00:00Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
00:30To the hospital Leo, poor Dolly's losing stuffing. We need to operate.
00:35Roger that, Lily.
00:41No! Please stop making that noise!
00:44Good morning, Mrs. Who. You're up early.
00:47Yes. You see, I can't sleep. I can't sleep and everything's turned upside down.
00:52If you stand up straight, Mrs. Who, I'm sure you'll feel better.
00:55Do you think? I don't know. Oh, I'm so tired and need sleep. Oh, it's a very big problem.
01:03You have a problem? I have the solution. Now, what's the problem?
01:08It's Mrs. Who. She's tired and needs sleep.
01:11Two problems? How wonderful!
01:14It's not wonderful. It's horrible!
01:17Well, for me, two problems means it's a glorious day.
01:21To solve first, that is the question. Uh, what are the problems again?
01:26Mrs. Who said she wants to sleep because she's very tired.
01:31Well, all that flying would certainly make me tired. Mrs. Who, I can help you with all your problems.
01:37You can?
01:41This will help you sleep, Mrs. Who. People often drink warm milk to get sleepy before going to bed.
01:48Mrs. Who is already sleepy, Genie. Remember she said she was very tired?
01:53Well, if that's the case...
01:57Yum, yum!
02:00See? It works very well.
02:03The big real problem is that Mrs. Who can't sleep.
02:07I have just the thing.
02:11Or rather, I have just the things.
02:14If you count the sheep, Mrs. Who, you will fall asleep for sure. No fuss, no muss.
02:20They're so cute.
02:22And fluffy.
02:24But I can fall asleep. Oh, dear. Oh, my.
02:28So, if Mrs. Who is already sleepy because she's tired and she can fall asleep, there is no problem.
02:36None. Nada. Zip. And now I am sad.
02:42Well, cheer up, because there is a problem.
02:45We just need to know more.
02:47Excuse me. Sorry. Pardon. Pardon me.
02:49If you're tired, Mrs. Who, and can fall asleep, then why can't you sleep?
02:55Because of that.
02:59Can you be more specific?
03:01The morning light shines through my skylight and wakes me up.
03:09Well, they don't call me a genius genie for nothing.
03:12Prepare to be amazed and sound asleep in no time.
03:20That's really impressive, genie. But we don't want to go to bed yet.
03:24Yeah, we want to play.
03:26Oh, I like playing.
03:29Mrs. Who, didn't you say it's the sun shining through your skylight that wakes you up and stops you from sleeping?
03:36Yes. It's so bright.
03:40Then why don't you put this in your skylight to block the light?
03:44Don't worry, Dolly. We'll fix you right after.
03:47Oh, what a wonderful solution. Thank you.
03:51You're welcome.
03:59Now, what's next?
04:01Want to solve another problem, genie?
04:03Oh, goody. Three problems in one day.
04:06We need Wool to stuff our Dolly and fix her.
04:09I am on it.
04:11Time for a trim, you fluffy sheep.
04:15Wait! Come back! I'm very good at cutting hair.
04:29I can't whistle.
04:34I can't whistle either.
04:39I think Lily swallowed an air bubble.
04:59I hope getting your exercise will make you feel better, Mr. John.
05:02But I'm not getting my exercise, Penelope. I'm going bonkers.
05:06But, um, why are you going bonkers?
05:09Because of that.
05:12It's Mr. Jack's hiccuping. It's so irritating. It's a big problem.
05:17You have a problem. I have the solution.
05:20Now, what's the problem?
05:22I know, I know. The problem is Mr. John is going bonkers.
05:26Penelope is right. But the real problem is Mr. Jack has the hiccup.
05:32It's a good thing I'm here.
05:34Mommy Genie says if you have the hiccups, you should drink a glass of water upside down.
05:49Oh, pardon me.
05:51Now Mr. Jack has the burps.
05:57That didn't work at all.
05:59Worry no more. Mommy Genie also said holding your breath can stop hiccups.
06:07I think that's enough, Genie. We don't want Mr. Jack to explode.
06:18Will it never end?
06:21It's really Mr. John who has the problem.
06:23Because he doesn't want to hear Mr. Jack's hiccups.
06:26Then your problem is officially solved.
06:32There. Now you won't hear Mr. Jack anymore.
06:35What did you say?
06:37Now you won't hear Mr. Jack.
06:39Wow. Now he really can't hear Mr. Jack.
06:43Or anything. Ever again.
06:46This isn't going to work, Genie.
06:49I wonder what even causes hiccups.
06:51Wonder no more.
06:54Hiccups can occur when there is air in the stomach which presses against the diaphragm.
07:00Mr. Jack, try blowing out all the air inside you.
07:14That was loud.
07:16Wait. Sometimes being scared stops hiccups too.
07:26Much better.
07:28Problem solved.
07:32Now you won't go bonkers anymore, Mr. John.
07:36Oh no.
07:37Or maybe you will.
07:47Hiccups are sometimes caused by a large intake of breath.
07:52Like when you scream.
07:55You know what's great? This solution solved our problem.
07:58Just blow slowly, like this.
08:22Now, where are you, children?
08:30You found us!
08:32But we don't want to go to bed, Daddy Deary.
08:34Yeah, we're not tired. We still want to have fun.
08:37I know. But it's already past your bedtime.
08:41I'll open the window in your room so there's some nice fresh air.
08:46Ha ha ha!
08:49Whoa! Uh-oh.
08:54A bat in the house is a big problem.
08:57You have a problem? I have the solution.
09:00Now, what's the problem? What's that?
09:07Oh no! It's going to break our stuff.
09:10Have no fear. Genie is here.
09:16This was an excellent solution if I do say so myself.
09:19Because now you have no things for the bat to break.
09:22Ha ha!
09:23But Genie, don't you think our home looks kind of...
09:29We really need our stuff back, Genie.
09:31I mean, where will we sit when Daddy Deary reads us a bedtime story?
09:35I do like it when he does that.
09:41The poor bat's still flying in our apartment.
09:44Not for long.
09:47It's gone!
09:49Huh? I don't think so.
09:51Genie, you can't take the bat's wings away.
09:55How will it catch insects to eat or fly back home when the sun's about to rise?
09:59It does look sad. I don't think it likes my solution.
10:07Oh, this is terrible. We can't stay inside with that bat.
10:10Say no more!
10:15The bat is in. You are out.
10:18Your problem is officially solved.
10:20And I am a very good problem-solving genie.
10:24I'm afraid not, Genie.
10:26There are mosquitoes out here and they're biting.
10:32Ouch! We're going to get eaten alive out here!
10:35Too bad the bat's not here to eat these bugs.
10:40Oh, goodness!
10:47No, no, little bat. Don't fly into us.
10:50Did you see that?
10:52Sure did, Leo.
10:53You waved and the bat went in the other direction.
10:56Maybe we can herd the bat outside.
11:02Follow us.
11:03We need to get to the other side of the apartment.
11:11Everyone walks in a line back towards the door.
11:14Slowly wave your arms, but stay calm.
11:18We don't want to scare Batty.
11:28We did it!
11:29Bye-bye, Batty!
11:32I hope Batty eats lots of those mosquitoes.
11:35It's back outside where it belongs.
11:38Thank you so much.
11:39You're welcome.
11:41I must say, I'm pooped after all that excitement.
11:46We're ready for bed now, Daddy Deary.
12:10I can't wait to eat a delicious salad for lunch.
12:14And we grew everything ourselves.
12:16That's right, Gertrude.
12:17Lily and Penelope are helping me pick some lovely vegetables for lunch.
12:21Yummy tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce.
12:24At least I think it's lettuce.
12:27I'll call you back, Gertrude.
12:29Yummy! What's wrong with that lettuce?
12:31It's all sticky.
12:33I don't feel like eating this for lunch.
12:35Me neither.
12:37The cucumbers have it too.
12:38And the radishes.
12:41Not the carrots.
12:43Even the carrots.
12:45All the vegetables are sticky.
12:47This is a big problem.
12:49You have a problem? I have the solution.
12:52Now, what's the problem?
12:54The vegetables in our garden are ruined.
12:56Whatever will we eat?
12:58We have no food.
12:59Have no fear. Genie is here.
13:02You need food? Food you shall have.
13:07Now you have a whole grocery store in your vegetable garden.
13:11Very impressive, Genie.
13:13But Mrs. Cottontail and Penelope like growing their own food.
13:17Yes, and we like sharing what we grow with everyone too.
13:23The real problem is that our vegetables are white and sticky.
13:26Even the carrots.
13:30That is disgusting.
13:32So disgusting, I have just the solution.
13:37Mon magnifique jardin de végétables.
13:40Quoi? Ce n'était pas magnifique.
13:42C'était sticky, tu te souviens?
13:46Ne t'inquiètes pas, maman.
13:47Genie reviendra.
13:49Genie, maman travaille très dur sur son jardin.
13:52Moi aussi.
13:53Nous aimons notre jardin de végétables.
14:01Je sais, peut-être que nous pouvons nettoyer les végétables.
14:06Je sais exactement comment faire ça.
14:18Vos végétables seront si sains qu'ils brilleront.
14:25Mais Genie, tout est mouillé.
14:27Mouillé ne brille pas.
14:29C'est bon.
14:34Il doit y avoir une raison pour laquelle les végétables sont tous mouillés.
14:37Nous devons juste trouver la raison.
14:40Nous allons faire une enquête sur la mouillée.
14:46Regarde maman, des buggy bugs.
14:48Ici aussi.
14:50Ce sont des aphides.
14:52C'est pourquoi les plantes et les légumes sont tous mouillés.
14:54Tu as une infestation d'aphides buggy buggy.
14:58Mais comment pouvons-nous les enlever?
15:00Ils sont partout.
15:02Un buggy buggy!
15:04Ils sont mignons.
15:05Attends un instant.
15:06Voir ce buggy buggy m'a remis à l'esprit ce que m'a dit papa Deary.
15:11Les buggy buggy mangent les aphides.
15:14Je n'aimerais pas manger des buggy buggy.
15:16Je suis contente qu'ils le fassent.
15:18Je sais, je sais.
15:19Genie, es-tu capable d'empoisonner un tas de buggy buggy
15:22pour qu'ils puissent manger tous les aphides?
15:24Tu es sûre que je peux, Lily.
15:28Au revoir, les aphides magnifiques.
15:30J'espère que vous êtes pleines.
15:35Plus de sucre liquide pour les aphides buggy.
15:37Notre jardin végétal est parfait encore une fois.
15:40Quelle solution brillante.
15:42Merci beaucoup.
15:43De rien.
15:45C'est parti.
15:47Maintenant, nous pouvons faire notre délicieux salade à lunche
15:49sans les aphides buggy liquide.
15:51Genie, tu aimes la salade?
15:53Est-ce que je l'aime?
15:55Est-ce que tu aimes la salade?
15:57Est-ce que je l'aime?
15:58C'est parti pour manger!
16:06Doucement, Lily.
16:08Très doucement.
16:15A l'aise.
16:23Peut-être qu'il va rester là, Penelope.
16:25Je suis contente que ma maison ne tombe pas si facilement.
16:32Oh non, ce n'est pas bon.
16:34Qu'est-ce qui se passe, maman?
16:36Tu n'aimes pas ton livre?
16:38J'aime beaucoup, mais c'est moche.
16:40Parce que le toit est liquide.
16:44Oh non, notre maison pleure.
16:46C'est terrible.
16:48Un toit liquide est un énorme problème.
16:51Tu as un problème? J'ai la solution.
16:54Maintenant, quel est le problème?
16:56Le livre de maman est moche.
17:00Ce n'est plus un problème.
17:06Mes compétences pour résoudre des problèmes sont en meilleure forme sur ce jour très neigeux.
17:10C'est très impressionnant, Genie.
17:12Mais comment pourrais-je lire si je ne peux pas tourner les pages?
17:16Bien, si tu veux être pitié.
17:18En plus, le vrai problème est l'eau qui dépasse le toit.
17:22C'est de mettre les choses moches.
17:27Regarde, tu es même un peu moche, Genie.
17:30Merci. Et maintenant que je comprends le problème clairement, je peux résoudre le problème parfaitement.
17:39Moche comme un oiseau qui s'arrache dans un...
17:44Oh non, le toit est encore pire.
17:48Maintenant, l'eau dépasse partout.
17:51Je n'aime pas quand il pleut à l'intérieur.
17:57Notre maison est en pleurs.
17:59Comment pouvons-nous vivre dans une maison remplie d'eau?
18:02Simple, comme ça.
18:07Mon toit n'a jamais été moche parce que je vis dans un arbre.
18:10Notre maison était un arbre.
18:12Maintenant, c'est un tronc.
18:14Je suis sûre que le problème peut être résolu, n'est-ce pas, maman?
18:16Bien sûr, mais pas quand il pleut.
18:19Oh mon Dieu, il peut pleuvoir pendant des jours.
18:22Le toit va dépasser, dépasser, dépasser.
18:25Et les troupes vont grandir et grandir.
18:28J'espère qu'on n'aura jamais besoin d'un bateau.
18:32Nous avons besoin de plus de cuves de thé.
18:34Ou d'une plus grande.
18:36Comme un sac.
18:37J'ai compris.
18:39Genie, peux-tu remettre les choses comme elles étaient?
18:42Nous pensons que nous savons une façon de stopper l'eau de pédaler partout.
18:57Cette cuve va attraper toutes les troupes.
18:59Et nous pouvons l'empêcher quand elle sera remplie,
19:01pour qu'il n'y ait plus de pédales sur le sol.
19:04Si le soleil ne sort pas et il pleut pendant des jours,
19:07nous allons empêcher cette cuve beaucoup.
19:10Ne t'inquiète pas, maman.
19:11Ça peut être ma solution.
19:14Ou peut-être que tu n'auras pas besoin.
19:22C'est tellement amusant.
19:24Nous sommes tous à l'intérieur,
19:26pendant que il pleut à l'extérieur.
19:28Et il ne pleut plus à l'intérieur.
19:32Et quand il fait encore soleil,
19:33nous pouvons réparer notre couche.
19:36Maintenant, Genie, as-tu un 4?
19:40Non. Va chercher des poissons.
19:45Malheureusement, il n'y a pas de poissons là-bas.