• 2 months ago
'হরগৌরী পাইস হোটেল'-এর শেষ দিনের শুটিং স্মরণীয় করে রাখলেন প্রযোজক নীলাঞ্জনা শর্মা । জানালেন, আগামীতেও তাঁর কাজে পরিবার প্রাধান্য পাবে ৷


00:00To start from the very beginning, when we first started producing, I was in charge of
00:07Star Jorjana. We produced a show called Ghosh and Company, and the production house was
00:14called Blue Water Pictures, and that was an iconic show of course, one of the first shows
00:20on Star Jorjana. Then I came back to work after six years, and a person called Kaustubh
00:27Ghosh called me and said, you have to come tomorrow. And in between, we had spoken a
00:35couple of times, because Kaustubh happens to share the same birthday as my daughter,
00:39Sara. So basically, I'm surrounded by Scorpios in my life, at home and at work. Then of course,
00:46the rest is history. That's how Horobori Paisa was created, and what do I say, from the first
00:52day to today, it's been an incredible journey. And I only am grateful to God and to each
00:59and every member of the team. But of course, Star Jorjana plays a huge part, because if
01:05they didn't support me, and if they didn't hire me, I wouldn't have been able to share
01:12the success story that I have today. So first of all, a huge, huge round of applause for
01:17Star Jorjana. And each and every department of Star Jorjana, from programming, to commercials,
01:25to ops, to marketing, to commercials, SNP of course, and promo.
01:35We've come here to promote, but we don't have a lot of time. No, no, we have to be in
01:39the footage, then we'll be late, we won't be able to go biking, we'll have TX, we'll
01:42have this, we'll have that, whatever. But promoting is the most important thing on our
01:45floor. Because everyone knows how important a promo is for a show. So yeah, so I'm going
01:51to start this by honouring somebody who gave me Horobori Paisa Hotel, and gave all of us,
01:58all these members standing in our unit, so that everyone can go together.
02:08So everybody, we are honouring, Kostuvi, we start with her, and Star Jorjana. Okay?
02:14Round of applause for Kostuvi.
