor, has their tumor,
01:46will have their specific treatment targeted.
01:50But that's not all.
01:51Because we have to start looking, and we are starting to do so,
01:55at the patient, the patient in his complexity.
01:58With this series, Novartis renews its commitment to support women,
02:02not only as patients, but as people,
02:05accompanying them throughout their journey against breast cancer.
02:09The Rose Month reminds us how much research has made progress
02:13to improve and prolong people's lives.
02:17But our campaign has allowed us to hear directly from the voice of women
02:22what is still to be done.
02:24In this we want to give hope for the commitment we will put
02:29in continuing to develop, on the one hand, innovative solutions
02:34to prolong the lives of patients,
02:37but on the other hand also to take care of people.
02:41Life must be lived to the fullest, despite the disease.
