FTS 8:30 21-10: Arab and international leaders attend peace summit in Cairo

  • last year
FTS 8.30
*Venezuela´s CNE confirms referendum on the Esequibo on Dec. 3, 2023
*Thousands rally in Pakistan in support of Nawaz Sharif

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00:00 Egypt's summit moves forward with discussions on the humanitarian situation in the Gaza
00:13 Strip, the peace process, and calls for an end to Israeli bombardments.
00:20 In Venezuela, the National Electoral Council confirmed that the consultative referendum
00:24 on the Ezequiel territory will be held on December 3rd, 2023.
00:31 In Pakistan, thousands of supporters of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif demonstrated for
00:35 his return after four years of self-exile in London.
00:43 Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Adelazoo Studios in Havana,
00:47 Cuba.
00:48 I'm Luis Alberto Matos, and I'm here with the news.
01:01 The Peace Summit, a forum for world leaders to discuss a way out of the Palestinian-Israeli
01:04 conflict opened in Egypt.
01:06 With the presence of more than 20 countries and international organizations, the Gaza
01:10 Peace Summit, organized by the Egyptian government, started this Saturday.
01:13 Two weeks after the beginning of this new conflict in the Gaza Strip, the international
01:17 community is trying to prevent the situation from spreading to the rest of the Middle East.
01:22 Although the meeting is attended by the Palestinian President and other Arab leaders, it is worth
01:26 noting the absence of Israeli representatives at the summit, which aims to achieve a ceasefire.
01:36 Egypt affirms and reiterates its complete rejection of the forced displacement of Palestinians
01:44 and the exodus to the Egyptian territories in Sinai, as this is nothing but a final liquidation
01:52 of the Palestinian issue, an end to the dream of an independent Palestinian state, and the
01:59 eradication of the struggle of the Palestinian people and the Arab and Islamic people.
02:07 For his part, Jordan's King Abdullah II denounced and condemned the message being put out in
02:11 the world that Palestinian lives matter less than Israeli ones.
02:16 Yet the message the Arab world is hearing is loud and clear.
02:23 Palestinians' lives matter less than Israeli ones.
02:28 Our lives matter less than other lives.
02:34 The application of international law is optional, and human rights have boundaries.
02:42 They stop at borders, they stop at races, and they stop at religions.
02:49 That is a very, very dangerous message, as the consequences of continued international
02:55 apathy and inaction will be catastrophic on us all.
03:02 UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for action to end the ongoing conflict of
03:06 the International Peace Summit in Cairo.
03:10 The time has come for action, action to end this God-awful nightmare, and action to build
03:18 a future worthy of the dreams of the children of Palestine, Israel, the region, and our
03:24 world.
03:25 Meanwhile, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas warned against displacing Palestinians from
03:30 Gaza, West Bank, and Jerusalem.
03:33 We warn against attempts to displace our people from Gaza to elsewhere.
03:40 We also warn against any expulsion of Palestinians from their homes or displacement from Jerusalem
03:48 or the West Bank.
03:49 We will not accept displacement, and we will remain steadfast on our land, no matter what
03:55 the challenge is.
03:58 In the short time the Rafah crossing was open, humanitarian aid trucks that were stranded
04:02 at the Gaza border with Egypt finally had access to the Palestinian territory.
04:06 Trucks carrying food and supplies for affected families began passing through the Rafah border
04:10 crossing from Egypt on Saturday, after being blocked for more than two weeks due to pumpings.
04:15 According to UN reports, the operation led by the Egyptian Red Cross sent more than 20
04:20 trucks to the Palestinian enclave.
04:22 More vehicles with humanitarian aid are expected to enter the territory in the coming hours,
04:27 as well as ambulances with supplies and medical personnel trained to treat the wounded.
04:35 Australia holds demonstrations in support of the Palestinian resistance.
04:39 The mobilization took place this Saturday and was attended by thousands of people who
04:43 marched through the streets of Sydney from the City Hall.
04:46 The event was attended by both Australian sympathizers and Palestinian migrants residing
04:50 in the country.
04:51 During the march, the protesters denounced the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation
04:55 forces and demanded an immediate ceasefire.
04:58 Palestine has been always our land and it will remain our land.
05:06 It's not the first colonization and it's not going to be the last.
05:11 Palestinians always emerge victorious and we will get through this.
05:16 It's a genocide.
05:17 There's a lot of kids being killed who are completely innocent, who need aid, who need
05:22 food, who need water, who need shelter.
05:25 That's what we're here today to show.
05:27 We're showing our voice from Australia that we do stand with these people who deserve
05:31 humanitarian rights.
05:32 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok @TelescopeEnglish where
05:38 you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
05:44 Other stories coming up.
05:45 Stay with us.
05:45 Welcome back to From the South.
06:09 In Venezuela, the National Electoral Council confirmed that the consultative referendum
06:13 on the Ezequiel territory will be held on December 3rd, 2023.
06:18 The head of the National Electoral Council, Elvis Amoroso, indicated that in the next
06:23 few days they will provide information to the Venezuelan people on the details of the
06:27 consultation prior to the analysis to be made by the electoral power on the questions to
06:32 be answered in the national call.
06:34 Elvis Amoroso stated that this action strengthened democracy and the people by the power granted
06:40 to them by the constitution of Venezuela as original constituent power.
06:44 The measure is preceded by a request made by the National Assembly whose proposal was
06:49 approved by parliamentary unanimity and we seek the defense of territorial sovereignty.
07:02 In a decision taken at today's meeting by unanimity of all directors and by virtue of
07:11 the fact that the National Assembly had already been notified of the management or approval
07:19 by the National Assembly of the document that you bring today, Mr. President, the date of
07:26 December 3rd
07:46 was already approved to hold this referendum with all the people of Venezuela, that all
07:52 the people of Venezuela participate in this new electoral celebration that we will have
08:00 in these days.
08:02 The president of the electoral body also added that he will have three days to present the
08:06 questions to be applied on December 3rd.
08:11 We will be informing all the people of Venezuela about this issue, the document and the analysis
08:19 to be made by the electoral power on the questions and we also tell you that in the schedule
08:26 approved by the board of directors of the National Electoral Council, we will have three
08:34 days to give an answer and present to the people of Venezuela which will be the questions
08:41 to be asked by all Venezuelans on December 3rd so that they can express themselves.
08:49 The president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Jorge Rodriguez, informed our request
08:53 to call for the consultative referendum in defense of the Ezequiel-06 as a proposal to
08:57 advance in defense of national sovereignty.
09:03 A proposal that involves and encompasses all of us, a proposal where we can all go together
09:07 to defend our national sovereignty, a proposal where we can all go together regardless of
09:17 our political ideology, independently of our creed, independently of our vision that accompanies
09:22 each human mind.
09:29 That we can all move forward to say from our hearts of patriots, "I defend my territory
09:34 of the Guyana Ezequiel," to say the son of Venezuela is born in the Ezequiel.
09:40 In Guatemala on Friday, President-elect Bernardo Arevalo participated in the mobilizations
09:45 that took place in the capital.
09:47 This October 20th is the 79th anniversary of the democratic spring promoted by Juan
09:51 José Arevalo, father of the current president-elect of the country.
09:55 Arevalo claims to be in a moment of uncertainty, however it is a moment of unity for all citizens.
10:00 The commemoration event comes just when Guatemalans are celebrating 19 days of national strike,
10:05 where they gather in Guatemala City with several marches where they demand the resignation
10:09 of the attorney general, María Consuelo Pogras.
10:19 Today we are faced with the tyranny of corrupt people who shamelessly enrich themselves at
10:27 the expense of the suffering and poverty of the people and the lack of development of
10:34 the country.
10:35 But today we are at the end of that hot, burning heatwave, feeling in our faces the freshness
10:44 of the wind and the rains that announce a new life, a new era of prosperity, a new spring.
10:52 Today as a people we find ourselves once again standing against history with the opportunity
10:59 in our hands to stop the process of destruction of our democracy.
11:22 Welcome back from the south.
11:41 In Pakistan, thousands of supporters of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif demonstrated on
11:45 Saturday for his return after four years of self-exile in London.
11:49 Earlier this week, the Islamabad High Court granted Sharif protective bail until Tuesday,
11:53 October 24, removing the threat of immediate arrest once he returns to the village.
11:58 Numerous banners and posters were put up in Lahore to welcome his arrival.
12:03 Sharif's return was publicized for months by Sharif's party, whose leaders hoped his
12:07 presence could revive a now-flagging popularity.
12:11 The former Prime Minister was removed from office by the Supreme Court in 2017 following
12:15 a special investigation into money laundering and corruption stemming from the disclosure
12:19 of the so-called Panama Papers.
12:26 The current situation in Pakistan is related to inflation.
12:30 The people are very poor.
12:32 Only Sharif can control the situation.
12:34 We worked on construction sites, but now with these conditions we are all jobless.
12:39 Because all the construction sites are closed now, they will return.
12:43 We have full faith in them that they will promote the construction sector as well.
12:49 The commander of France's forces in the Sahel said on Friday that 1,500 French soldiers
12:54 would leave Niger by December 31, a time frame announced by French President Emmanuel Macron
12:58 late last month.
12:59 The pullout demanded by Niger's military holders started last week after the July ouster of
13:04 President Mohamed Bassem, a key ally of Paris, threw France's strategy for the Sahel region
13:09 into disarray.
13:11 French General Eric Ossane, at the joint press conference with Niger's Colonel Mamane Sanikiaou
13:17 in the capital Niamey, said the objective of presidential announcements of a departure
13:21 on December 31 will be met.
13:23 Ossane also stated that two large convoys of military vehicles that were in the northern
13:27 area have left, adding that a number of convoys carrying non-sensitive equipment had begun
13:32 to leave.
13:38 The objective of presidential announcements of a departure on December 31 will be met.
13:44 That's it.
13:45 The disengagement will be fulfilled in the time allotted to us, and there will be no
13:49 more French soldiers on that date in Niger.
13:54 We're calling on the population precisely not to, what you call it, behave, I wouldn't
13:58 say irresponsibly, but to stir up hatred.
14:02 Today we've worked together for years.
14:04 We asked for them to leave.
14:06 So we'd like everything to go very, very well.
14:08 For them to be able to return to Chad.
14:12 A team of experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency watched on Friday how some of
14:16 the fish samples they collected at the Fukushima fish market were being prepared for nuclear
14:21 examination.
14:22 They watched the scientists process the fish for subsequent testing at designated laboratories
14:26 to evaluate, analyze, and ensure the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant's ongoing discharge
14:30 of treated wastewater into the sea is safely carried out.
14:33 A group including two IAEA experts and independent scientists from China, South Korea, and Canada
14:39 observed laboratory workers process fish at the Marine Ecology Research Institute in Japan's
14:44 southeastern coast of the Chiba Prefecture.
14:47 China immediately banned all imports of Japanese seafood the day the release began, badly hurting
14:52 Japanese seafood producers, processors, and exporters, and Russia recently joined China
14:57 in the trade restrictions.
15:02 It's really important that laboratories in neighboring countries are able to compare
15:09 their results and are able to measure against the same standard because then the credibility
15:14 of the data that they are reporting and that they are exchanging increases.
15:18 And these samples were very well homogenized in the sense that identical samples will be
15:24 provided to laboratories which are participating in the exercise.
15:29 And the results of these measurements done in different laboratories will then be reported
15:35 to the agency.
15:36 The agency will prepare a report that will show how well the data produced by the different
15:42 laboratories compare between them and this will be a proof of the quality of the data
15:49 reported in the monitoring program by Japan.
15:54 Authorities in Scotland reported two people dead due to the flood caused by Storm Bebbit,
15:58 the body of a 57-year-old woman was found on Thursday in the coastal region of Angus
16:02 in Edinburgh after being swept into a river and a 56-year-old man was killed when a falling
16:07 tree hit his van.
16:09 Scotland police said a search was underway on Friday after reports of a man trapped in
16:12 a vehicle in floodwater.
16:14 Parts of eastern Scotland experienced severe flooding on Friday after Storm Bebbit brought
16:19 heavy rainfall and winds of more than 113 km/h, which overwhelmed the fences and left
16:25 thousands of homes without power.
16:27 The storm continues to hit the region which led to maintain the red alert and the evacuation
16:31 of some areas.
16:56 The Viñales Valley always amazes visitors.
16:59 The tourists can find there both captivating landscapes and stories of surprising lives.
17:04 It was precisely following one of them that the Cuba on the Move team arrived at this
17:07 dazzling place in the geography of the Pinal del Rio region in western Cuba.
17:12 "The landscape is fascinating.
17:16 This is the famous Viñales Valley, a World Heritage Site.
17:19 It is distinguished by its mogotes of diverse shapes and shades that are not repeated in
17:25 any other place in Cuba.
17:26 They are unique.
17:27 The protagonist of this story says that riding through Viñales stimulates him as much as
17:33 going for a walk in Paris."
17:35 "Viñales has become one half of me right now.
17:39 Viñales has been part of my identity since I was a child, as a Pinareño, and it turns
17:45 out that life has given me the wonderful possibility to live in the heart of Viñales."
17:50 Journalist, writer, filmmaker and now entrepreneur Luis Orlando de la Foz lives in Mogote Art,
17:57 this incredible place where natural beauty, good taste and exquisite treatment will delight
18:02 even the most demanding visitor.
18:04 Mogote Art is more than a house for rent, as it is promoted on the Internet.
18:08 It is an authentic cultural project that, according to its owner, is defined by a single
18:13 word "Pinal del Rio".
18:16 "I believe in what I feel, and I feel this reddish land, this soil, these lovely peasants
18:24 with hacks, these green cheddas and this food.
18:28 And there is a wrong idea sold in Cuba to the tourists, even at cultural level, that
18:34 everything happens in Havana.
18:38 There is a deep Cuba, there is a green Cuba, there is a natural Cuba, there is a Cuba that
18:43 I live up to heard.
18:46 One can live in Paris, in Madrid, in Amsterdam, in Rotterdam, in Utrecht, in Quito, any place,
18:53 but your nature's reddish land cannot be removed from your shoes or from your head.
19:00 Even if you want to, it is impossible."
19:03 Mogote Art is always a surprise here.
19:06 The visitor can find sculptures by the artist Avelio Le Cor, the typewriter of the narrator
19:11 and scriptwriter Elisabeth Altsunaga, or a original by the plastic artist Lester Campa,
19:17 but also the most diverse works of art and literature, such as a collection of texts
19:21 about Alicia Lonsdale and dance.
19:23 It is not strange that guests might meet Christian Scott Thomas, one of the leading actors of
19:28 the famous film "The English Patient", the hairdresser of the movie "The Titanic", or
19:33 Patricio Wood, one of the most recognized faces of Cuban cinema.
19:37 "I wanted to show a cultural Cuba, the Cuba that I am, the Cuba I believe in, which is
19:43 that Cuba that we have deep down inside, all the problems that we have, but always with
19:48 a theme that I defend and that I always try to make so.
19:51 I don't do anything by having writers come here and sit down to read their stories among
19:56 themselves.
19:57 I don't do anything by having here someone from Ecuador selling their motorbikes.
20:02 No, the local people, the ones that live here, the ones that sow the valley and cultivate
20:07 it, they are the ones that have to be here.
20:10 That's to say, there should always be communication with the community."
20:13 Events of photography and ecotourism are held here and for the last four years, the International
20:20 Meeting of Children's Literature in Pinar del Río has been held here.
20:24 Luis Orlando says that art opens his mind and that is why Mogo Tiarte flies along.
20:29 He says that he is a Guajiro who fled from the countryside looking for art.
20:33 He lived in Europe for 20 years, worked in his profession, published books and wrote
20:37 scripts for reality shows and soap operas, but he came back seven years ago.
20:42 "I had to leave Cuba to discover how Cuban I was.
20:47 There are many Cubans today doing Cuban things outside of Cuba.
20:50 The important thing is the nation.
20:52 I believe that the important thing is Cuba.
20:54 I believe that the important thing is the Cuban identity.
20:57 And I'm not saying that the Cuban identity got into the pores of my skin because I was
21:02 born here and that is inevitable.
21:04 But it grows more into you when you travel, when you believe yourself as a Cuban, much
21:09 more that if you didn't leave the country.
21:11 I believe that this Cuban identity that boiled inside me while being outside of Cuba is what
21:17 kept me here."
21:22 Today, Luis Orlando does not get tired of portraying this landscape.
21:28 He says he neither misses his profession nor his time as a successful scientist.
21:36 He says that all that for him is gathered in one word, creativity and creativity in
21:42 Mogo Tiarte.
21:44 Fabiola Lopez, Telesur, Pinar del Río, Cuba.
21:48 We have come to the end of this news break.
21:49 From here you can find this and many other stories on our website, Telesur English.
21:52 You can also join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok.
21:58 For Telesur English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
22:00 Thank you for watching.
22:01 [music]
