• l’année dernière


00:00Read and write
00:02And surf the net all of the day and all of the night
00:06For Neil, you can talk
00:08And much more, Bernie, but keep it to yourself
00:10If you let the cat out of the bag, you'd be a celebrity
00:14Do you wanna lead a dog's life?
00:16The secret's gonna stay with you and me
00:18Watch my chops, shush
00:20There's no joking, there's always what we said
00:22Watch my chops, they must never hear a word
00:25A talking dog
00:27How absurd
00:42Attention, class!
00:44As you know, Dr. Gould, the world famous paleontologist
00:48has invited us here this weekend to work on his archaeological dig
00:53Any questions?
00:54Will the doctor be there?
00:56I'd love to meet him
00:59Unfortunately not, Bernie
01:01The doctor is held up in Bolivia
01:10Nice going, Cornille!
01:12If Mrs. Martin finds out you're here, I'm toast!
01:14Oh, sorry, Bernie
01:16Oh, it's cramped in there
01:18Why did I ever agree to bring you along anyway?
01:20Because, A, you're my dog sitter
01:23B, archaeology is one of my greatest passions
01:26So, where do we dig?
01:28You stay in here or no one will see you
01:33What are you gonna do? Brush your teeth?
01:36Bernie, surely you're aware that an archaeological dig
01:39requires extreme precision and attention to the smallest detail
01:43Yeah, whatever
01:45It'll go a lot quicker with this
01:49Si je ne me trompe pas,
01:51c'est un stratum sédimentaire distinct qui date de l'Époque Primavera
01:56Ce grotto peut cacher des artefacts très anciens
02:13Merde! Encore un!
02:16Hey, I found something!
02:18It's the missing link between man and monkey!
02:20Help me chain it!
02:28Sorry, Romeo, that's not a fossil
02:31But don't give up hope!
02:33You never know when you're on the verge of a discovery
02:36that'll make you world famous
02:38World famous?
02:40What's this?
02:45Oh, my!
02:54Corneal, I told you to stay in the cave!
02:57But Bernie, look!
03:00Cool! My dog found a bone
03:03Nice try, Corneal
03:05Now get back in your cave!
03:07Bernie, it's not just a bone, it's a bonafide dinosaur bone
03:10A bonafido dinosaur bone?
03:16Doctor! Doctor!
03:18You haven't seen Cricket? Wake up everyone else!
03:21But Doctor, it's Site B!
03:23They found something!
03:28Hello? Doctor Cool? Are you sitting down?
03:31OK, Doctor, see you tomorrow!
03:34Children, there is a dinosaur skeleton right over there
03:39just waiting to be excavated
03:41for the fame and glory of our school!
03:48That means you too, Barges!
03:56That's right, keep digging
03:58I'll just go dig up a little fame and glory of my own
04:03Doctor Gould, the famous paleontologist, is here
04:06and he's going to help us dig
04:08Doctor Gould, the famous paleontologist, is coming here tomorrow
04:12Oh, that's wonderful!
04:13That doesn't leave us much time to dig up the dinosaur skeleton
04:16No problem! With both of us digging, we'll be done in...
04:21Bernie, look what you've done!
04:23It was a metacarpus!
04:25A meta-what?
04:26A metacarpus, a foot bone
04:28Bernie, please, watch my chops!
04:31Archaeology requires precision and attention to detail
04:35Don't worry
04:38There you go! You'll be more useful here
04:51That's it, Bernie!
04:53The skeleton!
04:55We're going to be famous, Cornelio! Famous!
04:59Watch out, Bernie! You're going to spoil the Corneliosaur!
05:03The Corneliosaur? No way!
05:06You're naming it after yourself?
05:07I certainly am! I discovered it, didn't I?
05:10You just tell Mrs Martin that I followed you out here
05:13and dug up the skeleton with my paws like a normal dog
05:16And if you need proof...
05:21You thought of everything, didn't you?
05:26Hey, guys! How you doing?
05:31Bernie should be telling Mrs Martin about now
05:35Time for me to make my entrance
05:38Who would do such a thing?
05:41What's that dog doing here?
05:43Cornelio, you must have followed me all the way out here from home
05:47You naughty dog! You're not allowed here
05:50This is an archaeological site full of bones
05:55And you know how dogs are with bones
05:58Dogs just love old bones
06:01So, it was you who stole the bone, you nasty little thing!
06:05That lousy dog must have buried it somewhere
06:11That's enough! The doctor is coming tomorrow
06:13We'll just follow Bernie's dog till he leads us back to the bone
06:17Any volunteers?
06:18But I'm innocent, Bernie! I didn't steal the bone, I discovered it!
06:22You've got to tell them
06:23Oh, yeah, right! Better yet, why don't you just tell them yourself?
06:27What? It's a stolen bone!
06:29Ne t'inquiète pas, je vais m'occuper de Cornelio
06:36Je veux dire, de Bernie
06:38Regarde-moi, Bernie!
06:58Bernie, comment as-tu pu?
07:00Quoi? Tu es un chien, Cornelio
07:02Tu n'as pas besoin d'être célèbre, je l'ai
07:06Je savais que tu comprenais
07:08Bonne nuit!
07:09Bernie, regarde-moi! Tu ne vas pas partir avec nous
07:13Bien sûr que je le ferai! J'ai déjà planté la grotte remplie de mon témoignage
07:17Si tu mèles même le plus petit de ton dos, rappelle-toi qu'ils te regardent comme un oiseau
07:22Bonne nuit! Oh, et pas de sentiments durs!
07:27Bernie, je te l'avais dit
07:36Romeo, c'est mon tour de regarder
07:39C'est à peu près l'heure, gardes tes yeux secs
07:45Comme tu l'as dit, Bernie, pas de sentiments durs
07:50Docteur Gould! Tu es arrivé! Tellement vite!
07:54Oh, bien, je pourrais bien te dire la mauvaise nouvelle
07:58Le poisson dinosaure s'est disparu
08:01Il a disparu!
08:03Il a disparu!
08:05Il a disparu!
08:07Il a disparu!
08:09Il a disparu!
08:11Il a disparu!
08:13Il a disparu!
08:15Il a disparu!
08:17Le poisson dinosaure s'est disparu
08:19Comment ça a pu se passer?
08:21Ce poisson a peut-être fait partie d'une grande découverte archéologique
08:30Tu sais ce que nous, les archéologues, disons?
08:32Pourquoi s'inquiéter d'un seul poisson stupide quand tu peux avoir tout l'enchilada?
08:38Suivez-moi, je vais te montrer
08:40Qui penses-tu que tu es?
08:43Bernie Barges, archéologue, j'espère que tu m'as attiré, Docteur Gould
08:47Heureuse de te rencontrer
08:51Tu as de la tête, mon fils! Ce n'est pas une leçon pour toi, cricket!
08:57Mesdames et Messieurs, je voudrais présenter ma meilleure découverte
09:01Eh bien, ma seule découverte jusqu'ici, mais c'est génial, vraiment génial
09:07Et donc, dans mon propre honneur, je l'ai nommé...
09:10Le Bernie-oiseau!
09:20Est-ce que c'était une blague?
09:22C'est impossible! C'était là! C'était juste là!
09:25Quelqu'un a volé mon Bernie-oiseau!
09:28Hey, regarde, on avait raison! Bernie a volé le dinosaure!
09:32Vite! Arrêtez-le!
09:37Je l'ai!
09:43Vous avez raison, Mme Martin! J'aime ça!
09:47Bernie-oiseau, reviens ici!
10:07C'est incroyable! Regarde où cet ingénieux chien s'est mis!
10:15Qu'est-ce que vous avez fait, Cornille?
10:17Votre chien s'appelle Cornille? Eh bien, je l'ai nommé,
10:20cette magnifique découverte, le Cornille-oiseau!
10:26Cornille! Watch the birdie!
10:30Cornille, youhou, watch the birdie!
10:34Ok, a little to the right. Perfect!
10:50I'm sorry we ran over your legs, gorgeous,
10:53but at least you're able to laugh about it,
10:55unlike that wimp cricket!
10:57What on earth can they be doing?
11:02Ok, gorgeous, I'll race you to the skeleton!
11:09Bernie-Bot! Doctor!
11:11Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Bot!
11:13You lose, Doctor!
11:17Hey, look, I think we finally discovered a Bernie-oiseau!
