• 2 months ago


00:00This is a very vast area, it is a very old area.
00:04We have seen the negative aspects of this place.
00:10Like illegal mining, theft, pillage.
00:14How do we stop this? How do we stop this?
00:20How do we stop this? How do we stop this?
00:23How do we stop this? How do we stop this?
00:24We have done a workshop in this regard.
00:28This is the second workshop.
00:31This time, we have appointed the DSP and his full team.
00:41We have appointed the head of the ECL security, Mr. Tiwari.
00:46We have appointed the commander-in-chief of the CISF camp in Chitrakoot.
00:51We have appointed our security officer and CISF camp's chief officer.
01:01We have also appointed our relevant HODs,
01:04with whom you have been involved in theft, pillage, etc.
01:08All the agents, all the managers, we were all together.
01:12We have seen that from these areas,
01:16illegal mining, theft, pillage,
01:19how do we stop all this?
01:23We have saved the national property.
01:25We have saved the people.
01:27Illegal mining, illegal theft,
01:31along with the loss of property,
01:36the safety of the people involved in all these activities is also important.
01:42We have discussed the issue with the Commissioner.
01:48We have also taken some decisions with the Amnesty International.
01:51We hope that in the coming days,
01:53this will give us a good result.
01:55And this will continue in an interval.
01:59We hope that this will help this area.
02:02There has been a lot of progress in other places.
02:04The production has increased.
02:05We are also improving in sports.
02:08We are also improving in culture.
02:09We are also improving in social activities.
02:11We are also improving in social benefits.
02:14We will also improve in this area.
02:17This is my hope.
02:18With this aim, we started today's program.
02:22Today, in our ACL meeting,
02:26this was the fourth meeting.
02:28It was a coordination meeting.
02:29There were CISF officers in this.
02:31The entire ACL team was present.
02:33The problems that are going on in our Nirshan Mandal area,
02:38we have already taken joint action on them.
02:41There have been many cases in that area.
02:44The cases of coal mining have been taken into consideration.
02:50We have also discussed how we can increase the number of cases
02:53of diesel theft in open areas.
02:55We have also discussed how we can increase the number of thefts
02:59in warehouses.
03:01We have also planned for the future.
03:04We will operate in that area jointly.
03:06We have taken joint action on the problems that are coming in our area.
03:14We have discussed it.
03:15We will see the result in the future.
03:16What is the ACL's property?
03:17The ACL's property is that we inform the legal issues in the FIR
03:24and the witnesses that there is a new law.
03:27We have to upload it.
03:29It has to be seized.
03:31Along with that, we have discussed the previous case
03:34and we will work on it.
03:37We will make sure that the witnesses are given evidence
03:41and conviction.
03:43This is our motto.
03:44We will work for that.
03:45We will try to catch the thefts that are taking place in the future.
03:50We have prepared a raiding team.
03:53We will operate in that area jointly in the coming days.
03:59We have taken a joint action in that area.
04:03We are working in that area.
04:05We are working on the bill that Shuhanu is looking for.
04:10We are looking for a permanent solution for that.
04:14We have discussed all those things.
04:18We need their support in the future.
04:21We need their support for manpower.
04:24We need their support to build JCB.
04:27We have been getting support since last year.
04:29We have discussed it in the previous meeting.
04:31We have discussed the lab testing report.
04:37We have discussed all these things.
04:40We will work on it together.
