• 14 hours ago
Nineties Eastenders (25th May 1998)
00:29Look, it wasn't how I wanted to spend the weekend. I thought we were going to have more
00:40time together.
00:41We could hardly go swanning off, could we? Not with Matthew in this state.
00:44Yeah, well, sticking around didn't do much good, did it?
00:46You've got to sort it out with him, or we'll never find out what happened with Sarah.
00:49Well, how can I do that if you won't even stay in the same room as me?
00:51Well, you shouldn't have come down so hard on him in the first place.
00:53I'm trying to get out of what Sarah said.
00:54Yeah, well, next time get his side of it first.
00:56Well, that's the problem. I mean, he won't even talk to me about it.
00:58Well, you were the one who wanted family life. Now you've got it. Moody teenagers are normal.
01:02Yeah, yeah.
01:03Look, just deal with it, eh? If I come home to another evening of you two sulking, I'm
01:07turning around and walking straight back.
01:09Here you go.
01:10Oh, thanks. Just what I needed.
01:11Yeah, not as much fun as breakfast in bed, though, is it?
01:13You never did find any of them crumbs, did you?
01:15It's amazing where they all get to, isn't it?
01:16We could hardly get up till we found them all.
01:18All right, Michael, good weekend.
01:20Right, I'd better get round there.
01:22How about lunchtime?
01:23I'll see you in a bit, yeah?
01:24It's a big public, isn't it?
01:26What I've got in mind.
01:27I'll tell you what, you're wicked, you are. I'll see you in the flat, all right?
01:31Why not seafood risotto?
01:33Stick to what people know.
01:34Then all we'll ever serve is pizza and spaghetti.
01:36If that's what they want.
01:38What do you think, Janny?
01:39I think we should have stayed in Soho.
01:41Well, we didn't. We're here and we've got a menu to plan.
01:43Who for? They're staying away in droves.
01:45It takes time to build up a business.
01:48Take forever in this dump.
01:49Well, at least we can afford the rent. There aren't ten other restaurants in the street.
01:52At least we had customers in Soho.
01:54We was killing ourselves just to stand still, serving cappuccinos to tourists.
01:58Dad would never have given up on the old place like that.
02:00Who are you to tell me what your father would have done?
02:02He wouldn't have come here. He didn't want to come here, did you know that?
02:04Well, I miss the old place, but what's done is done.
02:07Giuseppe trusted George and so should we.
02:09Oh, so where is he now? Our great saviour?
02:12Where is he when we're in trouble?
02:13We are not in trouble. I know what I'm doing. I know I can make this place pay.
02:17I don't want to hear any more talk like this.
02:20It's running like a dream.
02:22One more to do and we're finished.
02:24It's not bad for a weekend's work.
02:26I'll tell you just that, not bad.
02:28All right.
02:30Down the middle, eh?
02:31I'll give you 400 now and the rest when I get it.
02:35If there's any more to be done, I'm your man.
02:38Hey, Ricky.
02:39Hello, Ricky.
02:40I'm not late, am I?
02:41What's going on?
02:42Oh, we've been working all weekend to get that job done.
02:44Just got one more to do.
02:45Yeah, well, you didn't tell me it was so large, eh?
02:47Well, I tried, but your phone was busy.
02:48Yeah, well, it sort of got left off the hook.
02:50What, all weekend?
02:51Well, you know, me and Bianca, we had a few things to talk about.
02:54Well, I'm glad to hear it. Things all right now, are they?
02:56Yeah, fine.
02:57Well, we'll manage without you.
02:59We should have the rest of them in by the end of the week.
03:02I'll get on with this one, shall I?
03:03No, no, no, don't bother.
03:05Connor will do it.
03:06Well, what do you want me to do, then?
03:07Run that one back over to Kendal, so there's the keys.
03:12Not causing any trouble there, are we?
03:14How do you mean?
03:15Well, you seemed a bit put out.
03:18We had work on, you weren't around. What am I supposed to do?
03:20Besides, who needs money when you've got true love?
03:25Hey, have you really sorted them out, then?
03:28Those girls, they turned the stand up as soon as you'd gone.
03:30Oh, I'll have another word with them.
03:31It's one more for me and another for everyone else, isn't it?
03:33What's that, Matthew?
03:34If I played my music that loud, I'd be out of my ear, wouldn't I?
03:36I'd tell them it's their last chance, OK?
03:38Look, don't do me any favours, all right?
03:39Look, we haven't got enough music stores on the market already.
03:41They were the first in the queue. They're selling out.
03:43And CDs at three quid a go.
03:44All right, so they're selling a few CDs.
03:46You try and tell me how to do my job, eh?
03:48I wouldn't dare, would I?
03:51What's with him?
03:52Don't ask.
03:53Well, I'm just saying maybe I should have moved out and given them some space.
03:56Would it have made any difference?
03:58I can't have helped Matt herself.
04:00It weren't your fault he got caught in the middle.
04:02Mark thinks I sided with Ruth.
04:04And I did feel sorry for her.
04:06She needed someone to talk to, so what?
04:08But what if I gave her the wrong advice, said the wrong things?
04:11When a couple are coming apart, there's nothing anyone can do.
04:13There's nothing you can do when it's happening to you.
04:15And what am I doing, anyway?
04:17I'm the last one to be giving marriage guidance to anyone.
04:19You and me both.
04:21Once bitten, twice shy.
04:23Now, don't get me wrong, I love women.
04:25But settling down and staying the course, that's another thing.
04:28At least agree with that.
04:30I mean, for some people, it's right for her.
04:32You know, like Mark and Ruth.
04:34Or Ricky and Bianca.
04:36Our own resident lovebirds.
04:38All right?
04:40Kendall's sent a number on a service in pre-M.I.T.
04:42But I'm off for a coffee, if you don't need me.
04:44Yeah, thanks, Ricky. We'd love one.
04:46Why don't I go and get them?
04:50So Matthew spends the entire weekend sulking,
04:53and we're none the wiser about working with Sarah.
04:55But they're definitely not engaged.
04:57And the worst of it is, I'm right back to square one with Susan.
05:00What do you mean?
05:02Well, we were getting on really well together.
05:04We even ended up kissing somehow.
05:06Oh, yeah.
05:08Well, it just happened. I think it took us both by surprise.
05:10But before we had a chance to talk about it,
05:12Matthew accuses us of sneaking around behind his back.
05:14You'd think he'd be over the moon.
05:16I don't know what his problem is.
05:18Well, maybe he just feels left out.
05:20I mean, it's just been him and his mum for a long time, isn't it?
05:22Yeah, well, he's got her full attention now, hasn't he?
05:24And she's acting like nothing happened between us.
05:26What do you want to happen?
05:28I don't know. I wasn't expecting this.
05:30I just had these feelings for her again.
05:33I'm sorry, mate.
05:35This is the last thing you want to know.
05:37Well, it just reminds me that I'm well out of it.
05:39It doesn't mean nothing.
05:41But when I think about my marriage, the fights, reconciliations,
05:43the nights we stayed up talking things out,
05:45what was it all for when she could just walk off like that?
05:48Yeah, but you don't know her side of it.
05:50It just seems like a bad dream.
05:52Yeah, it must be.
05:54You know, I'm beginning to think that life was a lot simpler
05:56when I only had myself to worry about.
05:58I can't remember you enjoying single life that much.
06:00No, I do, look, I don't.
06:02No, I do, look, I don't.
06:04But, I mean, is this really the alternative, eh?
06:06The arguments, sulking, misunderstandings?
06:09Well, if you want family life, that's the price you're going to have to pay.
06:12I would have come over and told you, honest,
06:14but he wouldn't let me out of his sight for a second all weekend.
06:16Spare me the details.
06:18Oh, he's been great. He can be so sweet when he wants to be.
06:20See, I told you if you were straight with him, you'd understand.
06:24You did tell him?
06:26Sort of.
06:27Well, what does that mean? Either you did or you didn't.
06:29I didn't have to. He realised how stupid he was being.
06:31What about the hepatitis?
06:33Well, Lenny's in the clear. He's never had hepatitis. That means I'm all right.
06:35So what's the point in telling him?
06:37I don't believe you, bae.
06:38Well, as far as I'm concerned, see if it's all over and done with.
06:40Well, what if Lenny says something?
06:42He won't. Why should he? I'll have a word with him.
06:44Oh, what, it'll be your little secret again, will it?
06:46Haven't you learnt anything from all of this?
06:48What about openness? What about honesty?
06:50Well, I tell him everything that matters.
06:52But it's your marriage.
06:53And it's never been better.
06:54Things are back to where they used to be. We're really happy.
06:56And Ricky's been so sweet. So what's the point in going on about it?
07:00You only worked three shifts last week. It was hardly worth bothering.
07:02Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, Annie. I've had a lot of personal stuff.
07:06And I've got better things to worry about than the bar rota.
07:08Right. I always get someone to cover me.
07:11I can easily take someone else on, Lenny. There's plenty of people out there.
07:14I'll start pulling my weight. Don't worry.
07:16Starting tonight?
07:17Yeah. No. No, look, tonight's difficult.
07:19This week, in fact. But as from next Monday, I'll make it up.
07:23Starting tonight, Lenny. Shape up or you're out.
07:27I'm so pleased for you, love. And Bianca's OK?
07:29Yeah, fine.
07:30That's such a relief.
07:31Yeah, it's great. You know, I'm really happy.
07:33What about you? Good weekend?
07:34Well, I was working. Well, I was sitting over in the office, worrying my mind.
07:38Things still not picking up?
07:39They're bound to soon.
07:41Yeah, I really missed out the weekend. Phil had a load of overtime and Connor got it all.
07:44You're taking him on again?
07:45Yeah, I'm just the errand boy around then, that.
07:47That's out of order, after all the years you've been with Phil.
07:51What can I get you?
07:52After you, Ricky.
07:53No, go on. You go ahead. You've got a busy one, after all.
07:58Two coffees to go, Pete.
08:01It's a shame you weren't around at the weekend. I could have used you.
08:04Sounds like you've managed all right.
08:06You are OK about me being over there, aren't you?
08:08Well, what do you think?
08:09Phil's just doing me a favour, to tide me over until I get something better.
08:12Oh, I see. Well, it's not exciting enough for you, is that it?
08:16All I'm saying is there's plenty of work for all of us at the moment.
08:19I'm not after your job.
08:20Phil knows I'm happy to work weekends. Only weekend, but this one.
08:23Well, he tried to get hold of you.
08:26Look, come out for a drink tonight.
08:28I'll make it up to you, since I'm the one on the money, yeah?
08:30I can't. Bianca will be expecting me.
08:32Another time, then, yeah?
08:34Well, how much did you make, anyway?
08:36Phil reckons we're clear at 700 each.
08:38What, that much?
08:39Not bad, huh?
08:45Try some garlic bread. Compliments as your seconds.
08:48Oh, thanks.
08:49We're serving lunch now, so why not come in and have something different?
08:52Yeah, I might do that.
08:53What? How much garlic do you put in this?
08:56What on earth are you doing?
08:57I'm out of business. What else?
08:58What are you saying? People are going to think you're mad.
09:00Well, nobody said no so well.
09:01Would you like to try some garlic bread? Compliments as your second's restaurant.
09:06This isn't how it's done.
09:07Have you got a better idea?
09:08Can't you see you're making a complete spectacle of yourself?
09:10I don't care. As long as it gets the customers in.
09:17What is it?
09:18I was just wondering how you were.
09:19Not now, Lenny.
09:20Yeah, but, I mean, you haven't told him yet. He's still gunning for him.
09:22It's complicated. He's in the cab. He can't see you talking to me, all right?
09:25Lenny, I said not now, all right?
09:29I'll only be out for an hour.
09:30Oh, OK.
09:31Have you got a lunch?
09:32Why, do I need your permission?
09:34Come on, I'll treat you.
09:35No, thanks.
09:36We're going to talk, Matthew.
09:37It can be out here in front of everyone, or it can be somewhere more private.
09:40It's your choice.
09:44Have you seen what she's doing out there?
09:45It's your own fault for winding her up.
09:47You're so embarrassing.
09:48My father started out in this country selling ice cream from a cart he pushed along the street.
09:53Yeah, but we're trying to bring this place a bit of class,
09:56and she's out there acting like a street trader.
09:58Who knows? It might do the trick.
10:00You always take her side, ever since Dad died.
10:02She needs our support right now.
10:04She needs someone to take control.
10:06But you say nothing, Beppe sets on a fence, George Palmer steps in, this is the result.
10:11What have you ever done but criticise?
10:13She won't listen to me.
10:15Well, maybe you'll have to show her you know something about running a restaurant before she'll do that.
10:21Oh, yeah, right.
10:22It won't kill you.
10:23Hi, table for two?
10:24Yeah, thanks.
10:29I'm not eating anything fancy.
10:31Just hear me out, that's all I'm asking.
10:35Look, if I was unfair to you the other day, then tell me how.
10:39All I've got to go on is what Sarah said, and she seemed very upset.
10:42She's upset?
10:43So tell me your side of it.
10:45A few olives, compliments to the house.
10:50You had no right to go behind my back and talk to Sarah.
10:52It was private.
10:53Look, I was worried about you.
10:54I thought I might be able to help.
10:56This is all you're going to talk about, I'm going.
10:57Look, come on, we don't have to talk about it.
10:59Look, just sit down, please.
11:04I mean, you don't tell me what's going on between you and Mum.
11:06That's completely different.
11:08I'll tell you anything you want to know.
11:10Well, go on, ask me.
11:12That's not the point.
11:13What is the point, Matthew?
11:15Look, I'm really trying hard to understand here.
11:17I thought you'd be pleased that me and your mum were getting on.
11:20Yeah, for how long this time?
11:21For good, I hope, if I have anything to do with it.
11:23And why should it work now when it didn't work before?
11:25Because things are different now.
11:26A lot of water's gone under the bridge.
11:28Why are you so worried?
11:29I'm not worried.
11:30As long as I've got my music to drown out your rows.
11:32Yeah, well, none of us want to go back to that again.
11:34Yeah, just tell us when it's time to start packing,
11:36because I won't hear you otherwise.
11:37Who's packing? No-one's going anywhere.
11:39Oh, you'll see. It's just a matter of timing.
11:43Hey, where did you get to on Saturday night?
11:45Oh, I crashed out in front of the telly.
11:47I thought we were all meeting up in the Vic.
11:48Sorry, Ruth, but Friday night caught up with me.
11:50Well, me and Polly had a brilliant time without you.
11:53No, we ended up in this nightclub till three o'clock in the morning,
11:56steaming out our faces.
11:57That Polly's a real goer.
11:59Aye, she was the first to cave in.
12:01Big competition, was it?
12:02No, it's just been a long time since I danced all night, that's all.
12:06I can get away if you're busy.
12:08Don't be silly.
12:10What's this in aid of?
12:11Let's sit down. I've got some good news.
12:14Nice to see that romance is still alive.
12:17Anyway, I'm going to have to make you a definite date next time.
12:20Yeah, I'll hold you to that.
12:21So, this Bill Pearson, it seems he's setting up a hire business.
12:26And he's looking for a regular supplier.
12:28Oh, that's great, Roy.
12:29Late, low-mileage used cars, the full range.
12:31It's a big contract to fill.
12:33Yeah, but have you really got it?
12:34Well, as good as. I've just got a square at my end.
12:36You know how I'm going to finance it.
12:38How do you mean?
12:39Well, this kind of volume, I'm going to need a line of credit
12:41or a sale in return to be able to handle it.
12:43It's not going to be a problem, is it?
12:44No, no.
12:45There's a few people I can call on.
12:47I'll sort something out.
12:48Really pleased for you, love.
12:50It's about time, isn't it?
12:51We can stop the penny-pinching at long last.
12:53We can start thinking about that summer holiday.
12:55Oh, well, there's no hurry for that.
12:56You're going to get some brochures.
12:58We're going to start to live again.
13:01Well, thanks for the vote of confidence.
13:03It's nice to know you have so much faith in me.
13:05I know you track record, though, don't I?
13:07Well, I managed to get things this far,
13:08the three of us under one roof again.
13:10If Mum hadn't been ill, would you have bothered?
13:13That's not the reason.
13:14Well, you never came near us before that.
13:18It took a long time to get over the divorce,
13:21to stop being angry.
13:24When I heard that your mum wasn't well, of course I was concerned.
13:27So you do feel sorry for her?
13:29I'd be out of my area if your mum caught me feeling sorry for her.
13:32If anything, I admire the way she's coping with all this.
13:35She doesn't have much choice, really, does she?
13:37Well, a lot of people would have gone to pieces.
13:39Not your mum.
13:41I just wish she'd have told me sooner. I could have helped more.
13:43Well, she had me.
13:44We managed fine before you came along.
13:46Yeah, and you coped brilliantly, looking after her.
13:48But she doesn't want you to give up your life for her.
13:50You'll be wanting your own place soon.
13:52You'll have a love life.
13:54No, I won't.
13:56You mustn't let one bad experience put you off.
13:58You can talk.
13:59You're no good advert for love and marriage, are you?
14:02We had some good years.
14:03I must have missed them.
14:04Come on, are you telling me that your childhood was miserable?
14:08Oh, you're back.
14:09I was wondering how we were going to manage once the stampede started.
14:12Holiday, St Clacton.
14:15I remember the three of us.
14:17We had a lot of laughs, going everywhere together.
14:19Yeah, all right. It wasn't all bad.
14:22It shouldn't have gone wrong.
14:24I don't know why it did.
14:27I got caught up in my work and...
14:30I can't blame your mum for looking elsewhere
14:32for the things I couldn't give her.
14:34And now you can all of a sudden.
14:36I'd like to try.
14:38But what happens if it goes wrong? If she gets ill again?
14:40If I thought for one moment I was going to hurt her,
14:42I wouldn't be sitting here.
14:44I care about her. You've got to believe that.
14:46Isn't it more important that she does?
14:48That's what I've been trying to make her see.
14:50Well, just tell her.
14:51I'm afraid I'll scare her off.
14:53That she'll laugh at me and tell me where to go.
14:57You know her better than me.
14:59What do you think?
15:01I think you should tell her.
15:04Here we go.
15:07Thanks, Lenny.
15:08Right, are you ready for it?
15:10I've got us a gig.
15:11A gig? Where?
15:13Titanic Cat. Monday night, second spot.
15:15You've got us on at the Titanic Cat?
15:17Yeah, someone fell out. A mate of mine tipped me off.
15:19Who's the main act?
15:20The Bosleys. But they're rubbish.
15:21But are we really ready for the Titanic?
15:23Look, I'm your manager, man. Let me be the judge of that.
15:25But we've hardly got our set together.
15:27Yeah, so we'll work hard at it starting tonight.
15:29We do work hard.
15:30We need more than a week to get ready.
15:32Look, I wouldn't put you out there if I didn't think you could do it.
15:36You've got to grab the opportunities while they're there.
15:38A few more weeks won't make much difference.
15:40But anything can happen in a few weeks.
15:42Life is too short to sit around waiting for the right moment.
15:45You've got to get out there and you've got to go for it.
15:48Now, are we serious about this or aren't we?
15:53Yeah, he's even offered to go out tonight
15:55and give me and Susan some time to ourselves.
15:57So he's really all right about it now, is he?
15:59Yeah, I'd better just convince him I've got his mum's best interests at heart.
16:02Yeah, but why stay? He should take her out somewhere nice, wine and dining.
16:05I don't want to pressure her.
16:06I think what we need right now is just a quiet talk about where we stand.
16:09Have a cosy dinner for two.
16:10What's your cooking like?
16:11Not too bad, even though I say so myself.
16:13Yeah, one of the benefits of being single, isn't it?
16:15I'll go have her favourite meal prepared for when she walks in the door, right?
16:17And her a glass of wine, tell her to put her feet up.
16:19Take her shoes off, rubber aching shoulders.
16:21Yeah, I think I can take it from here.
16:23So what time's she coming home, then?
16:24Oh, yeah, look, I've got to do some shopping.
16:25I'll catch you later.
16:26Good luck, mate.
16:30All right?
16:31Yeah, fine, you?
16:33Back to what you know best, eh?
16:35Just keeping me busy.
16:36Thought you might like to know.
16:37Found a couple of real men to take over the round.
16:39Yeah, well, I'm happy for you.
16:41What is it about a man in ovals?
16:43No doubt you're going to tell me.
16:44Must be somebody's fantasy.
16:46All that sweat and dirt.
16:48Yeah, well, it's been a long day, so if you don't mind.
16:50Oh, dear. Business not going so well?
16:52Been working around the clock.
16:54Just taking Conrad on again.
16:55Two employees. Building quite a little empire.
16:58No. No, that's your department.
17:00I know my place.
17:02Simple man, simple dreams.
17:03Stick to what you're good at.
17:05That's my motto.
17:06Oh, glad to hear you're good at something.
17:08Yeah, well, I never had any complaints before you.
17:11It would be nice to feel women do that.
17:13Yeah? And how would you know?
17:15I think I'd better let you get back to grubbing around in the gutter.
17:18Good, honest work.
17:20Nothing wrong with that.
17:21As long as you don't mind getting your hands dirty.
17:23Yeah, well, at least this sort of dirt washes you off.
17:26Shame you can't afford the soap.
17:30OK, then. Right, I'll see you later. Bye.
17:35Yeah, long time no see.
17:37Yeah? Where have you been?
17:38Oh, I had a busy weekend.
17:40Yeah, me too.
17:41Having fun, I hope?
17:43I was working. Phil had a rough job on.
17:45It's a drag.
17:47I don't mind. I made a bit of money.
17:49Oh! What's died in here?
17:51Yeah, I know. I should stay in one evening and do something about this place.
17:55Well, how about tonight? We could get a pizza and catch up on things.
17:58Sorry, I've already made plans.
18:00Could be more exciting than that offer.
18:02Oh, a big hot date with a hunky guy.
18:04I can't compete with that.
18:06Look, I'll let you dash. Why don't you find something clean to wear?
18:09Why don't you stick around? I think I've bought enough for ten.
18:12No, you don't want me around.
18:13Anyway, I'll be back later to collect leftovers.
18:16That's all this?
18:18Er, all right, Mum. I'll be off, mate. See you later.
18:21Where are you going?
18:22Dad'll explain.
18:25Shall I get out too? I'm expecting somebody special.
18:28She's just arrived.
18:30I've got stuff for dinner.
18:32Well, keep, won't it?
18:34Because I have got salmon steaks, asparagus, sautéed potatoes.
18:40Well, microwave ones. I cheated a bit there.
18:42So why don't you go and put your feet up?
18:44What about Matthew?
18:45Well, I invited him, but he felt he should clear off.
18:48Very cosy.
18:57What do you mean?
18:58Well, one minute the pair of you aren't talking,
19:00the next you're putting your heads together to sort me out. Is that it?
19:03I thought you'd be pleased.
19:04It's not that simple, Michael.
19:06I wanted to do something nice for you, now that I've squared things with Matthew.
19:09You know, make up for the weekend.
19:10Well, you talked to him. So what happened between him and Sarah?
19:13Well, he didn't really say much about it.
19:15Well, what did he say?
19:16Well, he never said how to hurt her. That's all that matters, isn't it?
19:19Yeah, but we still don't know what went on.
19:21Come on, he's entitled a bit of privacy.
19:23I think we can trust Matthew to know what he's doing.
19:25I don't need you to tell me to trust my son.
19:27I've been bringing him up on my own for the last three years.
19:30I didn't mean it like that.
19:32I suppose you had a man-to-man chat about girls, did you?
19:35Cook them a meal, buy a few flowers and you're in there.
19:37No. We talked about you and me, for the most part.
19:42Yeah, it's OK. He's all right with it now.
19:45Oh. So if it's OK with Matthew, then it's a foregone conclusion, is it?
19:49You're assuming an awful lot here, Michael.
19:52I'm not assuming anything.
19:54Why on earth did you go building Matthew's hopes up?
19:56He's got a right to know what's going on.
19:58If you're telling him yet, he won't see.
20:00It's easier than telling him the truth.
20:02Well, what is the truth, Susan?
20:04That Matthew's not the only one to have his hopes built up for nothing.
20:08I thought he was having a go at Ruth this evening.
20:10She had other plans. Looks like I'm too late there.
20:13How do you mean?
20:14She's got a hot date tonight.
20:16She ain't hanging about, is she?
20:18I feel terrible for Mark. What am I going to say to him now?
20:21Look, you were too tense on the intro. You've just got to relax more.
20:24And why do you think I'm tense? We're just not ready.
20:26It needs work, that's all.
20:27We don't need this kind of pressure.
20:29Look, what's the matter, Lola? Not afraid of a little hard work?
20:31Hey, come on.
20:32Oh, I'll get the drinks.
20:34So where did you get off to so often?
20:36Ricky was there, wasn't he? He didn't need me.
20:38You worry too much about Ricky.
20:40I think he's feeling he missed out this weekend.
20:42Well, he did, didn't he?
20:44It didn't matter who had to get finished up, did it?
20:46There's only one difference between you two.
20:48Ricky don't talk so much.
20:51I had a word with him.
20:53Told him I was just helping out on a temporary basis.
20:55Yeah, well, you don't want to get stuck being a grease monkey for the rest of your life, do you?
20:59I can think of worse ways of making a living.
21:01Ever tried sluicing out cow sheds at the crack of dawn?
21:04It don't matter what you do.
21:06There's always someone looking down on you.
21:08You've got a great set-up over there.
21:10I should be so lucky.
21:11I'm still just the mechanic with grime under his fingernails, though, aren't I?
21:15He's moving too fast.
21:17He's doing his job, pushing us.
21:19Whether we're ready or not.
21:21We could jam around forever, but the only way we're going to find out if we've got anything is to go out there and see.
21:26And if we're rubbish?
21:28Go away and do some more work.
21:29It's all right for you, but this is my first time in front of a proper audience,
21:33and if it goes wrong, it'll be the last.
21:35You ain't got nothing to worry about.
21:36You're a fantastic singer.
21:38You would say that.
21:39Listen to me.
21:40You are fantastic.
21:43You're the best thing in this band.
21:48So we going for it?
21:50I suppose so.
21:51One hundred percent.
21:53The only way, innit?
21:54We're going to be great.
22:03Is that all you're having?
22:04It's not that bad, is it?
22:06No, it's fine. I'm just not hungry.
22:08You feeling all right?
22:09Can't I be quiet without it being my health?
22:11Can't I be concerned about you without it reminding you?
22:15Do you think I need reminding?
22:17Don't you think it's always there?
22:19I don't know. Is it?
22:21That's why we're sitting here, isn't it?
22:24See, I knew it wouldn't work.
22:27This pretentious family life.
22:29A few weeks of it and we're right back where we were seven years ago.
22:31No, we're not.
22:32It was a crazy idea in the first place.
22:34Then why did you agree to it?
22:37Matthew, why else?
22:39I hoped it was because you wanted me around, too.
22:42Look, I'm not desperate, you know.
22:44I chose to be on my own.
22:45I could have found someone to be with if I wanted.
22:47Look, I've been out there and it's not fun.
22:50So you've had a look around and decided I'm the best that you can do?
22:55Why don't I just find somewhere else to live and forget the whole thing?
22:58It's not what I want.
23:00Anyway, you can't just go off on your own like that.
23:03Oh, so it's all about poor little Susan not being on her own, is it?
23:05Of course not.
23:06Look, just don't do me any favours, Michael.
23:08I mean, we were doing fine, Matthew and me.
23:09I'm not saying you weren't.
23:10But is it fair on him to make him feel so responsible for you?
23:13I don't.
23:14Well, that's how he feels.
23:15He's only 17, for goodness sake.
23:18Make enough of you, then.
23:19You know he'd never agree to that.
23:21Look, I can live on my own. I'm perfectly well now.
23:23The doctor says there's no reason why I shouldn't stay well for years.
23:26Look, I don't want you to go.
23:30I want you to stay here with Matthew and me.
23:34Look, I don't want your pity.
23:36It's not pity.
23:39Why does giving in to you feel like giving up on myself?
23:47Oh, just a quick one. I've got an early meeting.
23:49Oh, I thought we were going somewhere.
23:51I thought you were a bit dressed up for the pictures.
23:53Well, you know me, ready for anything.
23:56So, do you fancy doing something tomorrow, then?
23:58No, I was going to have an early night.
24:01Well, you know, glass of wine, long hot bath, take a painful body...
24:04Sounds like fun.
24:05Don't you ever do that?
24:06No, we corner a bit.
24:08Well, the joys of living alone.
24:10Yeah, I must try it sometime.
24:12Well, do you want to do something later in the week, then?
24:14Yes, yeah, go on.
24:15What can I get you?
24:17So, what? How was the hot date?
24:19Where is he, anyway?
24:20Oh, that?
24:22He was on the big screen.
24:24Me and Polly went to the pictures.
24:26I thought...
24:28So, good film, was it?
24:29It was all right.
24:31Ruth, what are you having?
24:33You'd better hurry up before she runs off with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
24:36Very funny.
24:41What's he thinking he's looking at?
24:42Oh, we can't avoid him, just ignore him.
24:44Yeah, he wants to wash himself, that's all.
24:46What shall we do tonight?
24:47I don't know, what do you want to do?
24:48I don't mind an early night.
24:49That's what I was thinking.
24:50I'll tell you what, you go and get the fish and chips,
24:52I'll get a bottle of wine off Tiff and I'll meet you back at the flat, yeah?
24:54Sounds good to me, I'll see you in five a minute.
24:56See you.
25:00So, you worked everything out?
25:02No, thanks to you.
25:03Yeah, well, I'm glad everything's OK, really.
25:05Well, I didn't tell him about the appetite scare,
25:07you don't know that's what it was all about, right?
25:10And I don't want him knowing.
25:11Hey, I'm not exactly going to announce it to the world myself.
25:13Then let's forget it, eh, the old thing never happened.
25:15Yeah, that's fine by me.
25:16I'm just glad to be back to where we were.
25:18You know everyone friends again?
25:20Well, don't hold your breath, Lenny,
25:21I'd stay away from Ricky for the moment if I were you.
25:23Yeah, but he's my mate.
25:24Not anymore.
25:25He may have forgiven me, but he still hasn't hit me about it.
25:27But it's all in the past.
25:28Just stay away from him, Lenny, please,
25:29you've caused enough trouble already.
25:36When I first got ill,
25:39and they didn't know what was wrong with me,
25:42I really thought I was going to die.
25:48I know.
25:50And they said it was...
25:52it was MS.
25:53It was like,
25:55OK, it's bad news,
25:56but at least I've got my life back.
26:00You know, I go from
26:02feeling like it's all a dream, like
26:04some awful mistake,
26:06to feeling like I haven't got a moment to waste, you know?
26:10I've got to do what I want to do,
26:11I've got to get on with things.
26:15Don't include me, eh?
26:16I don't know, Michael.
26:20I couldn't ask you to set up for second best, could I?
26:24No, that's not what I meant.
26:25You're not second best.
26:28I'm a good man.
26:29You deserve better than me.
26:31Well, don't you think I should be the judge of that?
26:34Well, why would you want me?
26:38Why would anybody want me now?
26:41I don't know.
26:43Why would anybody want me now?
26:48this isn't like you.
26:50You just talk of giving up on yourself.
26:53Maybe I'm not myself anymore.
26:58Come on.
27:02Come on.
27:05you're stronger,
27:08more beautiful,
27:10more maddening than ever.
27:12Oh, Michael.
27:42I love you.
27:43I love you.
27:44I love you.
27:45I love you.
27:46I love you.
27:47I love you.
27:48I love you.
27:49I love you.
27:50I love you.
27:51I love you.
27:52I love you.
27:53I love you.
27:54I love you.
27:55I love you.
27:56I love you.
27:57I love you.
27:58I love you.
27:59I love you.
28:00I love you.
28:01I love you.
28:02I love you.
28:03I love you.
28:04I love you.
28:05I love you.
28:06I love you.
28:07I love you.
28:08I love you.
28:09I love you.
28:10I love you.