• 14 hours ago
Nineties Eastenders (12th May 1998)
00:29I love weddings. They bring out the romantic in me.
00:32Everyone I've spoken to doesn't seem to think it'll last six months.
00:35I don't suppose it will.
00:36But you love weddings.
00:37Getting married and being married are two completely different things.
00:40Ask Tiffany.
00:41Oh, yeah? Come on.
00:43There's been a meeting of minds.
00:44But not of bodies.
00:45Early days.
00:46And you fancy your chances.
00:47Yeah, I always fancy my chances.
00:48And she fancies you.
00:49She's a woman with taste.
00:50She hardly knows you.
00:52Loveless marriage, husband away, dreaming secret dreams.
00:56Handsome stranger appears, light the blue touch paper and retire.
01:00I'm just going to try and track down our manager.
01:02Be back for a sound check later.
01:04I'm going to say just two words to you before you do something stupid.
01:06Oh, yes.
01:07Grant Mitchell.
01:09And I'm going to say three words to you.
01:11Big, bald baby.
01:15You got a visitor.
01:16And turn that music down.
01:18I can't hear myself think.
01:20What's this?
01:23Yeah, it's pretty, isn't it?
01:25Since when have you been interested in opera?
01:27Since yesterday.
01:28Courtney seems to like it.
01:29It takes my mind off of things.
01:31So you feel like I do about today?
01:33Yeah, sort of keep my head down,
01:34got to go to the service, have a couple of sausage rolls,
01:36hear you do your speech and come home again.
01:38Oh, but that's just it.
01:40I ain't doing a speech.
01:42I've resigned.
01:44Yeah, well, Irene started bossing me about at the rehearsals,
01:46so I told them they could stuff it.
01:47You can't do that.
01:48Well, I'm not very good at being an hypocrite.
01:50And besides...
01:52I've got nothing to say for the speech anyway,
01:54so I think I'm better off out of it.
01:55Does that mean you're not going to go?
01:56Well, I don't suppose I'll be very welcome now.
01:58Yeah, but, I mean, you've got to go.
01:59I need someone to hold me hand.
02:01Don't you, Simon?
02:02Yeah, well, as long as we sit at the back.
02:05And, er...
02:07Guess what?
02:09I tried to phone Mum.
02:11Well, don't you miss her sometimes?
02:13Oh, I do.
02:16I couldn't get through.
02:17I thought you told me you'd lost her address and she'd moved.
02:20One of the fireys gave me a number for her in Northampton,
02:23but she wasn't there no more,
02:24so I just left a message with some bloke.
02:26What bloke?
02:27I don't know.
02:28I explained everything that was going on
02:30and he said he'd try and get hold of her,
02:32but I ain't heard nothing.
02:33What made you do it?
02:35Yeah, well, the point is I couldn't get through,
02:37so what were we worrying about?
02:40I thought I was in the doghouse.
02:42So you decided to run away?
02:44Matthew was playing his music so loud
02:46I couldn't hear myself think.
02:47Anyway, what are you doing here?
02:49I was worried about you.
02:50Last night you tried thwarting me.
02:52Well, Leeds Castle will still be there next week,
02:54or the week after.
02:56And it's not every day you get the offer of a free nosh.
02:58So you're coming to his wedding after all?
03:00Not going to miss a chance to see my ex make a fool of himself, am I?
03:02Well, you won't disappoint me.
03:04So how's it going?
03:06Clean jokes.
03:08Well, can't you just recycle the ones you used
03:10when you were a best man to old what's-his-face in hunger?
03:12That was 15 years ago.
03:14How am I supposed to remember a speech I made 15 years ago?
03:17Well, why does it have to have jokes in them?
03:19Because that's what a best man's speech is.
03:21Yeah, but it's boring to be like everybody else.
03:23I thought I was boring.
03:25Look, you've been married.
03:27Why not just say what it's like?
03:29Do you really think that's such a very good idea?
03:31Just a thought.
03:33I'll leave you to it.
03:35See you later.
03:44I know we've got to be at the hairdressers in half an hour.
03:46There was a brand-new pack of cigarettes on that sideboard last night.
03:49Shouldn't you think about getting ready?
03:51I can't do anything till I've had a fag. Where'd they go?
03:53Well, I haven't touched them.
03:55I know exactly what would have happened to them.
03:57Terry would have swiped them
03:59before he went on his pub crawl with the boys.
04:01Sign of things to come.
04:03Say hello to the shop for me, will you?
04:05It's still not too late, you know.
04:07Sarah, don't!
04:09Look, I know it's going to be embarrassing and difficult,
04:11but far better to have one day being embarrassed
04:13than a lifetime being miserable.
04:15You didn't want to listen to me yesterday. It was just nerves.
04:17Look, if you want, I could have a word with Alex
04:19and I could go over the road and tell them at the restaurant.
04:21People would understand.
04:23People would have a good laugh, you mean.
04:25Do you love him?
04:27Will you just go and get me my cigarettes, please?
04:31You were the best man and you didn't even go on the step.
04:33Sorry, Lenny, I can't talk. I've got to finish this first.
04:35Hey, keep the volume down, will you, lads?
04:37There you are. I've been looking all over for you.
04:39What happened to helping shift the gear?
04:41Look, I'm sorry, Mick. I've got a lot on at the moment.
04:43Sound check's in half an hour.
04:45Look, I'll do my best.
04:47Oh, no.
04:49That's a nice welcome.
04:51Coffee. Lots of it. Strong as you like.
04:53It's all right for you. You didn't have to be at work at seven o'clock this morning.
04:55Hey, I left the flat to get away from the smell of you lot.
04:57If you wanted to be a party pooper,
04:59that's your lookout.
05:01Just as a matter of interest, who puked down the toilet last night?
05:03Oh, you expect us to know the answer to a question like that?
05:05Cos whoever it was, it might have been nice
05:07if they'd pulled the chain afterwards.
05:11If we're talking about being sick,
05:13there are a few things more nauseating
05:15than the self-righteousness of the little prig
05:17who stays sober when everyone else gets drunk.
05:19Yeah, he had other things to do. Alice, right?
05:21I'm not even going to have this conversation.
05:23Don't trust her, Lenny.
05:25She'll take you for everything you've got.
05:27Right. I'm out of here.
05:29Mind you, I say, Alice, maybe it wasn't Alice.
05:31Maybe it was someone else.
05:33Someone of the current, top persuasion, perhaps.
05:35I've just been round the squat looking for you.
05:37Oh, for God's sake.
05:39You're supposed to be rigging up the new window split at nine o'clock.
05:41Give me a break. I've been on a stag night.
05:43I want you over there in ten minutes.
05:45Don't make yourself presentable. There's customers to think about.
05:51This isn't going to hit the spot.
05:53What is required
05:55is the hair of the dog.
05:57Who's going to run over to Roguest a couple of miniatures?
06:01Oh, come on, guys. I'm the bridegroom.
06:03Fair's fair.
06:05Girl, excited?
06:07I only hope you'll be as happy as I was
06:09with my husband, even though it was an arranged marriage.
06:13English don't understand that.
06:15All I know is I had 32
06:17wonderful years.
06:1932 years?
06:21Any luck, I won't live that long.
06:27Well, that's a nice way for the bride to greet the groom on the morning of her wedding.
06:29The whole idea of you staying away last night
06:31was that we wouldn't see each other
06:33before I got to the church.
06:35You don't believe all that superstitious nonsense, do you?
06:37It's not nonsense. It's tradition.
06:39Now you've gone and spoiled it.
06:41Give me a break.
06:43And look at the state of you.
06:45Well, you're not exactly Naomi Campbell yourself.
06:47Irene, come back. It was a joke.
06:49Small bottle of scotch, please, Nellie.
06:51Morning, darling.
06:53How's these nibs?
06:55Sleeping it off.
06:57You had a good night last night, didn't you?
06:59Yeah, well, no, didn't I?
07:01Here's some tea and a bottle if you want it.
07:03So, um, there are things.
07:05What do you mean?
07:07Nothing. It's just that we
07:09haven't had a chance for a proper chat
07:11since I've come down, that's all.
07:13What makes you think there's anything wrong?
07:15Did I say there was anything wrong?
07:17I've got to get dressed.
07:25Do you want to get a kiss?
07:27In the middle of the street?
07:29Yeah, who cares? No, I've missed you so much.
07:31Yeah, me too.
07:33Shouldn't you be getting ready for the wedding?
07:35No, I don't even want to think about that wedding.
07:37Listen, have you told anybody yet?
07:39About what?
07:41About us.
07:43Well, no, I thought we were going to wait.
07:45Look, yesterday evening I took your ring out of my drawer
07:47for people.
07:49Yeah, me too. Shouldn't you get your mum's wedding out of the way first, then?
07:51She already knows.
07:55Well, not about the engagement, but about me and you.
07:57She's very good at that sort of thing.
07:59Well, listen, I should be off. I've been sent down the high street
08:01to get my dad a postcard.
08:03You know, I think it's brilliant with Dad being the best man.
08:05It means our families have already got something in common, doesn't it?
08:07Yeah, I guess. Here's your mum. I've had to go.
08:09I love you.
08:11Look, Mum, Aunty Gina in Australia sent you a present.
08:18I was just coming to see you.
08:20I'm on my way to get my hair done.
08:22Annie, I've finished the speech.
08:24It's a bit rough, but I wonder if I can run it past you.
08:26It'll have to be quick. I'm already late.
08:28It won't take long.
08:30It's probably the shortest best man's speech on record.
08:32Come on, then.
08:36No, you stand up.
08:38You can't deliver a speech sitting down.
08:40Oh, right.
08:43I feel so self-conscious.
08:45There's been a damn sight more self-conscious this afternoon.
08:47You'd better get used to it.
08:51I said ten minutes.
08:53If you want this job, Barry, you're going to have to learn to put your socks up.
08:55Now, make yourself useful and unpack that box for me, will you?
08:59I was looking for a dictionary of quotations this morning
09:03and I stumbled across this from Dr Johnson.
09:06Marriage has many pains.
09:08But celibacy has few pleasures.
09:10I can't go on with this. I'm so embarrassed.
09:12Why do you always want to bottle out?
09:14Because it's about me.
09:16Well, about us, really.
09:18I couldn't think of anything else.
09:21Maybe I should do this for somebody else.
09:23No, no, no. Go on.
09:28The point is, I've been married and I've been not married.
09:32And I know which I prefer.
09:34I've been married and I've been not married.
09:37And I know which I prefer.
09:40It's no good pretending that the minute you tie that knot,
09:42all your problems are going to disappear.
09:45Some people may say they've only just begun.
09:48What's funny?
09:50It was a joke. You cracked a joke. You made me laugh. Well done.
09:53Did I?
09:56Because in many ways, it's a ridiculous notion
09:59that two people should decide to spend the rest of their lives together.
10:02In those days, most of us were dead by the time we were 40,
10:05so marriage didn't seem like such a mammoth prospect.
10:08But now, what with the National Health Service and everything,
10:11if you get married at the age of 25,
10:13then you're looking at a probable 50-year stretch.
10:16Well... No, it's good. Go on.
10:19So it's not surprising that a great number of people fail.
10:23But the fact that they fail is not to decry marriage.
10:26We weren't meant to be alone.
10:28We want to be together,
10:30despite all the hardship and pain that that entails.
10:34And if we make mistakes, then there will be mistakes.
10:38And if we've got any sense,
10:40we'll try hard so that we get it right next time.
10:44And that's the miracle, that we keep on trying.
10:48The meaning of marriage isn't to be found in wedding bells or the lovely frog.
10:53I thought I'd point to Irene at that point.
10:56It's not the stuff of romantic books or films.
10:59There's no happy ever after.
11:02The meaning of marriage is in the trying.
11:06And it's to do with learning about somebody else.
11:10And through that, learning about yourself.
11:16So, that's...
11:18Well, I'm happy to applaud Terry and Irene today,
11:21because I know that they're going to try.
11:24And I know you'll all join me in wishing them the very best
11:27on their future journey together.
11:30So, if you'll raise a toast, Terry and Irene.
11:36That's it.
11:40It's very good.
11:47That'll do just fine.
11:50I've got the edges.
11:58Too loud!
12:00I said too loud!
12:21Play that loud this afternoon and the same thing will happen.
12:24I've told you twice! I am serious!
12:30I liked it, but it's not exactly the Albert Hall I think.
12:33Better late than never. We could do with you on the mixing desk.
12:36Yeah, yeah, I just wanted to have a quick word with Lola.
12:39We're supposed to be doing a sound check.
12:41Yes, I know.
12:43But there's something I want to get off my chest and it won't wait.
12:47Go on.
12:48I just wanted to say that I'm sorry.
12:51What for?
12:53I'm sorry for being an arrogant pig.
12:56And for making assumptions that I've no right to make.
12:59Like what?
13:00Don't make this more difficult for me than it already is.
13:02Maybe you deserve it.
13:03Maybe I do.
13:05Well, go on. What's brought all this on?
13:07I don't want to go into details,
13:09but I've had a bit of a kick in the teeth
13:11and it's been teaching me a few lessons.
13:14OK. Apology accepted.
13:16Look, if it means anything to you,
13:19I just want to say that I like you a lot
13:22and I think you've got a big talent.
13:27Now you're going to get on that mixing desk?
13:29I don't think I'm up to it this morning.
13:35What was all that about, then?
13:36Doesn't matter. Let's just carry on.
13:38But turn the volume down like the good lady says, eh?
13:46What are you doing?
13:47Making the effort.
13:49Where have you been?
13:50With my sister.
13:51You could have told me. It might have been useful information.
13:54Why's that?
13:55About ten minutes after you went, you had a phone call.
13:57Who from?
13:58Don't know. Woman. Think of anything.
14:00What was she like?
14:01Fair hair, about five foot five, birthmark on her left arm.
14:04It was a telephone, Simon. How am I supposed to know what she looked like?
14:07I meant, what did she sound like?
14:08Sounded like a woman.
14:09Was it your mum?
14:12No, sorry. I don't think I'm in through.
14:14Oh, for goodness' sake.
14:16She said, is Simon there? I said, no.
14:18She said, do you know where I can get hold of him?
14:20I said, no, but he should be back later.
14:22I said, thank you very much, and that was that.
14:24You think to ask who it was?
14:25Yeah, by that time the phone was dead.
14:30You sure this is going to be all right?
14:32Yeah, it'll be fine.
14:34It's been a long time since I've gatecrashed a party.
14:36A fortnight ago, they didn't have anyone going at all.
14:38You'll be able to make up the numbers.
14:40As long as you're sure.
14:42Is Bianca still in the bathroom?
14:44Yeah, putting her face on. Won't see her for the next half hour.
14:47She's, erm...
14:49She's still being shirty with me, you know.
14:51What's she supposed to do?
14:54Only I know that she's being shirty with you too.
14:56Oh, this is old stuff, Dad. We know what she's like.
14:58There's no reason that you can point to, eh?
15:00Well, only what I told you before.
15:02She can't decide whether to go for the baby or be a career woman.
15:05We're supposed to have made up our minds.
15:07But she, you know, she chews things over and gets in the right state about it.
15:10That's all?
15:12Only some.
15:14I've seen so many marriages go down the toilet, mine included,
15:17because those involved wasn't keeping their eye on the ball.
15:20My marriage ain't about to go down the toilet, all right?
15:22And you're keeping your eye on the ball, are you?
15:24Well, of course.
15:26Everything all right in the, er, you know, the old bedroom department?
15:31As if it wouldn't be, eh?
15:34There we go. That's for keeping the noise down.
15:37Cheers, Rosa.
15:38Nice tunes, though. Keep up the good work.
15:40Will do.
15:44So, come on, what was all that about with you and Lenny?
15:46He was just being a nice guy.
15:47What do you mean, a nice guy?
15:49I think he's just been ostracised.
15:50For what?
15:51What do you think?
15:52And you believed him?
15:54I think you was probably right about him the first time.
15:56But people can change. You've got to give them a chance.
15:58What if I was to tell you, and I have it on good authority,
16:01that Lenny's got two women on the go,
16:03neither of them knows about the other,
16:05and what's more, one of them is married?
16:07What would you say then? Hmm?
16:11Shouldn't you think about getting your suit on?
16:13No rush.
16:15Well, the car will be here in 15 minutes.
16:17I'll just sit in here remembering what it was like first time round.
16:23You mean when you married Dad?
16:26Me mother going into one of her socks because I won't wear any rouge.
16:29We're spending all this money on you, she said,
16:31and you won't do this one little thing for me.
16:34She didn't talk to me for the rest of the day.
16:37Me dad trying to keep well out of it, as usual.
16:40Them in mascara, running, cos I started to cry.
16:44Don't you dare cry, she said.
16:46This is the happiest day of your life.
16:49Even then I knew it was a mistake.
16:52That's what life's like.
16:54Making the same mistakes over and over.
16:57And you know you're making them, you just can't stop.
17:00Mum, you're making me really nervous.
17:02Only this time round, I've got no mum and I've got no dad.
17:05I've got no-one to give me away, not even me own son.
17:08So I'm giving myself away instead.
17:10Why are you doing it then?
17:12Cos I'm scared.
17:14I'm scared of being on my own.
17:17So I am.
17:19Between the devil and the deep blue sea.
17:22And then years later,
17:24when I told your gran that I was leaving your father,
17:27she just looked at me, cold as she like, and said,
17:31I'll never forgive you for this.
17:35And she never did.
17:37Cos two months later she was dead.
17:39Cos two months later she was dead.
17:42Oh, I was so determined not to do this.
17:46Oh, just look at me.
17:48Just look at me.
17:53I'm so proud.
17:55You look marvellous.
17:57Both of you.
17:58Why can't you make this effort all the time?
18:00Mum, I can do this.
18:01You will do as you're told for once.
18:04Such a shame your father isn't here to see you.
18:07Now then, you both know that I want you back here
18:09as soon as possible after the service.
18:11There'll be things to do.
18:12Yes, Mum.
18:13Right, I'm off. I'll see you two at the church.
18:15You're coming in the car with us?
18:16No, I'm not. I'm getting a lift.
18:17Now, excuse me, young lady,
18:18why are you wearing a coat like that on a day like today?
18:20Mum, someone's waiting for me. I've got to go.
18:22Theresa, I'll see you there.
18:23No, no, no, no, no. Don't make a scene.
18:25All right?
18:27I don't believe it.
18:34So what do you think? Nigel Bay's hit your heart out?
18:36Robbie, I can put my hand on my heart
18:38and say I've never got a video out
18:39because the shop had a fancy window display.
18:41Shows how much you know.
18:42Look, you get a video out
18:43cos there's nothing good on telly.
18:45No wonder Deals on Wheels never got anywhere under you.
18:47First rule of business, advertise.
18:49And you know what the second rule is?
18:50I don't need a lecture from you.
18:51Advertise some more.
18:57How's it going?
18:58Well, clearly not.
18:59Tell you what,
19:00there's a special managerial dispensation.
19:02You can take a couple of hours off if you want,
19:04as long as you make it up in overtime later.
19:06Don't want to go.
19:07You went to the stag night.
19:08Look, as far as marriage goes,
19:09the stag night's the best bit.
19:11After that, it's downhill all the way.
19:14Pass here.
19:17How do I look?
19:19I'm dressed as Liam, eh?
19:20You look wonderful.
19:21Well, if I'm really going to do this thing,
19:23let's get it over with.
19:26Well, I'm ready.
19:28Come here.
19:31Thanks for sticking with me, darling.
19:33Your mother's just a silly old fool,
19:34but you knew that already, didn't you?
19:37Just promise me one thing, will you?
19:39What's that?
19:41You won't throw your life away like I have.
19:53Might be more for me to give it to hers, don't you think?
19:57Come on, darling, it was a joke.
19:59Can't see the funny side of it.
20:01Good luck!
20:03I'm gonna need it.
20:34Thanks for this, Michael.
20:36I appreciate it.
20:37It'll be a pint in the sphere,
20:38maybe even three or four.
20:45At least they made it.
20:49Oh, hello.
20:50Just to say good luck.
20:51Yeah, good luck, mate.
20:56Well, all we need's a bride.
20:59She's late.
21:25Now I know what it felt like for them soldiers
21:27before they were about to go over the top.
21:31Don't start preaching to me now, Sarah, please.
21:35Sometimes I can sabotage myself so bad, you know.
21:38I have this horrible feeling that when they say,
21:40do you take this man to be your lawful wedded whatever,
21:42I'm gonna do something really stupid.
21:44Don't do this to me, Mum.
21:46It's not that I want to.
21:48Sometimes something inside me takes over,
21:50and before you know it, I'm...
21:51Let's just get you in there double quick.
21:53Come on.
22:07I don't suppose you know by any chance
22:09where I might find Simon Raymond, do you?
22:11Oh, he won't be on his stall today.
22:14Yeah, yeah, he works in the market normally.
22:16Yes, please, Serena, I'll have a pint of the same
22:18and whatever the lady's drinking, please.
22:20Gin and tonic, I suppose.
22:23Barry's the name.
22:24I used to be in the motor trade, but I'm in the video game now.
22:27And you are...?
22:29Well, I'm very pleased to meet you, Louise.
22:31Maybe you passed my shop on the way up here,
22:33Walford Pavillion?
22:34No, I was looking for Simon.
22:36I did a nice little window display this morning,
22:38cos you know the first rule of business, don't you?
22:41Do you know the second rule?
22:45So, Louise, er...
22:47what sort of videos are you into?
22:49Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself.
22:52But if you love and must need to have desires,
22:56let these be your desires.
23:00To melt and be like a running brook
23:02that sings its melody to the night.
23:05To know the pain of too much tenderness.
23:08To be wounded by your own understanding of love
23:11and to bleed willingly and joyfully.
23:15To wake at dawn with a winged heart
23:18and give thanks for another day of loving.
23:22To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy.
23:27To return home at eventide with gratitude.
23:31And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart
23:35and a song of praise upon your lips.
23:40We have come together in the presence of God
23:43to witness a marriage of Irene and Terry,
23:46to ask his blessing on them and to share in their joy.
23:49Oh, I mean, it's just a question of checking your computer rep, wasn't it?
23:52You know, what's selling, what's not?
23:54I mean, all that foreign arty stuff can go straight in the bin.
23:57No, no, it's your Demi Moore's and your Clint Eastwood's.
24:00Darling, you're a joy to listen to, but I really must find Simon.
24:03He wasn't at the address I was given.
24:05I bet it was old man's wedding, wasn't he?
24:07What? You mean it's happening now?
24:11I never realised it was happening today.
24:13Well, it kicked off about ten minutes ago.
24:16In the church.
24:17What church?
24:19Oh, I've bought past it hundreds of times, I can't remember the name of it.
24:22Whereabouts is it?
24:23Well, it's just round the corner off the High Street.
24:25What is it called? St... Something or other?
24:27Round the back? No, you've finished your drink!
24:30The vows you're about to take are to be made in the name of God,
24:34who's judge of all and knows all the secrets of our hearts.
24:38Therefore, if either of you know a reason why you may not lawfully marry,
24:42you must declare it now.
24:47Will you all stand?
24:52Taxi! Taxi! Taxi!
24:58Terrence, will you take Irene to be your wife?
25:01Will you love her, comfort her, honour and protect her?
25:05Will you love her, comfort her, honour and protect her?
25:09And forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?
25:13I will.
25:16Irene, will you take Terrence to be your husband?
25:21Will you love him, comfort him, honour and protect him?
25:25And forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?
25:36I will.
25:43I receive this ring as a sign of our marriage.
25:46With my body, I honour you.
25:48All that I am, I give to you.
25:50And all that I have, I share with you.
25:52With my body, I honour you. All that I am, I give to you.
25:55And all that I have, I share with you.
25:57Within the love of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
26:00Within the love of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
26:06In the presence of God and before the congregation,
26:09Terry and Irene have given their consent and made their marriage vows to each other.
26:13They have declared their marriage by the joining of hands
26:16and by the giving and receiving of a ring.
26:18I therefore proclaim that they are husband...
26:21No, you don't.
26:23Excuse me, can I ask who you are?
26:26You most certainly do not proclaim them husband and wife.
26:30Can I ask why not?
26:32Because Terry Raymond is still married...
26:36to me.
27:02For more information visit www.fema.org