• 2 months ago
Frank The Tank
00:02Monja Monja Bon Appetit, let's eat. It's time for
00:07tanks cooks
00:09Bonja Monja Bon Appetit, let's eat. It's time for tanks cook
00:15It's time. It's time. It's time once again. It's an audition of tank cooks and today we are making
00:24Flanksteak and before we make it we have to make it marinate
00:29So that's what we're doing. We're making our marinade and it starts off and it says a half cup of vegetable oil. Well
00:37I'm actually gonna use olive oil because I think olive oil is better. Of course
00:43That doesn't have a half cup measurement on this fucking thing
00:50All right, well I'll estimate what half a cup is I mean Jesus
00:58Use my other measuring cup for something else and well, I
01:04Guess that's more or less a half a cup
01:10Half a cup of olive oil
01:14Then we need a
01:17Half a cup of soy sauce
01:32These are usually dry cups, but hey dry cups wet cups, what's the difference?
01:40But I
01:43Guess I could try to figure it out guesstimate it
01:49How do you get half a cup of a soy sauce?
01:53Fortunately, we got another bottle of soy sauce
02:26Guess that's about half a cup of soy sauce
02:29Pour that into our bowl
02:32We just a little bit more just in case
02:35All right. Next up we need
02:38Just a little bit of water
02:41Two tablespoons of water I
02:44Never see I've never seen it somebody calling for just two tablespoons of water, but
02:55Here we go
02:59Now we'll put in two tablespoons of brown sugar
03:13So we'll get two tablespoons of brown sugar
03:19That's one tablespoon of brown sugar
03:25Here's our second tablespoon of brown sugar
03:35We need a
03:39Tablespoon of
03:42Fresh ginger, so take a tablespoon of fresh ginger
04:04Then we need some minced garlic
04:07It says to close minced. Well, I guess it's probably about two tablespoons. So one and
04:28We need to get a
04:33Quarter teaspoon of fresh black pepper. So let's
04:44Do some of this grinder to grind up the
04:50Fresh black pepper
04:54Should be about enough
05:00Now we gotta mix this up
05:09Making a marinade marinade
05:19All right, this looks like it's nicely mixed up, okay
05:28Now we got this nice flank steak, here we go got a nice flank steak
05:36And we're gonna cut some crosshatched patterns in on each side
05:47We got to go kind of shallow we don't want to cut all the way through so we just
05:51Little bit of cut little bit of cut little cut little cut little cut
05:55Look little cut little cut little cut
05:57Look, we've got a little little little little cut little cut little cut little cut little cut
06:02And then we have to like do it like the other way around
06:05Little cut little cut little cut little cut little cut little cut little cut little cut
06:10crosshatched patterns
06:13Making a crosshatched pattern and we had to flip it around and do it on the other side, too
06:26Don't cut all the way through just little crosshatched patterns
06:29La la la la la la la la for our flank steak
06:45All right
06:48Now what we're gonna do is we're gonna
06:51Take out this little
06:54Ziploc bag
06:56But oh, no it says we should do it a flat dish, so let me go grab actually grab a flat dish that might work better
07:03Yeah, here it is here's the flat dish let's open this up we'll put our flank steak in like that
07:14And we'll pour that marinade we just made all over it
07:25Do it a marinade
07:27All right
07:29We'll close this puppy up
07:41We'll close this puppy up and put it in the fridge and we're supposed to marinate it at least four hours
07:46At some point maybe in a couple hours flip
07:51Flip your steak and marinate on the other side and then we'll be ready to cook
07:55and you could marinate at least you have to do at least four hours overnight also could do it and
08:02Turn this take over once and then you'll be ready to cook it up
08:06All right, this has been in the fridge for a while. We've been marinating this
08:11Flank steak, so let's get it out, and we're gonna broil this on high
08:17It's gonna. It's not gonna take too long to cook. It says about five minutes each side, so let's put it in the pan
08:24and we'll
08:25toss a little bit of
08:28Accent garlic powder and some of this steak rub on here
08:44Spread this rub out a little bit flip it around do it on the other side as well
08:55Da da da da da da da
08:57And a little more of this steak rub here
09:01There it is, so we're gonna put this in the oven in the
09:05Broiler we're gonna put it up at the top by the heating element
09:08Five minutes, and then we'll flip it around. We'll see how it's doing all right. We're halfway through the cooking of this
09:18So let's turn the meat around turn the meat around
09:24Cook on the other side now
09:27All right, we'll cook this another three minutes or so
09:30And then we'll be done
09:32Alexis set a timer for three minutes should be done, so let me turn off the broiler
09:39Get out
09:42This flank steak. I could have marinated it a couple times while I was in there, but it looked like it was doing fine on its own
09:50Let's take it out of the pan
09:55We'll put it on a little dish here, and we're gonna let it rest for about five minutes, so
10:02Put it on a plate
10:04Get a little bit of garlic butter on it
10:12Let it rest up, and then we'll be ready to eat it up
10:25There we go almost time to plate the meal
10:34All right, let's cut this steak up
10:37Get ready to plate it up
10:39Steak up to plate it up carve up the steak up to plate up
10:44so let's
10:46See how this came out
10:49Oh nice coloring I see
11:11Think it came out good
11:14Like that color that colors look at that that's nice
11:18That is nice
11:21It's just about time to plate it up
11:28Time to plate the meal
11:33Time to plate the meal yes here it is I got some air fryer potatoes and
11:42Time to plate the meal
11:46Oh time to plate the meal
11:51Time to plate the meal
11:55Time to plate the meal this came out quite good quite good. I think looks good
12:03I've air fried up some roasted potatoes and
12:09Let's see how
12:11This came out
12:21Excellent no
12:23and use the same marinade and
12:26Do it on the grill think I'll do it next spring
12:30So stay tuned, but the flank steak
12:33Was a success
12:35And if you have any recipes to send me njtank99 at gmail.com
12:42Manga manga bon appetit let's eat