• 2 months ago
00:00Let's go with conservative estimates. I mean this is, I've seen the low end of the estimation of
00:04what Ben Johnson got is $13 million a year to go to the Bears, which makes him like a top 10 paid
00:09coach in the league. And in Detroit there was speculation, although again no hard reporting,
00:15that it might have been $3 million, maybe as much as $4 million he was making here. But let's go
00:20ahead and call it $4 million. If he got a four-year deal in Chicago, which again is probably a
00:24conservative estimate, he's going to be guaranteed $52 million over the next four years.
00:30He would have to work in Detroit for 13 years under his old salary to make that kind of money.
00:37And many coaches don't see the end of their contracts. I mean Ben Johnson could be in
00:44Chicago for a couple years, get fired and net $52 million. You go from being taking care,
00:51the salary he was making here in Detroit was an incredible salary. He was totally
00:56taking care of his family, but he's moved into that generational wealth
00:59where it starts to impact not just your kids, but their kids. I mean that's what he's taken here.
01:07Yeah, I really don't have much of an issue. The only slight issue I have is it was the
01:12Bears' job. But that's a me thing. It's going to bother me as a fan,
01:18but I can't blame him for taking the job. When we talked about all these jobs, which was the
01:23best one out there? Well, the best offense, the ready to win offense is the Bears.
01:28But they've got some other issues they have to work out at the front office. That's the challenge.
01:33But the money is massive. How do you turn that down? And how do you turn down the opportunity
01:39to work with somebody who you think is really talented, somebody who he saw twice this year,
01:44by the way, kind of, I'm not going to say carved up the Lions, but didn't he throw for like five
01:49touchdowns and nearly 300 yards a game in the two games with no interceptions? Caleb Williams
01:55is a talent. He did really well. So again, it sucks that he's going in division. That's the
02:03part that really hurts and stinks. And then you'll have some more opportunity to be mad if he does
02:09take some coaches with him. But those coaches would have to be elevated to business. I don't
02:14think he can take multiple. I think he can take one guy and elevate him to be his OC, and that's
02:18about it. Otherwise, they're lateral movements for coaches, and I don't think they do that.
02:23Gator, I think the question that Doug is asking, like, are you mad at Ben Johnson? Can you be mad
02:27at Ben Johnson? Is it fair? Like, I think rationally, I think everyone knows why he took
02:33it or understands why he took the job. But they can still be mad is what I'm saying. As fans,
02:38they can still be upset that he chose a job in the division that, you know, it's crazy.
02:44Like I said, I'm not mad at Ben Johnson. I totally understand why he took the job.
02:47If these $13 million per year reports are true, he's probably making more than Dan Campbell.
02:52He's making more money than Dan Campbell, and he's never coached an NFL game as a head coach.
02:56Well, then Dan Campbell will be happy because guess who's going to get a raise?
02:59Maybe. I mean, Ben Johnson's entered the top 10 category. I mean, these guys,
03:04only guys making more than him would be like Sean Payton, Andy Reid,
03:08Jim Harbaugh signed a $16 million per year contract this offseason. I mean,
03:13that's the stratosphere Ben Johnson's entering, which is maybe the reason why he left.
03:18Yeah, exactly.
03:20248-539-9797. Derek is next on 97 on the ticket. Hello, Derek.
03:26Hey, how you doing, guys?
03:27We're good. Thank you.
03:29All right, listen, I'm definitely mad at Ben Johnson as a Lions fan, and I think I have a
03:33right to be because it's an old saying, it's not what you do, it's how you do it. And of course,
03:41of course, he has absolutely every right to take a job and take care of his family.
03:45That's besides the point. I just, for me, I don't think that you can hire a staff,
03:52like you took the job, prepare for a game plan, all this in a matter of days.
03:58And so I think the Lions were ill-prepared because he had one foot out the door
04:02fantasizing about this $52, $53 million gig he's about to get. And you can just,
04:07the evidence is in the play calling and how the game went. So that's my take on it.
04:11How is the evidence in the play calling? How is the play calling in the game Saturday,
04:14any different than any other game they played this year?
04:18Run the ball, run the ball.
04:19They did run the ball until they got down by two scores.
04:22One-third and two, you pass the ball and he fumbles the ball, then you don't,
04:26you giving a guy who never passed in his life a double, a free flick or whatever. Come on, man.
04:32Now you want to get...
04:33They were going to let Penesu throw a pass earlier in the season when he wasn't...
04:37What are you talking about?
04:39You asked me if I was mad, I'm mad. And I don't think, I think it's not what you do,
04:44it's how you do it.
04:45You can be mad, but just admit it's irrational.
04:48I am being irrational.
04:49I said irrational because I think you're being irrational.
04:52Okay. So listen, I don't think he prepared this team. I don't think he had time to. Period.
04:58I don't think he gave us the...
05:00I just don't think, I don't think, I think we were ill-prepared based off
05:03of his decision to leave and the way he did it.
05:06And then in 48 hours, we lose on Saturday.
05:10Monday afternoon, we find out he's taking his gig.
05:12You can't convince me that this wasn't already in the making.
05:15I'll try, I'll try, I'll try a little bit here, Derek.
05:17Then how about Monday?
05:18The Bears realize, okay, Ben Johnson just, he just got bounced.
05:23We need to make our move on our guy before anybody else does,
05:27because now he's free to do in-person interviews with any team in the country here.
05:32We got to make our move.
05:34Hey, Ben, we're going to put the full-court press on you.
05:37Here's a four-year, $13 million a year job. You want it?
05:41Okay, but I don't think they had the press too hard.
05:44Okay, well, Derek...
05:45I don't think he had the press too hard.
05:46I don't believe that it was a Monday morning type of thing.
05:49What if he lost the opportunity to begin with?
05:52These things don't happen like that.
05:53These guys, these guys are professionals.
05:55These things happen like this all the time.
05:58I don't agree with that.
05:59Okay, Derek, I'll give you one reason.
06:01I'll tell you what.
06:01We got to get to a break.
06:02We're up against it.
06:03When we come back, though, I'm going to give you one reason why
06:06I do believe the Bears stepped it up on Monday,
06:09and we'll get to that today at 10.50.
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11:06Kang asked us a question during the break.
11:10Are we asking people,
11:11is it fair to be mad at Ben Johnson
11:13and then getting mad at them for being mad at Ben Johnson?
11:15And the answer is probably yes.
11:16Yeah, sorry.
11:17But here's...
11:18You know what, Derek?
11:19I'm sorry.
11:20You're the man, be mad!
11:21I'm sorry.
11:25I guess I want it on my terms,
11:26which is like, I want people to admit it's like,
11:29Doug, I'm mad and it's irrational that you're mad about it.
11:32Because in reality,
11:34the game plan, what they did this Saturday
11:36was the same that they've done every other game this year.
11:39They run the same kinds of trick plays.
11:41And no, I didn't like seeing Jamison Williams throw the ball either.
11:45But it would have been fun to see it,
11:47just like it would have been fun
11:48if Pines Sewell had time to throw the pass.
11:50But is it ridiculous to have an offensive lineman
11:52rolling right and throwing a pass?
11:54Yes, it's more ridiculous to see that
11:57than to see Jamo doing it.
11:58The totality of all the trick plays
12:00was the net positive on this team, without a doubt.
12:02But they weren't going to be 100%.
12:05Neither is every run play, every pass play.
12:08They're not 100%.
12:09For some reason, though, trick plays,
12:11when you call a trick play and it doesn't work,
12:14it feels like there's this punitive measure of
12:17you should have never called that.
12:19Well, there's normal interceptions, too.
12:22And, you know, there are people say it's an unnecessary risk.
12:26And yet there were risks they took all season long.
12:31Every risk is unnecessary.
12:34And the Lions had a pretty equitable split
12:36during the game between running and passing the ball
12:39up until the point where they got down by double digits.
12:42And then they had to change things up and they threw it.
12:45I think was literally 17 times in the last two drives.
12:49Once they got down by 17 to our guy, Derek, though,
12:52who I'm sorry, it's OK.
12:55You and Derek, I hope are still cool.
12:57The thing about it is, you know, Derek made the comment of
13:03he didn't think things go down that quickly.
13:06The Bears were not the favorite to land Ben Johnson.
13:11Going into the weekend, everybody was talking about
13:16the partial owner of the Raiders being in Detroit
13:19and being around Ben Johnson.
13:21The moment the Lions lost.
13:26Was Tom Brady, who was in Detroit, allowed to talk to Ben
13:29Johnson, and if you're a Bears guy and by Bears guy, I mean,
13:33I guess just a Bears owner here in the Bears ownership group,
13:37or you want to you're the GM and you want to hire Ben Johnson
13:40and you know that Tom Brady was in Detroit all weekend and
13:42Ben Johnson became available.
13:45There was a sense of urgency to act quickly, right?
13:48Like did he get on a bad phone and say, hey, just so you know,
13:52I'm I'm at Shinola.
13:54Is that a don't take the Raiders job yet moment?
13:59That does happen where people will say, don't take that job
14:02yet until we talk.
14:04No, but the other thing is what what's the best option for
14:07you as a coach to step in and have success right away?
14:10Is it with the Raiders that don't have a quarterback and
14:13don't have an offense to speak of?
14:16Or is it with the Bears that have the first pick from overall
14:19last year who's leading the team as a quarterback and they've
14:22got a ton of offensive help and both those organizations to be
14:25clear, the Bears and the Raiders are both completely screwed
14:29with the division they're in.
14:31Yes, they're both completely strong.
14:34Unless he can get him up to speed.
14:36I mean, the Bears were the dog of the division, right?
14:39But they also had some fight in them.
14:41That's a team that didn't have Washington beat until a Hail
14:47I mean, they had some heartbreaking losses in Chicago.
14:50That's a team that needs to learn how to win.
14:52They've got talent on that team.
14:54They just had ever flus.
14:57That was their biggest issue.
14:59The Bears won five games.
15:00The Raiders won four.
15:02The NFC North was the best division in the NFC.
15:06AFC West is the best division in the AFC.
15:09Those three teams in the AFC have all established good
15:12quarterbacks of various degrees.
15:14It feels like only probably two of the teams in the NFC,
15:16because we don't know who the Vikings are, have their
15:18quarterback figured out.
15:19Let's just say that they both have the same challenge.
15:24One of them had their partial owner in Detroit.
15:27The other one reacted.
15:29I mean, the Chicago Bears reacted like we need to lock
15:32this up immediately.
15:34And I think it did happen very quickly.
15:37And I think right now we've already mentioned this a few
15:39times, but Lions fans are emotional.
15:41We're grieving still in many ways, right?
15:43And so things that they didn't have to think about before,
15:46they're thinking about now, and they're bothered by it,
15:48like allowing coordinators to interview during the playoffs.
15:52You know, I see texts every day during the show, and so
15:54many people are upset that this is allowed, but this has
15:58been going on for years.
15:59It's just never affected the Lions before.
16:00Nobody cared.
16:01No one cared.
16:01But now when it affects the Lions, and you'll see Aaron
16:03Glenn getting interviews during the playoffs, and Ben
16:06Johnson getting interviewed during the playoffs, you're
16:08like, what the hell is this?
16:08Why is this allowed?
16:10And so people are upset, and that's why things move so
16:12As soon as you lose, man, they are after your coordinators
16:15as fast as can be.
