• 2 months ago
સુરત MD ડ્રગ્સ કેસના આરોપીએ જામીન પર છૂટવા રજૂ કરેલ મેડીકલ સર્ટીફીકેટ બોગસ હોવાનું સામે આવ્યુ. આ અંગેની તપાસ દરમિયાન કેટલાક ચોંકાવનારા ખુલાસા થયા છે.


00:00Dr. Mahindra Patel, who made a bogus certificate to release Surat Crime Branch accused of 1 crore MD Drugs case to leave the land of Vajagala, has been charged with making a bogus certificate to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land
00:30of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala to leave the land of Vajagala
