• 2 months ago
शिक्षा मंत्री मदन दिलावर ने कहा कि ये कांग्रेस का भ्रामक प्रचार है कि स्कूलों को बंद किया जा रहा है.


00:00It is not right that the education department of the Rajasthan government has shut down 450 schools
00:09It has not shut them down, it has merged them
00:12That is, it has merged those schools where there was a list of students who did not want to listen
00:17Or they were running in the same curriculum
00:19Because running two curriculums in one curriculum does not make any sense
00:23There are double-double teachers in it
00:26When they merge in one curriculum, they take one principal
00:32There must be only one teacher for one subject
00:35And with the help of that, the remaining teachers can be put in separate schools and their work can be completed
00:42It is a complete nonsense that the Rajasthan government has shut down all the schools
00:49It has not shut down a single school
00:51It has merged them
00:53And this is the political truth of the Congress
00:55It shut down thousands of schools and gave a list of students
00:59We are not going to do such a thing
01:02Neither do we nor will we
