9-1-1 S08 E05
00:00Okay, Tim, man, I'm gonna need you to be less smooth and more stiff, okay?
00:05Uh, Scarecrow, come a little bit to your left.
00:08All right. And, Dorothy, where's your oil pan?
00:12Come on, G. Let me have that cookie so you get in this Halloween picture.
00:15I got you.
00:17Okay, everyone's together. Ready? One, two, three.
00:21These pics are gonna be great.
00:23Karen, thank you so much for taking G.
00:25She's really excited to go trick-or-treating with Denny and Mara.
00:27Of course. We can't go without Toto leading the way.
00:30Come on. You two aren't getting out of this.
00:32We need a group shot. Come on.
00:33Yeah, we don't have costumes.
00:34It doesn't matter about the costumes. It's about family.
00:37Come on. Right now.
00:38Okay. Ready? Here we go.
00:40All right. On three, we will say Halloween. Ready? One, two, three.
00:51How adorable was Gian saying that the cookie was a dog treat?
00:55When she growled at Chim, I died.
00:58Halloween's the best.
01:00Oh, it is.
01:01But if you think they had fun tonight,
01:03you should see them trick-or-treating on actual Halloween.
01:05Oh, I wish.
01:07What if you did more than just wish for once?
01:10Oh, you know I have to work.
01:12It's one of the busiest nights of the year.
01:14Just like Christmas and Fourth of July and New Year's.
01:18Working through the holidays is part of the job, Karen.
01:21So there's no such thing as personal days?
01:24Yeah, but it'll be so last minute
01:26we'll be scrambling to find someone to cover.
01:28You scramble every time the tones go off.
01:30I'm sure they could find somebody.
01:32I guess I would just feel guilty
01:34bailing on everyone else in the house
01:36when they still had to work.
01:38What about this house?
01:43It's Mara's first Halloween with us.
01:46They'd both know it would mean the world to us if you were there.
01:51Think of it this way.
01:54She'll never forget it if you come.
01:57And she'll never forget it if you don't.
02:04Okay, I'll talk to Bobby.
02:11It was all Hallow's Eve.
02:13A sedan drove down a slick, shadowy road
02:18illuminated only by the soft glow
02:21of the full moonlight
02:23when bang!
02:28It was ripped in two by a telephone pole.
02:31Now, I have more intense ones that I could share
02:35but the school board asked us to stop showing them
02:38a few years ago.
02:40Too triggering.
02:42The scariest thing about Halloween
02:44isn't the ghosts or the goblins.
02:47It's the deadliest night of the year for young people.
02:50Twice as many die.
02:52From drunk driving, getting hit by cars.
02:59Excuse me, I'm sorry.
03:01Am I bothering you?
03:03No, you're fine.
03:05Welcome to my world.
03:07That's life at the Sigmas.
03:09Sigma? What's a Sigma?
03:11It's like today's version of the cool kids, but cooler.
03:17Maybe I could dip into a few of the classics
03:20for old time's sake.
03:23Anybody curious about what happens
03:25when a throwing dart goes through a human jawbone?
03:28Or a slip and slider ends up under a riding lawnmower?
03:38It's not your fault you don't speak Sigma.
03:41No, I don't speak stupid.
03:54Whoa, whoa, this is called Firehouse Haunt Fest,
03:57not Firehouse Fall Fest.
03:59Cap, where's the spooky?
04:01Where's the macabre? Where's the gore?
04:03Uh, gore.
04:05We got spider webs, we got bats, we got crows.
04:08Fake blood is fake blood, Cap.
04:10Fake blood is just a start.
04:12This place should be festooned with blood.
04:14Let's remember who we're doing this for.
04:16We have all ages coming through here, so no blood.
04:18You know how hard it is to clean blood in real life?
04:21Fake blood is no different.
04:22She's got a point.
04:24Remember, we have to clean this mess up afterwards,
04:26so festoon accordingly. No blood.
04:28How did we end up on haunted house duty anyway?
04:30Every year the department chooses a different house
04:32for community outreach.
04:33Last year it was the 126,
04:35so I'm making it my personal mission to crush them.
04:37Then blood is the way to go!
04:40Kids love gore!
04:41Eddie, tell them, would Christopher prefer
04:43more or less Halloween gore?
04:45Actually, uh, Christopher doesn't want anything
04:47to do with Halloween, turns out.
04:49What? Why? What happened?
04:51Mom just told me he's done with trick-or-treating.
04:53Thinks it's cringe.
04:55Oh, I'm sorry, Eddie.
04:57He's an impasto.
04:59It's not like I was going to be able to deal with him anyway.
05:01Just wish I knew last year was his last.
05:03I get it.
05:05Messes you up when a door closes.
05:07The bummer is, you never know when a door is going to close,
05:09and when it does, then...
05:11It's sealed.
05:13Oh, gee, well, you still can, my friend.
05:15I'm trying every day, but it just goes so dang fast.
05:17Oh, gee!
05:21feast your eyes on the newest star
05:23of the 118.
05:27Good Lord, Buck. What is that?
05:29Now that's what I'm talking about.
05:31Where did you get this?
05:33A Hollywood prop house down the street from my apartment.
05:35It was tucked away in a musty old corner.
05:37For good reason. He looks like the Crypt Keeper.
05:39He look like he been dead 200 years.
05:41Exactly. This is craft, people.
05:43A prop I said had been used in a bunch of old westerns,
05:45so I figured we'd give him a cowboy hat and a vest,
05:47maybe even a six-shooter.
05:49I don't know, Buck.
05:51This might be too intense for some of the younger kids.
05:53Trust me on this one, Cap.
05:55This guy is a showstopper.
05:59Welcome to the spookiest night
06:01of your short little lives.
06:03I am your guide,
06:05Cap Dracula.
06:07Behind this curtain.
06:11Yeah, I know I'm a fire captain,
06:13so I'm saying Cap instead of Count.
06:15Never mind.
06:17Behind these curtains are thrills
06:19and scares your young minds cannot even imagine.
06:23But before you enter,
06:25there are three rules.
06:27No running,
06:29no touching the set decoration.
06:31The ghouls work very hard on it.
06:33And most importantly,
06:35have a terrifyingly good time.
06:49Who wants to be
06:51my next patient?
06:53Not me.
07:19Well, that was lame.
07:27A candy!
07:39Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
07:41Whoa, whoa!
07:43Howdy, partners.
07:45Congratulations on making it to the end
07:47of the Firehouse Honkfest.
07:49Come on over and get your reward.
07:51Come on, now.
07:53Reach on in and grab a handful.
07:55You earned it.
07:57Doesn't anybody want any?
07:59He's creepy.
08:01Oh, hey, he's not creepy.
08:03Uh, well, maybe a little,
08:05but, uh, he's harmless.
08:07He's not even real. He's just a dummy.
08:09I don't like his arm.
08:11Oh, that's okay.
08:13I can just move him out of the way.
08:15Come on, come closer.
08:17Hey, a couple pickles.
08:19He's fine.
08:21Grab this one.
08:29Are those worms?
08:31I think they're tendons.
08:35Oh, my God, he's real!
08:37He's real! He's real!
08:39He's real! He's real!
08:51Hey, you forgot something.
08:53Well, you called it, Buck.
08:55He was a showstopper.
08:57I just don't understand.
08:59I thought they'd rent me a real body.
09:01That's LAPD's problem now.
09:03Let's get all this set deck put away
09:05before Bishop gets in. Let's go.
09:07Hey, wait. Hold on, Cap. Come on.
09:09Look at them all. They still want to come in.
09:11Yeah, but we can't stop now. We just have to get some good scares going.
09:13He was already a mummy.
09:15It's not like there's foul play here.
09:17Oh, there was foul play, all right,
09:19in the management of that prop house.
09:21Turns out they had that body inventory
09:23as a curio,
09:25not a dummy.
09:27Things do matter.
09:29Apparently, the log had him listed
09:31as an old outlaw named Billy Boyles.
09:33Billy Boyles?
09:35We'll find out more about him
09:37once we pull the original purchase orders,
09:39but they're in a warehouse in Altadena,
09:41so it's gonna take a minute.
09:43Keep us posted if you can.
09:45Will do. Home safe.
09:47Home safe.
09:49All right, our work here is done.
09:51Well, I think we can all agree
09:53on one thing.
09:55It wasn't my fault.
09:57Oh, no way. Absolutely it was.
09:59Look at all these people out here.
10:01We can't just reopen for a couple of hours, Cap.
10:03We have all this candy.
10:05I think we've traumatized these kids enough for one day.
10:07All right, let's get to it.
10:09Let's start boxing this stuff up. Let's go.
10:11Thanks a lot, Cap.
10:159-1-1, what's your emergency?
10:19I'm sorry, sir. Can you repeat that?
10:21I am stuck in a pumpkin.
10:23Here, give me the phone.
10:25My dork dad got his head stuck in a pumpkin.
10:29How did this happen exactly?
10:31So basically, my dad thought it would be funny
10:33to do pumpkin head for us.
10:35Pumpkin head?
10:37It's this thing he used to do when we were little.
10:39It was funny when we were little,
10:41but now it's just cringe.
10:43One, two...
10:47All right, still a little funny.
10:49Let's get him up. Let's get him up safely, guys.
10:51Dad, the fire department's here.
10:53This is Captain Nash.
10:55That way.
10:57Franklin, can you just hold still for a second?
10:59I'm just gonna see where we're at.
11:01Wow, that thing is really stuck on there.
11:03Okay, let's get him seated, guys.
11:05Get him in the chair.
11:09Okay, guys, let's move that table back
11:11so hand, chin, you guys can check him out.
11:13All right, Buck, let's grab some lubricant,
11:15saw, anything else that we need
11:17to slip this thing off his head?
11:21He says he doesn't understand
11:23how he could get it on so easy one minute
11:25and barely get it past his ears the next.
11:29Gourds can be very unpredictable.
11:31Sir, I'm gonna take your pulse
11:33while my friends check you out, okay?
11:41What did he say?
11:43He says since he and my mom got divorced,
11:45he never gets us on actual holidays like Halloween.
11:47He wanted to make us smile.
11:49I get it, sir.
11:51It's my daughter's first trick-or-treat this year,
11:53and I'm missing it.
11:55It's kind of killing me. Pulse is good.
11:57Loon, flying in.
12:03All right, this is gonna be a little chilly, sir.
12:09We're gonna try and pull it off again, okay?
12:11On three.
12:13Hey, wait, stop, stop.
12:15He's saying it hurts.
12:17Thing's really fused on there, Kev.
12:19You guys try lifting it again just a little.
12:21A little more easy.
12:27Check this out.
12:29Looks like dermatitis.
12:31Is your dad allergic to pumpkins?
12:33No, I mean, he's been doing pumpkin heads
12:35since I was a baby.
12:37Any idea how old those pumpkins are?
12:39He said he bought them last month.
12:41It's probably rot.
12:43The bacteria and mold is probably causing his face
12:45to blow up like a pumpkin.
12:47This is anaphylaxis.
12:49I'll grab an epi from the med kit.
12:51Uh, guys?
12:53Hold on, hold on.
12:57Whoa, whoa, whoa.
12:59Franklin, can you hear me?
13:01I think he aspirated pumpkin guts.
13:03Eddie, can you grab the suction? Copy that.
13:05Okay, Buck, grab that sauce.
13:07Get this cut off of him right now. Let's go.
13:09Buck, get that suction in there.
13:11All right.
13:13Buck, I want you to score into chunks and watch that skin.
13:15You got it, Cap.
13:33All right, Chim.
13:35Get in there.
13:37Come on, Franklin.
13:39Please be okay, please be okay.
13:41Come on, Franklin, come on.
13:45Come on, Franklin.
13:49There he is, there he is.
13:51All right, there he is.
13:53All right, there he is.
13:55Get him up, get him up.
13:57I'm okay, I'm okay.
13:59There we go.
14:01There we go.
14:05No more pumpkin head, okay?
14:07Ever again.
14:09I promise, I promise.
14:11Okay, we should, uh,
14:13take you to the hospital and get you checked out.
14:15You girls are welcome to come with.
14:17Okay, okay.
14:19All right, Buck, Eddie, let's get this cleaned up
14:21and packaged and for transport.
14:23Oh, hey, hey.
14:25I want to thank you guys.
14:27I feel so dumb.
14:29Uh, pumpkin, that's okay.
14:31You do this job long enough,
14:33you see people get hurt in much dumber ways.
14:37I think I dislocated my shoulder.
14:39Dispatch, we're gonna need
14:41an additional RA unit.
14:45Thank you, Doc.
14:47How's the pain?
14:49Yes, so much better.
14:51How long do you think till he can come back to the firehouse?
14:53He could probably resume light work
14:55next shift.
14:57All right, great news.
14:59Well, thank you, I appreciate it.
15:05Hey, I came as soon as my shift ended.
15:07Thanks for coming.
15:09Yeah, that sounded like good news, though.
15:11Uh, yeah, yeah, I suppose.
15:13For the moment.
15:15For the moment? What does that mean?
15:17Don't even ask.
15:19For the 118 firehouse haunt fest,
15:21I brought in a dummy that turned out to be...
15:23A corpse?
15:25Everybody at Harbor Station was...
15:27very concerned.
15:29It's not funny, okay?
15:31I accidentally ripped the guy's left arm
15:33right out of its socket.
15:35In front of 15 traumatized kids?
15:37Yeah, and then, on our next call,
15:39my arm gets popped out the socket.
15:41My left arm.
15:43Does that sound like a coincidence to you?
15:45What else could it be besides a coincidence?
15:47A curse.
15:49A curse?
15:51Oh, yeah. I took his arm,
15:53and Billy Boyles takes mine.
15:55Billy Boyles?
15:57Told you not to ask.
15:59While I was waiting, I called Sergeant Grant.
16:01Bobby's wife.
16:03For an update on the investigation.
16:05She pulled the bill of sale from a prop house.
16:07Turns out they bought Billy from a carnival.
16:09Who got him? From a novelty shop?
16:11Who got him? From a rodeo.
16:15Is there a twist coming?
16:17Oh, there is a twist.
16:19The novelty shop burned down
16:21in 93.
16:23The carnival was wiped out by a hurricane in 97.
16:25And the rodeo
16:29after a stampede.
16:31I, uh...
16:33I don't have the year for that one.
16:35And you think all these things are connected?
16:37Oh, yeah.
16:39Once Billy gets you in his sights,
16:45he finishes the job.
16:51Oh, hello.
16:57Ha ha!
16:59Ha ha ha!
17:01Ha ha ha!
17:03Ha ha!
17:05I'm sorry.
17:07This is all my fault.
17:09I don't know what's going on.
17:11Ha ha!
17:13I'm sorry.
17:15Ha ha!
17:17I'm sorry.
17:19Ooh, last minute touches?
17:21Said she wanted her outfit to have more sparkle.
17:24Oh, OK.
17:27Because Dorothy can never have enough bling.
17:30I want people to see that we all walk down the street.
17:35Did you talk to Bobby about your shift?
17:38Denny, why don't you and Mara go work
17:42on her basket in the playroom?
17:45Don't forget to put down some newspaper.
17:51Did Bobby seriously say no?
17:53He didn't say no.
17:55Not exactly.
17:57What does that mean?
17:58Well, he said that Chim could take off to be with G,
18:01or I could take off to be with you guys.
18:05It didn't seem right either way.
18:08So Chim and I agreed to both work.
18:12It's only fair, Karen.
18:16I'm about to take three kids trick-or-treating on my own,
18:20and you want to lecture me about fair?
18:22Honey, listen, we appreciate you carrying the load.
18:26And I promise, I'll make this up to you.
18:30It's not me I'm worried about.
18:33There is no making up for missing the big moments.
18:37And you always miss the big moments, Hen.
18:43Mom, I broke a window.
18:47You didn't put down the newspaper, did you?
18:57Got you a fresh ice pack and some ibuprofen.
19:05Lift your head.
19:08How's that?
19:09Yeah, it's great.
19:11I'll be right over here if you need anything.
19:13But it's time to put away the screen.
19:15Yeah, yeah, just five more minutes.
19:18You already had your five more minutes.
19:20You need to rest if you want to heal.
19:21You heard the doctor.
19:22His name was William James McCurdy.
19:26Billy Boyles.
19:27I found a substack.
19:29It has all these articles about him and the Old West.
19:32Oh, good.
19:33You found a substack.
19:34He was a gunslinger and a bank robber.
19:37His skin was covered in Boyles hints.
19:40Billy Boyles.
19:42By all accounts, he was a man not to be crossed.
19:48Lights out, Evan.
19:49I'm exhausted.
19:51You want to know how they finally caught him?
19:55His own posse, a hog titan, turned him
19:58into the sheriff for the reward.
20:01But Billy would have his revenge.
20:05All six members of his posse died sudden, horrible deaths.
20:09Is that how outlaws usually die?
20:11He was a man not to be crossed.
20:14You said that already.
20:17And I crossed him.
20:20Good night, Evan.
20:30Think somebody was up too late with their cowboy.
20:33Yep, you got me.
20:35How's the shoulder?
20:37That's better.
20:39I got you some coffee and some avocado.
20:41Whoa, whoa, what is it?
20:44Evan, don't freak out.
20:46But there's something going on.
20:50You know, maybe we should just give you the phone.
21:02I knew it.
21:04You know what this is?
21:08It's Billy Boyles.
21:11All right.
21:16It's OK, you can say it.
21:19It's not bad.
21:21It's not that bad.
21:22I told you guys, Billy wasn't done with me.
21:25And now look.
21:27Please don't start with that stupid curse again.
21:30Billy Boyles.
21:32Hello, Boyles.
21:34What are the odds right after I defile his corpse,
21:37I wake up and I've broken out in the exact skin
21:39condition he suffered from?
21:40I'm guessing it's probably just an allergic reaction
21:42of some kind.
21:43To what?
21:44To bad juju?
21:45We just had a call where a guy got a rash
21:47from rotten pumpkin guts that you fell into, as I recall.
21:50You didn't tell me that part.
21:51Well, there's your answer, Evan.
21:53No, if it was the pumpkin, it would have happened right away,
21:55not the next day.
21:58Look, boils, rashes, shingles.
22:01A lot of skin conditions can be brought on by stress
22:06and tension.
22:06It's true.
22:08Every tax season, my accountant cousin
22:10breaks out in hives all across his legs.
22:12Super gross.
22:13Oh, so I am gross.
22:14That's not what I said.
22:17Look, dude, this curse talk is spinning you out,
22:21which is not good for you.
22:22Listen to the medic.
22:23He knows what he's talking about.
22:28OK, if you say so.
22:32I do.
22:33Five bucks, it'll clear up by the time we're on shift.
22:37Remember, it's Halloween, and all the weirdos
22:40come out at Halloween.
22:41You see a pack of teenagers without adults,
22:43or if you see adults without children,
22:46you head the other way.
22:47It's trick or treating, not the Purge.
22:49Just keep your guard up, OK?
22:51You're the big brother, so you have
22:53to help your mom look after the girls and share your candy.
22:58I will, Mama.
22:59Speaking of the girls, where's Gianna?
23:01You mean Toto?
23:03Gee, it's your dad.
23:06Sorry, she's busy.
23:07Yeah, I can see that.
23:08Hey, Denny, tell your mom we need to go.
23:11Let me say hi before you do.
23:12She wants to say hi.
23:18Probably allergies, he said.
23:23Probably just in my head, he said.
23:27Probably clear up by shift, he said.
23:30You owe me five bucks, Eddie.
23:34Yes, I do.
23:35I don't want you.
23:38Give me that.
23:39Do you believe now?
23:40In what, the curse?
23:41Yes, the curse.
23:42No, I don't believe.
23:44But I suggest you book an appointment
23:45with a dermatologist.
23:47I think we both know this is beyond the scope
23:49of any dermatologist.
23:50Look, Buck, I think you just need
23:52to focus on the bright side.
23:55Oh, I should just focus on the bright side?
23:57What possible bright side could there be?
23:59You won't need a Halloween mask this year.
24:05Aw, how sweet is that?
24:08Little girl's off to see the wizard, and I'm here.
24:11I'm almost looking forward to the chaos
24:13to take my mind off of it.
24:14Careful what you wish for.
24:16It's 6.55 PM.
24:18Nautical twilight ends.
24:20Nautical twilight?
24:21Darkness will officially enshroud LA,
24:24unleashing a burst of crazy that'll
24:26sweat this low-effort costume right off my lip.
24:32Sun's down.
24:33Well, buckle up.
24:379-1-1, what's your emergency?
24:39There's an incendiary device on my porch.
24:41An incendiary device, can you describe it?
24:43A brown flaming bag of stuff.
24:47I'm sure they're out here watching.
24:48They want me to stomp on it.
24:50These kids do this to me every year.
24:52I am not falling for it again.
24:54I see.
24:54Do you have a fire extinguisher?
24:56How about a garden hose?
24:58How about you send the police?
24:59Sir, it's Halloween night.
25:01I can't send the police for a flaming bag of stuff.
25:05Then you know what?
25:05I'll just let it burn.
25:06And if it burns down the whole neighborhood,
25:08it burns down, huh?
25:09How's that?
25:15I am so sick of it.
25:16I am vice principal at Valley Hive.
25:19And they pull this prank crap every year
25:22with the eggings and the toilet paper.
25:24It's too much.
25:25Good to go, Cap.
25:26Happy Halloween.
25:28Well, who's going to stop these clowns from doing it again?
25:33OK, sir.
25:34Let's get out of the car.
25:37I'm glad that guy was a pissed, huh?
25:45Yeah, yeah, yeah.
25:46What you know is left, right, left.
25:53I think you've had too much, Bozo.
25:54911, what's your emergency?
25:56It said take one, clearly labeled.
25:59But he swiped the whole bowl.
26:01You called 911 for stolen candy.
26:03I'm not calling about the candy.
26:05I'm calling about the thief.
26:07Whoa, whoa, whoa.
26:08Wait for it.
26:08Bitch's next victim doesn't scream like a baby.
26:14All right, let's go check on that zombie.
26:16Copy that.
26:18Everybody out.
26:19Come on.
26:19Everybody out.
26:20Come on.
26:28He's over here.
26:29He stole my candy.
26:31It wasn't me.
26:36Are you allergic to peanuts, son?
26:46Quick poke, Alfie.
26:48There you go.
26:49Deep breaths, buddy.
26:51Did you eat peanuts too?
26:56911, what's your emergency?
26:57Is this the 911 operator I spoke to earlier?
27:00I don't know.
27:01Who are you?
27:02I called about the flaming bag of stuff on my porch.
27:05Sir, I dispatched the fire department to you.
27:07They came back.
27:09The fire department?
27:10No, the miscreants.
27:11They ate my house this time.
27:12I need the police.
27:13My advice, make a report in the morning
27:15and maybe turn on your sprinklers.
27:17That way, if they come back.
27:18I am not at home.
27:20I am following them.
27:21You're chasing them?
27:23They just turned on Dover and Eagle Rock.
27:25You need to stop what you're doing and pull over.
27:27Not a chance.
27:28I'm not taking my eyes off them until the police get here.
27:30If I send the police, I'll be sending them for you.
27:33There are children and families out on the streets right now.
27:36You need to stop.
27:37I am making a citizen's arrest and giving them detention.
27:41911, what's your emergency?
27:42You have to help us.
27:43He's out of control.
27:44Slow down.
27:44Who's he?
27:45Mr. Pearson, he's chasing our car.
27:47We threw eggs at his house.
27:48He got in his car and started chasing us.
27:50It was just a stupid break.
27:53Do you know where you are?
27:55Dover Street, Eagle Rock.
27:56OK, I see police in your area.
27:58They're headed to you now.
27:59You said his name was Mr. Pearson.
28:00Do you know?
28:01He tried to run us off the road.
28:03I'm going to direct you to the nearest police station.
28:06Just maintain a safe speed.
28:10Girls, are you there?
28:19Hey, we're the ones who are on 911.
28:22Can you tell me what happened?
28:24We egged this guy's house.
28:25We tried to drive away.
28:26He chased us for several blocks.
28:27He's still in there.
28:28People tried to help get him out, but I think the doors jammed.
28:30OK, you don't know if he hit anybody else?
28:31Yeah, trick or treater.
28:32He's pinned against the car.
28:33OK, let's get these two checked out.
28:35Eddie, you're with me.
28:36We're going to extract the driver.
28:37Ken, Jim, first aid on that kid.
28:39Everybody else, they're shoring up that roof.
28:41Let's move that car.
28:42Let's go.
28:43OK, go, go, go, go.
28:47Daddy, daddy!
28:48Gene, Mara, what are you?
28:54Wait, Ken!
28:55Oh, my god.
28:56Ken, wait!
28:59I tried.
29:00I couldn't.
29:00No, no, no, no, no, no.
29:02Are you OK?
29:03Mama's here, OK?
29:13Is Mara OK?
29:14She's fine.
29:15She's with Jonesy.
29:15She's OK.
29:16I shoved her really hard.
29:18I didn't mean to shove her so hard.
29:20Keep her so clear.
29:21You saved her life.
29:29He's gone.
29:31Isn't this the guy from the flaming bag car?
29:33Yeah, looks like.
29:34He's going to shoot off.
29:35It hurts.
29:36It's OK.
29:37It hurts.
29:38Oh, mama.
29:39My leg hurts.
29:41Are you OK?
29:41Are you OK?
29:45I'm this side of the line.
29:45Can you grab me two mils of morphine?
29:48And maybe you should step back.
29:50It's my son, Gene.
29:51Give me the damn morphine!
29:52Here's the morphine.
29:53I'm going to check on the life pack.
29:54Mama's going to get me.
29:56Hang in there, D. Hang in there, buddy.
30:02Hey, Cap.
30:03Should she really be the one up there?
30:05It's her son.
30:06Are you going to be the one to drag her away from him?
30:09Buck, our job is to make sure that structure
30:11does not collapse on him.
30:12So let's shore up that porch and get the car off Denny.
30:15Copy that.
30:16All right.
30:21Cap, Cap!
30:22Yeah, right here.
30:23We got to get this thing up off him.
30:25Buck, what's the timing on that shoring?
30:2710 minutes, Cap.
30:28Roof's still unstable.
30:29If we move it too soon.
30:30Copy that.
30:33How does it feel?
30:34Does the medication work?
30:38It doesn't hurt anymore.
30:40Now I'm just cold.
30:42Can you wiggle?
30:43Wiggle your arms and your legs.
30:46Denny, can you do that for me?
30:49OK, good news.
30:51It's not a spinal injury.
30:56Let me.
30:57Wait, wait, wait.
30:58Do you like it yet?
31:01It's my stomach.
31:04Denny, what's happening?
31:05What's happening to him?
31:07BP's falling off the clamps.
31:09His stomach.
31:10His stomach is warm.
31:11He's bleeding internally, Cap.
31:13Damn it.
31:14He's in shock.
31:15Cap, we need blood.
31:17Come on.
31:19Dispatch, we need whole blood on scene now.
31:22I'll have an RE unit there in 15 minutes.
31:24I don't think we have that long.
31:25All right, let's double time it.
31:26Let's go.
31:29OK, let's go.
31:29Let's go.
31:34You're OK.
31:35You're OK.
31:36Mom is here.
31:37Mom is here.
31:38You're not in there.
31:39It's all right.
31:41Yeah, baby.
31:42We're both right here.
31:45You have to stay awake.
31:46You have to stay awake.
31:47You have to keep fighting.
31:49I love you.
31:52I love you.
31:53I love you too, baby.
31:56Come on.
32:00BP, stop registering.
32:03How long before the bloodline?
32:07Oh, God.
32:11Len, you have to do something.
32:17You have to do something.
32:19No, no, no.
32:21You do this.
32:23Your blood.
32:24Your blood is a negative, and so is his.
32:27You think it's field transfusion?
32:29The kid is risking.
32:30How are we going to control the blood flow?
32:31We're going to improvise.
32:34Might be there.
32:38On three.
32:38One, two, three, go.
32:42Let's go.
32:44I will be gone tonight.
33:11Now, now, Eddie.
33:15Everything's done for a while.
33:26We lost pulse.
33:28We're too late.
33:29We're too late.
33:30Eddie, Eddie.
33:31Keep the blood flowing.
33:32I'm starting compressions.
33:34Come on, baby.
33:35Come on, baby.
33:37Come on, baby.
33:40And you will be silent tonight.
33:47You will find your mind.
33:48All right, fellas, get that witch in here.
33:50And you will be answering the ghost.
33:57Or will you be answering the night?
34:10We got his pulse back.
34:19Hi, mama.
34:22Hi, baby.
34:25Hi, baby.
34:28All right, start up the match.
34:32All right, let's get that guard out here.
34:33Let's go.
34:34Let's go.
34:36He will be answering the ghost.
34:44All right, let's get that guard out here.
34:46Let's go.
34:47Let's go.
35:04Yeah, there should be another box of brownie mix in the pantry.
35:08All right, I will.
35:10Okay, I love you.
35:12Brownies for breakfast, huh?
35:14Maddie's doing what she has to to comfort Jean and Mara.
35:17How are they holding up?
35:18Jean's doing fine.
35:19She's so little.
35:20Seems like Mara's taking it harder.
35:22Well, I'm sure she'll feel better once her big brother comes home.
35:26Hope so.
35:32Stop picking.
35:34I wasn't picking.
35:35You were picking.
35:38Sir, have you been checked in yet?
35:40Oh, this is just my face.
36:00What just happened?
36:01I sent a text to the group chat.
36:03Denny's surgery was a total success.
36:04He's going to be okay.
36:05That's great.
36:06He's still sleeping, but she wants us to hang around and sign his cast.
36:10It's a beautiful thing.
36:11Isn't it, having a crew like this behind you?
36:13Even when things go wrong.
36:15Especially when things go wrong.
36:20Oh, my God, that's it.
36:23I know how to break the curse.
36:37Those are the two girls who egged the car that got into that accident.
36:42You've got to be kidding me.
36:44Can I help you?
36:45We heard the boy who was pinned by the car last night was taken to this hospital.
36:49Is he here?
36:50Are you family members?
36:51We know that he probably didn't get to have his candy last night, so we brought him ours.
36:56Is that supposed to be an act of atonement?
36:59Hey, you're the cop who came to talk to our school.
37:01Who said we shouldn't do something stupid on Halloween?
37:04A lot of good that did.
37:06We're so sorry.
37:07If there was any way to take it back, we would.
37:09That's the thing about stupid.
37:11It usually sticks.
37:15But there may still be a way that we can make some good come from this.
37:26The commissary wasn't open yet, but nurses took pity on me and shared some of their pot.
37:32God bless him.
37:34How's he doing?
37:36He seems good.
37:41How about you?
37:44Less good.
37:46I keep thinking about what you said, how I've missed so many of the important moments in his life.
37:53I just, I don't want to leave his side again.
37:57If I had just taken last night off like you asked, maybe I could have been there to keep this from happening.
38:08You know, when he got hit, I called you.
38:15It was a voicemail.
38:18Karen, I'm so sorry. I'll never forgive myself.
38:22I'm not saying that to make you feel bad.
38:28I mean, the only reason you wouldn't answer the call was because you were already answering a different one.
38:37Yes, you have missed some moments, but you were there for the most important one in this boy's life.
38:45You saved him.
38:50We saved him.
38:56When you were doing CPR, before he opened his eyes, there was one thought that kept going through my mind over and over.
39:08What was that?
39:12Thank God you were at work.
39:28You know, I've been cursing your name since the day I learned it, Billy Boyles.
39:33Or should I say, William James McCurdy, according to the Temecula City execution records.
39:41But to be fair, you cursed me first.
39:46Try to take out my arm, which was a dick move.
39:51Now you have me looking like a leper and my own boyfriend won't even kiss me.
39:56Oh, that's not true.
39:58You see what you did?
40:00I have every reason to hate you right now.
40:04The more I read about you, Billy, the more I start to wonder if maybe this isn't so much a curse as it is a cry for help.
40:16Your posse abandoned you when you needed the most.
40:23I can't imagine how scary that must have been for you.
40:27Our people are what make life worth living.
40:35You make memories with them.
40:41You share memories with them.
40:50They keep you on the right path.
40:52We thought it was supposed to be the most fire Halloween ever, you guys.
40:56Frozen fire.
40:59And that's no cap.
41:05They pick you up when you fall down.
41:10Truth is, I can't imagine anything more painful than going through life alone.
41:21Except maybe one thing.
41:23Going through death alone.
41:27Your days of bouncing around unknown and forgotten are over.
41:32Because I'm in your posse now.
41:35I hope you can finally rest easy, Billy.
41:41And hey, maybe lift this curse.
41:52Please lift it.