• 2 months ago
2X SB Champ Rob Ninkovich joins! Ninko knows the issue with #nfl players today. Are today's players coddled?
00:00Hello Niko. Hi you know why the ratings are so high because you guys are forcing
00:05me to listen to you at 12 o'clock midnight 430 in the morning you're on
00:10then you come on at 6 a.m. it's like come on you're always on put some music
00:13on anyway okay so this is what I'm and I was listening to Wiggy I actually worked
00:18out in the morning so I work out at 5 a.m. and I listen all the time so anyway
00:23the problem with a lot of these players is they've been coddled since they were
00:3010 11 12 13 Oh high school which college you want to go to oh let me sit down and
00:37have five hats in front of me and I'll and I'll pick one up and put it down and
00:40I'll shake my head and I'll put another one on then I'll take it off and I'll
00:43rip my shirt off and guess what I have a different shirt on with a different
00:46school and then oh the first year I didn't start so I'm gonna leave and I'm
00:50gonna go somewhere else and another coach is telling me how great I am and
00:53how good I am and I can do whatever I want at any point and then when you
00:57finally have to have discipline with a career and as a professional what's that
01:04song by is it Kanye West hey wait till I get my money right you can't tell me
01:09nothing right you you got some of these guys that have 50 million bucks 70
01:17million I don't know what's Tyreke what's he made so far career earnings
01:19probably 70 million $15,000 fine yeah you're right he doesn't care doesn't
01:30matter it doesn't matter but you got you got my interest makes me but look at
01:35look at you know I was doing a great job look at Sean Pete right you got to be
01:40able to lay down that you got to be able to to my thing make is you got it you
01:45can't blur the lines as a coach and a friend and I think too many as some of
01:50these I don't want to say young guys cuz they're all young but just this like I
01:55need to be your friend way of thinking I'm more than just your coach I think
02:00you have to eliminate that I want them to like you like that's the bad part
02:03right McDaniel I think wants his players to like rather than hey cool hey listen
02:07I'm not here for you to like me here's where the line is drawn and here's how
02:12we do things and I think Sean Payton has done a good job of we criticized him
02:16for jumping down Russell Wilson's ass last year and then look what he kind of
02:20did to Bo Nix this year but he he's able to create that line Dan Campbell is the
02:26same thing right I think when he needs to be coffee the guys that Dan Campbell
02:31I would assume that if you walked in the locker room and ask guys you know what
02:35do you think of Dan Campbell they love them right because he he under they
02:40understand that he was former player he knows what they're going through he
02:44knows the mental the physical struggle yeah he also knows the toughness side of
02:48things but this first year he was a three-win guy right like there are
02:54there's growing pains to finding the right players and now you can't just
03:00walk into a situation and look at a roster and say okay these guys I'm gonna
03:04win with and these guys I'm not going to you have to go through a process to find
03:08out okay how much does this mean to this person or this player you know Tyree
03:13kill maybe you know okay whoever it is I don't know if it was I don't know if
03:16Tyree kill was late maybe it was maybe it wasn't but if a guy is a repeat
03:20offender right not accountable doesn't show up on time I can't count on that guy
03:25to do the right thing when the game's on the line I think so I think we can time
03:30to figure that out I think we can assume it was Tyree kill because he was
03:34frequently doing 180 miles an hour so he could get there on time yeah and he made
03:39120 million through the season as an NFL player okay cut it in half that's what
03:46taxes the Uncle Sam will take half but anyway so he's got 60 in the bank and
03:49then however many kids he had this year that's gonna take a lot out of that but
03:52anyway you know it's you have to look at in a sense of every year now Wiggy when
04:01we played in a time when we walked in the when we walked into a building we
04:04had to pay our dues it was a week the culture was built on paying your dues I
04:09know I got a rundown on kickoff I know even if you're a first-round pick in
04:142006 you ran down on kickoff like you had to pay your dues now now nobody
04:20wants to pay any dues like no I want to make the kids out of college I want to
04:25make 250 grand a year well guess what kid you're gonna make 40 you know what
04:29I'm saying like tonight yeah we we have a culture and a society based on right
04:35now oh I want and I want everything right now and that's not the way it
04:40works in football you have to pay your dues you got to earn your stripes Robert
04:43and I appreciate the call thank you I'm out of here all right that's Rob
04:47Nikovich or the workout everyday listener this program but you can get
04:51you can't do it you know I think holds guys accountable and he's a young coach
04:55is Kevin O'Connell in Minnesota it's about holding guys but we've also played
05:00the clip of him like clearly like buddies with Santana I think he's that's
05:04his communication but I bet I bet you guys don't show up late to meetings but
05:07I bet but that's establishing a culture and bought and getting guys that buy in
05:11wig I think like I think Niko nailed it like it's just it's about finding the
05:16right guys that want to buy into what you're selling so why did I buy in last
05:21to drink wise it's Bill Belichick the same record no no I'm just saying the
05:30buying in in the sense of not showing up late other than Jack Jones that we know
05:35about the the fact that guys are and I felt like they were afraid of what would
05:42happen if they didn't accountability they weren't down in Providence at 2 a.m.
05:47you know getting arrested but it's about accountability because Bill would
05:51sit there as you know so we have to suspend the punter last year too or is
05:56that two years I don't think last year but the thing about Dan Campbell that we
06:00all forget is that he has been this guy the entire time yeah which is why it's
06:04working now is that if you are authentically you you will succeed or
06:09fail but you won't have people that choose not to listen at some point Dan
06:12Campbell finally got a roster that was good enough that bought into him and he
06:16hasn't changed by the way giant a texter pointed this out on the Subaru
06:20of New England text line giant 5 a.m. Jim flex for oh yeah I think he's a 12
06:26330 guy you know just goes you know he might be doing the full 70 yeah all
06:32right well good for your buns thank you
