• 2 months ago


00:00En première place, les champions du Canada, représentant le Québec.
00:06First, and champions of Canada, representing Québec.
00:11Les Suprêmes.
00:13En première place, les champions du Canada, représentant le Québec.
00:43En première place, les champions du Canada, représentant le Québec.
00:49En première place, les champions du Canada, représentant le Québec.
00:55En première place, les champions du Canada, représentant le Québec.
01:01En première place, les champions du Canada, représentant le Québec.
01:07En première place, les champions du Canada, représentant le Québec.
01:13En deuxième place, et gagnant de la médaille d'argent, représentant le Québec.
01:19Second, and winners of the silver medal, representing Québec.
01:26A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts.
01:46So, he loses touch with reality and lives in a world of illusions.
01:54Oh, first time I was gone.
02:18En troisième place, et gagnant de la médaille de bronze, représentant l'Ontario.
02:24Third, and winners of the bronze medal, representing Ontario.
02:50It is a bright object and it's obviously rotating because it's flashing.
02:55It's way out in the distance.
02:58Apparently rotating in a very rhythmic fashion because the flashes come around almost on time.
03:05As we look back at the Earth, it's up at about 11 o'clock.
03:09About, well, maybe 10 or 12 Earth diameters.
03:16I don't know whether that does you any good, but there's something out there.
03:18Les médailles seront présentées par la présidente de Patinage Canada.
03:23Les médailles seront présentées par la présidente de Patinage Canada.
03:27Karen Butcher.
03:53Les fleurs seront offertes par la chef de direction générale de Patinage Canada.
04:09Presenting flowers, Ski Canada Chief Executive Officer.
04:13Deborah Armstrong.
04:15Les capitaines vont remettre les médailles aux membres de l'équipe.
04:43The team captains will now present the medals to the team members.
05:13The team captains will now present the medals to the team members.
05:38The team captains will now present the medals to the team members.
06:08The team captains will now present the medals to the team members.
06:22Your medals.
06:24We present your medalists.
06:34The gold medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
07:04The gold medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
07:24The gold medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
07:52The silver medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
08:20The silver medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
08:40The silver medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
09:08The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
09:18The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
09:48The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
10:08The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
10:36The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
10:46The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
10:56The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
11:06The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
11:16The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
11:26The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
11:36The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
11:46The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
11:56The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
12:06The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
12:16The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
12:26The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
12:36The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
12:46The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
12:56The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
13:06The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
13:16The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
13:26The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
13:36The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
13:46The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
13:56The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
14:06The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
14:16The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
14:26The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
14:36The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
14:46The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
14:56The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
15:06The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
15:16The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
15:26The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
15:36The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
15:46The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
15:56The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
16:06The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
16:16The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
16:26The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
16:36The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
16:46The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
16:56The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
17:06The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
17:16The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
17:26The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
17:36The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
17:46The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
17:56The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
18:06The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
18:16The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
18:26The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
18:36The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
18:46The bronze medalists are invited to take their official team picture at Center Ice.
