• 14 hours ago
Nineties Eastenders (19th May 1998)
00:00What are you doing up so early?
00:30I thought I could make you some breakfast before you went to work.
00:32Oh, sorry, I haven't got time.
00:34Well, Sanjay's going down the old sailors and I was supposed to be on the store about ten minutes ago.
00:37What about Chris?
00:38Well, he's still asleep.
00:40I'll get him something later then.
00:42Give us a chance to get to know each other a bit better.
00:44Yeah, right.
00:46Well, look, I've got to go.
00:48Bye then.
00:49Oh, Simon?
00:51Have you told Chris about the meal tonight?
00:53Oh, yeah, it's all sorted.
00:59What do you want?
01:00What happened yesterday?
01:01What do you mean what happened yesterday?
01:02You were there, weren't you?
01:03No, I mean after.
01:04I mean, did you explain to Ricky?
01:05You're joking, aren't you, Lenny?
01:06He's only nowhere near him thanks to you.
01:08Oh, come on, that's not fair.
01:10Oh, excuse me.
01:13Look, I'll talk to him later.
01:14There's no point.
01:15Of course there is.
01:16We've got to convince him that nothing happened.
01:17It's too late.
01:20Look, I'll see you later, all right?
01:25Oh, Bianca, Bianca.
01:26You can't start, Frank.
01:27I don't need it, all right?
01:28What do you expect me to do, darling?
01:30Stand aside and watch you trash my boy's life?
01:32I'm not.
01:33I'll talk to Ricky if I need.
01:34Listen to me.
01:35Well, if that's true, why don't you close the stall,
01:37phone him at Phil's, and ask him over the flat?
01:40He won't come.
01:41He might.
01:42Won't find out unless you try.
01:44I can't close the stall anyway.
01:46I've got a delivery coming this afternoon.
01:47It's too late to cancel it.
01:49I see.
01:51What if they say you see your priorities,
01:53there's nothing more to be said, is there?
01:58Oh, Bella, what are you doing out here, darling?
02:03Blimey, look what the cat's dragging in.
02:05Very witty.
02:07You haven't had a night on the tires, have you?
02:09I wish.
02:10A seven-hour stakeout and the guy we're after never even shows.
02:12And there's me thinking you were serenading Tiffany.
02:15Donna says hurry up with the milk.
02:16Joe wants his cereal.
02:19Hi, there.
02:20How are you this morning?
02:21You really don't know when to stop, do you?
02:22I'm just being friendly.
02:24Where are you off to, then?
02:25I'm not under house arrest, am I?
02:37We're standing out pitch, are we?
02:39Will you please not clutter up the market?
02:41Get off my back.
02:42All your markets.
02:43I'd have been there two seconds.
02:45Sarah, how are you doing?
02:46Sorry, I'm late for college.
02:51Oh, thanks a lot for that drink yesterday, Michael.
02:54Yeah, I really enjoyed it.
02:55Remind me to do the same for you next time I'm celebrating something.
03:00What are you looking so worried about?
03:02Oh, nothing, really.
03:04Just that everybody seems to have gone a bit mad this morning, that's all.
03:07So, have you thought any more about going out one night?
03:09Just you and me?
03:10Like yesterday lunchtime, you mean?
03:12That's not exactly what I had in mind.
03:14Actually, I've got a couple of really heavy days on at work.
03:17Oh, right.
03:18I tell you what.
03:19Why don't we get a video out tonight?
03:20You know, have fish and chips in front of the telly.
03:22Be like old times.
03:24Um, I can't see Matthew wanting to sit through any film we've made.
03:27You leave him to me.
03:29You choose the film, whatever you like.
03:32I'll see you tonight.
03:39How are things?
03:40All right.
03:41So, er, you got anything on tonight?
03:44Just wondered.
03:45Seeing Sarah?
03:46I don't think so.
03:47No, why not?
03:48What's it to you?
03:49Well, you're not short of cash, are you?
03:51Because if you are, look, you can have some.
03:52I get it.
03:53You want me out of the way tonight, don't you?
03:54No, no, no.
03:55Not at all.
03:56Are you really sure you want me there?
03:58Of course.
03:59I thought you might prefer it just to be the three of you.
04:01That's very thoughtful of you, Chris.
04:03But you're Simon's partner.
04:04And as far as I'm concerned, that makes you one of the family.
04:10You really don't mind, do you?
04:13About me and Simon.
04:14Of course not.
04:15I think I should.
04:16Well, no, it's great.
04:17It's just a lot of parents aren't that relaxed about their kids being gay.
04:20Had a bit of trouble with yours, have you?
04:22No, I was thinking more of Simon's dad, really.
04:24Oh, him.
04:25You don't want to take too much notice of his opinions.
04:27They're mainly prehistoric.
04:29That's true.
04:30As long as my two are happy,
04:32it doesn't bother me what sort of relationship they're in.
04:34So you're not going to put pressure on me and Simon to get married, then?
04:37Oh, I wasn't thinking of it, no.
04:39That's something I've always been glad about.
04:41Well, not having to make that sort of commitment.
04:43If you're straight, people seem to expect it.
04:45You and Simon have got a commitment to each other, haven't you?
04:47Well, yeah.
04:49But, I mean, if you're gay, it's much easier to have an open relationship
04:53without upsetting anybody. It's no big deal.
04:55And that's what you and Simon have got, is it?
04:57An open relationship?
05:01I see.
05:04I've taken it home, tried it on. It don't look nice.
05:07Have you spoken to her this morning?
05:09No, I was going to, but she's been snapping at people left, right and centre.
05:11I've decided to wait till she's cooled down a bit.
05:13Well, I think I'd better risk it.
05:15No, well, it would look like...
05:16Oh, take your money back.
05:20What was all that about?
05:21When I got home, I realised it didn't look nice.
05:23You stupid cat.
05:25I didn't think you'd be working today.
05:27What's that, then?
05:28Look, I'm really sorry about yesterday.
05:30You're sorry?
05:31Look, if I'd have known you'd have been with Lenny, I'd never have made Vicky Cameron.
05:33I'd teach you to mind your own business, then, wouldn't it?
05:37Sorry, T.
05:39It's not your fault this whole thing's just a flaming mess.
05:41Yeah, that's terrific.
05:42OK, mate. Thanks a lot. Bye.
05:46I thought you said you weren't coming in today.
05:48Yeah, I know, I changed my mind.
05:50I just need to keep busy.
05:51You know, if I sit round your place, I'm going to drive myself mad.
05:53Look, I don't mean to be unsympathetic or anything,
05:55but try not to go on about it all day, will you?
05:57Come on, Phil, what do you expect?
05:58Yeah, all right, it's just that marriage and separation
06:00aren't exactly my favourite subjects, if you get me.
06:02All right.
06:03Anyway, I've just had some good news.
06:05A mate of mine's bringing some work her way, starting Thursday.
06:08So let's finish what we've got on.
06:10So we can get ready for him, yeah?
06:13Well, I'm glad I saw you. I wanted to ask you about tomorrow.
06:17It's the anniversary of Arthur's death.
06:19Oh, I'm sorry, Pauline. I should have remembered.
06:21Oh, to worry.
06:22There's only so many dates any of us can keep in our heads.
06:25Anyway, I was wondering if you'd come to the cemetery with us.
06:28Well, I don't know if that's a good idea.
06:30I mean, I wouldn't want there to be a bad atmosphere.
06:32I'm sure there wouldn't be.
06:34Well, anyway, would you think about it?
06:36We'll be going early evening.
06:38OK. Thank you for it.
06:40Right. And I'll have these ready for you Thursday.
06:42Thanks, Pauline.
06:43Here. These aren't yours, are they?
06:46No, they're corners. Silly idiots.
06:48Spilt red wine all down them.
06:50I'll see you later.
06:53There we are.
06:55So how are we all today, then?
07:00So what were you talking about?
07:01I was trying to work out how to convince Ricky that nothing's going on.
07:04Didn't really work, did it?
07:06So what are you going to do for me, then?
07:08I don't know, do you?
07:09Ricky's just going to believe whatever he wants now, though, isn't he?
07:12I think it's really over.
07:13Don't say that. I'm just going to have to face it, aren't I?
07:18So I said I'd find you in here.
07:19Morning, Mum.
07:20Morning, Bianca.
07:21All right.
07:24I was wondering if I might be able to go over and see Courtney.
07:27Yeah, cool. So you go over there now.
07:29Mary will let you in and I'll join you in a bit.
07:32But you ain't got to stay here just for me.
07:34Please don't give up.
07:35Everything's going to work out all right in the end.
07:37Will it?
07:45Ricky, why don't you go over to Kath's and get us a couple of bacon rolls?
07:48I'm not really that hungry.
07:49Well, I'll eat them both then, won't I?
07:52Phil, er...
07:54Would it be all right if I stayed at your Kath's a bit longer?
07:57Well, how long are we talking about?
07:58I don't know. It's going to take me a while to find a place on my own.
08:01Well, it's really that bad?
08:07Thanks a lot, Mary.
08:08Oh, no trouble. She didn't even wake.
08:10I'm not surprised. She hardly slept at all last night.
08:14I didn't want to disturb her. She looked so peaceful.
08:17Can you check everything downstairs before we open up?
08:19Yeah, sure.
08:23Look at you, giving out your orders.
08:25Yeah, well, Peggy's going to visit her sister for the day,
08:27so that means that I'm left in charge.
08:29Good for you.
08:31So, you all right at Simon's?
08:33Yeah, fine.
08:37I do worry about him, you know.
08:39Simon? Why?
08:41Oh, look at you. You're younger than him.
08:43And here you are, married. Got a lovely little baby.
08:46Don't expect him to get pregnant, do you?
08:48Oh, shut up! I didn't mean that.
08:51Oh, it's just... I want him to be settled.
08:54Well, him and Chris seem to be doing OK, don't they?
08:57Hmm. Well, not for sure.
09:00Oh, I just want Simon to have somebody who appreciates him properly,
09:04who'll look after him.
09:06He deserves it after what he went through with that horrible Howard.
09:09Well, I don't think Chris is anything like that.
09:11No, but...
09:13But what?
09:14Oh, nothing.
09:16Probably just being overprotective.
09:18Well, there's nothing wrong with that.
09:26I don't want to pry or anything,
09:28but everything is all right between you and Grant, isn't it?
09:31What makes you ask that?
09:33Oh, it's just I don't quite understand why he's not here.
09:36Well, he just had the opportunity to spend some time with some old army mates, that's all.
09:40And when's he coming back?
09:42Well, I haven't got an exact date.
09:44Look, the fact is, is that we've had one or two problems, all right?
09:48And we thought it'd be best if maybe we just had a little break from each other.
09:52What sort of problems?
09:54Oh, nothing awful.
09:56You know, just a usual bad patch now and then.
09:59Oh, see.
10:02He doesn't mistreat you ever, does he?
10:04No, no, nothing like that.
10:06You sure?
10:07Of course.
10:08Look, Mum, you're worrying too much.
10:09Simon and Chris are fine.
10:11And me and Grant are OK, too.
10:13Honestly, just a little hiccup, that's all.
10:16That's all right, then.
10:18Darling, yours won't be a couple of minutes, Ricky.
10:20Cheers, Pop.
10:24Oh, my God, it's high noon.
10:27I think we need a talk, don't we?
10:29You've got a nerve, haven't you?
10:31Look, mate, I know what you're thinking.
10:32Oh, yeah, well, mine read as well as wife-stealer, are you?
10:35Excuse me, I don't like the smell in it.
10:36Look, Ricky, don't be like that.
10:37Get out of my way.
10:38Get out of my way, all right?
10:43What on earth?
10:44Another full breakfast, please, Pat.
10:56I'll be coming round, and I'll collect the rest of my stuff.
10:58What, just like that?
10:59Oh, don't worry, I'll ring the bell,
11:00just in case you've got someone with you.
11:03Ricky, love, you forgot these.
11:06What was that performance all about?
11:08It's nothing.
11:09Well, it didn't look like nothing to me.
11:10Look, I've got to get back, all right?
11:15You see, this is what happens
11:17when you mess around with other blokes' wives.
11:19Will you just shut up?
11:20I've told you it's a misunderstanding.
11:22There's nothing going on.
11:23Oh, come on, man.
11:24Nobody behaves the way Ricky just did without a good reason.
11:27He doesn't know what he's talking about.
11:30I just want to know what the matter is with him, that's all.
11:33Why don't you ask him yourself?
11:34All right, there's no need to bite me at all.
11:36Sorry, pal.
11:37I'm just really busy.
11:40I can't understand why you don't believe me.
11:42Yeah, and I can't understand why you're being so coy about it.
11:45Yeah, if you can't talk to us, who can you talk to?
11:48That's what friends are for.
11:50I'm beginning to wonder if I've got any.
11:56Would somebody mind telling me what this is all about?
12:03Listen, I was hoping I might catch you.
12:05Look, Matthew's been a bit grumpy these last couple of days.
12:08Oh, really?
12:09And I think you might cheer him up
12:10if you two had a special night out together.
12:12Mr Rose.
12:13So, look, I'd like you to take this...
12:14Mr Rose.
12:15As far as I'm concerned,
12:16I never want to see Matthew again as long as I live.
12:21Oh, please, Alice.
12:23It needn't be for long.
12:25Look, half an hour even, if that's all you can manage.
12:30You will?
12:32Oh, thanks. Thanks, you're a pal.
12:35Let's see what Ruth makes of this one.
12:37Oh, she'll love it.
12:38She'll love it, mate, guaranteed.
12:40Ah, good afternoon.
12:43Well, I better know what you're looking for.
12:46How about the marriage circle, eh?
12:48Or, er, my best friend's wedding.
12:50Father of the bride.
12:51You what?
12:52Or, er, how to marry a millionaire.
12:53It's always a good one, isn't it?
12:54What the heck are you on about?
12:56Oh, sorry.
12:57Just my roundabout way of offering my congratulations, that's all.
12:59Congratulations on what?
13:01Well, the engagement, of course.
13:02I think your Matthew's made a very wise choice.
13:05I was assuming you'd be pleased.
13:07I know they're both young,
13:08but Sarah's a sensible enough girl
13:09and your boy seems to have his head screwed on.
13:14Bye now.
13:16Bye now.
13:18Ah, Peggy, there you are.
13:19Oh, sorry, sorry.
13:20I know I said five,
13:21but once Sal gets taller,
13:22it's like being trapped under a waterfall.
13:24It's only that I've got to get ready.
13:25Yeah, I know, love.
13:26Just give me two minutes.
13:27I want to change these shoes.
13:28All alone?
13:29Oh, hiya.
13:30No, Connor's going to buy me a drink if I cook supper,
13:33but he's late, as usual.
13:35You were looking very thoughtful then.
13:37Was I?
13:39Actually, I was thinking about Arthur,
13:41Mark's dad.
13:43It's two years tomorrow since he died,
13:45and I was just remembering him.
13:47You know, the way things used to be.
13:49Him and Polly and Michelle and wee Vicky
13:52and me and Mark.
13:55It's just the past, I suppose.
13:57Past, yeah.
13:58A very dangerous place, the past.
14:01It's a straightforward enough question, Matthew.
14:03Now, are you all right?
14:04Yeah, it's none of your business.
14:05Don't talk nonsense, I'm your mother.
14:08Please, can we discuss this in evidence?
14:10All right.
14:11Once you've packed up, you come straight home.
14:13I can't, I'm meeting some mates.
14:17Well, part of me thinks that I should go to the cemetery with him,
14:20but there's another bit that thinks that's a really bad idea.
14:23Well, wee things are for me and Mark.
14:26Yeah, tricky.
14:27Personally, wild horses wouldn't get me near a graveyard.
14:30My dad's funeral really did my head in.
14:33You find yourself thinking a lot about your dad?
14:36Well, now and then.
14:38Look, if you don't want to talk about it, it's all right.
14:40No, it's all right.
14:41It's just that I don't know what to say, really.
14:44We never got on, and now that he's gone,
14:46I suppose I wish I could go back, have another shot at him.
14:49That's exactly how I feel about my dad.
14:52But Mark never seemed to understand that.
14:55I sometimes think that's when things really started to go wrong between us.
14:59If I was to get you guys a drink, you think you'd manage to raise a smile?
15:04The both of you look like someone just died.
15:07Barry's probably got hold of the wrong end of the stick.
15:10I saw Sarah earlier, and not only are they not engaged,
15:13but they seem to have broken up altogether.
15:15Broken up?
15:16Yeah, she said something like she never wanted to see him again
15:19and went off on a write-off.
15:20What is going on?
15:22Search me.
15:23We'd better find out, though, I suppose.
15:25He'll be in in a minute.
15:26No, he won't. He's meeting some mates, he said.
15:28Well, at least we'll have a nice, quiet evening in together.
15:31What film do you get?
15:33Don't be ridiculous.
15:35I think I'm standing there searching for a video after a bombshell like that.
15:42Still quiet, then.
15:44Unless you count three coffees in two hours.
15:46We have got a booking for tonight. Mrs Raymond for fourth.
15:49Is she the one that caused the fuss at the wedding?
15:51That's her.
15:52Oh, dear. Still better than nothing.
15:55Bruno, will you get a move on? You're going to miss the news otherwise.
15:59Coming, coming.
16:01Don't know why I bother, mind you.
16:03I don't tell her the half of what's really going on.
16:06See you later.
16:07You tell that to Rosa. I want her back before half past.
16:09Well, I'll tell her, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
16:15Something to eat now?
16:16No, thanks. A cappuccino and I'll have a beer this time.
16:19Of course.
16:22I'm really glad you could come.
16:23You sounded tense on the phone.
16:25I know, I know. Sorry.
16:26Are you nervous about the results of the test?
16:28Yeah, I guess.
16:30It wasn't just that, though.
16:32I've been having a bit of a bad week.
16:38Good evening, one and all.
16:39Hey, business man of the year.
16:41You haven't stopped?
16:42How many times did Robbie have you sweep in the floor today, then?
16:45I happen to be the assistant manager of all the duties that position entails.
16:48Impressive. So on your salary, you can afford the next round, then.
16:53Erm, can we talk in a minute?
16:56Hi. You want a drink?
16:58Oh, not just now, thanks.
16:59I was just wondering what you decided about tomorrow.
17:02Yeah, erm, look, I'm really sorry, Pauline,
17:05but I don't think it's a good idea if I come.
17:07Oh, I see.
17:08I thought maybe I could go up on my own with some flowers in the morning.
17:11Right you are, then.
17:13Well, I do understand.
17:15Hello there, Aunt Pauline.
17:16Excuse me.
17:18What did I say?
17:21Oh, God.
17:22Will you excuse us for a minute, please, Ruth?
17:24Yeah. Come here, you.
17:26He must have been keeping his head down.
17:28I've been nosing him since that kerfuffle in the cafe this morning.
17:31Maybe Ricky's beaten him to a pulp and left him in some alleyway.
17:34Hey, I'm not sure that's so funny.
17:37Even my inmates won't believe me when I say there's nothing between me and Bianca.
17:41You've told them all about me getting in touch, and why and everything.
17:46Oh, I see.
17:47So that's why you said here and not the pub.
17:49Too ashamed to be seen with me in case they find out the truth, eh?
17:52No, no, it's not like that at all.
17:54Oh, I'm making a total mess of everything.
17:56You're just a big kid, aren't you?
17:58You're still always trying to find the easy way out.
18:01You can't take responsibility for anything.
18:03Yes, I can.
18:04Then prove it.
18:05Tell these so-called mates of yours the truth, all of it.
18:08And if they can't accept it, well, why would you want them as mates in the first place?
18:13But there's nothing happening with me and Ruth.
18:15I'm not saying there is.
18:16But you know what people are like around here.
18:18They put two and two together and get half a dozen.
18:21And why should I care?
18:22Because it's upsetting Auntie Pauline is why.
18:24You've got to admit it looks bad, Mark moving in with her,
18:27leaving you shacked up with Ruth.
18:29I said I'm not shacked up with her.
18:31You know full well what I mean.
18:33Do you want another one?
18:39You all right, love?
18:40Yeah, fine thanks, ma'am.
18:41Not feeling like putting up with shit with Charlie over there.
18:43From what I hear, it's no surprises down in the dumps.
18:46I'll have a ton of water, please, and a whiskey for Connor.
18:51Not interrupting anything, am I?
18:53Not at all.
18:56You know, I swear if there's time,
18:58she thinks she's my mother rather than my daughter.
19:00Not giving you grief, is she?
19:02You could say that, yeah.
19:04Cheers, man.
19:06It's on me.
19:07Well, cheers.
19:10Isn't you busy this week?
19:11Not particularly, why?
19:13Well, I could put a bit of work your way.
19:15Oh, yeah?
19:16Don't worry.
19:17Not that sort of work.
19:18The only reason you need your baseball bat
19:20is to knock a few dents out.
19:24I'm off now, Mum.
19:25Theresa says she'll be over in ten minutes.
19:29You're not going to hang around till Tiffany gets here?
19:31You what?
19:32Well, she's eating here tonight with her mum.
19:34She'll be arriving any minute.
19:35Well, is that right?
19:36Here we are.
19:41Listen, could we do this again?
19:44After the rollicking I've just given you?
19:46Probably deserved it.
19:47I was thinking perhaps Thursday.
19:49After the results of your test, you mean?
19:51Yeah, why not?
19:52Mind you, it'll be a really cheerful evening
19:54if it turns out to be positive, won't it?
19:57Sorry, that was mean.
20:03Oh, good evening.
20:05Your table's ready.
20:07I thought you were going to be four.
20:09The fourth one's waiting to see her.
20:10Oh, right.
20:13Can I take your coat?
20:15Yeah, yeah, thanks.
20:25All right, how you doing?
20:26Oh, hello.
20:28I hope you have a very pleasant evening.
20:29Thank you. I'm sure we will.
20:32Can I get you something to drink?
20:34Oh, yes, please.
20:36Is red all right for everyone?
20:37Yeah, lovely.
20:39Bottle of house red, then, please.
20:40Right, here you are.
20:42So, what time's Chris getting here?
20:44Quarter to at the latest, he said.
20:45We'll wait to order, then.
20:47Yeah, that'll be good.
20:49You know, I've imagined this so many times,
20:51the three of us together again.
20:53Now it's happening.
20:56I feel quite nervous.
20:58Well, there's nothing to be nervous about, is there, Simon?
21:01No, of course not.
21:05Well, there you are, then.
21:07What's all this?
21:08Well, it's your stuff. That's what you came for, isn't it?
21:10Yeah, but I wasn't expecting you to pack it all up.
21:13I thought you'd be pleased.
21:15Well, it saves you doing it, doesn't it?
21:17You can't make this out of the back of me, can you?
21:19That's not true.
21:20What, you're making room for Leninsky, or is that it?
21:21What's he moving in straight away, is he?
21:23Of course he ain't. Don't be ridiculous.
21:24Mind you, with him being downstairs, I suppose there's no real worry, is there?
21:27You know, he can pop on when he likes, can't he?
21:29Now he knows the coast is clear.
21:35I don't want it to be like this.
21:37What, you think I do?
21:38I don't know.
21:42I don't know anything anymore.
21:46Except what?
21:49Except I love you and I don't want you to go.
21:57Are they ever going to order?
22:01Right, I think we've waited long enough, don't you?
22:04Oh, hooray.
22:06Well, he obviously isn't coming, is he?
22:08Well, it don't look like it, no.
22:10Look, I'm really sorry, Mum. I know you wanted this to be a special evening.
22:13Never mind me. It's you I'm concerned for.
22:16Still, maybe you're used to it, what with your way of doing things.
22:19What do you mean?
22:21This... What was it you called him? Open relationship?
22:24Chris told you that?
22:26I don't mean to interfere, love, but I can't help worrying that you've made a mistake with this bloke.
22:30Look, Mum, I...
22:31How can you say that? You hardly know him.
22:33I think I'm a pretty good judge of a man.
22:36I don't think he's much different to a lot of straight men I've known.
22:38Selfish, unreliable, not to be trusted.
22:42Oh, well, that is charming.
22:43Look, can we get off this?
22:44In fact, I think I'll go as far as to say that's what most men are like.
22:47Oh, what? Including your toy boy?
22:49Gary is not my toy boy.
22:51What is all this?
22:52She's running around with some bloke half her age.
22:54He's talking nonsense. Gary is slightly younger than me.
22:59And to answer your question, no, he's not like most men.
23:02He's quite exceptional, which is why I'm with him.
23:07Right. I know what I'm having.
23:10Could we order, please?
23:12At last.
23:13Right, just supposing I was to believe you, yeah?
23:16Just supposing, mind.
23:18You say it happened at once, two years ago, and that was it, yeah?
23:20That's right.
23:21Then if I asked you what Lenny was doing here yesterday,
23:23you'd be able to explain, yeah?
23:27You know, if it really was all so innocent, so.
23:31Well, go on, explain.
23:36Well, me and Lenny, we needed to talk.
23:39Hold on, hold on.
23:40What, you're telling me to come round here for a chat, are you?
23:42Will you let me finish?
23:43Yeah, go on, come on.
23:44You know, I'm dying to hear what this cosy little chat was all about.
23:46Give me a chance and I'll tell you.
23:51We needed to talk, and...
23:53Well, Lenny...
23:56It was sort of private.
23:57There you go. You say you can explain.
23:59You say it's innocent, and now it's private?
24:01What does it mean? What are you thinking, mate?
24:02Then tell me what the hell it does mean!
24:03Well, I would do if you'd give me a chance...
24:06Sorry, sorry. Lousy timing.
24:07Never a strong suit. I might not be over the...
24:09It's all right, don't worry. You don't have to go. I'm just going.
24:11All right?
24:13See you later.
24:17Right, thanks. Starters won't be long.
24:19Oh, and you might as well bring us another bottle of wine.
24:21What, we haven't finished that one yet?
24:23Not far off.
24:26Now, you see, what I find with Gary is,
24:28he always puts me first.
24:30Whenever he's got a decision to make,
24:32his first thought is,
24:33how will this affect Louise?
24:36Do you see the difference?
24:38And from what you've told me,
24:39I don't think you can say the same thing about Grant.
24:42Er, don't you start on Grant.
24:43I explained all of that to you this morning.
24:46Yeah, I know.
24:47Just dig.
24:59Now, don't try telling me there's nothing going on this time.
25:01What on earth are you doing?
25:03What's it look like?
25:04Where are you going?
25:05I'm staying with Phil.
25:07Why, what's happened?
25:10It's over, Pat. Me and Bianca are finished.
25:13Have you heard?
25:15Because she's got someone else, hasn't she?
25:17Bianca has who?
25:18Lenny Wallace.
25:21Come as a dafter.
25:22Well, I'm glad someone finds it funny.
25:26If it can't be true, you must have made a mistake.
25:28Yeah, the only mistake I've made is trusting someone just because I love them.
25:32You've met Chris for ten minutes and you haven't even met Grant,
25:34but you think you know it all, don't you?
25:36No, I don't think that's fair.
25:37But I do think you're not telling me everything.
25:41Wouldn't you say that was true, Simon?
25:43Don't drag me into it.
25:44What have you said to her about Grant?
25:46Oh, come on, Simon.
25:47It's obvious that you don't like him.
25:49Yeah, well, it don't matter what I think, does it?
25:51Well, he's Tiff's husband, not mine.
25:53Let me tell you this, both of you.
25:56The moment a man starts to treat you wrong, it can only go from bad to worse.
25:59And the longer you stay, the more you get dragged down by it all.
26:03I see.
26:04So everybody should do what you did, eh?
26:06What do you mean?
26:07Just go swatting off and leave your kids to fend for themselves.
26:10How can you say that?
26:12You know I went through hell with your father.
26:15Oh, and you think we didn't?
26:17There was nothing I wanted more than to have you with me.
26:20Oh, really?
26:22Terry virtually destroyed me.
26:23Can't you understand that?
26:25I didn't have any strength left.
26:27And I didn't have any money.
26:29I couldn't have looked after you no matter how much I wanted to.
26:32Not properly.
26:34Whereas Dad could, of course.
26:36I suppose it never crossed your mind that he'd make us pay for your walking out?
26:39Oh, no, cos you were too busy thinking about yourself, weren't you?
26:42And now you're back on your feet, you think you can just waltz back into our lives as if nothing's happened?
26:46I never realised how much you both hated me all these years.
26:50Now, come on, Mum.
26:52No-one said anything about hating you.
26:54Sorry, I should have just kept me mouth shut.
26:56No, no, it's best to have it all out in the open.
26:59Can I have your keys, please?
27:01You're not going?
27:02I think it's for the best, don't you?
27:04No, I think we've just all had a glass of wine too many, that's all.
27:06Give me the keys.
27:07It won't be like this, Mum.
27:14Excuse me.
27:24Excuse me.