• 2 months ago
👉 Una víctima de robo fue perseguida por motochorros en Castelar y es chocada por un auto. La persecución, que ocurrió a plena luz del día en una zona concurrida, terminó con la víctima y los delincuentes escapando.

📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00This is a robbery in Castelar, and once again we come back.
00:06This is a chase of motorcyclists.
00:09The one you just saw, who almost killed himself and fell to the floor,
00:12is the victim.
00:14They are chasing him, and here come the others.
00:17Two motorcyclists, two by motorbike, what we always see.
00:20Nobody pays attention to two by motorbike, right?
00:22And there they are, they try to pick her up.
00:25It didn't work.
00:26It didn't work because she sees that she doesn't...
00:28It doesn't work again, let's see, stop, since we're bothering her,
00:31let's try it one more time.
00:32No, it seems that it was damaged.
00:34Well, that's it, this one doesn't work.
00:36Let's see, it's going, it's not going, wait, I'll kick it,
00:38let's see if it starts, it doesn't start.
00:40No, it's stuck.
00:41It's not going, it's not going, it's not going.
00:43All the sight of everyone, the traffic that is stopped.
00:46Well, that's it, it's done.
00:48This one, no, it won't be this one, it will be the next one.
00:50And they leave.
00:51She works there, alive.
00:52It happened in Castelar.
00:53Diego de Nicolás.
00:54Diego, how are you?
00:55Good afternoon.
00:56How are you, Bobby?
00:57Good afternoon.
00:58And yes, in an emblematic place of Castelar,
01:00such as Santa Rosa Avenue,
01:02one of the busiest places in this area of the west of the Conurbano.
01:06Here, in a very busy intersection too,
01:10which is a kind of gastronomic town,
01:12because you have a lomitería, a café,
01:15in front of a fast food house,
01:17on the other side you have a bakery,
01:19there, well, an ice cream shop,
01:21imagine, there are people here all the time.
01:24And, well, the criminals don't care,
01:26because they walk where they are,
01:29where there are few people,
01:30or even where it is full of people.
01:33And, well, of course,
01:34a motorcyclist was coming on his motorcycle,
01:37here a few blocks away,
01:38they tried to steal the motorcycle,
01:41but he escaped, he accelerated.
01:43Of course, when he got to this corner,
01:44and we are going to take advantage of the red traffic light to be able to cross,
01:47he wanted to turn there,
01:49but a car was coming in this direction,
01:52that hits him,
01:53and he falls directly in this place.
01:55As he knew that the criminals were coming,
01:57chasing them,
01:58he ran out,
01:59a few blocks away,
02:00he left the motorcycle lying down.
02:01The criminals arrived,
02:02and you see it in the video,
02:04they see the motorcycle lying down,
02:05one of them gets off,
02:07shoots in the air to scare people,
02:10and at that moment he tries to grab the motorcycle,
02:12while the other one was doing some rolls
02:14to help him escape.
02:16But, of course, the motorcycle didn't start,
02:18you don't know if because something was damaged when it fell,
02:21or maybe they had taken the key out,
02:23the motorcycle didn't start,
02:24and the criminals escaped directly.
02:26But, well, this is the image that remains
02:29after this episode,
02:31which is recorded,
02:32and shows us how the criminals
02:34don't care that the place where they are going to do their robbery
02:38is a corner like this,
02:39full of people at any time of the day.
02:41Yes, because it draws attention,
02:42we are on vacation,
02:44I guess by the light that is seen,
02:45that it was already late,
02:47it was already night,
02:48a very commercial area,
02:50very crowded, right, Diego?
02:53Yes, yes, yes.
02:54Let's see,
02:55those who talk about the West Zone,
02:56and talk about Santa Rosa Street,
02:58or Santa Rosa Avenue,
03:00who sits around here,
03:01know that cars come and go around here all day,
03:04and that particularly in this corner,
03:06Santa Rosa and Sarmiento,
03:08is where this gastronomic hub is,
03:11where there is not one fast food house,
03:13there are more than one,
03:14there are those houses that prepare lomitos,
03:17there are ice cream shops, as I was just telling you.
03:19I mean, people come here to spend a while,
03:21to eat something,
03:22it is a meeting point, obviously,
03:24but well,
03:25these things also happen here,
03:27during these days we were reporting some events
03:29that occurred in much more desolate places,
03:31well, today we have to report one,
03:33in events where,
03:34in a place where people go and come at all times.
03:36Now, what impotence, right?
03:37We see the first car, right?
03:39And I say,
03:40what would you do?
03:41You put yourself in that role,
03:43and I feel a great impotence,
03:45I say,
03:46I don't know if I don't accelerate.
03:48You are there,
03:49you are trapped in a situation that is unexpected,
03:52you don't know if the motorbikes are there or not,
03:54you are armed.
03:55And one stops.
03:56I am such a fool that I accelerate.
03:59You accelerate.
04:00I am such a fool that I accelerate.
04:02There it is.
04:03I recommend not to accelerate.
04:06I am anecdotal,
04:07in the subway,
04:08in the subway in Madrid,
04:10they stole a grandfather,
04:12and we got in with another friend who was there,
04:15and there were two of Romanian nationality,
04:20and they didn't give us a stab by chance.
04:23Very good.
04:24That's why I say,
04:25I don't recommend it,
04:26but one is impulsive.
04:28I recommend that you put me in jail there.
04:31A few months ago,
04:32two blocks from the canal,
04:33I went out at night
04:34and they were stealing two girls,
04:36and I heard how they were first in the traffic light,
04:38and they broke the glass,
04:40and it gave me such indignation to see how one
04:42tied the girl who was in the driver's seat
04:45and hit her,
04:46that I instinctively ran to her,
04:48and the criminal came to me,
04:50the one who came out of the front of the company,
04:52and a madman came out of a car in the back
04:54and started shooting,
04:56here in the middle of Palermo,
04:57and he started shooting.
04:58You say,
04:59did you stay in the middle of the shooting?
05:01and I say,
05:02and then I open the traffic light,
05:03and the one who came out to shoot,
05:04who put them on the run,
05:05because the others,
05:06those on the motorcycle,
05:07were waiting for him behind everything,
05:08and they went against each other.
05:09The guy got in the car as if no one had left.
05:10And he left.
05:11And I say,
05:12I don't know what to do.
05:13Did he shoot in the air?
05:14And I don't know where he shot.
05:16Because one of the delivery guys,
05:18also one of the guys from the food house,
05:20who joined in wanting to help,
05:22I think he hit him,
05:23I think he hit him because I saw him running,
05:24kind of running.
05:25And the truth is,
05:26you don't know.
05:28you want to help,
05:29and someone takes out a gun,
05:30or another madman appears shooting.
05:32and you who have been working there
05:33for a while,
05:34is there already a police presence?
05:36Is there a patrol?
05:37Or is there nothing?
05:41No, no.
05:42I'm laughing, Diego.
05:43No, no.
05:44It's too much to ask, Bobby.
05:45I apologize.
05:46I asked you a question.
05:47A friend of mine would say,
05:48you wasted a question, right?
05:50The thing is,
05:51it wasn't there either,
05:52let's say.
05:53You don't know where the robbery comes from.
05:54There was the fall.
05:55It ended there?
05:56Of course.
05:57Of course.
05:58Yes, yes.
05:59It ended here.
06:00At least from the police information
06:01that we have,
06:02nothing is known about the criminals.
06:04They were not arrested.
06:07Well, yes.
06:08I wasted a question then.
06:09Listen to me,
06:10because, yes.
06:11Let's go from this one,
06:12very far from there.
06:13It's spicy, Diego.
06:14Lately you've been covering a lot
06:15again in the West Zone, right?
06:16A lot of corridors out there, right?
06:18A lot of Castellar,
06:19Ituzango, Aedo, Morón.
06:20Let's see, yes.
06:21Lately we are with...
06:24Notice that there is a corridor
06:25that connects the West Zone
06:27with the Southwest Zone.
06:28Of course.
06:29Yes, you say Castellar,
06:30Ituzango, Morón,
06:31but also when one advances
06:33along the Beltway
06:34to the side of Villa Luz Uriaga,
06:35San Justo, Tablada.
06:37There, during these last
06:40days, many episodes
06:41have happened.
06:42Yes, it's true.
06:43As our friend Mario told us
06:45that he had left himself,
06:46he is a victim,
06:47but he also has to be a police officer.
06:49Do you remember?
06:51Because he went to look for him
06:52in the area of Tablada.
06:53Look, we let you take refuge
06:54a little in the shade.
06:55I ask you a favor.
06:57Thank the criminals
06:58who shot him in the body.
07:00Also, also.
07:01We always thank them.
07:02Every day we thank them.
07:03From this little corner
07:04we are going to thank them.
07:05Today we thank them
07:06for the shot,
07:07they did it in the air
07:08and they did not do it
07:09directly to the body
07:10of the victim.
07:11We say this ironically.
07:12Someone out there
07:13will think we say it.
