• 5 hours ago
FTS 20.30
*Moscow and Caracas seal strategic alliances.
*Hezbollah confirms martyrdom of Head of Executive Council Hashem Safi Al-Din.

These and more stories now!
00:00In Russia, the second day of the 16th BRICS summit concluded with the declaration of a
00:17global reform adopted on Wednesday and unanimously approved by all the members of the bloc.
00:25Russian President Vladimir Putin met with his Venezuelan counterpart, President Nicolás
00:29Maduro, to seal strategic alliances on the sidelines of the 2024 BRICS summit.
00:37The Lebanese resistance Hezbollah confirmed the assassination of Hashem Zafi al-Din after
00:41an aggressive criminal incursion of the Israeli army.
00:49Hello and welcome from the south, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Televiso Studios in Havana,
00:55We begin with the news.
01:08In Russia, the second day of the 16th BRICS summit concluded with the declaration of a
01:12global reform adopted on Wednesday and unanimously approved by all the members of the bloc.
01:17The comprehensive document titled Kazan Declaration emphasizes on reforms in global security and
01:22multilateralism, gathering 134 points.
01:26It reflects the bloc's collective vision and goals and establishes the future course of
01:30action the BRICS strive to take as it defines the benchmark for long-term cooperation.
01:36The bloc touched on the impact of unilateral sanctions on the global economy and highlighted
01:40the use of other national currencies in order to reduce dependence on the dollar.
01:45In addition, leaders called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and reaffirmed BRICS' support
01:49for a comprehensive reform of the United Nations, including the Security Council, to increase
01:54the representation of developing countries.
01:58Russian President Vladimir Putin met with his counterpart President Nicolás Maduro
02:05on Wednesday to seal strategic alliances in the framework of the 2024 BRICS summit.
02:10During the meeting, the Russian head of state thanked the Venezuelan president for attending
02:14the Kazan summit, as well as for participating in the work carried out by the bloc.
02:19He supported the desire of the Venezuelan president to join the BRICS and highlighted
02:22Venezuela is a great partner for the Eurasian country and other countries of the world.
02:27Furthermore, Putin emphasized that strategic relations with Venezuela are increasingly
02:32strengthened and growing in various commercial areas, and stressed that both countries must
02:36continue supporting each other.
02:41Venezuela is one of Russia's longstanding reliable partners in Latin America and the
02:48wider world.
02:50The relations of our country's strategic partnership continue to strengthen.
02:55A mutually beneficial cooperation is developing in all areas.
02:59Together, Russia and Venezuela are striving to create a new and fairer world order based
03:05on the rule of law, the inadmissibility of colonial methods of interference in states'
03:10internal affairs, political and financial pressure, and unilateral coercive measures.
03:16We appreciate that Venezuela shares our assessment of the current international situation and
03:20consistently provides support in the face of the hybrid warfare and Russophobic campaign
03:25thrown at our country.
03:27During a bilateral meeting with the top-level Russian delegation attending the BRICS summit,
03:34Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro highlighted the role of the bloc in facing the challenges
03:38of the 21st century and congratulated President Putin for the organization of what he described
03:43as a historic summit.
03:44Venezuela is on the path of the BRICS because it is on the path of world balance.
03:58Since Bolivar Steins and because we have the legacy of Commander Hugo Chavez, which is
04:04to build a pluripolar and multicentric world, we put in practice the principles of the BRICS
04:12out of conviction.
04:13The global South can only exist as long as it has the right to have a better future of
04:19equality, of freedom, of prosperity.
04:23Yes, this 21st century is the century of the great change, of the great transformation,
04:31the century of the birth of a new geopolitical scenario where the new emerging superpowers
04:38like China, like Russia, like India can carry out relations of respect and cooperation with
04:45the peoples of the global South and with the peoples of the global East, because in the
04:51end we are brotherly peoples of the world.
04:54So I congratulate you on the success of this historic summit of the peoples of the world.
05:06The BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia, continued with the meeting of the Presidents and the
05:10announcement of a final declaration.
05:12Experts observed that the Alliance makes important progress, representatives of the Global South
05:17voiced hope.
05:19Details from our Special Envoy Yunus Soner in Kazan.
05:23The second day of the 16th Summit of the BRICS Alliance here in Kazan, Russia, started with
05:30a meeting of the Presidents of the Alliance.
05:33The first speech, the opening speech, was held by Russian President Vladimir Putin,
05:38who emphasised, among other topics, institutional issues of the Alliance itself.
06:04Previously, the Alliance appeared to be a forum of debate, but this has changed now,
06:10argues Sergei Slankovich.
06:12Starting from this forum, BRICS appeared to be a working machine with certain institutions
06:21inside, with plans, with working groups, with projects that should be implemented in a defined
06:30time schedule.
06:32So BRICS was transformed into a real, important and practical international organisation.
06:43After their expanded meeting, the leaders agreed on a final declaration that promises
06:47to further promote BRICS institutional development.
06:51This parallels financial integration between members.
06:54In the countries which gathered here, they invented the new mechanism of international
07:01trade exchanges, trade payments.
07:05They will propose a new digital etalon, which will open the way to make quick, real-time
07:15conversions from one national currency to another national currency.
07:22And the exchange rate will be defined not against dollar, but using this digital etalon.
07:35This is the main innovation with very important practical consequences, and it was adopted
07:42right here.
07:43Interbank cooperation mechanism, cross-border payment initiative, cross-border settlement
07:48and depositing infrastructure.
07:50The list of measures in the declaration to fight sanctions and circumvent the dollar
07:55is long.
07:56Observers are impressed.
07:58We have a new world, which is rising, and this new world will become the world for multilateralism
08:09because we need some change, if we want peace, if we want no conflict, and we have some instruments
08:18to finance our development, and BRIC pay and some changements, BRICS has come in, is very
08:29good for our country.
08:31The final resolution and the statements of the presidents taken together, BRICS has made
08:36a leap forward, especially in institutionalization and in achieving financial system that is
08:44beyond Western control.
08:46Yunus Soner, Kazan, Russia.
08:51The enlargement of the BRICS can contribute to the economic strengthening of the group
08:55vis-Ă -vis other international blocs becoming an alternative for the construction of the
08:59new world order.
09:01The multilateral bloc expanded its cooperation capabilities in 2024 by including Iran, Saudi
09:07Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates as new member states, positioning
09:13this group as a powerhouse on the global economic, social and political scene.
09:19The BRICS reached a combined population of 3.5 billion people representing 45% of the
09:25world's population.
09:26The bloc's economy dominates more than 35% of the world's gross domestic product, surpassing
09:32in economic terms the group of 7G7.
09:35In terms of oil, the association currently produces more than 43 million barrels per
09:39day, which represents 44% of global crude oil production.
09:44The new BRICS Development Bank, as a multilateral financial powerhouse, reached an authorized
09:49capital of 100 billion dollars, consolidating itself as an alternative to conventional Western
09:54controlled financial institutions.
09:57With at least 40 states interested in joining this bloc, the BRICS are expanding their multilateral
10:01cooperation to address the world order dominated by the ambitions of the West and promote the
10:07economic and commercial inclusion of the countries of the Global South.
10:10Let's now take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at Telesul English
10:15where you'll find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
10:19We'll be right back, stay with us.
10:37Welcome back.
10:48The Lebanese resistance Hezbollah confirmed the assassination of Hashem Sofie al-Din after
10:52an aggressive premier incursion of the Israeli army.
10:55Hezbollah announced on Wednesday the death of the chairman of its executive council in
10:59a sudden inspiration.
11:00Following the announcement, the Lebanese resistance expressed its commitment to the martyrs to
11:04continue the path of resistance and struggle until achieving the goals of freedom and victory.
11:11For many years, Zayed Hashem Sofie al-Din headed the executive council and its different
11:16institutions and units.
11:17He worked in multiple fields related to the tasks of the resistance.
11:21Furthermore, for a long time, Sofie al-Din devoted his life to Hezbollah and was close
11:26to the resistance fighters and loved the families of its martyrs.
11:36Hashem Sofie al-Din was born in 1964 in Deir el-Kenan in Nahr, in southern Lebanon, from
11:42a family of scholars.
11:43He was Nasrallah's maternal cousin, and his brother Abdallah Sofie al-Din is a representative
11:48of Hezbollah in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
11:51Sofie al-Din studied theology in the holy city of Najaf in Iraq and Qom in Iran before
11:57returning to Lebanon in 1994 to assume formal roles in the resistance movement.
12:02A year later, he was appointed to the Masjid al-Shura, or consultative assembly, which
12:08is Hezbollah's highest decision-making body.
12:10He was also head of the Jihad Council, which oversees the group's military activities.
12:15In October 2008, during Hezbollah's General Assembly, he was elected as Nasrallah's heir-apparent.
12:22A year later, he was again elected member of the Shura Council and commander of the
12:27group in southern Lebanon in 2010.
12:29He was widely considered the most suitable candidate to replace Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah
12:34as leader of the Lebanese resistance movement following the latter's assassination on September
12:41He was known for his eloquent oratory, inspired by Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and Hezbollah founder
12:47Sayyid Abbas al-Musawi.
12:49Like Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, he was a strong supporter of Palestine and the Palestinian
12:53cause, reiterating the Lebanese movement's support for the Palestinian resistance against
12:59And the Lebanese al-Mayadeen channel denounced a new air attack by the Israeli regime on
13:08its offices in Beirut.
13:10According to the media, all employees were evacuated after the beginning of the Israeli
13:14bombing campaign on Lebanon.
13:16In this context, the Lebanese media blamed the Israeli occupiers for the air attack.
13:20Should be recalled that the Israeli regime invaded southern Lebanon last October 1st
13:25and continues its attacks against that country, which has left, to date, more than 2,500 dead,
13:31including children and women, and over 11,800 wounded.
13:40On Wednesday, acrid clouds engulfing the Azcapito as air pollution fueled by fireworks and farmstovel
14:00burning was ranked hazardous by monitors for the first time this winter.
14:05Levels of fine particulate matter, cancer-causing microparticles, known as PM2.5 pollutants
14:12that enter the bloodstream through the lungs, surged nearly 23 times, the World Health Organization
14:17recommended daily maximum.
14:19Air pollution is expected to worsen during the Hindu festival of lights, Diwali, which
14:24will take place on November 1st.
14:26This year, as smoky fireworks spewing hazardous toxins are part of celebrations.
14:31New Delhi is home to more than 30 million people and is regularly ranked as one of the
14:35most polluted urban areas on the planet.
14:43I came to Delhi yesterday and I saw there is a lot of pollution here, which is giving us problems.
14:49We need to start wearing masks because it can cause health problems.
14:53There is so much traffic here that one needs to leave at least an hour ahead.
14:59Then there are problems like cough and colds due to this.
15:03Masks should be made compulsory because of pollution.
15:09These days if you want to go out, you can think of living without a mask.
15:13There is a constant bad smell and the pollution level is very high.
15:17It makes it difficult to breathe.
15:19I think everybody needs to wear a mask now.
15:23In other news, at least five people were killed and 22 others wounded Wednesday in an attack
15:28on the headquarters of a Turkish airspace firm near Ankara.
15:32The information was confirmed by Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya, who said that three
15:37of the wounded had been released from hospital while 19 remained on treatment.
15:42The minister also informed that two attackers, a woman and a man, have been neutralized.
15:47On the other hand, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned the action and called
15:52it a heinous service attack.
15:54Even though there hasn't been any claim of responsibility for the operation so far,
15:58Turkish authorities said it could be linked to the outlaw Kurdistan Workers' Party,
16:03which has waged a decade-long insurgency against the government.
16:07And on Wednesday, Georgia's ruling party held its final campaign rally ahead of crucial
16:18The founder of the governing Georgian Dream Party told thousands of supporters to choose
16:22peace, not war.
16:23After 12 years in government, we've seen how Ivan Shkipeli's Georgian Dream faces
16:28a close race against four opposition groups.
16:31His party accuses the opposition of aiming to drag Georgia into involvement in the war
16:35in Ukraine.
16:36Georgians overwhelmingly back joining the European Union, but the EU froze that process
16:42this year amid accusations from Brussels that the government was backsliding on democracy.
16:47The party is accused by the opposition of sabotaging Georgia's bid to join the EU,
16:51even though Georgian Dream insists they are still on course to do so by 2030.
17:01We now have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
17:04channel at TeleSul English, there you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories,
17:09special broadcastings, and more.
17:11Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
17:14world's most recent events.
17:16Found your break?
17:17Don't go away.
17:20Welcome back.
17:21Cuban President Miguel Diaz can assure that his government will not abandon any person
17:25or family affected by Hurricane Oscar in the eastern province of Guantanamo.
17:30The Cuban head of state, together with a delegation of top government officials, visited the hardest-hit
17:35areas of the eastern region to appraise firsthand the damages and the progress on the recovery
17:40in the territory.
17:41The passage of Hurricane Oscar across parts of the nation's easternmost provinces overflowed
17:47rivers and destroyed houses, road bridges, and crops.
17:51The Cuban case stated the following.
17:58As a result of both continuing with the recovery actions taken to counter the damages left
18:02by Tropical Storm Oscar in the eastern region and restoring the country's power grid, the
18:07National Defense Council has decided to extend until next Sunday, October 27, the measures
18:12pursued by the government, which were published on October 20, 2024, related to labor and
18:17teaching activities.
18:19The Cuban Revolutionary Government, further informed, will ratify that mobilized workers
18:24under these circumstances receive the payment of their average wage, and those who have
18:29not attended work due to the temporary suspension of activities will be guaranteed their salary
18:33payment equivalent to their post wages.
18:41In this regard, the President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel BermĂşdez pointed out that some
18:4541 countries and several international organizations have expressed their solidarity with Cuba,
18:50which is facing the simultaneous impacts of a tropical storm and energy emergency with
18:55admirable resilience.
18:57The United States declares that Cuba has not asked for anything.
19:01Here is Cuba's demand.
19:02Leave the U.S. blockade.
19:04And in Venezuela, the President of the National Assembly Jorge RodrĂ­guez provided an assessment
19:15on the progress made by the Dialogue Commission for the Revision of Electoral Laws.
19:19In the framework of the beginning of the public consultation process, RodrĂ­guez pointed out
19:24the need for the opinion and participation of citizens for the approval of the reforms
19:29of the electoral laws, which have been obsolete up to now.
19:32The official expressed that political parties, social and academic organizations, as well
19:37as the general public, are invited to give their opinion and contribute with the modification
19:42of these laws.
19:43RodrĂ­guez added that the amendments to the electoral laws will allow to have a better
19:47scenario for the upcoming elections in 2025.
19:50We are engaged in a deep process of consultation with all those who consider it necessary to
20:06join us in the process of dialogue to reform the electoral laws of the Bolivarian Republic
20:13of Venezuela.
20:16And the President of the National Assembly invited all social movements to participate
20:20in the amendment of the laws for their subsequent approval in the National Assembly.
20:27By the strength of the opinions of the political parties, of the organizations of social movements,
20:31of the academics, of the universities, of the cultural groups and of the communal councils,
20:36that everyone can make their contributions and give their opinion so that before the
20:40end of December, the General Assembly of our Republic can approve the very important
20:44reforms of these laws.
20:47Like this, we have come to the end of this news, but if you can find this and many other
20:50stories on our website, Televisual English.net, also join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram,
20:56Telegram and TikTok.
20:58For Televisual English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
21:10Transcription by ESO. Translation by —
