• 2 months ago
👉En un trágico siniestro, dos policías del Grupo de Prevención Motorizada perdieron la vida durante una persecución a delincuentes. Los oficiales impactaron contra una camioneta que transportaba a una mujer y una niña, provocando la explosión de su motocicleta.

👉Seguí en #VivoElDomingo
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00:00Just a few minutes ago, in Quilmes, the images...
00:08An impressive and spectacular accident, in a chase where two police officers were chasing criminals again.
00:17And unfortunately, the two officers died in the afternoon.
00:23As you can see, this information is being developed by the Police of the Motorized Prevention Group,
00:29which, in the pursuit of motorbikes, was hit by a truck.
00:36A 46-year-old woman and a 10-year-old girl were traveling in the truck.
00:43Now, how was the moment of the death of the officers, which was apparently in the act?
00:49Obviously, in the act.
00:51They were coming in pursuit, and the truck sent them.
00:55Now, look at these images we are obtaining.
01:00What we can deduce, the firefighters are there, is that the motorcycle caught fire at the time of the impact.
01:07The fuel tank exploded.
01:08The fuel tank exploded, exactly.
01:10The fuel tank exploded.
01:11They also covered very similar news the other day, of two young people who were...
01:14Now, the truck, look how it is...
01:16The truck was very strong.
01:17Yes, yes.
01:19Or the motorcycle.
01:20Or the motorcycle.
01:21Or both.
01:22I don't know. Look at the trunk.
01:24There are photos, guys.
01:25Photos have just arrived.
01:26I just sent them to the group.
01:27I just sent them to the group, and a neighbor just sent me photos.
01:31Let's see if we can download them.
01:33Because the impact against the truck is terrible.
01:35Now, let's repeat.
01:38Two uniformed people who were traveling in pursuit of motorcyclists.
01:44With sirens, I understand.
01:46Yes, yes, yes.
01:47On fire.
01:48And, unfortunately, I understand that...
01:53Well, the truck, no...
01:55How, how...
01:56It's a...
01:57But look how it is.
01:58Yes, yes.
01:59But, well, they were coming at an accelerated speed, right?
02:03Just like the truck.
02:04What they tell me, that could have happened,
02:07is to have exploded the fuel tank,
02:09because when they impact, they are engulfed in flames.
02:14The situation is...
02:15The police...
02:16It's a tragedy.
02:18It's an explosion.
02:19Yes, yes, yes.
02:20When you think it's an explosion,
02:21the fluids automatically...
02:23It's very normal that there can be...
02:25You were almost supported by the fuel tank, right?
02:28I don't know if there was a measure that went wrong in those fuel tanks.
02:31I don't know.
02:33They could have also had a gas tank.
02:35Speaking of an explosion.
02:36Yes, yes.
02:37Speaking of an explosion.
02:38Without gas, it can also happen.
02:40With common fuel, which is also not given.
02:42The motorcycle is not going to have gas.
02:44They say it was an explosion.
02:45No, no, I'm talking about the truck.
02:47No, no, well...
02:48No, no, but that truck is a jeep, I think.
02:51The jeep is marked by the explosion of the motorcycle, guys.
02:54Of course.
02:57Can you see the fluids there?
02:59Mimi, the impact is impressive.
03:01At first glance.
03:02They fled to the side.
03:04There, are you seeing these kilns?
03:08There is a neighborhood there.
03:09Do you know it, Ale?
03:10Do we have a map location, guys?
03:12Also to locate the images?
03:13Is there an emergency village?
03:14Tell me when we have it.
03:15Emergency neighborhood.
03:16Of course.
03:17You know they were going to the side of what would be the Villa Lujan neighborhood.
03:21The criminals.
03:22The criminals.
03:23You have to look at everything, right?
03:24Of course.
03:25Sorry, I say.
03:26And well, but it's the truth.
03:27In respect to the relatives of the two officers?
03:30Yes, they are going to hide there.
03:31To the colleagues and the judge in charge.
03:34Just that today we talk so much about justice.
03:37You have to go to kick everything.
03:38We all agree.
03:39Ah, ready.
03:40Yes, but ...
03:41We agree, right?
03:42In general, they do not enter.
03:43You have to go to kick the door today, right?
03:44Today we should do it.
03:45Today we have to go to kick the door.
03:46Today is a day indicated to go to kick the door.
03:49It seems to me, I say, justice should act.
03:52Look, I put it to you the other way around, Gaby, Ale, Mimi.
03:57They shoot a guy.
04:00And he goes to a public hospital.
04:01And he dies?
04:04The relatives go and kill the doctor.
04:06The doctor.
04:07They set fire to everything.
04:08The police set fire to the house.
04:09The house, with the family, everything.
04:10Two uniformed people die here.
04:12In exercise of their duty.
04:14And nothing happens.
04:15Or I wonder.
04:16And nothing happens?
04:17No, it has to be.
04:18Exclusive images.
04:19It has to be.
04:20I want to tell you something.
04:23What is on the floor are the pieces of the motorcycle, okay?
04:27Yes, it's terrible.
04:28What a horror.
04:29They tell me, and I just got a message.
04:31I want to read it from people nearby.
04:34Ale, the motorcycle exploded.
04:36That's what the neighbors say.
04:39Ale, a neighbor who was nearby tells me.
04:43I got to see fire.
04:46Look, look, look, look, look.
04:48Here they mark me.
04:49Look at the motorcycle.
04:50Look at the motorcycle.
04:52I'll tell you.
04:53Look, what you see here.
04:54The tank.
04:55Already standing.
04:57It is the motorcycle that is observed in the front.
05:02Do you see there on the screen?
05:06That's how it was.
05:07It exploded.
05:08It exploded.
05:09A neighbor tells me.
05:10Ale, I always look at them.
05:11Well, thank you very much.
05:12He says.
05:13I saw from the shelter.
05:15I heard an explosion and saw like a shelter.
05:21Explode in the impact.
05:22Explode in the impact.
05:24He meant to say, I saw automatic calls.
05:27So to translate it.
05:29Explode in the impact.
05:30Explode in the impact.
05:31It's amazing.
05:33Look, this is the other image.
05:35Well, unfortunately what is covered.
05:38It is public knowledge.
05:41This sleeve of children.
05:43And it is estimated that the criminals fled to where?
05:46To the neighborhood.
05:47Now we are going to put on the map.
05:49Because there you have an emergency neighborhood.
05:50Let's say so.
05:51The Villa Lujan.
05:52There it is.
05:53Here, look.
05:54Here was the impact.
05:56Where is Villa Lujan?
05:57I don't know if it can be done.
05:59Guido and Mozart is where the impact was.
06:01Here, in this corner.
06:03The criminals were going.
06:04In that.
06:05In this direction.
06:06They go in that.
06:08And there they came.
06:11They are.
06:12Up here.
06:15A little further.
06:17To Guido.
06:20Over there.
06:21And there it is.
06:22If they go down.
06:23They set up the Cerrojo operation.
06:25Come Lautaro.
06:27Let's go.
06:28It is public knowledge.
06:29It is development news.
06:30Help me.
06:33What area of Quimes is exactly this?
06:34Guido and Mozart is the corner.
06:37Where was the impact, Lautaro?
06:39Where is the settlement?
06:41Come closer.
06:42Come closer.
06:43Take it, Lautaro.
06:44I run away.
06:45Let's see.
06:47The motorcycle of the police, right?
06:51This intersection is impacted.
06:53And here the criminals continue in hand.
06:54Let's see.
06:55This is what is taking off.
06:56Development news.
06:57This is what we came to rescue from the witnesses.
06:58But you notice that this is for those who know Quimes.
06:59This is an area of Quimes.
07:00You just told me.
07:01It is not the residential area of the central building.
07:05It is a remote area.
07:06The more you move away.
07:10Let's say.
07:12The address where they are going.
07:13It is a more dangerous area.
07:15It is a more dangerous area.
07:18This is.
07:19Here is more dangerous.
07:20Near Toledo.
07:21Of course.
07:22Of course.
07:23Cut me the map.
07:24Let's see.
07:25That Lautaro wanted to cut it.
07:26It is an area where they steal the most.
07:27Continues in Toledo.
07:28Continues cutting.
07:29Let's see.
07:30I put myself here.
07:32There is the highway.
07:33There it is.
07:34There it is.
07:35On the other side of the highway.
07:36And the.
07:38Because they have to escape by the highway.
07:39As a quick exit.
07:40As a quick exit.
07:42Is it an emergency neighborhood?
07:43There it is.
07:44No, because we romanticize the emergency neighborhood.
07:45I don't know if it's even.
07:46Up there.
07:47There it is.
07:48There it is.
07:49There it is.
07:50That's it.
07:51There you have it.
07:52Do you see it on the screen of that Villa Lujan?
07:54These places.
07:57You know the.
07:58You cross down here.
08:01I'm going to put you on this same map.
08:03Those who live in Treferi will not understand me.
08:05On this side, the settlement or the village, because you have to tell the neighborhood.
08:09Emergency neighborhood.
08:10Emergency neighborhood.
08:12Emergency neighborhood.
08:13The neighborhood has moved the Ciudadela station.
08:14The neighborhood has moved.
08:15The neighborhood has moved.
08:16What do they do?
08:17They come to work here, cross.
08:18Here is the coto.
08:19I'm making the map.
08:20The red dot is the impact, right?
08:21Let's see if we can take it.
08:24There it is.
08:25Red dot, impact.
08:26Take a look.
08:27Escape location.
08:28Villa Lujan.
08:29I don't know if I'll get to take it down there.
08:30Wait, I'm running a little.
08:31Follow me.
08:32This camera here.
08:34Here, you see?
08:35Impact here.
08:36Villa Lujan.
08:37Villa Lujan 4.
08:38There are a couple of settlements.
08:40Villa Lujan 3.
08:41It's Mijaluján 2, right?
08:42All that area.
08:43Yes, yes.
08:44Look, it's marked by the GPS.
08:47Here's the toll area,
08:49anyone who takes the highway.
08:50Now, all the houses that are here...
08:53Rent, for sale.
08:55Because people can't even take out the garbage here.
08:59You can't even take out the garbage.
09:00Because the access is fast to escape.
09:02I ask, could this have been prevented?
09:08Knocking on doors before it happens.
09:10That's right.
09:11Before and not after.
09:12No, but this...
09:13Is it the fault of the police?
09:17It's the fault of justice, okay?
09:19It's the fault of justice, isn't it?
09:22If you go to Villa 31 and they are at the door,
09:24and they don't come in.
09:25Give me the video and the photos.
09:26In one of the images that production got,
09:28you can see, unfortunately, the motorcycle.
09:31They talk about an explosion.
09:34An impact and an explosion.
09:37What were they doing?
09:39The officers were chasing two criminals.
09:44Armed, who apparently came to steal,
09:48and it's a development news that is getting more and more known.
09:51I get another message.
09:54We continue...
09:55A lot of people writing with this,
09:56a lot of people looking at us.
09:57He tells me,
09:58you can't live there.
10:00You see?
10:02Lautaro is right.
10:04They tell me,
10:05you can't even take out the garbage.
10:09I moved.
10:10I rented.
10:11Now I left.
10:12Another message.
10:13It's a constant.
10:14We are from a nearby area.
10:17It's a criminal corridor, they tell me.
10:21Well, people say it.
10:22Great definition, huh?
10:23Criminal corridor.
10:26Because surely...
10:27Let's go to the place of impact on the map.
10:29Bring me closer to the place of impact, Gus.
10:31Look, I'm going to the place of impact.
10:33Speaking of corridor.
10:35Stop there, stop there.
10:36Place of impact there.
10:45There is control under that bridge sometimes.
10:47No, there are the cabins.
10:50There are the cabins.
10:51There is nothing, they tell me here.
10:53There is nothing.
10:54We cross and once we cross, it's done, right?
10:58You already crossed.
10:59But every time...
11:00The mobile phone is going live there, huh?
11:02Let's try to get there.
11:03Let's see if we can talk to the neighbors.
11:05Forget what stolen motorcycle,
11:06that they are going to discard it there, right?
11:09That's it, the motorcycle.
11:11That's it.
11:13I repeat.
11:14It could have been avoided.
11:16I want to understand and I want to know in a little while.
11:19And I want to be clear with this.
11:21As much as later they challenge me.
11:23I don't want to find out,
11:25I don't want to find out
11:27that those who came on the motorcycle
11:29had a background.
11:33Would you risk it?
11:35That alone.
11:36That answers your question.
11:37Would you risk it?
11:38That those who came on the motorcycle
11:42had a background
11:44and were not arrested.
11:46That's the image of the motorcycle.
11:48We are going to be live from there in a little while.
11:50It's the news practically of the day.
11:52It grabs us in the middle of Vivo el Domingo.
11:54But hey.
11:56First condolences
11:58to the relatives of these two policemen
12:00who died
12:02in their duty.
12:07Also to the family that sent them.
12:09To this girl
12:11between 8 and 10 years old
12:13and this 46-year-old woman
12:15who are both hospitalized with injuries.
12:17It is said that they could be fine.
12:19But hey.
12:21We'll have to see in the next few hours.
12:23The vehicle and truck security measures worked.
12:25But hey.
12:27We'll be back in a little while
12:29to get closer
12:31and know exactly what happened.
12:33I repeat.
12:36I really don't want to find out
12:38that these two motorcyclists had a background.
