• last month
00:00I think I'm gonna fit right in. It's all about winning. So whatever
00:03Happens happens, but at the end of the day if it's for the right reasoning and it's to get a W in that column
00:09What else really matters?
00:11Now back to Dillard and Wibbs on 95-7 the game. Can we play a couple more and then we're gonna keep going with the phones
00:19Greg Cosell live at the Super Bowl. I just found out that game was Sunday had no idea this Sunday
00:26Apparently it's the word is it on TV or is this one of those like Amazon or Peacock is streaming?
00:31Yeah, you're gonna have to get a subscription
00:34But anyway in my house, we're probably gonna end up watching that Nickelodeon
00:39Squish splash thing take it a bath. Totally perfect
00:42Although my daughter is two and a half thinks that the soup bow is the halftime show
00:46So she'll be tuned out until the halftime show and she's gonna learn some new words now, you know what?
00:51Actually, I think she's saying it right since it's in New Orleans
00:54I think that's how you say it soup. Oh soup. Oh, yeah, that's that's that's you just got a little Cajun to her
00:59That's a little gumbo
01:06I like this question. Jimmy Butler was asked. Hey, Jimmy
01:11Do you want to be a warrior or or or you know, did you want?
01:16Did you want some money? I'm not gonna say that that was a big part. I'm happy about it
01:20I am happy about it. I think the biggest part was just getting me to be able to play basketball again
01:25I just want to be able to go out there and and do what I've been doing for a very long time and have fun
01:30And smile and rip a run and I feel like I'm just doing cardio
01:35majority of the game so
01:37I'm very very very happy that I'm not getting suspended no more. I mean good for him, but that
01:43Come on, man. I mean that that's a small part of it
01:46I just I just want to be out there and rip and run and not just be doing cardio
01:50Wait a minute. I want 60 million a year. Yeah, it's kind of cool
01:53I want to be allowed to play basketball again, right did the Miami Heat schedule get canceled and I don't know about it
01:59He didn't suspend himself
02:01Did he suspend himself? I think he walked off of the practice floor. He left
02:06He might have had a phone call to take I mean he did a lot of things
02:09I'm not gonna exonerate him. But what would that be if you did it would be an exoneration sensation
02:15Thank you, which I'm not gonna do it
02:17Thank You Brandy
02:18But I'm sure he just wants to play basketball again
02:21And you know you you can go about doing anything any certain sort of way and he he took a certain tack
02:28And you know what it worked and I'm not I'm not mad at it
02:31You go go get your money
02:32And I also know that you can't answer that question the way that it really should be answered
02:37You can't do that. But let's be real. Yes. Yes, the extension mattered. Yes. It was in fact everything
02:44It was the hold up to the deal
02:45It was why you were mad with Miami and it was even though you wanted to be a Phoenix Sun
02:51The Golden State Warriors offered you 120 million dollars. So that's why you're here. I
02:56Like I hate to be so crass about it, but that like is that not how you see it?
03:00well, it has to be the way you see it because he
03:04Wasn't gonna sign an extension with the Warriors and then the deal was dead
03:07and we all turned our attention to Kevin Durant and then all of a sudden Jimmy Butler would sign an extension because
03:14The extension now was gonna be two years and 120 million plus. So oh, you mean, oh, that's the extension
03:21Oh, I'm a sign that you want me to throw something at you that I heard you got a pen
03:27Don't okay, but I mean that's what he was saying. I hear you know, I get it
03:31Let me throw you throw something at you that you want to know why Jimmy Butler's a warrior
03:34Tell me you won't know why you won't I will
03:39Jimmy Butler is a warrior
03:42Because Bradley Beals wife doesn't like the cold
03:45Hold on a minute. I'm gonna have to hit you with a Roxy Bernstein here. Please explain put it together
03:51It's not that hard of a puzzle to put together. So is the Bay Area clean explain?
03:55No, the barrier was not an option for Bradley Beale, Minnesota
03:59Milwaukee Milwaukee and can be chilly this time of year
04:02So Beale's in Milwaukee, right? He says hey, hey, baby
04:07I'm gonna wave my no-trade cloths. We're going to Milwaukee and she says no hell you are. No, we're not
04:13I don't have a mink
04:15I'm fresh out of sweaters. Yeah, I prefer the warm climes of Phoenix Bradley Beal's no-trade claws is
04:23Why Jimmy Butler is a warrior the no-freeze claws Bradley Beal's no-trade claws from what I'm told is based on the fact
04:31That mrs. Beale likes the Sun. Well, there you go
04:34So she loves playing for the Suns and he would be the first man in America to be told what to do by his wife
04:42Said a guy who gets cuffed around
04:45Let's see 325 my wife actually might be in the car right now speaking of needing to take a phone call in the middle of
04:51Practice. Yeah, why don't you take a phone call while I take a phone call?
04:56Let's do that stranger things have happened. Yeah, like again, I'm not trying to Jimmy's gonna call mrs
05:02Beal and say hey, thanks. I got 120 million because you don't have a jacket
05:07No, it's it happens to be here because you don't have a jacket, right? And I'm not trying to be all cynical
05:12I have no problem with the way life works, but this is how it works
05:16I think it's funny sometimes when we look at professional sports and we get mad at guys for the money they take I
05:22Don't know what the hell drives you when you accept the job
05:26What what is it you ask for when you get a job? I want workplace harmony
05:31When you're negotiating
05:32How many different things do you bring up when someone all I would like to offer you a job, okay
05:38Well, let's negotiate. What do you start bringing up?
05:42Do I have a locker? Where where is the office? Is it close to my house?
05:50Yep, and that's okay. So this was about money and that's okay. So Jimmy says
05:57Reportedly, I'm not gonna sign an extension there and then somebody whispers in his ear
06:01What about two years and 120 million? What if that was your extension? Where's the pen exactly?
06:07Where's the pen? Yeah, because I have no team now. I'm I'm here doing cardio by myself
06:13I just want to rip and run I get to play with Steph and Draymond and
06:18You know play for a team that at least is pretending to be a contender whether or not they're actually a contender
06:23They're gonna try to be one. You're not going to a team. That's like, all right, Jimmy
06:27It's gonna be you and a bunch of bums and we're just gonna you know, hope for the lottery
06:31Hope the ping-pong balls bounce our way
06:34You at least go somewhere with some champs and some ogs and an owner who at least wants to win
06:40Yeah, whether or not he gets absolutely is another question. Oh, absolutely
06:44Everybody wants to win and there is a track record
06:47I I think you could have a debate over how realistic the conversation we're having is but sure sure
06:53It's a good it's obvious. It's a great organization. They're like nobody around the NBA questions that
06:59Matt in a window. Hi Matt. Thanks for calling
07:04Gentlemen are you doing this afternoon? Oh great, man. How are you?
07:08Alright, I'm gonna take you in the way back machine. You ready? Yeah, please. I
07:15Need you guys to listen to me and listen to me good. Thank you. I
07:22Need the you know, you know, you don't have to bring it up, but I think you guys both know where that's going
07:30Mark let me tell you something. Let's go. I'm with you on I'm with you on the Kim Johnson thing
07:36Okay, like I'm with you on the Kim Johnson thing
07:38But I think the whole the Warriors need more shooting the Warriors need more shooting. I
07:44Get that season to get older see a lot of games
07:48What they needed was more
07:50scoring and
07:52You know, we can talk about dogs not dogs. Jimmy's a dog. We all know that Draymond's a dog
07:58We all know that they needed more scoring and you know what going to surround and okay
08:04So Wiggs is a 33% shooter
08:08Jimmy's a 30% three-shot three-point shooter. You're losing like six points max on the best night because
08:18Jimmy's a lower volume shooter. I think where this thing has some problems is what people aren't getting to
08:26In-the-out years, so Jimmy had a 58 million dollar player option. We all know that
08:32Looking at all the guys that come off the books on our side this season and next season
08:38You're paying Jimmy 60 a year. That's more than stuff next year
08:46You've got to go fill 20 million dollars of puts and takes from GP to in the crew
08:52You got a big coming up 20 million dollars. And now you're looking at a total payroll. That's like
08:59222 that's
09:01Celtics level with the Celtics have an average age of mid to late 20s and our average age is gonna be mid 30s
09:08That's the problem with the deal. I
09:12Agree I agree with all of that like it like well, first of all there there's all kinds of
09:21Things that you could point to as far as what is the problem with the deal? There's the now problems. There's the future problems
09:29Let me let me restate a couple of things and Matt
09:32Thank you very much for calling and we should put this out there and I'm at fault for this too
09:37Shams originally reported this extension incorrectly
09:41Jimmy is not gonna make 20. I'm sorry 60 million a year. It's gonna be 56
09:46I know a lot of you're like, oh, okay. Yeah, whatever, but he's not making more than stuff next year. That's a bargain
09:52Okay, yeah bargain to make 56 a year and he was set to make
09:5652.4 an opt-in right so it's it's up to it like it's a two-year
10:00111 112 million dollar deal somewhere in that the way it's structured. It's 54 next year and then 58
10:06Okay, so the average is 56, but it's 54 next year. Look at all the money
10:10They keep getting every time granny opens his mouth the Warriors get more money
10:15so anyway, they're like
10:18but but Matt is exactly right and
10:21And this is what I tried to throw out there yesterday
10:24I think what the Warriors knew with all of the optionality and flexibility that they've been trumpeting for the last year and a half
10:31It really only bought you one big swing
10:35one big swing or
10:37You could do multiple mid-range swings. They opted for one big swing and this is it
10:44And you're really gonna have a hard time undoing that for a different big swing if you want if this doesn't look good
10:53This is mmm to me a little underwhelming if this is your big one swing
11:01None of that is to say that I think Jimmy Butler is not a great basketball player
11:05None of that is to say that I don't that I think Andrew Wiggins is better than Jimmy Butler. He's not
11:11So if you want to call him a dog or however, you want to define this is great
11:15Jimmy Butler is a fantastic basketball player and better than Andrew Wiggins
11:19But they gave up a lot more than Andrew Wiggins to get him
11:22Yeah, I think I mean first-round draft capital is first-round draft capital and
11:28Enroll players who come in and do some things are also a thing I guess
11:33Okay, all I'm saying is this is your one big swing and you grab someone who's 35, right?
11:39That's that is that's tough. Well, it's your one big swing and if you wanted to make another one big swing
11:47What would it be and how would you do it and that that I think is the calculus that none of us can really answer
11:52But if you want to go into the offseason and free agency
11:55You look at the list of potential free agents
11:58Most of the guys who are of Jimmy's caliber are of the same age
12:01None of the young guns are free agents
12:04None of them are gonna spring free if you want to try to dream about trading for Giannis onto to Kumpo
12:10Well, that's not gonna happen. He's making more than Jimmy and Milwaukee's gonna ask for more than
12:15Wiggins two role players and a pick to get Giannis
12:19so if you want to talk about them making a big swing and I do think you're right mark to look at this as
12:25Their last big move before the end of the Stefan Draymond era
12:29I don't know what other big move would have been feasible or
12:33Possible or even something you could have done and I know that fans and even the team
12:38Probably we're all excited about Kevin Durant as that last one big swing
12:43But that wasn't gonna happen KD reportedly didn't want to come here
12:47So if it's not Jimmy now, who would it be and when would it be? Okay
12:52Well, what if I threw this at you because what if it was two medium-sized swings instead of one big swing?
12:58What if it was that like what if I threw these two lineups at you?
13:02You tell me which one sounds like a better lineup right and grit grandy
13:05Mr. Love all the deals. Why don't you you you weigh in on this tip? Okay, mr. Love a lover. What's a better lineup? Okay
13:13starting lineup of
13:16Steph Curry
13:18Brandon Pajewski
13:20Jimmy Butler
13:22Draymond green and Quentin post
13:25With Jonathan coming and Moses moody highlighting the people who are available off the bench buddy healed. Yeah, buddy. Yeah, it's fine
13:33Buddy healed trying to help you out. People are mad at buddy right three-point shoot contest
13:38he at least decided he'd show up, but go ahead or
13:42Steph Curry
13:44Cam Johnson
13:46Andrew Wiggins
13:48Draymond green
13:49Nicola Vujovic
13:51With Jonathan cominga Moses moody buddy healed Brandon pajewski
13:58Available to you off the bench. What sounds more attractive to you?
14:02Well the second one, but I'm curious to know what you would consider
14:06Trading for those two guys that you just put in your starting. I believe that both of those players
14:11This is my belief that those players were available for draft capital and expiring contracts
14:19GP to and loony probably would have been involved in that had to be another player because you're talking about
14:2442 million worth of player coming back, right and
14:28So it would that right there is about 31 million. So you'd have to either trade Kyle Anderson. He went in this deal
14:33There's another 8 million, right?
14:35Draft picks would you need to shovel to get those two players probably or more God?
14:41No for Cam Johnson and Nicola Vujovic
14:43I would say that if you did Cam Johnson that's gonna probably take you to first and I bet Vooch at
14:51The buzzer for expiring contracts and two seconds might have gotten it done
14:56Like when people look at why I don't believe that I do I believe that why didn't it get done?
15:02For the reason you brought up like literally the Warriors in the end once they made this deal for Butler do not have
15:09The ability to fill out a roster if they then give up multiple people to go get Nicola Vujovic
15:14Also, the finances did not work. They didn't work but
15:19Basically from everything that I have heard and and that's no different than anyone else
15:24But Nicola Vujovic was not gonna be expensive. I know the reports out there. There's like oh, they want a first
15:31And the Warriors want to give up a second when you got to the buzzer on that one
15:34I think if you had enough expiring deals and multiple second-round picks you could have gotten that done
15:41You could that that is my belief. Yeah
15:43Well, they did and they had two more expiring deals and they had picked and they didn't get it done
15:48But they can't anymore because you wouldn't have enough people to fill out the roster
15:52Because they did a four for one for Jimmy that left three wrong
15:56Elevate Pat Spencer from a two-way and you could elevate Jackson row from a two-way and those are roster spots
16:02You could give for guys making the minimum you could yes, you could
16:07It would have been enough. No, it wasn't wise
16:10Because you did a four for one and in theory you would have had to go do
16:13Another probably three for one for Vujovic and now you're out five people
16:19You don't have enough two ways sitting there and you have no money to go pay people
16:23Well that became very very complex the idea of now going to get Vujovic after you had already gotten Butler. That was tough
16:30I think that saying that would have been if that was possible that would have been done
16:35Beforehand or it would have been done
16:37Anyway, I think that the price for those two guys that you're laying out is higher than what you are
16:43Maybe maybe it would have been lower
16:45We'll never know you know
16:46All I know is that neither one of those deals got done by any team in the association
16:51And if any of the team trade could have sent two expirings in two seconds for Vujovic they would have done it
16:57I mean, maybe what do you think? I mean the Bulls are now like I mean, they're just gonna try to do this again next year
17:03And usually the longer you hold on to him the price goes down hashtag Jimmy Butler, right?
17:09Like so maybe you can get Vujovic in the offseason
17:12Yeah, but maybe not now not now not with a two-year 112 million dollar extension
17:18Like there's no the nor room
17:21You got coming yeah, you can sign and trade you're gonna sign and trade him for 20 million
17:26But he wants to do that. I'm gonna get Vujovic for coming. Uh, that's an awful-sounding
17:31Talking about that. I were talking about what we're talking about, right?
17:35We're talking about what I would have rather done then go get Jimmy Butler and you're not wrong
17:40I will sit here and admit maybe they tried and it I'm sure they try said no and trade
17:46So hard, I don't know how they prioritized it
17:49I really don't know that I don't know that they prioritized to mid-range deals over a bigger deal, right?
17:55I actually love to hear from Mike Dunleavy on this very thing. I bet they prior
17:59Well, they're only gonna tell you that I prioritize this now because that's what they did
18:03But I I would think the way that the Warriors have been thinking and talking seemingly that you would prioritize the big name
18:11They wanted the big boom and they got the big boom. Yeah, they did. They got the sham Wow
18:16They got the sham Wow, and you know, so there you go. They reportedly were all in on, you know
18:23Levine from I almost said Adam Levine, but they're all in on Levine from Chicago
18:29But because Schroeder wasn't yet tradable and Sacramento swooped in before you could trade Schroeder. Yeah, you were out on that
18:35So that's one thing I would love to hear from Mike Dunleavy is how much was the the Schroeder?
18:41Deadline a player in what they were able to do and what they wanted to do
18:46I wonder I mean
18:46I wonder how much we're ever gonna get answers like that
18:49You know like once a deal is made a team is always going to tell you that's the deal
18:53We wanted to make sure all along
18:55And and you know Zach Levine, I don't think was a linchpin to anything
19:00Jonathan in the city. Hi Jonathan. Thanks for calling
19:04Hey, thanks for taking my call
19:06Potentially it could potentially work, you know
19:09So let's give it a chance because Jimmy actually brings something that the Warriors has been lagging for years now somebody you can
19:16Slow down the game back down the defender and get to a sweet spot and actually make a layup or if not
19:22He knows how to get fouled and shoot free throws
19:25But it's also potentially blow up and become a dumpster fire
19:28And and the reason for that is Steve current season, you know, the genius an old dog
19:33He doesn't want to learn new tricks me if he tells him a man, you know
19:37Well good shot for a better shot or run around set three and that guy over there is the greatest shooter in the planet
19:43So, you know and wait for him to curl up and and get open and pass him the ball
19:48You know, if this dog doesn't like what he hears this dog's gonna go sit and before I go
19:54I've got a Super Bowl prediction the Philadelphia Eagles are gonna get a great start great jump on a chance to see the Chiefs
20:00For the most part they get they can out lead
20:05No, 27 14, but somehow some way the Kansas City Chiefs are gonna make cookie stopping for two touchdown in the end
20:13They're gonna win 28 27
20:16Okay, Jonathan, we're gonna put that in the vault and we'll see if it all comes true
20:21Listen, I I I reserve the right to do these two things at the same time. I am going to watch the Warriors
20:28I am going to hope that Jimmy is
20:32Amazing. I am going to be curious. I'm going to give it a chance. I'm gonna do all of those things
20:37I can also sit here at the same time and be like I'd have done something different. I
20:43Would have done something different if it was possible, yeah, that's all I like I just I'm with you on that if it was possible
20:49I would rather have
20:51Vucevich and Cam Johnson
20:53Even if it cost me four bench pieces and a couple of picks
20:57Hopefully not more than one first-round pick that ideally would have been it but I don't believe that that was there
21:03I do think that Mike Dunleavy and company called
21:06Everybody all the time for the past who knows three or four weeks
21:10They did their due diligence and they got to the end of it and they probably were really thinking
21:15KD in a reunion and when that blew up they thought oh gosh, we've got about 20 hours left to go here
21:20We need to pivot and you pivoted to Jimmy Butler and you knocked on Joe Lakems door and say Joe this Butler thing is close
21:27How do you feel about giving him a hundred and eleven million over two years and Joe said yeah, let's do it
21:33We're all in on the Steph Curry window
21:36Yeah, I mean that that is a scenario and maybe that is exactly how I play
21:41Yeah, I'm sure that Mike Dunleavy didn't make that call without Joe like you're not gonna give 112 million without Joe
21:47yeah, so this thing has
21:49Lacobian prints all over it
21:51Just like splash and you can text me Joe if you want cuz I'm here. My phone's on. Yeah, give me your number
21:56He's got it. No, he doesn't damn right. He does brought to my feet get it
