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Saanvi in World Book of Records : సాఫ్ట్‌వేర్‌ కుటుంబం.! ట్రెండీ జీవితం.! తీరిక లేని సమయం.! మరి, వారి పిల్లలు ఎలా పెరుగుతారనే ఆలోచనొస్తే ఇంకేముంది అమ్మానాన్నలకు దూరంగా పాశ్చాత్య సంస్కృతికి దగ్గరగా ఉంటారని అనుకుంటారు ఎవరైనా. కానీ ఈ అమ్మాయి అందుకు భిన్నం. రెండున్నర ఏళ్లకే పుస్తకాలు చదవడం అభిరుచిగా మలచుకుంది. క్రమంగా ఇతిహాసాలను దినచర్యలో భాగం చేసుకుంది. ఫలితంగా 5 నిమిషాల్లో భగవద్గీతలోని 58 శ్లోకాలు పఠించి వరల్డ్ బుక్ ఆఫ్ రికార్డ్స్, ఏషియా బుక్ ఆఫ్ రికార్ట్స్ సహా మరెన్నో రికార్డులు సొంతం చేసుకుంది. మరి, తనెవరో చూసేద్దామా.


00:00Adityanamaham Vishnuh Jyotishamraviramshuman Marichirmarutamasmi Nakshatranamahamsashi Vedanamsama Vedosmi Devanamasmi Vasavaha Indriyanam Manaschasmi Bhutanamasmi Chetana Rudranam Shankaraschasmi Vittesho Yaksharakshasam Vasunampavakaschasmi Merushikharinamaham
00:28You have heard, how well she is memorizing Bhagavad Gita
00:33She loves to read books from childhood
00:36She used to read old pictures and books and used to read Puranas and history books
00:42Now she is reading World Book of Records, Asia Book of Records, TEDx Speaker and many more books
01:16This girl's name is Sanvi Jamalpur
01:18She is daughter of Sunitha Pradeep Dampatula from Hyderabad
01:24They worked as software engineers in Bengaluru
01:26At that time, they used to leave their daughter in day care center and go for job
01:30Now she is used to reading books with dolls
02:00Sanvi's parents came to Hyderabad from Bengaluru
02:04But no one could go out during Covid
02:08With this, she started memorizing Kumarte Abhiruchil
02:11She used to read books with dolls
02:14She was inspired by watching Ramayana and Mahabharata serials on TV
02:19Slowly she started reading books like Navalalu, Itihasalu and Panchatantra daily
03:11I created my first world record
03:13In that, I recited Bhagavad Gita 58 shlokas in 5 minutes
04:50Children should read Bhagavad Gita
05:20Recently, I gave a TED talk in Mumbai at Atlas University
05:25There, my topic, my theme was leading with purpose
05:30Where I spoke about how we can improve our leadership skills
05:35So, I gave a talk there
05:37So, I am a TEDx speaker as well
05:39Not only that, I have got the opportunity
05:42I would say honor to meet many prominent people like
05:46Sri Venkaiah Naidu Sir, Kiran Bedi Ma'am, Ranjit Reddy Sir, Kishan Reddy Sir, Konda Surekha Ma'am
05:54The Governor of Telangana who has given me this watch in Raj Bhavan
06:01So, I am very grateful for that
06:03I have also got the great honor of meeting our saints
06:08Like Chinnajiyar Swami, Ganapathi Sachidananda Swami and many saints
06:34So, recently I wrote this book
06:36So, the title is Divine Virtues for Eternal Peace
06:39So, in this book, there is a 10 year old son and his father
06:45So, that boy, his name is Suraj
06:47He has many questions related to life and every day to day activities
06:52So, he asks his father and the father he takes the Bhagavad Gita as a base
06:56And he answers that questions to the child
07:00So, this book, I have written it in such a way
07:03This is a very simple way
07:05I have written it in a way that everyone can understand
07:08There are some learnings from each chapter
07:11How can we apply this in Kalyugam, in our everyday activities
07:15There is a learning segment
07:17So, yeah, this is my book
07:18She has developed her vocabulary, speaking
07:21She has achieved many good videos and concepts
07:27One important thing which I want to tell is
07:31What actually made me happy is not all these rewards
07:36Because, I am happy with the rewards
07:39Some parents will be happy
07:41But she has learnt the Bhagavad Gita
07:44I am very thankful to God
07:47At a young age, history is being contested
07:49And people are praising the spiritual science
07:52In the future, along with getting a job as a scientist
07:56She says that she will try to reach the top 10 in history
