• l’année dernière
00:00Whenever there's a crime or trouble
00:02That no one can solve at all, it seems
00:05That's when they come in on the double
00:07Sylvester and Tweety, mysteries
00:10It might be day or night, whenever
00:12Conditions are right for them to flee
00:15So how it all still fits together
00:17Sylvester and Tweety, mysteries
00:19If there's a problem
00:22An old house with rotten stairs
00:24Just look around you
00:27Chancellor will be found
00:29Someday I'll eat that darn canary
00:31And then I'll be happy, yes siree
00:34But Hector thinks you should be wary
00:36Sylvester and Tweety, mysteries
00:39The chase goes on with each new mission
00:41With backdrops of plenty, no one deep
00:44And through it all, they're in contention
00:46Sylvester and Tweety, mysteries
00:50Ah, Paris in the spring, love is in the air
01:02And something else is too
01:14Mesdames et messieurs
01:16It is my great pleasure to announce
01:18This year's line of Valentine's Day perfumes
01:33Bonne slipotette
01:41Zut, au tour
02:02Thank you, Madame Guarani
02:04For helping us in our hour of need
02:06Oh, it's the least I could do
02:08A tragedy, no
02:10I ask you, what is a Frenchman without his perfume?
02:18Go, get him, boy
02:20We'll solve this case in one stout whip
02:25Or maybe not
02:36Well, even a super sleuth needs to eat
02:42May I suggest a croissant
02:44Or perhaps a crêpe Suzette?
02:46I'd prefer a nice canary under glass
02:52Check, please
02:59There is something very fishy about that waiter
03:03Oh, how nice
03:11Ah ha! A prime suspect
03:18Come back here, you little bomb-bomb
03:35I lose my accordions that way
03:55What? Why a mime?
03:58How wonderful
04:06It's so cat-like
04:08Just like a real kitty
04:10I don't think I'm going to like this
04:27Stop! A thief!
04:29A thief!
04:31A thief!
04:33Stop! A thief, you pussycat!
04:50Oh my goodness! The Eiffel Tower is magnificent
04:54Oh! I've always wanted to tour the Eiffel Tower
04:57Funny, I've always wanted to dine at the top of the Eiffel Tower
05:28Ah, fini! Now to blow this stench out of Paris
05:32Oui, and over to England, where it belongs
05:45Oh! What a spectacular view
05:57Oh, Pootie!
06:07Pootie's going with the wind
06:27Oh oh! The poor Pootie reached a dead end
06:49Stop the suction already!
06:57It's nearly one o'clock. Time to ring the alley bell
07:16Turn it off!
07:21There! That's better
07:28Ah! Certainly!
07:32What do you think? Brilliant, no?
07:37What? I need no opinions from flea-bitten hairballs
07:42Oh! That stinky stranger must be inside
07:49Oh, wa wa! Now this is what I call sightseeing
07:52Ah ha! A delicious distraction
07:57Ah! The Eiffel Tower!
07:59Oh! The Eiffel Tower!
08:01Oh! The Eiffel Tower!
08:03Oh! The Eiffel Tower!
08:05Oh! The Eiffel Tower!
08:07Oh! The Eiffel Tower!
08:09A delicious distraction
08:14He is so cute
08:16I must have him for my very own
08:19I'll sign first
08:21We're giving off. See?
08:23Ladies, please these pretties need to go around
08:26No dancers can can can in my feathered fowl
08:32The perfect disguise
08:35Vivi, next time your lady will be a guillotine for sure
08:38Bien sûr! Maintenant, sortez de là et dansez!
08:42J'ai pensé que je t'avais appellé le Ponytail!
08:44Je l'ai fait! Je l'ai fait!
08:48Voici notre sticker!
08:52Pepewapew? Pourquoi?
08:54La réponse est évidente, non?
08:56Pour partager mon goût d'amour!
08:59J'ai remplacé chaque droppe de parfum en France
09:01avec mon Eau de Pew!
09:03C'est mon Valentin à la masse!
09:06Je ne sais pas comment te le dire,
09:08mais pas tout le monde s'intéresse à ton parfum!
09:11À ton avis, oui!
09:13Mais la beauté est dans le nez du regardant, non?
09:16Oui! C'est pour ça que tout le monde regarde son nez!
09:19Mais où est le vrai parfum?
09:21Je ne vais jamais révéler que j'ai remplacé le parfum dans l'ancienne fabrique de chocolat!
09:26Donc, tu l'as remplacé dans une fabrique de chocolat?
09:29C'est à moi! J'ai été coupé!
09:39Allez, les gars! Nous pouvons toujours dire que c'est le jour de Valentin!
09:50Granny et ses garçons ont dit que c'était le jour de Valentin.
09:55Pepewapew a été condamné à 90 jours dans une fabrique de déodorant.
09:58L'amour stinque, non?
