• 2 months ago
00:07:53Bienvenido, señor. Tengo malas noticias.
00:07:56¿Qué pasa, Aziz?
00:07:58Los Yilmazoglu y los Dergaz...
00:08:02Comenzaron a pelear por el agua otra vez.
00:08:04Dos personas recibieron disparos.
00:08:07Una persona de cada familia.
00:08:13Boran, ¿acaso cambiaste de opinión?
00:08:18Vamos, dímelo. ¿Esas personas murieron por tu culpa?
00:08:25Bien hecho, Boran.
00:08:27Te hundes más y más con cada decisión que tomas.
00:08:49¿Acaso crees que esto es lo que yo quería?
00:08:52No me importa lo que tú quieras.
00:08:54Hay personas muriendo, pero te quedas callado.
00:08:56¿Por qué no haces nada?
00:08:58¿Por qué no defiendes sus decisiones?
00:09:01Ya te lo dije antes.
00:09:04Sigo el legado.
00:09:06Y lo aplico.
00:09:08¿No ves que a mí también me duele?
00:09:12Si los demás hacen lo que ellos quieren, a pesar de lo que tú quieras,
00:09:15¿si los demás hacen lo que ellos quieren, a pesar de lo que digas,
00:09:19¿entonces para qué te necesitan?
00:09:24Si yo dejara mi puesto, ¿crees que el que me reemplace será mejor que yo?
00:09:30Soy el jefe, no me puedo ir.
00:09:34Me criaron para hacerlo.
00:09:36Tal como mi padre y como mi hijo lo será.
00:09:39Eso no me importa.
00:09:46Estás tan desesperado que te destruirás a ti mismo como un escorpión que se mata con su propio veneno.
00:10:04¿Estás cómoda, sí? ¿No tienes frío? ¿Quieres algo?
00:10:10Le diré a Ise que haga una sopa para que entres en calor.
00:10:16Por favor, no llores, Nare.
00:10:19Tu tristeza es una tortura para mí.
00:10:25Todo es culpa de tu madre, ¿no?
00:10:30Todo pasó porque estabas triste.
00:10:35Si no me hubiera dicho esas cosas, no te habría dejado sola.
00:10:39Si yo hubiera estado contigo,
00:10:41nada de estas cosas terribles nos hubieran pasado.
00:10:45Por favor, no llores, Nare. No llores.
00:10:50No hay nada que hacer cuando pasan cosas malas.
00:10:53Y la gente muere.
00:10:56Todo esto sucedió porque Bora mantuvo el silencio con los Deldas.
00:11:00Tienes razón, papá.
00:11:02Pensaron que el origen del agua estaba en su propiedad.
00:11:06Pero como las pérdidas son iguales en ambos lados,
00:11:09no tenemos nada de qué preocuparnos.
00:11:12¿Es todo tan simple, Sihan?
00:11:13Oh, señor Boran, bienvenido.
00:11:16Todos me dijeron que estaba equivocado.
00:11:18E hice lo que quisieron para establecer la paz.
00:11:21Pero todo fue en vano.
00:11:23Porque al final hubo otro conflicto.
00:11:25Si hubieras hecho lo que dijimos desde un principio,
00:11:27nada hubiera pasado.
00:11:31De ahora en adelante, todas mis órdenes
00:11:33se tendrán que acatar sin objeción.
00:11:35¿Está claro?
00:11:37Si no están de acuerdo, entonces tendrán que buscar otro líder.
00:11:44¿Puedo pasar?
00:11:46Por supuesto.
00:11:56Narin, ¿cómo estás?
00:12:02Lo siento tanto.
00:12:05Desearía que esto no hubiera pasado.
00:12:08¿Hay algo que pueda hacer por ti?
00:12:09Si mi bebé hubiera sido una niña,
00:12:15se habría llamado Esma como mi abuela.
00:12:19Hubiera tenido manos hermosas
00:12:21y todos hubieran estado sorprendidos
00:12:24con su belleza.
00:12:28Quizás era una niña, ¿no?
00:12:35¿por qué?
00:12:37Azat, quiero salir.
00:12:40¿Dónde quieres ir, Narin?
00:12:42A la tumba de mi abuela.
00:12:44Pero ahora...
00:12:46Lo que tú quieras, Narin.
00:12:48Déjame vestirme primero.
00:12:50Bueno, Narin, está bien.
00:12:52Lo que tú quieras.
00:13:01Hermana, quería hablarte de algo.
00:13:06No puedo soportar este dolor en mi corazón.
00:13:09¿Todas las mujeres estarían así de mal
00:13:11al perder a su bebé?
00:13:14Tranquilo, ya se pondrá bien.
00:13:16Quien causó esto debería lamentarlo.
00:13:18Si no hubiera sido por lo de anoche,
00:13:20nuestro bebé estaría vivo.
00:13:24yo dije que no la primera vez,
00:13:26pero ahora cambié de opinión.
00:13:28¿Sobre qué?
00:13:30Escapemos. Ahora mismo.
00:13:33No hay razón para que nos quedemos aquí.
00:13:35Incluso la tumba es mejor que esto.
00:13:37¿Entonces te irás conmigo?
00:13:39Sí, si aún quieres que te acompañemos.
00:13:41Voy a hablar con Narin.
00:13:43No querrá quedarse aquí ahora.
00:13:46Toma esto.
00:13:48Llama a quien quieras
00:13:50y haz lo que sea necesario,
00:13:52pero hazlo rápido.
00:13:54¿Está bien? Te espero.
00:14:10Emre, ven a buscarme.
00:14:12¿Estás segura, Sila?
00:14:14Está todo listo.
00:14:16Mi hermano está convencido.
00:14:18Nos iremos de aquí.
00:14:22Aún no lo sé.
00:14:24¿Por qué?
00:14:26¿Por qué?
00:14:28¿Por qué?
00:14:30¿Por qué?
00:14:32¿Por qué?
00:14:34No sé, pero lo antes posible.
00:14:36Te llamaré si tenemos algún problema.
00:14:38Espera, Sila.
00:14:40Ya han pasado semanas y sigues diciendo lo mismo.
00:14:42Yo iré y los traeré en el avión de la empresa.
00:14:46Te llamaré para coordinar la hora y la fecha exacta.
00:14:50Nos vemos.
00:14:56No está bien, hermano.
00:14:58Él está actuando.
00:15:00Como si hubiéramos ordenado matar a esa gente.
00:15:02Desde el principio hicimos lo que era necesario hacer.
00:15:04Boran nunca quiso ser el jefe de esta tribu.
00:15:08Confiamos nuestro futuro, paz y organización a nuestro jefe.
00:15:12¿No es así?
00:15:14¿Y qué va a pasar ahora?
00:15:16Las tradiciones no se crean para las personas, ni siquiera para el jefe.
00:15:20Incluso podemos reemplazarlo.
00:15:22Si fuera necesario.
00:15:35¿Quién iba en el auto?
00:15:37Su esposa, su hermana y su cuñado.
00:15:39¿Dónde fueron?
00:15:41Su hermana dijo que quería ir a visitar la tumba de su abuela.
00:15:44Pero ella está débil.
00:15:46Nunca piensa en nada antes de hacerlo.
00:16:05Aquí está.
00:16:08Pero no hay ninguna tumba, Narin.
00:16:10Nunca la encontramos.
00:16:12Y decidimos que este árbol sería su tumba.
00:16:20¿No vendrás con nosotros, hermana?
00:16:24¿Por qué?
00:16:26¿Por qué no?
00:16:28¿Por qué no?
00:16:30¿Por qué no?
00:16:32¿No vendrás con nosotros, hermana?
00:16:34No, me quedaré aquí.
00:16:36Bien, como quieras.
00:17:02Te prometí que traería a mi bebé cuando naciera, pero no pude hacerlo.
00:17:20Campo minado.
00:17:28Pequeña, ¿qué estás haciendo por aquí?
00:17:31¿Estás sola?
00:17:33¿Perdiste a tu mamá?
00:17:40¡Qué linda!
00:17:46¡Zila, no te vayas a mover!
00:17:50¡No des un solo paso!
00:17:54¡No te muevas, hermana! ¡Es un campo minado!
00:17:56¡Zila, espera y no te muevas!
00:17:58¡Quédate quieta, Zila!
00:17:59¡¿Qué están diciendo?!
00:18:01¡No te muevas!
00:18:03¡No puedo escucharlos!
00:18:05¡Quédate donde estás!
00:18:08¡Quédate donde estás, Zila!
00:18:11¡Hermano! ¡Hermano!
00:18:25¡Boren! ¡Ayúdame!
00:18:27Azat, ¿qué está haciendo?
00:18:32¡No des ni un paso, Zila!
00:18:34¡Estás en medio de un campo minado!
00:18:36¡No te muevas y no te pasará nada!
00:18:38Intenta encontrar las minas con las piedras que tienes.
00:18:42¡Tranquila, Zila!
00:18:44Está loco. Sigue avanzando por el campo minado.
00:18:48Tirará piedras sin saber qué pasará.
00:18:57¡No des un solo paso!
00:18:59¡No te muevas, Zila!
00:19:21¿Estás bien? ¡Boren!
00:19:27¡Boren, ¿estás bien?
00:19:30¡Estoy bien, Zila!
00:19:38¡Se va a matar, Narin!
00:19:45¡Tranquila, Zila!
00:19:47¡Voy a salvarte!
00:19:59¡Hermano! ¡Boren!
00:20:02¡Boren, ¿estás bien?
00:20:52¡Zila, cálmate!
00:20:54¡No te muevas!
00:20:56¡Voy a salvarte!
00:20:58¡No importa lo que pase!
00:21:02¡No vayas a dar ni un solo paso, Zila!
00:21:05¡No te preocupes!
00:21:07¡Si sigue, se va a morir, Narin!
00:21:10¡Estoy llegando!
00:21:12¿Ves? ¡No te muevas!
00:21:13¡No te muevas!
00:21:25Está bien, Zila. Todo está bien.
00:21:33Está bien. Estoy contigo ahora.
00:21:35Estoy contigo. ¿Estás bien?
00:21:44Dámela a mí.
00:21:46Pero estás herido.
00:21:53Ahora seguiremos el camino que marqué. ¿De acuerdo?
00:22:02Vamos a morir por mi culpa.
00:22:05Todo está bien ahora, Zila.
00:22:09Tranquila. Ya estamos a salvo. ¿Ves?
00:22:14¿Estás bien?
00:22:18¿Estás bien, señora?
00:22:20Hermano, tienes razón.
00:22:22Pero el problema no son sus errores,
00:22:24sino que es su lealtad a las tradiciones.
00:22:27Si no se detiene ahora, no lo hará nunca.
00:22:29Boran nos destruirá a todos mientras intenta destruir la tradición.
00:22:33Mi hijo es compasivo, pero no es tonto.
00:22:37Sabe cómo gobernar bien la tribu.
00:22:41Hermano, claro que no hay duda de eso.
00:22:44¡Sólo estamos conversando!
00:22:46Si descansa un tiempo, estará bien.
00:22:48No se preocupe.
00:22:52Gracias, doctor.
00:22:57Gracias, doctor.
00:23:01Hasta luego.
00:23:04No tienes de qué preocuparte, papá.
00:23:07Boran nunca cambiará de opinión.
00:23:09Cambiar la tradición es una pasión sin fin para él.
00:23:13Incluso si quisiera calmar esa pasión,
00:23:16no sería posible.
00:23:19¿Qué pasará entonces?
00:23:21¿Cometerá algunos errores?
00:23:23Y entonces lo destruiremos.
00:23:26Si no hubiera sido por el señor Boran,
00:23:29mi hermana ahora estaría muerta, Nareen.
00:23:32No solo tu hermana, sino también mi hermano estaría muerto, Azat.
00:23:35Los hubiéramos perdido los dos.
00:23:38Y te lo dije antes.
00:23:40Están enamorados, pero aún no se dan cuenta o no lo has notado.
00:23:44Si mi hermano no la amara,
00:23:46¿tú crees que él arriesgaría así su vida por ella?
00:23:49Pero han pasado el desafío.
00:23:51Y ahora nadie podrá separarlos.
00:23:53Azat, ¿cómo se te ocurre?
00:23:56¿Te volviste loco?
00:23:58Recién salió del hospital.
00:24:00¿Cómo puedes sacarla de la casa?
00:24:02Teníamos un muy buen motivo, señora Kepser.
00:24:05Basta. Deja de discutir conmigo.
00:24:07Si se enferma, tú serás el responsable.
00:24:12Nareen, mi hija.
00:24:14¿Cómo estás? ¿Estás bien?
00:24:16Estoy bien, mamá. Estoy bien.
00:24:18Pero cuando le hablas así a él,
00:24:20me empiezo a sentir muy mal.
00:24:22Pero, hija querida,
00:24:24lo que él hace no tiene ningún sentido.
00:24:26¿O crees que sí?
00:24:28Mamá, ¿por qué culpas de todo Azat?
00:24:30Él quería que yo descansara,
00:24:32pero fui yo la que insistió en salir.
00:24:34Mamá, por el gran amor que sentimos el uno por el otro,
00:24:37fuimos en contra de la tribu.
00:24:39Y todos nos aceptaron.
00:24:41Tú fuiste la única que no lo hizo.
00:24:43Pero te guste o no,
00:24:45tienes que aceptar que Azat es mi marido.
00:24:47No aguanto las discusiones entre tú y él.
00:24:50Por favor, deja de hacerlo, mamá.
00:25:08Es tan simple, suegra.
00:25:11¿Tú piensas que no puedo cuidar de Nareen?
00:25:14Y nada de lo que hago tiene sentido.
00:25:23En lugar de quedarme aquí,
00:25:25me iré con mi hermana y mi esposa a Estambul
00:25:27y viviré como un hombre rico.
00:25:29Así sabrá lo que es el abandono.
00:25:40No te preocupes, Azat.
00:25:42Pronto el dolor se irá.
00:25:44Y ya no seguiré llorando más por mi pobre bebé.
00:25:49no soporto el dolor en tu corazón.
00:25:51Pero no te preocupes.
00:25:53De alguna manera haré que seas feliz.
00:25:56Lo prometo.
00:26:09¿Sabes qué?
00:26:11Pensé que nunca vería este lugar de nuevo.
00:26:16Es mejor
00:26:18que te olvides de lo que pasó.
00:26:25¿Te sientes incómoda?
00:26:27No, estoy bien.
00:26:35necesito decirte algo.
00:26:38Dime, te escucho.
00:26:42No es sobre mí.
00:26:44Es sobre Ayse.
00:26:46El hombre que ama.
00:26:49Es Usain, ¿verdad?
00:26:51¿Lo sabías?
00:26:56Lo olvidaba.
00:26:58Los ojos de águila del gran Boran lo ven todo.
00:27:08¿Sabías que alguien más quiere casarse con Ayse?
00:27:12No, no lo sabía.
00:27:14Sivan no me lo dijo.
00:27:16Ayse está muy triste.
00:27:18Su hermano quiere casarla con ese hombre.
00:27:22¿Por qué Usain no habla con él?
00:27:24Porque no tiene dinero.
00:27:26¿Puedes creer que Sivan prefiere el dinero
00:27:28por sobre la felicidad de su hermana?
00:27:33no hables como si vivieras en Estambul.
00:27:36Sivan quiere ese dinero para su futuro
00:27:38y lo usará para su bienestar.
00:27:41Está bien.
00:27:43Quizás tengas razón con lo que dices,
00:27:45pero por este asunto del dinero no pueden casarse.
00:27:48Si no hacemos algo...
00:27:50Bueno, si no haces algo,
00:27:52se casará con alguien que no ama.
00:27:54¿Y quieres eso?
00:27:58Usain me gusta.
00:28:00Es un buen hombre.
00:28:02Ayse y él pueden ser una buena pareja.
00:28:09Entonces puedo hablar con Sivan.
00:28:17me voy a cambiar para darme una ducha.
00:28:20Yo saldré.
00:28:22Puedes quedarte.
00:28:26me voy a cambiar para darme una ducha.
00:28:29Yo saldré.
00:28:31Puedes quedarte.
00:29:18¿Quieres algo? Dime, puedo comprarte lo que quieras.
00:29:21No, hermano. Tengo todo lo necesario.
00:29:25Hermano, hace días que quiero decirte algo y no he podido.
00:29:30¿Qué cosa? Dime.
00:29:38¿Es algo malo?
00:29:40Ya me decidí, hermano.
00:29:43¿Decidiste qué?
00:29:46Me voy a casar con Ibrahim.
00:29:50¡Mamá, quiero esa muñeca!
00:29:54¿Estás segura? ¿Eso quieres?
00:29:58Sí, eso quiero. Y no hay otra opción.
00:30:01¿Te quieres casar porque crees que no tienes otra opción?
00:30:04Guzun, el matrimonio no es tan simple.
00:30:14Mira, te enamoraste de alguien y no dijiste nada,
00:30:18pero me mantuve callado y ahora no puedo
00:30:21solo sentarme tranquilo a ver cómo arruinas tu vida.
00:30:24Me casaré, hermano. No hay vuelta atrás.
00:30:27En esta vida nadie cumple sus sueños,
00:30:30pero al menos esta vez Ibrahim sí los cumplirá.
00:30:34Dile que comience con los preparativos de la boda.
00:30:39¿Escuché algo?
00:30:41¿Así que alguien quiere casarse con nuestra Ayse?
00:30:43Justamente iba a consultarle sobre eso, señor.
00:30:46Dígame, ¿usted aprueba a Ayse y a Hamdi juntos?
00:30:50Si en realidad quiere saber mi opinión,
00:30:52yo siempre quise ver a Ayse y a Husein juntos, Ibrahim.
00:30:56Husein es un buen hombre.
00:30:58Tiene buen carácter también, pero es muy pobre.
00:31:02Sigo pensando en el futuro.
00:31:05No te preocupes.
00:31:06Nos ocuparemos de los futuros hijos de Ayse.
00:31:09Y también haremos lo necesario antes y después del matrimonio.
00:31:12No hay duda de eso, señor.
00:31:14Si no hubiera sido por usted,
00:31:16ninguno de nosotros viviría en paz.
00:31:19Y sé que siempre va a proteger a su tribu.
00:31:22Si así lo quiere, podemos dejar que Husein se case con ella.
00:31:26Ya verás, Ibrahim.
00:31:28Ayse va a ser muy importante para nosotros.
00:31:31Ya verás, Ibrahim.
00:31:33Ayse va a ser muy feliz.
00:31:36¿Dónde está Boran?
00:31:37Arriba, señor.
00:31:46Ven aquí.
00:31:47Sí, mi señora.
00:31:49Tengo algo que decirte.
00:31:51¿Es lo que creo que es?
00:31:53Así es, Ayse.
00:31:54Podrás casarte con Husein.
00:31:56Gracias, mi señora.
00:31:57Gracias, mi señora.
00:31:59Dios, haz que mi señora y el señor Boran tengan siempre días felices.
00:32:07No te entiendo, Ayse.
00:32:08Siempre que lloras no importa si estás triste o contenta.
00:32:16Pensaste que ser el jefe era algo simple.
00:32:19Y destruiste las tradiciones sagradas
00:32:21al decir que el jefe no es importante.
00:32:23Hice lo que creía que estaba bien por el bienestar de la gente, papá.
00:32:26Si así lo crees,
00:32:28sé el jefe de la forma que tu familia lo quiere.
00:32:31Solo le darás la razón a Cihan
00:32:33si sigues actuando de esta forma.
00:32:38Si olvidamos nuestro pasado,
00:32:40no hay futuro para nosotros.
00:32:43Sé que estás recién casado,
00:32:45pero no olvides que no puedes hacer
00:32:48todo lo que tu mujer quiere.
00:32:59Lamento interrumpir,
00:33:00pero tengo noticias sobre nuestros productos perdidos.
00:33:03Ya los encontraron, señor.
00:33:05¿Dónde fue?
00:33:06Cerca de Hasankeyf.
00:33:13¿Puedo pasar, mi señora?
00:33:15Ayse, eras tú.
00:33:17¿Qué pasa?
00:33:18¿Qué pasa?
00:33:19¿Qué pasa?
00:33:20¿Qué pasa?
00:33:21¿Qué pasa?
00:33:22¿Qué pasa?
00:33:23¿Qué pasa?
00:33:24¿Qué pasa?
00:33:25Ayse, eras tú.
00:33:30¿Estaba esperando a alguien más?
00:33:32¿No? ¿A quién esperaría?
00:33:34Lamento molestarla,
00:33:36pero quería darle esto.
00:33:39¿Qué es?
00:33:40Es un humilde regalo.
00:33:42Sé que merece algo mejor que esto,
00:33:44pero por favor, tómalo como un símbolo
00:33:46de nuestro amor con Hosein.
00:33:47Es hermoso.
00:33:49Lo hice yo misma.
00:33:50Muchas gracias, Ayse,
00:33:52pero no lo puedo aceptar.
00:33:53Tú lo necesitas para el matrimonio.
00:33:54No, mi señora.
00:33:55No hay nada en este mundo
00:33:56que describa lo que hizo por mí.
00:33:58Incluso con el trabajo
00:33:59de toda mi vida,
00:34:00no podré pagarle.
00:34:01Y si lo aprueba
00:34:02cuando tengamos una niña,
00:34:05le queremos llamar Sila
00:34:06en su honor.
00:34:08Primero cásense y luego deciden.
00:34:10No, mi señora.
00:34:11Ahora que usted y el señor Bora
00:34:13nos ayudaron,
00:34:14nadie puede detener
00:34:15nuestro matrimonio.
00:34:18Entonces será un honor.
00:34:25Gracias, Aydar.
00:34:26¿Está el señor Boran en casa?
00:34:28No, no está en casa,
00:34:29pero puede pasar si quiere.
00:34:31Gracias, pero mejor me voy.
00:34:35¿Por qué no entras?
00:34:36Hola, Sila.
00:34:38No quería molestarte.
00:34:39Vine a pedirle algo a Boran,
00:34:41pero no está.
00:34:42Siempre eres bienvenido
00:34:43en esta casa.
00:34:44¿Sólo vendrás
00:34:45cuando Boran esté en casa?
00:34:47Quizás estés un poco ocupada.
00:34:49No tengo nada
00:34:50que hacer ahora.
00:34:52No tengo nada que hacer ahora.
00:34:54Tomémonos un café
00:34:55y así podemos conversar.
00:34:57Si eso es lo que quieres,
00:34:59por supuesto que tomaré un café.
00:35:22Buenas tardes, oficial.
00:35:24Hola, señor Boran.
00:35:26¿Qué pasó?
00:35:27El nombre de su empresa
00:35:28está escrito
00:35:29en los paquetes quemados.
00:35:32Significa que su intención
00:35:33no era robarlos.
00:35:34No, no era su intención.
00:35:37Nunca tuve
00:35:40That's not your intention.
00:36:04I've never been so afraid in my life.
00:36:07A few years ago, a mine exploded three or four meters from Gulsun.
00:36:11Is that why you were running?
00:36:14Even at that distance?
00:36:18Now I think it's a miracle that we survived.
00:36:22After the accident, Gulsun wanted to be alone.
00:36:25She looked different from the rest of the people.
00:36:28And that's why she never talks to anyone.
00:36:31If you accept it, I'd really like to be her friend.
00:36:33It would be very good for her.
00:36:35She needs a friend, especially right now.
00:36:38I can see something in her eyes.
00:36:41But she won't tell me.
00:36:43And I can't help her.
00:36:52Gulsun decided to marry.
00:36:54Will she marry Ibrahim?
00:37:06I don't want to.
00:37:08I don't want to.
00:37:10I don't want to.
00:37:12I don't want to.
00:37:14I don't want to.
00:37:16I don't want to.
00:37:18I don't want to.
00:37:20I don't want to.
00:37:22I don't want to.
00:37:25Sila, I know you want to help her.
00:37:28But Gulsun is very sensitive.
00:37:31She gets offended easily.
00:37:33And if she does, I'll be very sorry for you.
00:37:35You understand, right?
00:37:37Don't worry.
00:37:39I came here for this reason.
00:37:41I won't hurt Gulsun.
00:37:44All I want is to be her friend.
00:37:47I'm sure we'll get along.
00:37:51Because she's alone, like me.
00:37:55And being alone isn't easy.
00:37:58Well, let's go in.
00:38:00We don't have to wait here.
00:38:06Yes, sir.
00:38:07Get Demi and Huseyin to my office.
00:38:09As you wish, sir.
00:38:15What's that?
00:38:17It's an embroidery.
00:38:21It looks like you found something to talk about.
00:38:25I think it's very good.
00:38:27I'm going to leave you alone.
00:38:36Your brother told me you decided to get married.
00:38:39That's right.
00:38:44You can say it's not my fault, but...
00:38:46It's okay, Sila.
00:38:48Well, I just wanted to tell you...
00:38:51Don't you think you made the right decision?
00:38:55What does Vernon think about this?
00:38:57Does he think Ibrahim is right for me?
00:39:01I don't know what he thinks about you and him.
00:39:05I don't know what he thinks about his own life, either.
00:39:09I just know you shouldn't do this.
00:39:16Listen to me, please.
00:39:19You're not in love with Ibrahim.
00:39:21We both know that.
00:39:23I don't want you to regret it later.
00:39:27I don't want you to regret it later.
00:39:38So you don't know anything about all this?
00:39:40How could I, sir?
00:39:43What does that mean, Adem?
00:39:45Aren't you and Huseyin in charge of the shipment?
00:39:48A lot of cargo was lost, but...
00:39:50You don't know what happened.
00:39:54That means I made a big mistake trusting you.
00:40:00You're both like brothers to me.
00:40:02But if you don't tell me the truth now,
00:40:04I promise I won't have mercy on either of you.
00:40:11For the last time.
00:40:14Answer me.
00:40:17Who told you to burn the cargo?
00:40:20I want you to tell me now.
00:40:22If you don't, I'll force you to confess.
00:40:25Sir, we made a mistake,
00:40:27but we didn't think about the consequences.
00:40:29We fear Mr. Cihan.
00:40:31And that's why we got involved in this.
00:40:33Otherwise, why would we betray him?
00:40:40Huseyin is telling the truth.
00:40:43You're also involved.
00:40:45Yes, sir.
00:40:46Huseyin also got money from Mr. Cihan.
00:40:50Sir, please forgive us.
00:40:53For our families.
00:41:07I don't want to see either of you ever again.
00:41:10Thank you, sir.
00:41:11For having mercy on us.
00:41:20Keep away from my sister.
00:41:23Or I'll kill you.
00:41:39No, you're amazing, Azat.
00:41:41I just wanted a bar of chocolate,
00:41:43but you're still here.
00:41:44It's been hours.
00:41:45Well, thank you.
00:41:48Well, Narin, don't worry.
00:41:50I'll bring it to you.
00:41:51Bitter chocolate?
00:41:52With almonds, but two bars.
00:41:54I'll buy all the bars for you.
00:41:57I'll be right back.
00:42:01Hurry up.
00:42:02Don't worry.
00:42:03I'll be back soon.
00:42:18Narin, daughter.
00:42:20Are you okay?
00:42:22I'm fine, Mom.
00:42:24Azat wanted to rest a little.
00:42:29Dear daughter,
00:42:30don't be mad at your mother, please.
00:42:34If I had known that my words
00:42:36would hurt you and your baby,
00:42:39I wouldn't have done it.
00:42:44Come in.
00:42:49Good afternoon.
00:42:50Good afternoon.
00:42:54Hello, nice to meet you.
00:42:58Good morning.
00:42:59Come in, please.
00:43:00Take a seat.
00:43:04Mr. Emre, we know you don't have much time,
00:43:06and we don't want to take any more.
00:43:08So thank you for seeing us.
00:43:10You're welcome.
00:43:11But I'm busy,
00:43:12and I don't have much time to see you.
00:43:15I understand.
00:43:16Since Ms. Sila gave you the rights to the company
00:43:19and the funds,
00:43:20you must be very busy.
00:43:22How did you know?
00:43:24That's very secret information
00:43:25about our company and our family.
00:43:27I'm surprised you know that information.
00:43:29Well, our source is a secret, Mr. Emre.
00:43:36Oztemir is an important company
00:43:38that leads the Turkish economy.
00:43:40But now Ms. Sila got the funds.
00:43:42She's very young,
00:43:43and she has no experience in the business.
00:43:45What does she think about this?
00:43:47The truth is that Mr. Erkan
00:43:49not only left a huge fortune to Ms. Sila,
00:43:51he also left her professionals
00:43:52to guide her in her decisions
00:43:54so that this company doesn't go bankrupt.
00:43:56But when will Ms. Sila be in charge?
00:43:59She's in Rome.
00:44:03She's in Rome?
00:44:05And she didn't go to the funeral?
00:44:07Are you sure she'll return to Istanbul?
00:44:09Of course, but she'll come back
00:44:10when she's able to do so.
00:44:13Our colleagues in Rome
00:44:14looked for Ms. Sila in every hotel,
00:44:16but they couldn't find her.
00:44:17What's the reason for that?
00:44:19It's simple.
00:44:20She doesn't want anyone to bother her
00:44:22during her stay.
00:44:23Well, as I told you,
00:44:25I don't have much time.
00:44:26The interview ends here.
00:44:27One last question, Mr. Emre, please.
00:44:32We heard that you make
00:44:33the company's decisions,
00:44:34not Ms. Sila.
00:44:36Why do you have that power?
00:44:38Is it because of the love
00:44:39between you two?
00:44:41What do you want me to say?
00:44:42Ms. Sila's decisions.
00:44:44I was the company's lawyer
00:44:45while Mr. Erkan was alive,
00:44:47and now I go to meetings
00:44:48in Ms. Sila's name.
00:44:50But she makes the decisions.
00:44:53Let's be clear.
00:44:54There is no connection
00:44:55between our relationship
00:44:56and this situation.
00:44:58And if you'll excuse me,
00:45:00I have to go.
00:45:01I have a meeting.
00:45:02Thank you, Mr. Emre,
00:45:03for your time.
00:45:04You're welcome.
00:45:06Thank you, Mr. Emre.
00:45:07You're welcome.
00:45:10Have a good day.
00:45:11You too.
00:45:20No matter what he says,
00:45:22Gulsun hasn't changed her mind.
00:45:25She's stubborn.
00:45:27Once she's made up her mind,
00:45:29there's no turning back.
00:45:31Please thank Gulsun
00:45:33for today.
00:45:34You were very kind to me.
00:45:37And you,
00:45:38take care of my hero friend too.
00:45:40Tell him not to meddle
00:45:41in a minefield anymore.
00:45:45What's wrong, Sila?
00:45:47Did I say something wrong?
00:45:50Boran is your best friend.
00:45:52You know him better than anyone.
00:45:54What happened?
00:45:57Do they have a problem?
00:46:00Boran is a mystery.
00:46:01I never know what he thinks
00:46:03or what he feels.
00:46:05I don't understand him.
00:46:07Sometimes he makes me very happy
00:46:08with his actions.
00:46:10But it's so strange.
00:46:13Sometimes I think
00:46:15I'll never get to know him for real.
00:46:23I'm going to tell you something.
00:46:25And none of this is for you to be offended.
00:46:27Boran has a lot of responsibilities.
00:46:30He doesn't even own himself.
00:46:32Then why doesn't he give up?
00:46:35It's not that easy, Sila.
00:46:38Since Boran is the boss,
00:46:39the tribe is at peace.
00:46:43Boran governs the tribe with his heart,
00:46:46not with violence.
00:46:48He wants the rotten roots of the tribe
00:46:49not to revive.
00:46:51He wants everyone to have a good life.
00:46:55Is that really possible?
00:46:57Do you think Boran will be able to change
00:47:00a tradition that's hundreds of years old?
00:47:04Of course it will take a long time.
00:47:07But even changing a single rule
00:47:09can save the lives
00:47:11of thousands of people.
00:47:21Let's go.
00:47:23Let's go.
00:47:49Why did you bring me here, Boran?
00:47:52Look, it's our job.
00:47:56Our breath.
00:47:57Our time.
00:47:59And our money.
00:48:02But someone burned it all.
00:48:04How did this happen?
00:48:06Sihan, you know what I'm talking about.
00:48:09You think I don't know what happened to the truck?
00:48:12What are you talking about, cousin?
00:48:14What kind of man burns his own job, Sihan?
00:48:18Do you think the clan is going to believe
00:48:21those two poor bastards?
00:48:23Of course they won't believe my words.
00:48:26Listen to me.
00:48:27If you have a problem with me,
00:48:29you have to discuss it with me.
00:48:31What kind of problem, Mr. Boran?
00:48:33Sihan, never try to burn our job again.
00:48:38Or you'll be the one who's going to burn.
00:48:40You're not so sure of that.
00:48:43Go, Sihan.
00:49:15I'm sorry.
00:49:16I think I'm interrupting.
00:49:17I'm leaving.
00:49:19Sir, I was saying that we would like
00:49:21to allow the marriage between
00:49:23Ayse and our son Hamdi.
00:49:27That will be if it is your destiny, Yusuf.
00:49:30No, Sihan.
00:49:37This is an excellent opportunity for you.
00:49:39How do you want to lose it?
00:49:41Hasn't it been enough to be the mokama in other houses?
00:49:43Now it's your chance to be the woman of the house.
00:49:45But that stupid brain of yours,
00:49:47you'll be poor forever
00:49:48if all you want is Ausein.
00:49:52My lady.
00:49:54Ayse, tell me who's upstairs.
00:49:57I don't know either, ma'am.
00:49:59When my brother arrived,
00:50:00he told me that some guests were coming,
00:50:02but I realized it was Hamdi.
00:50:05Will you fix the marriage?
00:50:07Is it part of the tradition to say no face to face?
00:50:10Why should they say no, ma'am?
00:50:12Sivan called and invited them,
00:50:14so I'm sure they'll get married.
00:50:16That's impossible.
00:50:18Ayse is not in love with Hamdi,
00:50:20and Boran has already said no.
00:50:22Don't worry, I'll go upstairs and see what's going on.
00:50:24I'll be right back, okay?
00:50:40Boran, could you come here for a second?
00:50:44I can't go now, Sila.
00:50:45Don't you see we have guests?
00:50:47Boran, it's important.
00:50:50Sila, I told you I can't go now.
00:50:53Mr. Yusuf,
00:50:54it will be an honor to become family
00:50:57since Mr. Boran has approved it.
00:51:01Let's meet again sometime to discuss the engagement.
00:51:05May God help you
00:51:06to have an honorable and fortunate marriage.
00:51:10Thank you, sir.
00:51:11May God bless you.
00:51:13Next time you come,
00:51:14we'll talk about the preparations.
00:51:17Do you agree, Mr. Boran?
00:51:19If it's good for you, it's good for me.
00:51:27Good evening.
00:51:28Congratulations, Sivan.
00:51:29Thank you, sir.
00:51:34why are you allowing this?
00:51:39Did you forget we talked about this in the morning?
00:51:41Did you change your mind?
00:51:43We'll talk about this later, Sila.
00:51:45Now go to your room.
00:51:46I want to talk right now.
00:51:48How can I look poor Ayse in the face
00:51:50while she's crying without knowing what's going on?
00:51:55Why did you change your mind?
00:51:58Don't we have the right to know?
00:52:01No, Sila, you don't have the right.
00:52:04Don't get involved in this.
00:52:12Boran, what happened?
00:52:13We talked earlier and you said yes.
00:52:17Why did you change your mind?
00:52:20You promised me.
00:52:21Tell me something.
00:52:24Sila, don't get involved.
00:52:27Everything is settled.
00:52:28They'll get married.
00:52:29But why?
00:52:31For Ayse's sake.
00:52:34Does that mean marrying her for the sake of Ayse?
00:52:37Sometimes people are wrong.
00:52:39And the person you love is not the person you think she is.
00:52:43I'm sorry, but Ayse was wrong.
00:52:46Does Mr. Boran also decide that?
00:52:51If he knows something, he decides.
00:53:10Yes, sister?
00:53:12Can we talk?
00:53:14Is there a problem?
00:53:17You already told Narin about us going to Istanbul.
00:53:22It's not something to talk about here.
00:53:24Can someone hear me?
00:53:28I don't want to talk about it.
00:53:31I don't want to talk about it.
00:53:34I don't want to talk about it.
00:53:37Let's go outside and talk, okay?
00:53:40But we need to hurry, okay?
00:53:42Well, I'll fix it as soon as possible.
00:54:09Someone bring me a coffee.
00:54:10Right away, sir.
00:54:12Mr. Sivan.
00:54:14How dare you come here?
00:54:17I beg you, please have mercy.
00:54:19Let me see Mr. Boran.
00:54:21Please, I need to talk to him.
00:54:23Let me pass.
00:54:24Listen to me.
00:54:25Mr. Boran would never go down to your level, garbage.
00:54:29Now go.
00:54:30And don't come back until you've seen him.
00:54:33I don't want to see him.
00:54:35Now go.
00:54:36And don't ever come back.
00:54:40Did your brother tell you anything?
00:54:42Why did they change their mind at the last minute?
00:54:44I don't know.
00:54:45He never tells me anything.
00:54:47By mistake, I mentioned Usain, but he yelled at me and said he would never mention him again.
00:54:53What kind of fate do I have, my lady?
00:54:55Don't talk like that.
00:54:56Let's find out first, and then we'll see what to do.
00:55:02Why don't we take a walk outside?
00:55:04And what do I say if someone asks me?
00:55:07If they ask, tell them he went to his mother's house because he misses her.
00:55:10Okay, I will.
00:55:15Don't you understand anything?
00:55:17Get out of here.
00:55:18Mr. Sivan.
00:55:20Please call Mr. Boran.
00:55:21I need to talk to him.
00:55:23What lies are you going to tell him?
00:55:25How are you going to look him in the eye?
00:55:29Usain was about to leave, sir.
00:55:32I'm sorry.
00:55:38Tell me.
00:55:47Have you fixed the plane, sister?
00:55:49It's ready.
00:55:51Did you talk to Narin about this?
00:55:53I have to talk to her just before the plane arrives.
00:55:56She loves her brother so much that if she has time to think about it, she will tell him.
00:56:01I don't want them to come looking for us.
00:56:05You can tell me a day before the game and I'll talk to her.
00:56:08And if you don't convince her?
00:56:10Don't worry about that.
00:56:13The truth is, I had serious doubts about you.
00:56:16I don't know.
00:56:17I thought you wouldn't want to go after Boran saved you from that minefield.
00:56:22But you already...
00:56:24You made the decision.
00:56:25And that's good.
00:56:27How are you, Emir?
00:56:29How are you, Emir?
00:56:31It's been a long time since you visited me.
00:56:33Mom won't let me go.
00:56:35Well, I'll talk to her.
00:56:37You'll be late for school.
00:56:39Let's go in, sister.
00:56:50I don't know what I have to do.
00:56:52I don't know what I have to do.
00:56:56But I want you to forgive me.
00:56:58I would go to the end of the world to get your forgiveness.
00:57:04I'm so sorry, sir.
00:57:06I never wanted this to happen.
00:57:10And if you didn't want to, why did you do it?
00:57:13I couldn't find another way to get Ailse's gift, sir.
00:57:17And when I heard that Hamdi wanted to marry her...
00:57:21I didn't know what else to do.
00:57:24I had no choice, sir.
00:57:28If you had told me all this before, I could have helped you.
00:57:33But now it's too late.
00:57:35And I can't do anything.
00:57:37I don't trust you.
00:57:41Is it all over for me?
00:57:49I would like to ask you one last favor.
00:57:52I don't want Ailse to know about this.
00:57:55If she finds out, it will be worse than death.
00:58:00Don't worry.
00:58:02She doesn't know.
00:58:05This is the last favor I ask of you.
00:58:07I had to pay a very high price.
00:58:14I will gain her trust again.
00:58:17I don't know how.
00:58:19But I will do it.
00:58:21Just as I did when I fought for Mrs. Yesda.
00:58:24Don't say that, Usain.
00:58:27If you were the man you claim to be, you wouldn't have done this.
00:58:30You're right, sir.
00:58:33Now go.
00:58:35All right.
00:58:43I'm very sorry.
00:58:50Here, dear.
00:58:52Thank you very much, Mom.
00:59:01Is there a problem you're not telling me about?
00:59:03No, why do you think that?
00:59:05Because you're very quiet, dear.
00:59:07Vedar! Vedar!
00:59:09What am I going to do, Vedar?
00:59:14Help me!
00:59:16Who am I going to tell my story to?
00:59:17Calm down, Hava.
00:59:19Come, calm down.
00:59:20Sit here.
00:59:22Calm down, calm down.
00:59:29Calm down and tell me what happened, Hava.
00:59:32I can't take the pain anymore.
00:59:34Seyyan is pregnant.
00:59:37Is that true, Hava?
00:59:41She's Hava's eldest daughter.
00:59:43And she's not married yet.
00:59:45Is she engaged?
00:59:47No, ma'am. She's very young.
00:59:49I don't know how this tragedy happened.
00:59:52Calm down.
00:59:54We can't find a solution if we don't calm down.
00:59:58Did Seyyan tell you about the baby's father?
01:00:01I asked him many times.
01:00:03He told me it was a man named Jalil.
01:00:06My God.
01:00:08And tell me something, do your children know?
01:00:10Of course they know.
01:00:12My daughter's eyes tell everything.
01:00:14And what will happen now?
01:00:15What are they going to do to Seyyan?
01:00:19If the family decides that,
01:00:23Seyyan will marry the man she was engaged to.
01:00:28Forgive me, Hava.
01:00:32The tribe will decide.
01:00:37But that doesn't make sense.
01:00:39I'll talk to Boran about this.
01:00:41If he talks to his family,
01:00:43he can convince them not to kill Seyyan.
01:00:45I beg you, ma'am.
01:00:58You locked my office. I need you to come in.
01:01:08Here, Mr. Cihan.
01:01:10Thank you very much.
01:01:12But tell them not to lock my door.
01:01:15When I'm out.
01:01:29Wow. Welcome, Sila.
01:01:32You can go wherever you want.
01:01:34You'll get used to my yacht.
01:01:42How curious.
01:01:43Why did you come all the way here?
01:01:47Boran, we need to talk.
01:01:49Sit down, sit down.
01:01:52What is it, Sila?
01:01:54Look, my mother's neighbor has a daughter
01:01:57named Seyyan, and she's pregnant without being married.
01:02:00The baby's father is a man named Halil.
01:02:03He came here for work.
01:02:05And his mother told me that they will kill her
01:02:08if they decide so.
01:02:10Since they love each other,
01:02:11please let them get married.
01:02:14Boran, if you intervene in this,
01:02:17they won't be able to hurt her.
01:02:19I'm asking you myself.
01:02:21Her mother is very ill.
01:02:24Please help Seyyan.
01:02:30This time you can save the girl.
01:02:35Interesting, Mr. Boran.
01:02:38This time?
01:02:41And how many times more?
01:02:46Sila, don't get into problems you don't know.
01:02:50Why are you telling me that?
01:02:52I'm trying to save a person from death
01:02:54like you do.
01:02:56Sila, this is another world.
01:02:58Can you understand that?
01:03:00I understand, and I understand it very well.
01:03:02People are dying for traditions.
01:03:04We need to do something.
01:03:08won't you do anything?
01:03:09Won't you do anything?
01:03:11Don't get involved in this, Sila.
01:03:13Are you going to sit down and do nothing?
01:03:16Aren't you the boss?
01:03:23Sila, go home.
01:03:25We'll talk about this later.
01:03:27I don't understand.
01:03:29I really can't understand
01:03:31that you are the same person
01:03:33who saved me from the minefield.
01:03:40Go and find the man named Jalil.
01:03:42But quickly.
01:03:44I want him here as soon as possible.
01:03:46Of course, sir.
01:04:10The young empress was lost.
01:04:12Miss Sila,
01:04:14one of the most famous businesswomen
01:04:16who inherited an immense fortune
01:04:18after her father's death,
01:04:20Mr. Erkampos de Mir,
01:04:22was lost and no one knows where she is.
01:04:42Give me the phone.
01:04:44Mr. Selim,
01:04:46I'm calling you about the article you published today
01:04:49about Miss Sila.
01:04:51Yes, tell me how I can help you.
01:04:53No, don't worry.
01:04:55I'll be the one to help you.
01:04:57I'm sorry, I don't understand you.
01:04:59She's looking for her empress in the wrong place.
01:05:03Tell me where she is,
01:05:05and I'll help you.
01:05:06She's looking for her empress in the wrong place.
01:05:09Tell your colleagues
01:05:11that they should look for her in Mardin too.
01:05:13How could I locate her?
01:05:15Who am I talking to?
01:05:17The answers to your questions are in Mardin Midyat.
01:05:26Hey, Selim, what happened?
01:05:28Something good?
01:05:30I think so.
01:05:32It looks like we have something.
01:05:34If it's true,
01:05:36we'll let the press know.
01:05:38If it's reliable,
01:05:40we have a safe coverage.
01:05:42How will the story of our chief of Mardin
01:05:46with the empress of Istanbul?
01:05:56Sila, what did Mr. Boran say?
01:05:59I couldn't understand what he said.
01:06:01Oh, my beautiful daughter,
01:06:03you came to dad's house.
01:06:05Welcome, daughter.
01:06:07How are you, dad?
01:06:09Hey, Bedar, did you know what's going on outside?
01:06:12You never leave this place.
01:06:14It looks like you were a prisoner here.
01:06:16Java's daughter left the house.
01:06:21Yes, all of Mardin is talking about this.
01:06:23And her relatives are fighting among themselves, Bedar.
01:06:26Seycan, dad?
01:06:27Yes, Seycan.
01:06:29This time the fights were much worse.
01:06:31They couldn't even take care of their own daughter.
01:06:33That's good.
01:06:35I'm glad.
01:06:37I didn't have to let others decide their fate.
01:06:39Don't say that, Sila.
01:06:41Don't say that.
01:06:53Suleyman, Seycan's brother,
01:06:54is waiting outside.
01:06:56All right.
01:06:58Tell him to come in.
01:07:04When the girls of our clan leave their homes,
01:07:06they never find them.
01:07:09They'll find her somehow.
01:07:11Yes, of course.
01:07:14But if Chief Boran doesn't help her,
01:07:16as he did with the other girls,
01:07:19we'll investigate and find out.
01:07:20If she escaped alone,
01:07:22or with the help of someone else.
01:07:24You went too far, son.
01:07:27It's impossible.
01:07:29But there's something I'm sure of, dad.
01:07:31Boran was the one who helped Seycan with all this.
01:07:34Enough of your slander, Seycan.
01:07:36Be careful with what you say.
01:07:38Don't forget that the things you say
01:07:40are totally unacceptable.
01:07:42I won't let you continue like this.
01:07:44I won't let you continue like this.
01:07:46I won't let you continue like this.
01:07:48I won't let you continue like this.
01:07:51I won't let you continue like this.
01:07:53I won't let you continue like this.
01:07:55I won't let you continue like this.
01:07:57One day I'll tell you the same, Uncle Firuz.
01:07:59One day I'll tell you the same, Uncle Firuz.
01:08:01Seycan, my brother is right.
01:08:03You should think before you speak,
01:08:05and control your feelings well.
01:08:07and control your feelings well.
01:08:09I heard it with my own ears, dad.
01:08:11Tell her.
01:08:13She said that Boran helped someone else.
01:08:15She said that Boran helped someone else.
01:08:17But it wasn't him.
01:08:18You have to believe me, dad.
01:08:20You have to believe me, dad.
01:08:22Even at the university, we had different ideas.
01:08:24Even at the university, we had different ideas.
01:08:26He was against the boss, but now he is the boss Boran.
01:08:28He was against the boss, but now he is the boss Boran.
01:08:30I'm going to show our little man
01:08:32I'm going to show our little man
01:08:34what a defeat is,
01:08:36and he'll know how it feels.
01:08:38I promise.
01:08:49Aziz, I need you to look for someone.
01:08:51Aziz, I need you to look for someone.
01:08:53Seycan Dekoseler escaped.
01:08:55Find her and bring her to me.
01:08:57And don't tell anyone.
01:08:59Sir, Seycan is already here.
01:09:01She came early and asked to speak to you.
01:09:10What will you do to her?
01:09:12Will you kill her or let her marry the man she loves?
01:09:14Will you kill her or let her marry the man she loves?
01:09:16You said you wouldn't meddle, Sila.
01:09:18You said you wouldn't meddle, Sila.
01:09:20I didn't say that, and besides,
01:09:22I won't agree with you, Boran.
01:09:28Have a nice day, sir.
01:09:34Sir, Seycan is here.
01:09:40How are you, Seycan?
01:09:42Sir, I need protection.
01:09:44Can you help me?
01:09:45Of course.
01:09:47Have a room prepared for Seycan.
01:09:49Go and rest.
01:09:51Then we can talk in detail.
01:09:53Seycan, come with me.
01:10:09I don't know what to do, sir.
01:10:11My father tells me to marry her to Boran.
01:10:13My father tells me to marry her to Boran.
01:10:16That way, there won't be any harm to Seycan and her baby.
01:10:19But I don't want to lose her.
01:10:21I feel like I'm under a huge rock.
01:10:26If you keep sitting here, you'll lose her.
01:10:29Believe me, Suleiman.
01:10:32The chief will secretly help your sister escape.
01:10:35And then you'll be crushed under that rock.
01:10:38Would Chief Boram ever do something like that?
01:10:40Of course he would.
01:10:43And there's nothing you can do about it.
01:10:48Helin crossed the border with money.
01:10:52And the one who helped her was Chief Boram.
01:10:57Seycan, you misunderstood this time.
01:11:05Boram called Jalil.
01:11:07He will keep the tradition.
01:11:09Seycan and Jalil will get married.
01:11:11Really, sir?
01:11:13Thank God.
01:11:15Our family's honor will be restored.
01:11:17And we won't bring shame to the tribe.
01:11:19I hope so.
01:11:21We'll see about that.
01:11:34Don't worry.
01:11:36I'm your neighbor's daughter, Bedar.
01:11:39Is she Mr. Boram's wife?
01:11:43Seycan, we already know everything.
01:11:46Don't worry.
01:11:48Now you're safe here.
01:11:50Boram will let you marry the man you love.
01:11:55Don't cry anymore.
01:11:58Don't worry. I promise everything will be fine.
01:12:01When you're sad, your baby gets sad too.
01:12:05You'll see.
01:12:07The three of them will be a very happy family.
01:12:09And I'll go meet your baby.
01:12:12I have something to tell you.
01:12:14I don't want to marry that man.
01:12:19He's not the man I love.
01:12:22And I never loved this baby.
01:12:26That man took me by force and raped me, ma'am.
01:12:35Why didn't you tell me before?
01:12:37How could I tell you?
01:12:38My life and death on one hand.
01:12:40Marry and live a nightmare on the other.
01:12:43But I don't want to marry that man.
01:12:46Instead of marrying him,
01:12:48I'd rather be in a grave.
01:13:09Have you seen Boram?
01:13:11He's downstairs.
01:13:13What's the rush, Noera?
01:13:19What's wrong, Sila?
01:13:21We made a mistake.
01:13:23We thought Seycan was in love with that man.
01:13:25You can't let her marry him.
01:13:29But why?
01:13:31Because nothing happened with his consent.
01:13:33The truth is that Halil raped Seycan.
01:13:35He's very bad.
01:13:37Sir, Halil is here.
01:13:39Do you want him to come in?
01:13:45Don't do it.
01:13:47No, Boram.
01:13:49It's not the time to be weak.
01:13:51Talk to Halil.
01:13:53And marry them right now.
01:13:55Don't disappoint the tribe again.
01:13:57You must do what's right.
01:13:59We're talking about the life of a poor girl
01:14:01who's going to marry her rapist.
01:14:03How will you feel?
01:14:04Won't you feel guilty
01:14:06for ruining the life of an innocent woman?
01:14:08Sir, let Halil in.
01:14:18Tell him to come tomorrow.
01:14:21What are you going to do?
01:14:23Are you going to marry them tomorrow?
01:14:25There's no today or tomorrow for the chief.
01:14:27You must think about the tradition.
01:14:46Is Halil coming, sir?
01:14:48Yes, he's coming.
01:14:50Sir, I wish this problem would be solved.
01:14:52You act like a child, Suleiman.
01:14:54Your sister made a mistake.
01:14:57But you stayed quiet.
01:14:59And you didn't do anything about it.
01:15:01If my sister had done something so terrible,
01:15:04I wouldn't wait a second to punish her.
01:15:08She's not just my sister.
01:15:11She's the one who always accompanies me.
01:15:15Even in the worst moments.
01:15:18She's my best friend.
01:15:20It's not easy to give her up.
01:15:23A man without honor
01:15:25would even be abandoned by his best friends.
01:15:27Here I am, Mr. Ceyhan.
01:15:29Good afternoon, Halil.
01:15:31Did Boran say anything?
01:15:33When is the wedding?
01:15:35I don't know, sir.
01:15:37I couldn't come into your house.
01:15:39Although I tried, they wouldn't let me.
01:15:42If I could come in,
01:15:44I'd ask Ceyhan for help.
01:15:46Suleiman, you know how I am.
01:15:48I don't know what to do.
01:15:50I don't know what to do.
01:15:52I don't know what to do.
01:15:54I don't know what to do.
01:15:56You know I love your sister.
01:15:59What do you think now, Suleiman?
01:16:02Don't you see?
01:16:04The boss lied to you both.
01:16:06He'll postpone you
01:16:08and help Ceyhan escape tonight.
01:16:10In the morning,
01:16:12he'll tell some stupid lies.
01:16:15And since you don't obey the tradition,
01:16:18your honor will disappear completely
01:16:20and the clan won't accept you again.
01:16:26I don't know what to do.
01:16:57You're here again.
01:17:07There's no place that belongs to me
01:17:10or that makes me feel completely calm.
01:17:14This is where I feel safe.
01:17:16I don't know what to do.
01:17:18I don't know what to do.
01:17:20I don't know what to do.
01:17:22I don't know what to do.
01:17:24I don't know what to do.
01:17:26I don't know what to do.
01:17:29What should I do, Boran?
01:17:31I follow my heart.
01:17:33Should I keep quiet
01:17:35if they want Ceyhan to marry a rapist?
01:17:39it's the tradition.
01:17:41There's no other option.
01:17:43If she doesn't marry him,
01:17:45Ceyhan will be found dead for sure.
01:17:47There has to be some other solution.
01:17:49This can't end like this.
01:17:51Aren't you the boss?
01:17:54But there's nothing I can do.
01:17:57You always have two options in life.
01:17:59And you have to choose between them.
01:18:16We don't always choose the best option,
01:18:18but we have to.
01:18:29Suleyman is here.
01:18:31He wants to talk to you,
01:18:33but he's a little drunk.
01:18:35Okay, I'm coming.
01:18:37Who's Suleyman?
01:18:39He's Ceyhan's brother.
01:18:51Welcome, Suleyman.
01:18:53Sir, give me Ceyhan and I'll go.
01:18:57What's wrong?
01:18:59Don't you trust the boss, Suleyman?
01:19:01Of course I do, sir,
01:19:03but give her to me and I'll go right away.
01:19:07you'd better go now.
01:19:09We'll talk in detail tomorrow.
01:19:11No, sir.
01:19:13I can't go home without Ceyhan.
01:19:15I don't want to lose my honor.
01:19:17Do you only remember your sister now?
01:19:19Don't you care that she marries a rapist?
01:19:21Who's the rapist?
01:19:26don't get involved in this.
01:19:28What kind of brother are you, Suleyman?
01:19:30Do you avoid seeing your sister's situation?
01:19:32Don't you make mistakes?
01:19:34Who do you think you are to blame her?
01:19:36Zila, I told you to shut up.
01:19:40give me Ceyhan and I'll go.
01:19:42We won't give you Ceyhan.
01:19:44If we do, you'll kill her.
01:19:46Give me Ceyhan and I'll go, sir.
01:19:48I won't lose my honor.
01:19:50What does this mean, Suleyman?
01:19:52Why are you pointing a gun at me?
01:19:54She did me a lot of favors.
01:19:56She kept my brother and gave us both work.
01:19:58But I need to take Ceyhan.
01:20:05think about what you're doing.
01:20:07You'd better go now.
01:20:09Tomorrow, when you're sober, we'll talk.
01:20:11I don't have time, sir.
01:20:13I need to take Ceyhan now.
01:20:15You can point that gun at me all you want,
01:20:17but I won't give you your sister.
01:20:19If you were a good brother,
01:20:21you could have taken care of her.
01:20:24You're right, ma'am.
01:20:27I can't be a good brother.
01:20:30Don't do it!
01:20:54Let someone reach my hand
01:20:58My head is like a smoke, I can't find a cure
01:21:05One day, I'll go back to Sıla
01:21:24One day, I'll go back to Sıla
01:21:54One day, I'll go back to Sıla
