• 2 days ago
Love is Blind - Season 8 Episode 12,
Love Is Blind S08E12


00:00:00Did I have to wait for you?
00:00:08I'm so excited.
00:00:10I'm almost done.
00:00:11You got it?
00:00:12Yeah, I got it.
00:00:13Okay, okay.
00:00:14How good you are.
00:00:15This thing is ridiculous.
00:00:16That's so old-fashioned.
00:00:17You do it.
00:00:18I don't need it.
00:00:19No, yeah, you do.
00:00:20No, I don't.
00:00:21We'll leave it there.
00:00:22Just leave it there just in case.
00:00:23Should we hold hands?
00:00:24We might be too slow.
00:00:25Today is just the best day.
00:00:26It's our last date before the wedding and it's just such a huge day to have conversations
00:00:27and enjoy our time together before the big day.
00:00:28You're doing great.
00:00:29I know I'm doing great.
00:00:30You're doing pretty bad.
00:00:31You're pretty bad.
00:00:32You're doing bad.
00:00:33I'm so cool.
00:00:35I'm gonna take a shower.
00:00:36Today is just the best day.
00:00:37It's our last date before the wedding.
00:00:39And it's just such a huge day to have conversations
00:00:42and enjoy our time together before the big day.
00:00:47You're doing great.
00:00:49I know I'm doing great.
00:00:50You're bad.
00:00:51This is bad.
00:00:52Do you want to race?
00:00:53No, because you'll win.
00:00:54Are you sure?
00:00:57Waiting for love like this.
00:00:59We get to hang out like best friends.
00:01:01And we're just having a ton of fun, like we always do.
00:01:05I met Daniel five weeks ago, but I feel like I met him five years ago.
00:01:10I'm still trying to figure out this backwards thing.
00:01:13You got to make C's with your skates when you do it.
00:01:17Come here.
00:01:18Lucky I'm in love with my best friend.
00:01:22Lucky to have been where I have been.
00:01:25Do you want to check me into the boards?
00:01:27Would you be cool with that?
00:01:30Minnesota is technically the state of hockey.
00:01:35That's our nickname.
00:01:36And so what a more fitting environment to be in for our last date.
00:01:40And then to get dinner served at Center Ice.
00:01:42Can't beat it.
00:01:43Oh, yeah.
00:01:44Nailed it.
00:01:45We used to do circles at practice.
00:01:48You're just like a machine.
00:01:55I'm good.
00:02:05Oh, Jesus.
00:02:15All right.
00:02:17This is super cool.
00:02:22Wow, this is the coolest birthday ever.
00:02:28Happy birthday.
00:02:30Glad I can spend it with you.
00:02:31To our last date.
00:02:32To our last date.
00:02:33Love you.
00:02:3432 years young.
00:02:36You made me breakfast in bed.
00:02:38I've never, I don't think, had breakfast made for me in bed.
00:02:41First birthday together.
00:02:43It was amazing.
00:02:44Got to do something special.
00:02:46How are you feeling about just the wedding day in general?
00:02:49Nervous at all or like?
00:02:52I feel like it would be normal to feel nervous.
00:02:58But I don't.
00:02:59Seeing you for the first time like walking down in your wedding dress will be like probably
00:03:04peak of my life.
00:03:05So cute.
00:03:06But be like.
00:03:07Do you think you're going to cry?
00:03:10It's possible.
00:03:12It's possible.
00:03:13Going from no relationship, serious relationship for 10 years to now getting married.
00:03:21Does it give you any pause of like, I haven't experienced the dating life enough or what
00:03:28else is out there?
00:03:29I just, I think, you know, for me, I made the decision when I applied leaving certain
00:03:35freedoms behind of like being a single person and like having my own living space.
00:03:39It's like, that's all great and everything.
00:03:41But like at some point, if you want more in life, you have to leave that stuff behind.
00:03:46And I just made like the decision that it was like, I was okay with that.
00:03:51And like, thankfully I found you and like, I can't even see myself like going back to
00:03:56that life.
00:03:59And I don't want to.
00:04:01And we probably never would have met.
00:04:02You probably maybe would have met an amazing person that wasn't me.
00:04:04Who knows?
00:04:05But yeah, I just can't imagine like not ever meeting you.
00:04:09So no, there's no pause.
00:04:10Do you remember when we were in Honduras and you said there was a moment when you were
00:04:14looking at me on the pier and you thought I'm like falling even more in love with this
00:04:21That's right now for me.
00:04:25I remember that.
00:04:26I remember that.
00:04:27I love your words.
00:04:28And your words are like what made me fall in love with you.
00:04:31It's just how I feel.
00:04:32And you just keep, keep coming.
00:04:36It's just how I feel.
00:04:37You're so beautiful.
00:04:38It's just how I feel.
00:04:39I like, I've never, I've never had a time where I've like had the opportunity to like
00:04:44say these types of things because I never felt this way.
00:04:53The way, the human being that you are is very, very rare, Daniel.
00:04:57You are so rare.
00:04:59I just can't imagine letting you go.
00:05:03Well, I'm not going anywhere.
00:05:25Date night.
00:05:26Date night.
00:05:27Last date night.
00:05:28Last one.
00:05:29I know.
00:05:30I got you the conservatory.
00:05:31You got it?
00:05:32You got it for me?
00:05:33Just kidding.
00:05:34The whole thing?
00:05:36Like my childhood, I was, came here all the time with my sister and my mom growing up
00:05:40and my dad.
00:05:41It is beautiful.
00:05:42It is beautiful.
00:05:43We are at this beautiful conservatory.
00:05:46I've just always loved it here.
00:05:49And now I'm here with my fiance.
00:05:53Oh my gosh.
00:05:55And this is my favorite garden here, the Sunken Garden.
00:05:58Joey and I were having fun, like knowing we had time before that big day is coming.
00:06:02And now there's no more time.
00:06:04Like it's here.
00:06:05There you go.
00:06:06You're going to pull up my cushion?
00:06:08Oh yeah.
00:06:09Since I always pull up your chair.
00:06:12I'm not hearing him say I'm 100% in.
00:06:15It's you all the way.
00:06:18Like let's do this.
00:06:20So I'm holding back a little bit because he could say no.
00:06:25And then this whole thing like will just end.
00:06:29And it was all kind of like this amazing dream.
00:06:34To our last date.
00:06:35Our last date.
00:06:40Do you like it?
00:06:41That's good.
00:06:43Actually, do you like it?
00:06:44I like that.
00:06:46My feelings for him have grown every day.
00:06:47And he does hopefully feel those ways about me.
00:06:50He just hasn't told me to my face.
00:06:52So a lot's going through our mind, as you can see.
00:06:54Like I'm spinning.
00:06:55You kind of said Thailand already, but what other place have you always wanted to go to?
00:07:04So that looks amazing.
00:07:06I've always wanted to do like a train ride in Switzerland.
00:07:09Like in the winter and like go up the mountains.
00:07:13One place that I just was.
00:07:15Halstead, Austria.
00:07:17Just scroll through.
00:07:19Oh, yeah.
00:07:21I have definitely.
00:07:22It's like out of this world.
00:07:23It's like a dream.
00:07:24Well, this is where the Sound of Music, right?
00:07:27That's Salzburg.
00:07:31Yes, it's another like city, but it's just like, oh.
00:07:36Which speaking of Sound of Music.
00:07:38That was like the date that bumped me up to number one.
00:07:42That was.
00:07:43Wasn't it?
00:07:46It was.
00:07:47The first date I remember was the napping date.
00:07:49Where I was like, don't take a nap on me.
00:07:53It's napping.
00:07:54The music was for sure the best.
00:07:56That's the one that I knew that it was you and only you.
00:08:01We both said that was the best date we've had in here.
00:08:04And then we're like, that was the best date we have like ever.
00:08:07It was so fun.
00:08:08I remember writing my journal.
00:08:09I'm like, he's the one.
00:08:12It seems like a lifetime ago.
00:08:13That was the best.
00:08:14And I thought the engagement was fun too.
00:08:16You were, you were, I could tell you were super anxious.
00:08:21Well, yeah.
00:08:22Were you not anxious at all?
00:08:23I mean, a little bit.
00:08:24You were anxious?
00:08:26Joey anxious?
00:08:29For the first time ever.
00:08:30No, I'm kidding.
00:08:32Wait, you didn't tell me this.
00:08:33You were anxious.
00:08:35Oh, I like that you had a little anxiety.
00:08:37Just like a little bit.
00:08:38Back to my OCD days.
00:08:41I mean, yeah.
00:08:45In Honduras, what was your favorite thing that you did?
00:08:48Or we did, I mean.
00:08:50It actually was really fun seeing the other couples.
00:08:54That was awesome.
00:08:55And then we went swimming.
00:08:57Which was so insane.
00:08:59Yeah, I wanted to snorkel so bad.
00:09:01I know.
00:09:02So bad.
00:09:03We could go sometime.
00:09:04Oh, don't promise me things, Joey,
00:09:06because now we have to do it.
00:09:07I'm going to hold you to that.
00:09:11I do have one thing.
00:09:12What's up?
00:09:13What are your love languages?
00:09:16Acts of service.
00:09:20And then words of affirmation.
00:09:22I can tell that someone is truly by my side.
00:09:26That's good to know.
00:09:27How about you?
00:09:28Words of affirmation, I do.
00:09:30Because sometimes I spin from time to time.
00:09:35So just words of like, hey, no, don't overthink this.
00:09:40What I'm telling you is true.
00:09:42And then physical touch.
00:09:45Not PDA.
00:09:47Don't get that mixed up.
00:09:48Not PDA.
00:09:50But when we were with the other couples,
00:09:53I saw they were more lovey and touchy and everything.
00:10:00And I think I could see that.
00:10:02Should our relationship be like this?
00:10:04Kind of.
00:10:05I'm just like, you can see that they're really into each other.
00:10:09How do I know that you're into me if I don't?
00:10:15It's like comparing.
00:10:16Well, they're obviously into each other.
00:10:18Is Joey into me as much as Ben's into Sarah?
00:10:23Or Daniel's into Taylor?
00:10:24I tried to work to improve that a little bit.
00:10:27Did you notice that I was like?
00:10:29A thousand percent notice.
00:10:31I was trying to get better at it.
00:10:33I 150% saw you try more.
00:10:38That's good.
00:10:39Even just in our apartment, just hanging out during the day.
00:10:43Totally saw that and appreciated that.
00:10:46Just the little things.
00:10:47That's perfect.
00:10:49I don't need you to be pinning me against a wall in a park.
00:10:54A park.
00:10:57I don't need that.
00:10:58But just the little things.
00:11:00Like a hand on the knee if we're sitting by each other.
00:11:05Because we can't read each other's minds.
00:11:08You know?
00:11:11One of my favorite things is our communication.
00:11:16You are very good at reciprocating that.
00:11:19And very well spoken and very intelligent.
00:11:24You're an amazing person.
00:11:25A very caring person, empathetic person.
00:11:28I have a lot of love for you.
00:11:33I've spent so much time in my life just overthinking things
00:11:37and worrying about things.
00:11:39And you just have a really good way of just, like, nope.
00:11:43Just stay in the moment and have fun right now.
00:11:46And don't worry about it.
00:11:48Like, that will come.
00:11:49And I really appreciate that.
00:11:52I love that about you.
00:11:54So you're still okay with me wearing Hawaiian shirts?
00:11:57I was never not okay with that.
00:11:59No, I love that.
00:12:00I love that.
00:12:02It's interesting because people would probably think, like,
00:12:05oh, he's, like, just this goofy guy
00:12:07that doesn't have any depth to him.
00:12:09But you learned the depth side of me before that aspect.
00:12:15Which is so interesting because
00:12:17I do have this bright personality,
00:12:20and sometimes that isn't always associated with intelligence.
00:12:24I love all facets that you have.
00:12:29And people I've dated in the past,
00:12:34they're incredibly intelligent, but it's not necessarily fun.
00:12:39They're in one of the facets,
00:12:41but you have the facets, like, together in a little package.
00:12:47And it's very nice.
00:12:49So I love your facets, Joey.
00:12:54Congrats on your facets.
00:13:00Cheers to facets.
00:13:02I've never heard that word so much in my life.
00:13:08Cheers to facets.
00:13:10Cheers to that.
00:13:11Cheers to the pods.
00:13:12And now to the future.
00:13:31This is incredible.
00:13:35Oh, my gosh.
00:13:40It doesn't get much better than this, honestly.
00:13:43The fact that we can do this.
00:13:48Yeah, I'm not Zamboni.
00:13:50Right on.
00:13:51It's the rules.
00:13:52I'm kidding.
00:13:54Cheers to our first igloo adventure.
00:13:58Yes, and stargazing.
00:13:59So many things.
00:14:02No, this is incredible.
00:14:04There's a fire pit down there, too.
00:14:06Oh, my God.
00:14:07This is adorable.
00:14:08Okay, so you've told me you don't really like camping.
00:14:13You like glamping.
00:14:14I love glamping.
00:14:15Is this okay?
00:14:16Yeah, I think this will be amazing.
00:14:18This is, like, my heaven.
00:14:21Hey, guys.
00:14:23I've got a little salad for you.
00:14:25Thank you so much.
00:14:26And some bread and homemade butter to share.
00:14:28I love it.
00:14:31Oh, my gosh.
00:14:32How are you feeling?
00:14:34The future looks pretty bright.
00:14:35I would say so, too.
00:14:36Like, it kind of gives me peace that it's, like, only going to get better from here.
00:14:40I know.
00:14:41That's what I think, too.
00:14:42I've, like, never felt so much love.
00:14:45Like, I still love you more each day.
00:14:48Are you cold?
00:14:49Are you?
00:14:50A little.
00:14:51Well, there's a blanket.
00:14:52Let me...
00:14:53Oh, no.
00:14:54Hold the phone.
00:14:56Would you like it across your lap or over your back?
00:14:58Maybe over my back.
00:14:59Over your shoulders?
00:15:02You're so sweet.
00:15:03You can have one.
00:15:04No, I'm good.
00:15:05I'm actually not that cold.
00:15:08I am excited.
00:15:09Like, we're going to be together.
00:15:11Like, I'm confident in that.
00:15:13Just look at where we are right now.
00:15:14Like, what?
00:15:15Let's just soak it all in.
00:15:19So, I listened to a service today.
00:15:24While I was working?
00:15:26About sexual identity.
00:15:29They're open in saying,
00:15:30hey, if anyone's here, LGBT,
00:15:32like, we welcome you, we love you,
00:15:34like, we're so glad you're here.
00:15:35But they still have traditional views.
00:15:42Trying to find out their stance on LGBTQ,
00:15:44and it seems like they're open,
00:15:45but it's just, you can't just Google that stuff.
00:15:47I'm kind of surprised, though.
00:15:48Like, I wonder, how do you not know their stance
00:15:51from going to their church for so long?
00:15:53Because it's, it's not a, like,
00:15:55I remember they have had services
00:15:56where they've talked about it,
00:15:58but I just don't remember.
00:15:59But, like, of what they said?
00:16:04They sent around good, wholesome messaging
00:16:07that everyone can kind of get something from,
00:16:09and I don't honestly remember.
00:16:12So, I'm glad I did listen to the service.
00:16:15They were talking about, like, as a parent,
00:16:17what would you do if your child came up to you
00:16:19and they were, like, 12, 13, saying,
00:16:20oh, I feel like I'm a boy, but in a girl's body, you know?
00:16:26What he said was, like, God made us who we are,
00:16:30and, you know, like, desires are different than actions.
00:16:36And, like, he made the example of, like,
00:16:39you know, love doesn't equal affirmation.
00:16:42He said, if your child came home and said, like,
00:16:45Mom, I'm fat, I'm going to go on a super strict diet,
00:16:48you'd be saying, no, no, no, no, you're not fat,
00:16:50we're going to get you the help you need.
00:16:52But, like, I don't think that is a good example
00:16:55pertaining to how someone identifies themselves,
00:16:57like, especially for, like, sexual identity or, like, in that way.
00:17:03If someone is, you know, feeling something about themselves,
00:17:07like, who is that for us to change their mind?
00:17:10You know?
00:17:12I didn't agree with that.
00:17:14Yeah, I don't agree with that either.
00:17:16Yeah, well, that's good to hear.
00:17:19I'm more progressive, and that's, like, hard for me to stand by.
00:17:25I wouldn't want, like, a church to create, like,
00:17:29conflict between me and you or, like, me and you and our kids
00:17:32or, like, me and you and our family.
00:17:34You know, like, I don't want that to cause a division, you know?
00:17:37Like, it overall should be a very positive influence.
00:17:41I kind of think that's why they don't talk about it a ton
00:17:44is because they're like, we want everyone to feel comfortable here,
00:17:47and so we don't want to focus on that.
00:17:50We want to focus on the other things that pertain to everyone
00:17:54that we can reach and grow.
00:17:58I don't know, like, obviously listening to that service
00:18:03gave me a good outlook on what their stance is.
00:18:07You know, I can't relate to that.
00:18:12And I would hate to say I'll never go again.
00:18:15Like, that's probably not true.
00:18:17Like, I probably would go again for, like, a holiday
00:18:19or, like, something with your family or, you know,
00:18:23and, like, I'll go with a good attitude.
00:18:26But it's something that I'm not, I won't be very invested in.
00:18:32And if anything, I would be more interested in trying something different.
00:18:41There's never going to be one church that believes everything,
00:18:43or that you believe everything that they say.
00:18:46But knowing that that's their stance, like, would you look for other churches?
00:18:52Like, I don't want you to feel like you have to.
00:18:55But, like, maybe we could do something together.
00:18:57Yeah, I mean, I'm definitely open to it.
00:19:00I know where my views are, but who am I to say that I'm right
00:19:03and everyone else is wrong?
00:19:05And it's not my job to convince someone or tell them that I'm right.
00:19:09It's my job to just be excited for everyone.
00:19:12What do you mean, not your job to tell people they're wrong?
00:19:15I don't know.
00:19:17None of us know.
00:19:19But all I know is, like, this is a community that I feel connected to
00:19:23and I feel, you know, special when I go.
00:19:26Kind of like, you know, it makes me feel good and I get it.
00:19:28You don't necessarily get it, but that's fine.
00:19:30We'll maybe find something that makes us both feel that way
00:19:33where we start that tradition together.
00:19:35And that's where we go to church, or that's where we go to do something
00:19:37that makes us feel fulfilled.
00:19:39But, yeah.
00:19:44Until meeting you, I never considered going to church.
00:19:47It's just something I never really envisioned myself or, like, you know,
00:19:52I don't know, I don't want to say, like, I've never envisioned, like,
00:19:55my significant other to support because I know everyone's different.
00:20:01But it is, like, difficult for me to, like, I want to bring you to pride
00:20:05and, like, totally know, and I know you would,
00:20:08but, like, it's just hearing that service,
00:20:11I just, like, know that that's a huge value of mine,
00:20:15making sure everyone feels comfortable going into a certain space
00:20:18and, like, loved, you know, I want everyone to be loved for who they are,
00:20:21not, like, that's what makes the world so beautiful is the diversity.
00:20:27Yeah, and that's where I'm at, too.
00:20:29I'll go to pride with you, and I believe in that,
00:20:31and I believe in equality, and these differences are beautiful,
00:20:34and diversity is beautiful, and that's how I feel, like,
00:20:37at the end of the day, it's love that we need to portray into the world.
00:20:45It feels good talking to you about this.
00:20:48It is such a value of mine, and I don't want to make that, like,
00:20:51the only value of mine, you know.
00:20:53I know, it's one of those things where it's come up so much.
00:20:56I know, and I have so many more values, but, like, it is important to me.
00:21:01You know, we talk about it,
00:21:03and we'll continue to talk about it as it comes up,
00:21:06but it kind of minimizes the other values that we see
00:21:09and that we relate about each other.
00:21:11I feel like it creates almost like a divide
00:21:13by the amount of we talk about it, and it's like,
00:21:15it's not even a divide, though, either.
00:21:17I don't think it's a divide either.
00:21:19I just think these are, I hate to even use the word controversial
00:21:22because they shouldn't be controversial.
00:21:24Yeah, no, I agree.
00:21:26But it's heavy topics where some people have really strong views.
00:21:29Well, do you feel like you do have that clarity?
00:21:32Um, yeah, I do.
00:21:34I feel like I do have that clarity from you.
00:21:36Like, I know your heart.
00:21:38I know where you stand.
00:21:40Like, I've met your friends.
00:21:42I've met your LGBT friends.
00:21:44You've met my sister.
00:21:46And it's not a doubt about who you are as a person.
00:21:49Like, it has been so easy between me and you.
00:21:51Like, it has.
00:21:53There's been no question.
00:21:55I just assumed I would meet a guy
00:21:59who aligns in every single aspect.
00:22:02And there would be no problems.
00:22:05And that's just like, you know, that's ignorant.
00:22:07That's just not life.
00:22:09And there's no problems between us.
00:22:11But these conversations are really good for us.
00:22:14And I know we've had them a lot.
00:22:16But our wedding is very soon, you know,
00:22:19and I want to make sure we're very clear
00:22:21and, like, understand one another.
00:22:24Do you have any questions for me?
00:22:26Honestly, I'm so exhausted
00:22:28and just tired that I'm, like...
00:22:31just relaxed, like, trying to just...
00:22:34I know it's our last kind of night
00:22:36to, like, talk about things and throw it on the table,
00:22:38but, man, I had a long day at work today,
00:22:41and I have not thought about much, too much stuff.
00:22:44Putting me on the spot and trying to think about it,
00:22:46I don't know if I can.
00:22:48That's okay. Just ask.
00:22:50Yeah, no, I appreciate it. Yeah.
00:22:52¶¶ ¶¶
00:22:59I love you so much.
00:23:01If you ever feel like you're not appreciated or, like, valued,
00:23:05let me know, like, because of how crazy work has been.
00:23:08Like, of course, work becomes the most crazy
00:23:11that it's ever been in the 2 1⁄2 years I've been at this job.
00:23:15My God!
00:23:16While we're going through this. I know!
00:23:18And that on top of the social media stuff,
00:23:21I know.
00:23:22It's insane.
00:23:23And it's... Oh, my gosh.
00:23:25It's like, of course.
00:23:27Okay, I'm gonna change.
00:23:29I am coming right behind you.
00:23:31Ben has transformed my life in such a positive way so quickly.
00:23:34I've never felt so much love in my life
00:23:37in the past month and a half, and I love him so much.
00:23:40Oh, my gosh!
00:23:42And no matter what issue or concern,
00:23:45we know we'll always be there for one another.
00:23:48Even being able to have that conversation with him
00:23:51about the service today, I feel like he heard me
00:23:54and he understood why I felt the way I did,
00:23:57and that's the type of love that I've always wanted.
00:24:00It's changed my life, it's changed my perspective on love,
00:24:03and my heart tells me that I want to say yes.
00:24:07I feel like my home right now is Ben.
00:24:10Like, in the pods, I knew what I was feeling,
00:24:14but I was, like, I was almost, like, in disbelief.
00:24:17Like, I love this person,
00:24:20to now, like, you're the same person,
00:24:23but I never thought I would get this far deep.
00:24:26It's mind-blowing.
00:24:28I love you so much.
00:24:30I really do, I do, I love you so much.
00:24:35Feeling this just love for you,
00:24:39and it's something I've never known
00:24:42or never had felt before.
00:24:45You can't describe it.
00:24:47Did you just fart?
00:24:51Oh my god!
00:24:53There's no vents in here.
00:24:55It's hot boxing in here, I'm, like, blacking out.
00:24:58No, I'm insecure.
00:25:00Don't be insecure, it's a natural thing, but holy shit!
00:25:03Well, you still love me when I'm an old guy
00:25:06and I can't even control my farts
00:25:08and they're just the stinchiest things ever.
00:25:10Obviously, I'm a nurse, like, yeah.
00:25:14I'll love you no matter what.
00:25:17I'll love you no matter what.
00:25:22Feeling so brand new
00:25:24Whenever it's all true
00:25:27Now that I've found you
00:25:29Can't live without you
00:25:36This is nice.
00:25:41A little bit more romantic.
00:25:43I love this.
00:25:49We could just ride around here all night.
00:25:53When I'm with you
00:25:55There's nothing that we can't do
00:25:57Yeah you
00:25:59Take me somewhere new
00:26:01Want a chili?
00:26:05I'm good.
00:26:07This way.
00:26:09That's much better.
00:26:11So pretty.
00:26:13I know.
00:26:15Want to pick out our house?
00:26:17Over here?
00:26:19I could probably have a champagne room.
00:26:21Champagne room?
00:26:23What is that?
00:26:25You sit in there, you drink champagne.
00:26:27That's the only use of the room?
00:26:31That's interesting.
00:26:33You have to have an imagination when you create a home.
00:26:35You can make a room for whatever you want to make a room for.
00:26:37Oh, so you made that up?
00:26:45I feel like we've made so many cool memories
00:26:47throughout this whole thing.
00:26:53Ready for the next part?
00:26:55So exciting.
00:26:57I've never been here.
00:27:05Hey guys.
00:27:07Welcome to Travail.
00:27:09It's kind of an interactive dining experience.
00:27:11We're going to get you guys involved.
00:27:13It's in the theme of Italian.
00:27:15I love Italian.
00:27:17A little dueling bites.
00:27:19This is course one, course two.
00:27:21And then we'll go right into the next thing.
00:27:23One biter.
00:27:29To be treated so nicely
00:27:31and just be with somebody
00:27:33I feel like has such a pure heart
00:27:35and a lot of good intentions.
00:27:37Yeah, I just feel grateful.
00:27:39He's just like a great guy.
00:27:45I just feel very happy.
00:27:49Look at you.
00:27:51I'm starting to catch you staring at me now.
00:27:53The roles have reversed.
00:27:55I like staring at you.
00:27:57Oh yeah?
00:27:59Remember when you thought I was weird for doing it?
00:28:01I like the way you look at me.
00:28:03Devine and then fresh truffles.
00:28:05Sounds good, thank you.
00:28:09Is there anything you need to know
00:28:11before the wedding?
00:28:13That I need to know?
00:28:15Or like anything pending?
00:28:25I don't think so.
00:28:27You feel good?
00:28:29Yeah, I think I know everything that I need to know.
00:28:31I'm not nervous about anything
00:28:33going into the big day.
00:28:39We haven't talked about the prenup
00:28:41since I introduced it to him.
00:28:43So I don't know what else
00:28:45we need to discuss about that
00:28:47but we do need to sign it.
00:28:49Hopefully everything will go well.
00:28:53How are you feeling?
00:28:55I've been a little busy and stressed
00:28:57just because we've been meeting
00:28:59a bunch of people.
00:29:01We've been really busy with work.
00:29:03But I feel like the only thing that keeps me going
00:29:05is you.
00:29:07I'm serious.
00:29:09You're so sweet.
00:29:11I'm so serious.
00:29:17So I feel good about that.
00:29:21I have something for you.
00:29:23Do you?
00:29:25A little gift to end the night.
00:29:27You brought me a gift?
00:29:29I did, indeed.
00:29:31It's something that represents me
00:29:33but it also represents us.
00:29:41Not a basketball.
00:29:43There's more.
00:29:45It's a basketball for me.
00:29:49That's us.
00:29:51You got that for me?
00:29:53That's so cute.
00:29:55I love you and basketball.
00:29:57I love that.
00:29:59What does it say?
00:30:01Team Buckley.
00:30:03That's us.
00:30:05We're a team now.
00:30:09And a jersey.
00:30:11A little Park Center vibes.
00:30:13It says Team Buckley again
00:30:15and then it's number three
00:30:17with my name on it
00:30:19and then there's one more.
00:30:21It says Team Buckley on it.
00:30:23It says Virginia.
00:30:2518, so March 18th.
00:30:27Wedding day.
00:30:29I was like, why am I 18?
00:30:33We wear them together.
00:30:35That's our wedding day.
00:30:37That's our high school colors.
00:30:39Maybe we wear it for the reception
00:30:41or something at the wedding.
00:30:43What do you think?
00:30:45I could sleep in it.
00:30:47I love this.
00:30:49It's so soft.
00:30:51You like it?
00:30:53I love you.
00:30:55I love you too.
00:30:57I love the jersey.
00:31:03Pretty soon we'll be
00:31:05Team Buckley for real.
00:31:07We'll be official.
00:31:09That's crazy.
00:31:11In a good way.
00:31:13In a good way.
00:31:15It's crazy.
00:31:19Pretty amazing couple of months.
00:31:47Let's go.
00:32:01Bachelor party night.
00:32:03Let's go.
00:32:13This is sick.
00:32:15This is sick.
00:32:17Hey, what's going on, guys?
00:32:19Welcome to the Vikings practice facility.
00:32:21This is dope.
00:32:23This is sick.
00:32:25We're about to put you guys through some drills,
00:32:27but before we do that, we got your lockers,
00:32:29so make sure you guys put your swag on
00:32:31before we get started.
00:32:33This is awesome.
00:32:35Oh, my God.
00:32:37Dude, shut up.
00:32:39I can't believe we're starting the bachelor party
00:32:41at the Vikings training facility.
00:32:43I'm a huge Vikings fan.
00:32:45I'm a huge football fan.
00:32:47It's insane.
00:32:49Let's go.
00:32:51Let's go.
00:32:53Let's party.
00:32:57Today is the bachelorette party.
00:33:01Theme is elderly.
00:33:05Don't bust the hip now.
00:33:07I think we slayed it.
00:33:13I'm feeling good today, ladies.
00:33:19Nothing about this process
00:33:21has been traditional.
00:33:23Why not also make our bachelorette party
00:33:25pretty untraditional?
00:33:31This is crazy.
00:33:33This is so cool.
00:33:35Wow, dragon, 100%.
00:33:37I want one that goes up and down.
00:33:39Is my walker safe here?
00:33:43Sarah, you're sitting so classy.
00:33:45I don't have the undies on.
00:33:47Okay, ladies.
00:33:53We are at the Mall of America.
00:33:55This is what put us on the map
00:33:57and really the only thing
00:33:59that puts us on the map,
00:34:01but as a native Minnesotan,
00:34:03we've just grown up coming here.
00:34:07Mine doesn't work.
00:34:15Oh, ladies in the mall.
00:34:21You see three targets over here.
00:34:23The goal is to get the football
00:34:25to the target.
00:34:27I'll go first.
00:34:29Go, Danny.
00:34:31Danny dives.
00:34:33Gotta go deep, Danny.
00:34:37Good, good.
00:34:39Come on, Joey.
00:34:41There it is.
00:34:49Let's go, David.
00:34:51Get in, get in.
00:34:59That was beautiful.
00:35:01It's a baseball player.
00:35:03Yup, yup, yup.
00:35:09I was always hoping to be
00:35:11a professional football player
00:35:13when I was in high school,
00:35:15so this whole experience
00:35:17is just nuts to me.
00:35:19Well, look, we saved the best for last.
00:35:21Now we finally get to kick the ball.
00:35:23Let's go.
00:35:25There you go, Ben.
00:35:31Ben's the man.
00:35:33Let's go!
00:35:41Let's go, Joey.
00:35:45Come on, Deb, save us.
00:36:01We wanted to win that.
00:36:03Hey, improvement.
00:36:05It's okay, it's okay.
00:36:07Guys, best of luck to everybody going forward.
00:36:09Appreciate you.
00:36:11I want to say yes at the altar
00:36:13because I just want to look at Sarah
00:36:15and be like, hello, Mrs. Mazinga.
00:36:17I am so ready to be Mr. and Mrs. Mazinga.
00:36:19Bye, Victor.
00:36:21My boy!
00:36:23Let's go!
00:36:27This is childhood.
00:36:29Oh, my God.
00:36:31This is so fun.
00:36:33Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes.
00:36:35Best day of my life.
00:36:37It's so much fun.
00:36:39Hold on to your wigs, ladies.
00:36:41If this is my last single night,
00:36:43I will be very okay with that.
00:36:45Bright lights, bright!
00:36:47Bright lights, bright!
00:36:49Bright lights, bright!
00:36:51Bright lights, bright!
00:36:53Tonight's the night.
00:37:05Oh, my God.
00:37:37Hey. Hi.
00:37:39Can we talk real quick?
00:37:41Mm-hmm. All right.
00:37:47How you feeling? I feel good.
00:37:49Yeah? Yeah.
00:37:51So, last time we talked about the prenup and everything,
00:37:55I just wanted to have another eye look at it,
00:37:59and I brought it to our family attorney,
00:38:02and then I had my mom check it out.
00:38:05You know, when we had talked to her,
00:38:07when we went to her place, she was a little like,
00:38:10oh, I don't know, like, how I feel about this.
00:38:13After they read over it, they kind of were saying,
00:38:16it looks like you kind of leave with what you came with.
00:38:19If you have any debt, you keep your own debt,
00:38:22and if anything you do together,
00:38:24you guys figure out how you split those things up.
00:38:28It's kind of the whole point, right?
00:38:32Yeah, that's what I told you.
00:38:34I wasn't trying to get over you.
00:38:36I didn't think you were trying to do that,
00:38:39but I already felt okay with it,
00:38:41because I was like, you know, it just makes sense.
00:38:44I had a conversation with my mom about it.
00:38:47She was just like a lot more at ease with the thought of it.
00:38:53It actually made me feel a lot better about it too,
00:38:56just because, you know, they feel better.
00:38:58Okay. I was worried.
00:39:00I didn't know, based off of our last conversation,
00:39:03I didn't really know if you were like leaning one way or the other,
00:39:07like I thought, you know, originally, but then I didn't know.
00:39:10I think people don't really like know usually what it is,
00:39:13or like it's always like this scary, weird thing,
00:39:16but it's very simple, I feel like.
00:39:18Yeah, so I feel fine about it.
00:39:21I'm willing to sign it.
00:39:23Good, good news.
00:39:26Date, I'll let you do the date.
00:39:28You probably have better handwriting.
00:39:30I don't.
00:39:31Oh, no?
00:39:32I probably don't.
00:39:33You're the perfectionist.
00:39:34Uh-uh, not with writing.
00:39:36All right.
00:39:37Let me see your autograph.
00:39:39It's nothing special.
00:39:41Oh, that's how you used to sign it when you was a ball player?
00:39:44This is how I've always done it.
00:39:46You write the date on this one.
00:39:47Okay, I'll do this one.
00:39:49How's that?
00:39:50Thank you, that seems fair.
00:39:52That's all I want, fair.
00:39:55Can I now pronounce you husband and wife?
00:39:57I don't think it works that way.
00:39:59Oh, okay.
00:40:01You feel all right?
00:40:02Yeah, I feel good.
00:40:03Hopefully we never really have to worry about it, but.
00:40:05We won't.
00:40:09I can't wait to see your text.
00:40:12I think it looks pretty fly.
00:40:14Yeah, I wouldn't expect nothing less.
00:40:19And I already know you're going to look beautiful in this.
00:40:21You know?
00:40:22Yep, I already know.
00:40:27My nipples.
00:40:59Walking into my wedding day, it's so exhilarating.
00:41:02Like, how did this happen?
00:41:04Like, I feel so lucky, and I just, like me choosing Ben,
00:41:08but Ben also choosing me.
00:41:11Marrying someone is a huge leap of faith,
00:41:14but it's going to be amazing.
00:41:17Ben is literally everything I've hoped for
00:41:21in a lifelong partner.
00:41:23He is so kind, selfless, he's caring, he's empathetic,
00:41:27he's a caretaker, he's genuine, he's funny, he's goofy.
00:41:32I can't imagine my life without Ben now,
00:41:35and yeah, he's just everything.
00:41:38My dad makes the most amazing steak I've ever had.
00:41:41Oh, well, yeah, my dad also makes amazing steak.
00:41:44I can't wait for you to try my dad's steak,
00:41:46and then I can't wait to try your dad's steak.
00:41:48Have a steak, obviously.
00:41:50Have each other's steak.
00:41:52We're a big, one happy family.
00:41:54Cheers for the exciting times ahead.
00:41:57I really do get so excited
00:41:59thinking about living life together.
00:42:01Sarah Elizabeth Carton.
00:42:04Will you make me the happiest man in the world,
00:42:07and I will be the happiest man in the world.
00:42:11Please stop, please stop.
00:42:13I love you.
00:42:15I love you.
00:42:17Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:42:22Oh, my God.
00:42:24You are, oh, my.
00:42:27And let it lead the way.
00:42:30The feelings I have for you is something that would be
00:42:33feelings that I'd be feeling 3 years into a relationship.
00:42:36It doesn't matter that it was 3 years or just 3 weeks.
00:42:39I'm so excited.
00:42:41The future looks pretty bright.
00:42:43I love you more each day.
00:42:45I dream about it.
00:42:47You know, I dream about being on the altar
00:42:49and seeing everyone, seeing Ben, holding Ben's hands.
00:42:51My hands are sweaty.
00:42:53Like, it's just so real.
00:42:55He's a best friend that I wish I always had.
00:42:57Oh, wow, it's so beautiful in here.
00:42:59Do I hear, like, a kiss?
00:43:03Can I give him a hug?
00:43:07I'm Sarah.
00:43:09Thank you so much for coming.
00:43:11This is amazing.
00:43:13I'm so excited to spend the day together.
00:43:15We're gonna have so much fun.
00:43:17Okay, Sarah, how are you feeling?
00:43:20I'm feeling really good.
00:43:22I feel, I'm excited.
00:43:24Are you confident in what you're gonna say?
00:43:26My biggest thing in life, like, in general,
00:43:28is, like, I always worry about regret,
00:43:30of, like, oh, my gosh, what decision am I gonna make
00:43:33or will I regret it, but I don't know.
00:43:35I feel like I have a good, like, intuition within myself,
00:43:38so I feel good.
00:43:40Have you been, like, weighing out, like, the pros and cons
00:43:43of, like, your decision at all, or...?
00:43:45I haven't, like, made a list, but...
00:43:48But, like, I definitely have been thinking that.
00:43:52Like, you know, I want to take in my thoughts, my feelings,
00:43:55but also, like, I'm taking in family's thoughts and feelings.
00:43:58I've done so much thinking and feeling,
00:44:01and I just, I feel good.
00:44:03I know you'll do what's best for you,
00:44:05and that's the most important thing.
00:44:07We'll support you no matter what.
00:44:09Yeah, thank you.
00:44:11I feel like you're so brave.
00:44:13I mean, I can't imagine.
00:44:15I can't imagine.
00:44:17So, Sarah, final day.
00:44:21I feel like Kathy's processing a lot right now.
00:44:24Mom, what are you feeling like?
00:44:26What are you feeling?
00:44:28That's a good question.
00:44:30I'm apprehensive, but it's exciting.
00:44:33It is. I'm excited for you.
00:44:35Mom, I'm excited for you to meet Ben's family.
00:44:37They're amazing.
00:44:39I've been texting his mom.
00:44:41We've been texting back and forth.
00:44:43Oh, my gosh, she's so sweet.
00:44:45Yeah, I'm excited to meet them.
00:44:47She's amazing.
00:44:49Meeting Ben's family just makes me love him so much more.
00:44:51They're amazing.
00:44:53Can't wait to be one big happy family.
00:45:08All right, thank you.
00:45:17Thinking of today as the start of the rest of Sarah and I's lives together,
00:45:20it's exciting.
00:45:22She is just the most amazing person
00:45:24with how she cares to people,
00:45:26is so kind, just easygoing,
00:45:28loving on everyone that needs it.
00:45:31There's not anyone else in this world
00:45:33that can make me feel the way that she does by just existing.
00:45:41I'm just thinking about waking up next to her every day
00:45:44and building a family with her.
00:45:46With social issues, religion, all those things,
00:45:48I'm confident I can talk to her about any of these issues,
00:45:51and she can talk to me about any of these issues
00:45:53in a way that we both feel comfortable and included.
00:45:56I grew up in a very strong Christian household.
00:45:59There's a lot of things that I believe about, like, the Bible
00:46:02and I believe about Christian faith.
00:46:04I'm not religious.
00:46:06My sister Lisa, she's like my best friend, she's gay.
00:46:10Would you feel comfortable being around my sister?
00:46:14You don't go to church. I don't go to church.
00:46:16So how do you feel about this, that he goes to church?
00:46:19I'm open. Hearing about it from Ben,
00:46:21I know that it's a positive experience for him,
00:46:23and I'll be able to feel it for myself.
00:46:26I always just assumed I would meet a guy
00:46:31who aligns in every single aspect.
00:46:34There'd be no problems.
00:46:36And that's just like, you know, that's ignorant.
00:46:38That's just not life.
00:46:40I feel really good about it.
00:46:42I feel like that's not going to be a hurdle
00:46:44for our relationship moving forward.
00:46:48What's up, gentlemen?
00:46:50What's going on? You look so good.
00:46:52Oh, my gosh, look at you.
00:46:54What's up?
00:46:56I feel so wholeheartedly in love with this woman
00:46:58that it's something where I can't imagine
00:47:00not spending the rest of my life with her.
00:47:02I'm so excited for the announcement
00:47:04of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mazinga.
00:47:06It's going to be amazing, and I just can't wait
00:47:08to be, you know, holding the hand of my wife.
00:47:10How you feeling?
00:47:12Good, you guys all look so good.
00:47:14Thanks, man.
00:47:16I want to see the...
00:47:18So this is Sarah's wedding band.
00:47:20So dope.
00:47:22It's going to be special,
00:47:24and it's going to be awesome, and I'm excited.
00:47:26So I hope you guys are all excited too.
00:47:28We're excited for you, happy for you, man.
00:47:30Did you lose your voice, by the way?
00:47:32Bachelor party last night took it out of me.
00:47:34I do want to say it means the world to me
00:47:36that you guys are all here today.
00:47:38It's going to be special, and it's going to be awesome.
00:47:40After this, it's Sarah's world, and we're all just living in it.
00:47:42Happy life, happy life.
00:47:44Who is that married foe?
00:47:46That's true.
00:47:48I think communication's key, you gotta talk,
00:47:50you gotta try to be on the same page.
00:47:52Where I learned that was like the pods,
00:47:54when she would say something, I'd be like, yes,
00:47:56that is how I think, like that is what I was like
00:47:58thinking in my head, but I'm like,
00:48:00no way someone else thinks that way.
00:48:02Is there anything you haven't talked about?
00:48:04Uh, no. I figured.
00:48:06How are you going to avoid outside noise?
00:48:08How do you help Sarah with that?
00:48:10Yeah, I mean, it's hard
00:48:12to be a part of it, and so it's like,
00:48:14she's in a tough spot because she's the one
00:48:16that has to decide if she wants to be a part of it or not.
00:48:18Luckily she has, and she's been like,
00:48:20I'm fine with this, let's take this on
00:48:22and let's do this together.
00:48:24If there's someone on social media that says you're crazy,
00:48:26it's not going to be anything
00:48:28that impacts our lives together.
00:48:30So if the rest of the world is hating, like...
00:48:32How does your mom think about all this?
00:48:34She, I mean, she thinks it's special.
00:48:36She's definitely, like, she loves Sarah,
00:48:38she thinks she's awesome.
00:48:40You don't understand, like,
00:48:42how could you understand, like, a situation like this
00:48:44to be here this quickly?
00:48:46It's kind of the same across the board with,
00:48:48I think like with you guys
00:48:50and like other family members and stuff too.
00:48:52That's kind of the biggest thing.
00:48:54It's going to be fun to continue
00:48:56to be like 10 years down the road,
00:48:58be like, see, we knew what we were doing.
00:49:00Like, married for 10 years, be like, yeah, see,
00:49:02it didn't matter that we got married after 7 weeks.
00:49:04You've got to be happily married though.
00:49:06You can't just be married, you've got to be happily married.
00:49:08My fiance and I, like, you know,
00:49:10I knew I was going to marry her.
00:49:12After like our 3rd date, I was like,
00:49:14I'm going to marry her for sure.
00:49:16Right place, right time, walk into the right room.
00:49:18It was pod number 10 was the big one for us.
00:49:20I love the number 10.
00:49:22Number 10.
00:49:24It's a great number.
00:49:28Mom, did I tell you I went to church with Ben?
00:49:32So if you went with him, will you go with me?
00:49:36Um, well, it was a little traditional for my liking.
00:49:46I mean, I really do believe that having a foundation like that,
00:49:48especially if you're going into a marriage,
00:49:50is really, really important.
00:49:52And I think if I remember what Ben told me,
00:49:54it's important to him.
00:49:58Do you feel like he would be flexible
00:50:00to finding a place that you feel
00:50:02is more aligned, like, with you?
00:50:04I guess I don't know.
00:50:06I told him I can't see myself going consistently.
00:50:10Like, I'll go for a holiday with the family.
00:50:12Faith is huge.
00:50:14Yeah, yeah.
00:50:16And like, whatever positive thing people go to,
00:50:18you know, to make them feel better
00:50:20or, like, grow as a person, sure, do it.
00:50:22We're all about growth.
00:50:24For me, I don't think church is the way.
00:50:28Mom, you ever imagine me getting married?
00:50:30Not in this manner, but...
00:50:32I mean, I'm happy for you,
00:50:34you know, as I think back.
00:50:40Oh, my gosh, Mom.
00:50:42Over, you know, all the years.
00:50:46I mean, you were my baby.
00:50:50And, um...
00:50:54I love you.
00:50:56I love you, too.
00:50:58I'm just so proud
00:51:00of who you've become.
00:51:04And, you know,
00:51:06your convictions
00:51:08and what you really want in life.
00:51:12I mean, you will not settle.
00:51:18Should we pop some champagne? I don't know.
00:51:20We should.
00:51:22Yeah, let's do it, lizards. Champagne toast.
00:51:24It's just, it's coming off, it's coming off,
00:51:26it's coming off, it's coming off.
00:51:28Oh, there it goes.
00:51:30All right, cheers, gents.
00:51:32To a great day,
00:51:34and thankful for all you guys to be here.
00:51:36Love you all.
00:51:38Ben, pray that God blesses you
00:51:40in Sarah's marriage,
00:51:42and that you both honor God.
00:51:44We all love you, we're super excited for you,
00:51:46and let's get you married.
00:51:48Amen. Amen.
00:51:50There we go.
00:51:52Your ring is beautiful.
00:51:56Check it out.
00:51:58He's amazing.
00:52:00Honestly, I've never felt so much love in my life.
00:52:02Like, it feels so pure and, like, authentic
00:52:04and true and real.
00:52:06Like, there's no questioning that.
00:52:08Like, that's how I feel.
00:52:10Well, I think there's been some things
00:52:12that you've kind of questioned yourself.
00:52:14Of course there's things I'm considering.
00:52:16You should be questioning things now.
00:52:18Yeah, yeah.
00:52:20It's not like we have opposing views
00:52:22or, like, we're unaligned.
00:52:24It's not like we have a perfect place,
00:52:26but, like, it's never gonna be a perfect world either.
00:52:28Oh, no, no.
00:52:30I mean, everybody has a right to their views
00:52:32and beliefs and, you know.
00:52:34It's a matter of just respecting that.
00:52:42So do we want to do ties or no?
00:52:44Your call.
00:52:46Don't mind me, just choking myself.
00:52:48I like the ties.
00:52:50I think that looks very fashionable.
00:52:52I mean, I'd do you, but...
00:52:56I'd marry you.
00:52:58Man, this is it.
00:53:00I'm excited.
00:53:02Are you nervous?
00:53:04A little bit.
00:53:06I mean, it's more just, like,
00:53:08performance nerves, I think,
00:53:10less actual, like, decision nerves.
00:53:12Sarah's a lucky girl, and we're happy for you guys.
00:53:16You're gonna have a great life together.
00:53:18Sarah's great. You guys are a good fit.
00:53:20I'm starting to set in.
00:53:22I'm thinking it's more excitement setting in than nerves.
00:53:24At least that's what I hope.
00:53:26At this point, there's really nothing
00:53:28that would make me say no at the altar.
00:53:30I'm very confident, very in love with Sarah,
00:53:32and I want to just continue to be with her.
00:53:34I don't think I would be able to walk away forever.
00:53:36Love is blind enough for me to say yes today,
00:53:38for sure.
00:53:40Okay, goodbye, guys.
00:53:42Love you, man.
00:53:44See you later.
00:53:50So cute.
00:53:52So emotional.
00:53:54I know.
00:53:56How does that feel?
00:53:58Feels good.
00:54:00Feels really good.
00:54:02It's beautiful.
00:54:04Probably really sober.
00:54:06Too sober.
00:54:08I know. I kind of, like...
00:54:10All right, Mom. Thumbs up.
00:54:20I know, but I think
00:54:22she feels that she should.
00:54:26I worried she could have regrets.
00:54:28I know, Mom.
00:54:30Because she's trying to please everyone.
00:54:36So I want to, like, tell her that,
00:54:38like, dude, that's for you.
00:54:52Are you guys ready?
00:54:54Yeah, we're ready.
00:54:56Oh, wow.
00:55:00You look so pretty.
00:55:04Thank you so much.
00:55:06Does it knock out?
00:55:10No, it feels really good.
00:55:12God, hot.
00:55:14Love it.
00:55:16Isn't it pretty?
00:55:18Are you doing straps down?
00:55:20Um, ceremony, yes.
00:55:22Reception, up, so that I can dance.
00:55:24Got it, got it.
00:55:26I love that.
00:55:28Isn't it so pretty?
00:55:30Should we add the veil?
00:55:32Mom, you should put the veil on.
00:55:34Sarah, I'm just going to let it...
00:55:36Oh, it looks so pretty.
00:55:38Isn't it pretty?
00:55:40Mom, you try it.
00:55:42Oh, there you go.
00:55:46I think we did it.
00:55:48Wow, this is it.
00:55:50This is crazy.
00:55:52Oh, my God.
00:55:56I know.
00:56:00Hi, Andy.
00:56:02You look gorgeous.
00:56:04I didn't know he was coming up here.
00:56:06I love you.
00:56:08Thank you so much.
00:56:10You look so good.
00:56:12Hi, I'm so happy to see you.
00:56:14Hey, babe.
00:56:16Hi, honey.
00:56:20So, Andy, how does it feel
00:56:22to see me in a wedding dress?
00:56:26But isn't it beautiful?
00:56:28It is.
00:56:32Okay, bottoms up.
00:56:36Cheers to...
00:56:38Okay, to you.
00:56:40Cheers to...
00:56:42Cheers to...
00:56:44To you.
00:56:46I love you guys so much.
00:56:48Thank you all for being here.
00:56:50And we love you.
00:56:52I would not be the person I am
00:56:54without each and every one of you,
00:56:56and you have shaped me,
00:56:58influenced me in every positive direction
00:57:00and have helped me
00:57:02in so many hard times in life,
00:57:04and I just love you guys so much.
00:57:06I'm so grateful.
00:57:10What is life?
00:57:12Almost to the finish line, right?
00:57:14Well, it's actually the start line.
00:57:16That's what marriage is, right?
00:57:18It's too fast for me.
00:57:20I mean...
00:57:22God, here's me, I'm getting married.
00:57:24I mean, well, okay.
00:57:26But you've always been a strong person,
00:57:28and I'm really proud of you
00:57:30for being a nurse.
00:57:32Growing up,
00:57:34you're always kind of a pain in the ass.
00:57:38Because we butted heads about everything.
00:57:40That's why.
00:57:44You were...
00:57:46It went too fast, Sarah.
00:57:52I can still remember us playing SpongeBob.
00:57:56Like it was yesterday.
00:57:58I know.
00:58:00I know.
00:58:06No, I never thought this day would come.
00:58:08I never thought about it.
00:58:10I mean, I'm happy for you.
00:58:12The only thing that makes me happy is that you're happy.
00:58:16So this is what you want to do.
00:58:18We're there for you.
00:58:20You can count on us.
00:58:22So decide what you want to do.
00:58:24Move forward.
00:58:26When you fall down, ask for help.
00:58:28Get up, dust yourself off.
00:58:30Move forward again.
00:58:32That's what life is really about.
00:58:34You're gonna be fine.
00:58:36You're gonna be great.
00:58:38And I'm very proud of you.
00:58:40And I love you very much.
00:58:42How are you feeling?
00:58:44For real, right now.
00:58:46All the feelings.
00:58:48Just spit it out.
00:58:50I'm feeling nervous,
00:58:52but I feel good within myself.
00:58:54I feel like
00:58:56I'm trusting the journey.
00:58:58And honestly, like, I've met Ben,
00:59:00and Ben is an amazing person.
00:59:02I'm very fortunate.
00:59:04It's exciting.
00:59:06It's like euphoric adrenaline, you know?
00:59:08Like all those
00:59:10high emotions.
00:59:12I don't know. I just feel very
00:59:14happy, but I am
00:59:16I'm just, it's
00:59:18a lot, and I don't want that to come off as I'm
00:59:20complaining or like...
00:59:22You're not. No one thinks that way.
00:59:24You're so worried about being perfect.
00:59:26And like, just be yourself today.
00:59:28Like, there's no perfect answer.
00:59:30I don't know how that sounds to anybody else.
00:59:32But also, Sarah, like,
00:59:34no matter what you decide,
00:59:36we're gonna support you regardless.
00:59:38I really want you to do what you want to do.
00:59:42Okay. Cheers.
00:59:44Do what feels right for you.
00:59:46For you. No one else.
00:59:48Right. Yes.
00:59:50I will.
00:59:52Okay, let's get this show on the road.
00:59:54Giddy up.
00:59:56I shake a leg.
00:59:58Andy's shaking a leg tonight.
01:00:00I know.
01:00:02I'm about to walk down the aisle,
01:00:04and personally, yeah, I feel like
01:00:06I am ready to marry Ben.
01:00:08I love you so much.
01:00:10Love you.
01:00:12So exciting.
01:00:14It's also very nerve-wracking. I'm very anxious.
01:00:16Like, I've been nauseous today.
01:00:18I've been sweaty.
01:00:20My hands, my feet.
01:00:22I just feel like all over the place, honestly.
01:00:24So many emotions, so many thoughts.
01:00:26Okay, see you later.
01:00:30My heart is telling me I feel good about it.
01:00:34my brain is telling me
01:00:36I don't know.
01:00:38And, um...
01:00:40I'm really trying
01:00:42to tune into both.
01:01:18Oh, my gosh.
01:01:20Look at you two.
01:01:22You guys look gorgeous.
01:01:30I love you so much.
01:01:32Oh, my gosh.
01:01:34You guys look beautiful.
01:01:36You guys are making me look bad.
01:01:38Is it pink for me?
01:01:40Yeah, a little pink for you.
01:01:42I just want to say thank you.
01:01:46Yeah, a little pink for you.
01:01:48I just want to say this is a very unique way
01:01:50for you and Sarah to meet.
01:01:52At least you matter.
01:01:54At least you matter this way.
01:01:56She's lovely.
01:01:58And I want to say one more thing.
01:02:00You have been prayed over and prayed for
01:02:02more than you could ever know.
01:02:04So God's hands on you.
01:02:06Keep your eyes on Him.
01:02:10Love you.
01:02:12And the Lord has given you so much talent.
01:02:16And wisdom.
01:02:18I pray you walk the same path
01:02:20that the Lord has for you right now.
01:02:22And have peace
01:02:24about your decision today.
01:02:26And your family loves you.
01:02:28You know that.
01:02:30But don't forget
01:02:32that I'm your favorite dance partner.
01:02:34I'll never forget that.
01:02:36That's when I knew
01:02:38it was right when I found someone
01:02:40that could compete with you.
01:02:42She's just a little bit closer.
01:02:44Oh, that's fine.
01:02:46That's fine.
01:02:48Oh my gosh.
01:02:50Oh my gosh.
01:03:10Oh my gosh.
01:03:12I'm so excited.
01:03:20Oh my gosh.
01:03:30I love you.
01:03:32Oh my gosh.
01:03:34It's not too late.
01:03:36What do you like about this guy?
01:03:38He's amazing.
01:03:42Is he smart?
01:03:44If he's not smart, you're in trouble.
01:03:46Are you sure you picked
01:03:48the letter?
01:03:52So what are you looking forward about the most?
01:03:56Honestly, just to live life.
01:03:58The ups and downs with it.
01:04:00You think he'll make a difference?
01:04:02I think he will.
01:04:04You get married to this guy.
01:04:10So here's my advice.
01:04:14Marriage is a negotiation.
01:04:16He loves the money.
01:04:18It's a constant.
01:04:20Not what I say or he says.
01:04:22It's a constant.
01:04:24What are we going to do?
01:04:26So don't forget that.
01:04:28You're so nervous, aren't you?
01:04:30Yeah, I'm super nervous.
01:04:32I'm freaking out.
01:04:34Take a deep breath.
01:04:36Oh my gosh.
01:04:38Oh my gosh, thank you.
01:04:40I love you.
01:04:42I love you too.
01:04:46Please stand.
01:04:48You're cute.
01:04:52I love you, babe.
01:05:42Please be seated.
01:05:50We are gathered here today
01:05:52to share in the wedding ceremony
01:05:54of Sarah and Ben.
01:05:56You are here not only as guests,
01:05:58but as witnesses and guides
01:06:00on this journey of a lifetime.
01:06:06Ben and Sarah, through your commitment,
01:06:08your love for one another,
01:06:10and your willingness to accept
01:06:12each other's strengths and frailties
01:06:14for a life together,
01:06:16may the pure, simple love
01:06:18with which you join hearts and hands today
01:06:20never fail
01:06:22and grow deeper and surer
01:06:24with every moment that you spend together.
01:06:28Let us pray.
01:06:30Beloved Creator,
01:06:32you graciously give us the longing for love
01:06:34and the capability of loving,
01:06:36and we give thanks for Ben and Sarah
01:06:38for their beautiful hearts
01:06:40and for the example of love that they embody
01:06:42here today.
01:06:44Be with them on this joyous occasion
01:06:46of showing their love
01:06:48and making their vows
01:06:50as we celebrate this miraculous moment in their lives.
01:06:56This is Sarah,
01:06:58and apologies for losing my voice
01:07:00at the bachelor party.
01:07:02I never could have imagined
01:07:04in a million years
01:07:06that this process would have brought me
01:07:08to someone as incredible as you.
01:07:10Loving, caring,
01:07:12you exceeded what I thought
01:07:14I was looking for.
01:07:16You make me a better person
01:07:18each and every day and every time I'm with you.
01:07:20As you can tell, I was like a little boy,
01:07:22just being super excited
01:07:24to see that not only were you beautiful
01:07:26on the inside, but also on the outside,
01:07:28and then also just our physical connection
01:07:30with how we tease each other,
01:07:32play around, are connected to each other
01:07:34both physically and emotionally
01:07:36is on just another level
01:07:38than I ever dreamed.
01:07:40It can't be put into words,
01:07:42but I love you so much,
01:07:44and I just love hearing
01:07:46how other people just can see it between us
01:07:48because it makes me know that they see what I see
01:07:50and that it's real.
01:07:52The whole process has brought me to you
01:07:54and brought me to love you
01:07:56more than anyone or anything
01:07:58I could ever have imagined.
01:08:04You have made the impossible seem possible.
01:08:06You are quite literally everything
01:08:08I've ever hoped and wanted
01:08:10in a lifelong partner.
01:08:14I first fell in love with your voice,
01:08:16and then seeing you,
01:08:18you were an immediate best friend.
01:08:20I fell in love with your smile,
01:08:22your soft,
01:08:24empathetic, selfless heart,
01:08:26your goofy, funny
01:08:30You've just given me so much life,
01:08:32and there's no doubt in my mind
01:08:34that we were meant to choose each other,
01:08:36and I love you so much.
01:08:38I love you, too.
01:08:42I almost kissed you.
01:08:44What do I do?
01:08:46I love you.
01:08:54Sarah and Ben,
01:08:56you chose to spend
01:08:58the rest of your lives together
01:09:00based on a deep emotional connection.
01:09:04age, finances,
01:09:06and all the superficial things of the world
01:09:08were not a factor for you two.
01:09:12Now is the time
01:09:14to decide if love is blind.
01:09:20Will you get married
01:09:22and commit to face life together
01:09:24as husband and wife?
01:09:26Or will you
01:09:28walk away forever?
01:09:34will you embrace Ben
01:09:36to be your husband,
01:09:38as your companion,
01:09:40best friend for life?
01:09:42Will you treat him with love and devotion,
01:09:44honor and respect?
01:09:46Will you stand by him
01:09:48in the triumphs and tragedies of life
01:09:50as a faithful and caring wife?
01:09:52If yes, say,
01:09:54I will.
01:10:23Today's the day I have to make
01:10:25the biggest decision of my life.
01:10:27He's a really great guy.
01:10:29I still think that this wedding is too soon.
01:10:31I would be heartbroken
01:10:33if I never saw him again.
01:10:35Now that it's the day of, I'm like,
01:10:37oh, I don't know if I want to marry her.
01:10:39This feels right.
01:10:41I mean, I could be 100% wrong.
01:10:43Well, thanks for that.
01:10:45You look like a bride.
01:10:47Now is the time to decide
01:10:49if love is blind.
01:10:51I know the weight of the decision
01:10:53that I'm making.
01:10:55I always said my husband
01:10:57wasn't in Minnesota.
01:10:59Love you.
01:11:01See it in your eyes
01:11:05When the night runs cold
01:11:07In the darkest night
01:11:11When the night runs cold
01:11:13Wanna see you fight
01:11:17Or you'll sink like a stone
01:11:19In the darkest night
01:11:21In the darkest night
01:11:25I'm going to kill you
01:11:49I'm going to kill you
01:11:51I'm going to kill you
01:11:53I'm going to kill you
01:11:55I'm going to kill you
01:11:57I'm going to kill you
01:11:59I'm going to kill you
01:12:01I'm going to kill you
01:12:03I'm going to kill you
01:12:05I'm going to kill you
01:12:07I'm going to kill you
01:12:09I'm going to kill you
01:12:11I'm going to kill you
01:12:13I'm going to kill you
01:12:15I'm going to kill you