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00:00Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
00:31Hey girls, here comes Prissy. I'll bet she's going to give it another try.
00:37Hello Prissy. Going to try again today to lay an egg?
00:45She'll never make it. Poor old thing. Why doesn't she give up?
00:49Now why, I say, why do those cackling old biddies have to be so mean to that skinny old hen-fur?
00:55I think I'll just go over and arrange a surprise for those old busybodies.
01:01Now to slip this egg under old square bridges.
01:12Girls, it's Prissy! Hurry!
01:18Prissy, did you lay an egg?
01:21She did lay an egg!
01:23And it's hatching!
01:26A little baby rooster!
01:28A rooster? We don't need no more roosters around here. We got one, and I'm it!
01:33I'll straighten this out in one cotton-peckin' minute.
01:36Now looky, I say looky here!
01:40I'd better play it cagey.
01:42As I was saying, where is the cute little tyke?
01:47Hello there, boy.
01:49Oh, hello. You must be that rooster whose job I'm telling you to do.
01:53Oh, hello. You must be that rooster whose job I'm taking over.
01:56Hey, you're way ahead of yourself, boy. You gotta learn to crow first.
02:00Oh, like this?
02:05Oh boy, this kid's gotta go.
02:08There must be some way, there just gotta be.
02:11Ah, I've got it!
02:15There's a proud little mother and her darling little son!
02:20As senior rooster out here, it's my duty and my pleasure
02:24to instruct junior roosterers in the ancient art of roostering.
02:28Hey, any of this getting through that little old blue bonnet of yours?
02:33Well, woman, blink your eyes or something!
02:36Then I have your permission to train the lad?
02:40Good. Come on, boy, let's get started.
02:43Oh, you got a fine boy here, ma'am.
02:47Oh, I ought to...
02:49Oh, he's a little doll.
02:53One thing every rooster's gotta know is the answer to the old question,
02:57why does a chicken cross the road?
02:59The answer is, to have a ball.
03:02Now, here's a ball. Go get it, son.
03:10I don't think I did that just right.
03:12You show me how, unless you're scared.
03:15Scared? Me? Of course I'm not scared!
03:36Another thing a rooster's gotta learn is patience.
03:39Look at me when I'm talking, son.
03:41Now, you stand right here. You're not looking at me, boy.
03:44I'll tell you when to move.
03:59Three, two, one.
04:03Just one of those days, I guess.
04:10Hold on there, boy.
04:11A rooster's gotta learn to eat corn off the cob.
04:14Well, what do you know? There's an ear of corn now.
04:18He's so dumb, he thinks a Mexican border pays rent.
04:23That's it, boy. Tug hard. Harder! Harder! Harder!
04:34Well, I say back to the old drawing board.
04:38I've been a good sport about this up till now,
04:40but that boy's forcing me to use stronger measures.
04:44The string ain't no do for a fake worm.
04:48Hey, boy! Come here! Quick!
04:50Here's your chance to learn to catch a worm.
04:52There he is!
04:57He got away!
04:58Well, dig for him, son! Here!
05:03That sensitive mind won't stand being picked on.
05:07No, no, no! You're doing it all wrong!
05:09You're digging there, and you know the worm is over here.
05:15I'll just have it out with the boss.
05:17It's gotta be that kid or me!
05:19One of us has gotta go!
05:25Well, I say, when you gotta go, you gotta go.