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Clem | Snack Boys
00:00All right everybody, welcome back to Snack Boys. I'm Andy, he's Clem. Today we are joined by Tate
00:04where we will be reviewing Tiny Tate Snickerdoodle Cookies. Tate, it's your namesake?
00:11Yeah. Do you like Tate's? Yeah, Tate's cookies are fire. I've never had a Tiny Tate and also we
00:17got the Snickerdoodle. I get why people don't like them because if you don't like a crunchy
00:22cookie, these are like shattering. If you drop one from this height, it would probably shatter
00:26into little pieces, but I think they're good. It's a glass cookie, essentially. I am not a
00:30Tate's cookie guy, but it's because of that reason, because I'm not a crunchy cookie guy.
00:35I am a soft, chewy guy. So let me say this, Clem. If there was a Clem's cookie,
00:39would you be able to give it a little, like it probably gives you a little bump.
00:42Oh, of course. No, no, no. It has nothing to do with the name, simply to do, if I had a Clem's
00:47cookie, I wouldn't say, if this isn't soft, take my name off it, but I found it. If you had a
00:52choice, would you be a crunchy guy or a chewy guy? My number one thing to do is to dip my cookies.
00:58It's my favorite thing in the entire world. It's my number one dessert. So I'm interested here
01:03because Snickerdoodle is a big Snickerdoodle guy too. Huge Snickerdoodle guy. I think Snickerdoodle
01:10is like, you know how it runs, basically chocolate chip, probably sugar and peanut
01:14butter are like the number three. I think Snickerdoodle should take peanut butter spot.
01:19Wow. I think, I think Snickerdoodle has a place at the table. Now with that,
01:25do they have to be warm or are you okay with like a warm Snickerdoodle?
01:29Is good. Oh yeah, Snickerdoodle. But that smells.
01:39Ed saw these in the store. He was so excited. I thought because Tiny Kate's is a new thing.
01:44It's because it's a Snickerdoodle. I mean, it must be, Tiny Kate's is just a damn small
01:49cookie. And it's a communion.
01:54You ever called like Tiny Kate as a kid or anything like that? No, I'm hoping to become
01:57Tiny Kate though. I became Big Kate with every tape. You gave me this on an airplane.
02:06What's the word you use to describe anything small for us, Ed?
02:10Dangerous. These are dangerous. An airplane, you're like, I mean, I'm breaking the world record.
02:16If I'm in a pinch, you know, not even if I'm in a pinch, if I'm just feeling like I'm going to hurt
02:19myself and then make this a cereal, throw it in a bowl, some milk. These things are unbelievable.
02:25They're less crunchy than the original case, I think. These are really good. I like the cereal
02:30idea. Like if you throw those in, could you imagine the milk after these? Oh, yeah. That's
02:38great. That's a, that's a seven, nine. Yeah. I was going to say it's an eight, one. How often
02:46do you guys go into the eight? Like is eight like pristine? We do, we do. That's an eight,
02:51one. That's good cookie. Yep. I can't believe I'm saying that. I'm going to say all the way three.
02:55Look, the guy who doesn't like them the most in big form, I can fuck with you in small form.
03:00I'm telling you, there's a little more give on the teeth. I know, I hit the brakes too hard.
03:03But they're really good. You could eat a million of those. You could eat a million straight.
03:06If they have those in Costco, it's a fucking problem because that's a billion little cookies
03:11in there and you're not going to stop. There's no guy at the third, who's waving home Willie.
03:15That's the guy. He used to just always just wave him home. That's waving home Willie right there.
03:20Yeah, it's really good. Yeah. Good score. It's tiny cakes. Sticker to go.
