• last month
00:00In or out on the Jimmy Butler trade, I think you're hearing both of us sort of like it's a little bit of a hesitation
00:07Sensation. Yeah, you like the deal. I don't like the deal
00:12But like you don't love the deal and I don't not understand why they did the deal
00:17Like I think we're in a spot where it's impossible to both love this and hate this
00:22If you're thinking clearly about it
00:24I believe you have to see the positives and the negatives that are just obvious there are it's not a perfect match
00:32But the Warriors had to make a deal. I see that so they did and I don't see as many of the negatives as
00:38They there really are. I mean the negatives I think are
00:42Perceived for me the biggest negative was the Jimmy Butler
00:45I want money factor and that's been taken care of and you still have the biggest negative for me is
00:51The fit the basketball fit if Jimmy Butler Willer will not want to play the way that the Warriors like to play
00:57I do think that they've got a couple years now to work it out
01:00The other possible negative is what now for Jonathan Kaminga because if Kaminga comes back and plays
01:07Well when he comes back in a week or two weeks or whatever it is when he comes back
01:13Can he continue to ball out and if he does does his price go up to where they can't keep him that to me becomes?
01:19The other shoe that Willer will not drop. Well, let me even ask you this
01:24When Jonathan Kaminga gets back, is he a starter?
01:28I know no, he's not still gonna come off the bench
01:32Yeah, I mean, I would figure like I mean, there's a real real fair question. Who's your to guard Warriors?
01:38Who's your to if you start Jonathan Kaminga along with Jimmy Butler and Draymond Green?
01:45I would argue you're sort of short on somebody who can guard it to you're also a little short on three-point shooting
01:52Like I honestly think if I had to guess right now
01:56Kaminga still your sixth man and you're starting lineup when he gets back assuming health for all parties. It's gonna be Steph Podge
02:03Yeah Butler Draymond and post
02:05I think that's gonna be your lineup agreed or come on or TJD depending on who's hot and you know
02:12Against whom you're playing I agree and I think that if you do have pods
02:15Then he can at least take some of the point guard burden off of Steph and that way when you go to your second unit
02:22You've got buddy at his best. He can get you a bucket
02:26He can shoot the three and you've got Kaminga who with that second unit becomes more of a featured piece
02:31Yeah, and that maybe that's a good thing for him. Although we know he wants to start
02:34I don't know how many shots are still gonna be there for him when he comes back
02:39He's got to get back into the flow and he's got 30 games to do this man
02:43And I don't know how much leverage he has so again based on the folks
02:47I've talked to I'd get ready for Jonathan Kaminga to maybe sign an extension for less than we're thinking
02:53That might be all that's there for him. All right in or out on the deal. Let's get back to you. How about
03:00Scott in San Rafael. Hey Scott. Thank you for calling
03:04Hey, what's going on guys? What's I just want to let you know
03:07I've been listening to your show all the afternoons and love it
03:11Big big fan of the afternoon show
03:14I'm out on this deal
03:16The to trade Wiggins Wiggins was a positive influence
03:20He's had his most consistent
03:23Year, he looked like he had really grown up and growing up out of those
03:27Those emotional or whatever he was dealing with in the past
03:30So to trade him that was a nut that was oh that hurts that really hurts
03:37And then now to have Butler who's a problematic doesn't want to play with us and now he's gonna come
03:43What kind of joy are the Warriors gonna have playing? That's what I want to know
03:48When you look at the fans
03:50When you look across the country you look at fans that look at other teams
03:54They all love the Warriors because we have joy and like watching the Warriors
03:59but now with the dynamic of Dre and Butler, uh, I
04:05I'm out on this
04:06I I kind of hope that this is just gonna be at the end of the season and maybe they'll look to trade him on
04:12The offseason. Yeah, I wouldn't hold my breath, but Scott. Thank you for the comments. Thank you for the call
04:17I get it. He is not as touchy-feely as Andrew Wiggins, right? No doubt about that
04:23I will say this. I'm at least it's like I'm gonna give him a chance
04:28Like I do think warrior fans you need to do this. We've heard about this
04:33We've watched it from afar. We know who Jimmy Butler is, but I'm also going to allow
04:39Jimmy Butler the warrior to be Jimmy Butler the warrior and then see what that is
04:44Because for example as you sit here and say you loved watching Andrew Wiggins
04:49What was your perception of Andrew Wiggins when they acquired him because when when D'Angelo Russell was sent out
04:55Don't forget what the national reaction to Andrew Wiggins was they're like what?
05:00Andrew Wiggins that
05:03Disappointment, that's who you're going to hit Steph Curry to now and Andrew came out here and outside of whatever the family issues were
05:10He was a great warrior. He kept his head down
05:14He played hard and he was the key piece in a championship run
05:19Yeah, two-way wigs and just the way you laid that out. I'm thinking about how that whole thing went
05:24So you went from D'Angelo Russell to Andrew Wiggins to Jimmy Butler that for me if you want to criticize front offices
05:32That's a pretty good
05:34Matriculation going up the ladder and you got Andrew Wiggins at his best and you turned him
05:39Essentially and I know other pieces went out a couple of expirings and Lindy Waters
05:44But you turn that into Jimmy Butler
05:46So you went from D'Angelo Russell a guy who you really didn't probably want in the first place and you flipped him to Andrew
05:54Andrew wins the title and you flip him to Jimmy Butler. That's pretty good. Well, I'm glad you brought that up
05:59I think it at least it at least requires some thought from all of us
06:04So think about the chain-link friend offense that was created with the idea that Kevin Durant wanted to leave
06:10Now you can argue with the way the front office handled Draymond and all that that led to Kevin wanting to leave
06:16But you get to a point where Kevin Durant wants to leave and as a front office, what do you do?
06:20Well, they turned that into D'Angelo Russell
06:23and then they turned D'Angelo Russell into both Wiggins and coming and then they won another championship and now
06:30They have chain-link fence this thing again
06:32I don't know if Jimmy Butler will work
06:34but that is pretty good tiptoe and by a front office to keep the original thought of
06:40Kevin Durant wants to leave is still a thing. Yeah, cuz coming is still here, too
06:45Yeah, exactly
06:46Those things are all attached right and that's a good way to look at it
06:49And whether or not Jimmy works and let's just say for the sake of this conversation that it doesn't work
06:54Now you've got a guy making 60 million that you can trade as a an expiring or a near expiring in the next year or two
07:02And you know bring back some assets. It doesn't necessarily mean that this is now done
07:07No more moves to be made over the next two and a half years just because you brought in Jimmy Butler
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07:27Thanks to everybody who's on our YouTube feed today
07:29Good chat been going this week on the YouTube feed and obviously those of you who are there have gotten a look at this awesome
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07:50So just keep listening right where you are back out to the phones JD in Pleasant Hill JD
07:57You're on Willard and Debs. What are you doing?
08:00I'm driving buddy. Just picked up my son
08:03First off just want to say love the show
08:06And for a rare occasion, I'm actually in agreeance with Willard on this what I it's awkward. Come on, man
08:14I I am so out on this
08:16I think this trade happened maybe a year too late and and I know I loved Wiggins as a player
08:23But but we can moving on is one thing. I really didn't want to give up a pitch
08:28My thing was if you were gonna go all-in with a big move
08:32Miami was sitting back Pat Riley came out two days ago saying oh, we'll keep Butler for next year
08:37That was a load of you know, what they were never gonna keep him
08:41We gave up a little too much for Butler, but that's just because the Warriors were desperate
08:46Don't leave II Bob Myers. He is not he's in over his head
08:50This trade should have happened like maybe a year ago
08:52I just I don't agree with with the moves and if you were gonna go all-in
08:58Kind of like the way it feels I would have been happier with it if there would have been another move on top of it
09:05Before the deadline today, but with that being said, yes, I'm definitely out on this JD. Thanks
09:10I wonder what JD would want them to do and like what other people would want them to do and I understand that this move
09:15May not be perfect and you said as much but everybody wants them to do something
09:21Would you rather have them just bring in Vujovic and to say they gave away too much quote-unquote?
09:27Well, all you gave up was Andrew Wiggins. I think that he's like he says the Warriors are making a move out of desperation
09:33I think that he were too and I think that what both teams received reflected that I will offer this
09:39Just as an alternate thought on the draft pick that they gave up
09:43I want everybody to think about this just and and you can make whatever opinion you want out of this
09:48But the idea of the Warriors giving up a pick in many ways they have to they need to it's top 10
09:56Protected and if you're a Jonathan Kaminga fan, you do not want the Warriors to get a top 10 pick next year
10:03I hope you just heard me clear
10:06You do not want your pick next year if you're a fan of Jonathan Kaminga
10:11The Warriors probably will not have a top 10 pick which means they're probably giving up their pick next year
10:17And then you move on and you've kept all your picks for the coming years when Steph and Dre and Jimmy get even older
10:23But if they end up with their pick next year
10:25They've got to pay that pick and that money in many ways would come directly out of what they're able to offer
10:32Jonathan Kaminga make no mistake about it. The Warriors have made their move and they are now financially strapped
10:37There is no more financial flexibility for this team with these monster contracts
10:42And if you want to keep Jonathan Kaminga at 25 million or so, you probably are not able to make a first-round pick, right?
10:48Again, I'm just looking at the rookie scale from this year
10:51And if you are the number one pick you got an automatic
10:5410.5 million and all the way down to the 10th pick to your point
10:57Four point five five seven so four point six million for a rookie and we know how they treat rookies here
11:04You get paid but you don't get played and it doesn't sound like much but it is but it is
11:09Especially if you're going into the second apron and as we learned with Kelly Oubre, you know
11:15$10,000,000 can actually mean 80. Yeah, so if you're paying a rookie four and a half million dollars
11:20But it's actually like oh that actually cost the team 45 million. Yeah, that's different. It's different. So
11:26Just another dynamic to think about with regard to the pick that they gave up
11:31They may actually kind of need that pick to go away if they want to keep Kaminga
11:35Let's go to Patrick in Carson City. Hi Patrick. Appreciate your call, ma'am
11:40How's it going guy
11:43What's good? I love you guys. I've been a long time
11:50In Sonoma County my whole life
11:53My basketball team actually played against did there put a little high back in that early to mid-80s. Oh
12:01You remember this yeah West Sides got chickens East Sides got class
12:10Well, we would we what's your but except my senior year
12:151982 with Devlin Jackson and Jimmy Ferreira and company where they went all the way to the NCS finals as you well know
12:24I'm thinking 84 when we went we played at actually the Coliseum
12:30There was Dave Myles on our team. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
12:33It's a nice little nice little flash in the pan for you guys. Oh, then the Trojans on the West Side
12:39But go ahead. Anyway, I love your guys show
12:42Really is one of the smarter shows on the air. I believe like you like your promo says
12:47I'm in and I got to tell you this is coming from a Warriors fan that became a Warriors fan when
12:54Ian Rickberry win the championship in 74. So I've been watching long long time long time basketball coach myself
13:02I'll tell you the one thing that Jimmy Butler brings that
13:06Wiggins never never could and never would
13:09Never could and never would he's a closer. Okay, so when he's on the floor at the end of the game like last night
13:17If Wiggins was on the floor last night
13:19I'm not sure if they would have won or not if Jimmy was on the floor last night, they would have won and
13:26That's just by saying he he has that dog in him. He he he knows
13:32The right moment he controls the ball. He's not gonna throw it around like Raymond or
13:38Step and make those stupid crazy passes. He's gonna hold on to it and make the right decisions
13:43I mean, it's right there in his history. So that's why I'm in
13:48For the most part, but you know the other thing is guys
13:51He's gonna be interesting watch. I mean who's not gonna want to see Butler and dream on the court at the same time. I am
13:58Yeah, like Patrick I'll buy that Patrick. Thank you so much for the call. That was really fun
14:02I like I'll buy that side of it
14:04By that side of it
14:05I just happen to also feel like that could be a fleeting thought like those of us who are like man
14:11I just wanted something new and
14:14This will be really fun to watch
14:16Yes, yes
14:18for three weeks and if they're losing basketball games
14:22Will you still think it's entertaining and fun?
14:24And if dream on and Jimmy for all of us who are like who could be fireworks when they get suspended
14:30You're not gonna think that's fun
14:32And I'm not saying they will dream on has actually done what he was supposed to do this year, Jimmy
14:37Not so much, but I'm not gonna root for those kind of fireworks and and and my curiosity factor is gonna go away in a few
14:45weeks if
14:46They don't win basketball games. I remember when David Beckham came to MLS
14:51Every star in LA went to the game and then a week later. They never came back. So that curiosity is great
14:58I get it. I feel it too. I just don't think that that has staying power
15:02Well, it has staying power if they win, you're right
15:04but I do think throughout the remainder of this year having Stefan dream on and Jimmy Butler will be interesting and even if they
15:11Wind up out of the play in then you you get into next year and you wonder if it can work again
15:17Maybe they just weren't on the same page because they were getting to know each other
15:21I do think that there's more staying power just based on these personalities Stefan dream on have been here
15:27They've won here. Jimmy Butler is a meteoric personality and one who I think will draw attention no matter what?
15:34So I do think that there will be staying power even if they do struggle into this year
15:39Are you in or out on the Jimmy Butler deal? We're taking your calls on that throughout the afternoon. This is your show today
15:45We just want to hear from you 888-957-9570 as we sit here inside
15:51Splash at Thrive City the brand-new state-of-the-art sports bar and restaurant, which is beautiful right outside of Chase Center
15:58Let's keep going Brendan in Sacramento is next up. Hi Brendan. What are you doing?
16:04I'm doing good guys. How you guys doing? Yeah, man. We're hanging in. It's a good day
16:08All right. I'm gonna put this straight to the point
16:11I am totally in on Jimmy and the reason why I'm in on Jimmy is because
16:17We have seen the Warriors
16:21Specifically dream on and Steph work with other people very well like Jimmy in the past
16:27yes, now Jimmy typically has a little bit more of a personality than most people and
16:33that could be a conflict, but I could also seen this turn the other way and Jimmy and dream on actually being
16:41actually kind of closer friends than you might think I think in the aspect of like
16:46Concerning to like a smash bros
16:49Situation where these guys just blend well and work really well together
16:54And I also think that there's the aspect that they're going to fit Jimmy in in a very similar way
17:01to how
17:03Durant and curry and dream on would have been on the floor. I
17:07Mean Brendan. Thanks, man
17:09I like look if what we're asking is
17:13Do we feel like Steph Curry and dream on green are good at
17:17Welcoming others onto the team and fitting them in and making adjustments and seeing the bigger picture my gosh
17:24I think that about those two players as much as you could think it
17:27I don't you know one thing we've never seen with the Golden State Warriors, and it's kind of a miracle in this era
17:34There has never been what I would call an internal power struggle
17:40Maybe the dream on Kevin thing I would use a different word for it right, but there's never been that
17:47Ego-maniacal this is my team. No. This is your team
17:50Let's not work it out, and now I'll get mad and leave
17:53We've never seen that despite the fact that a lot of big names have come through here, so I have total faith there
18:00My curiosity is much more about Jimmy again this came down to money in Miami
18:06It blew up he got some money here that doesn't tell me that like oh
18:12I really think I'm a great fit with this team, and I want to play with those guys
18:16Especially since all week long we heard it was sons or busts right so that's my hesitation
18:22And it's fair. It's fair to hesitate and you know Jimmy Butler is a guy who has never been shy about
18:27Stating his mind, and he also has never been one to avoid
18:32Conflict if he wants his way out of the situation so it's possible that he's volatile he comes here
18:38He wants to go and he does what he's done in other spots. I know that that's part of the risk
