• 2 months ago
''गाय में देवियों का वास है. गोबर को लीपने से अपवित्र जमीन पवित्र हो जाएगी.'' यह बात संत कौशिक महाराज ने बालाघाट में कही.


00:00I would like to say that the cow is the mother of all the gods and goddesses.
00:07I will not say that the cow is the mother of the nation, I will say that the cow is the mother of the universe.
00:10The cow is not the mother of the kingdom, but the mother of the whole world.
00:14In any Vedas or Puranas, it is not written that the cow is the mother of the kingdom.
00:18In any Puranas, it is not written that the cow is the mother of the nation.
00:22In our Puranas, it is written that the cow is the mother of the whole world.
00:26In any Puranas, it is not written that the cow is the mother of the whole world.
00:29In any Puranas, it is not written that the cow is the mother of the nation.
00:32In any Puranas, it is not written that the cow is the mother of the whole world.
00:35In any Puranas, it is not written that the cow is the mother of the whole world.
00:38In any Puranas, it is not written that the cow is the mother of the whole world.
00:41In any Puranas, it is not written that the cow is the mother of the whole world.
00:44In any Puranas, it is not written that the cow is the mother of the whole world.
00:47In any Puranas, it is not written that the cow is the mother of the whole world.
00:50In any Puranas, it is not written that the cow is the mother of the whole world.
00:53In any Puranas, it is not written that the cow is the mother of the whole world.
00:56In any Puranas, it is not written that the cow is the mother of the whole world.
00:59In any Puranas, it is not written that the cow is the mother of the whole world.
