• 8 hours ago


00:23Alright, who is she dad? Don't worry. I'm gonna help granddad with dinner. Okay?
00:30I'll be with you in a minute.
00:39Come on.
00:40Let's go.
01:01You look well.
01:07Do you know who Dana Fels is?
01:10What? Who are you talking about?
01:12She went missing a week ago
01:14and she said that she was going on holiday with you.
01:17Kat, I don't know what you're talking about.
01:19I've been here with Sadie.
01:21Is that your profile?
01:23Yeah, but...
01:24No, I don't do social media.
01:26Sadie does every now and again, but...
01:30I think she made this Facebook profile for you.
01:34She thought I was lonely.
01:36She set that up ages ago.
01:38I've never used it.
01:40What's going on?
01:46Do you know if it's Sadie's mum?
01:50She died...
01:52a few years ago.
01:54Her dad moved in with us.
01:57So, the case.
01:59That's why you're here.
02:01I also signed up on that dating app and...
02:04you were on it.
02:05Well, I'm sorry, that's not me.
02:11You walked out and left.
02:14I had to.
02:16You chose to.
02:22I messed up.
02:24I know.
02:26I messed up.
02:28I thought it would be cleaner if I just...
02:30It wasn't cleaner.
02:33I get that.
02:34I'm sorry.
02:35I don't want an apology, I want you to be honest with me.
02:45I loved you so much.
02:47You have no idea.
02:49I know, I know what happened.
02:50You went to go and see Monty LeBaron in prison
02:52and you found out about my dad being corrupt.
02:55His secret's getting him killed and that's why you ran?
03:02You knew?
03:06I knew.
03:07Why didn't you tell me that?
03:08I couldn't.
03:13I couldn't.
03:14We could have got through that.
03:15Kat, the truth would have broken you, OK?
03:20You don't understand.
03:25I'm sorry.
03:40No, I'm not doing this.
03:42Kat, Kat.
03:50You left me.
03:51I know.
03:52And I tried to move on but it was always you.
03:58I love you so much, I still...
04:00No, I'm not doing this.
04:22I love you.
05:11You don't want to do this, Dana!
05:17We're all coming after you!
05:20Hurry up!
05:23You don't come out!
05:25We'll kill your son!
05:29Get around, we'll find you!
05:31Where is she?
05:33Come on, come on, come on!
05:59Come on, detective.
06:02We've been here too long.
06:09Who's the boy?
06:11It's her kid.
06:13Number six's son.
06:15So he knows Detective Donovan.
06:30Maybe him and six are both working with the detective.
06:33Maybe six is a plant or something.
06:35If the detective was working with six,
06:37should have come for her already.
06:44What is it?
06:47Six is on the run.
06:49Define on the run.
06:52She's legged it.
06:55She can't have gone far.
06:57We've searched the woods up to the main road.
07:00Give me her kid's phone number.
07:02I'm on it.
07:10Six's son's number.
07:42She's in the woods. We would have found her by now.
08:16They're getting her, son. I'm bringing it back here.
08:21Get someone to check the stables.
08:23I'll sweep the barn again.
08:25And check the old raffia, it's still secure.
08:34Who is this?
08:35On the corner of Old Emerald Street, there's a blue van.
08:38Your mother's in the back.
08:41If you're not here in two minutes, she dies.
08:44Wait, who is this?
08:45One minute, 58 seconds.
08:59Brendan, listen to me.
09:01Yes, baby, it's me.
09:02Are you safe?
09:03Brendan, get yourself somewhere safe now.
09:05I'm coming to get you, all right? I'm at the van now.
09:07Run! Brendan, just run!
09:09Brendan, can you hear me?
09:12Get off!
09:52Hey, it's Brendan. Just texting.
10:10What have we got?
10:11A uniform we've cordoned off the scene.
10:13Kat, you're not supposed to be here.
10:14You need me here, I can find Brendan Fells.
10:16I know this case better than anyone.
10:17I've spoken to the team on the ground.
10:20We got footage from someone's dashcam, it's not great, but...
10:23We're running the van's plates now.
10:24What about Brendan's phone?
10:25It was ditched 500 metres from the outpost.
10:28What else do you know?
10:29They used Josh's picture to...
10:32They used Josh's picture to...
10:33What else do you know?
10:34They used Josh's picture to...
10:36What else do you know?
10:37They used Josh's picture to catfish Dana Fells.
10:41We've spoken to him, it's fine, he's not involved.
10:43You've spoken to Josh?
10:44So we think the catfisher was using stolen pictures
10:46from archived Facebook accounts, Josh is included.
10:50My office now.
10:55So you spoke to Josh. What did he say?
10:58I spoke to Callaghan as well.
11:00He said that only a policeman could have arranged
11:02special treatment for Monty LeBurn.
11:07It was you, wasn't it? You got him favours on the inside.
11:17All right, yes.
11:19I paid LeBurn to say that he killed Clint.
11:24Because sooner or later, it would have all come out.
11:29Clint working for Callaghan.
11:33All of it.
11:34All of it.
11:36I couldn't do it to you or to Odette.
11:38And what about Dad's affair? Did you know about that too?
11:43You could have told me the truth.
11:45God, Kat, what is the truth?
11:47That my dad was a liar, a criminal, a cheat,
11:50and that's what got him killed.
11:54What about you?
11:55What about me?
11:56Were you on Callaghan's payroll as well?
11:59Is that why you had to cover this all up?
12:00You don't get it, do you?
12:02I had to get a confession
12:04because there is no way that you would have let this go.
12:06You'd have spent the rest of your life digging
12:08and you'd have either found out all of these secrets about your dad
12:12or Callaghan would have gone after you.
12:17I made a promise to your dad
12:20that if ever anything happened to him,
12:22that I would take care of you.
12:26And I kept my word, Kat.
12:28Those were his sins, not yours.
12:33I just...
12:35I just wanted to keep you safe.
12:51Happy birthday to you.
12:54I've got something for you.
12:58My birthday was six months ago.
13:00My 26th wedding anniversary was last night.
13:03Never shop when you're in a panic.
13:05You're kidding me.
13:06You bought Odette a dog?
13:07She's allergic!
13:08Yes, I'm a terrible husband.
13:10It's been established.
13:11Come on, man.
13:12You've got to help me out.
13:13No, my marriage depends on it.
13:15I swear, if that dog crops on my shoe, you are dead.
13:19I knew I could count on you.
13:28We've got something.
13:30It's best to start your search somewhere around here.
13:32What's happening?
13:33Right, so the van's licence plate belongs to a Miss Callie Sims,
13:37but her van's sitting on her driveway 200 miles away,
13:40and, look, it's clearly not the same vehicle.
13:42So they must have been using a clone plate again.
13:44We've used ANPR to track the van as far as we can,
13:47and it's been travelling south on the A5303.
13:49Right, it was picked up by these first five cameras,
13:52but it wasn't by the sixth,
13:53so we assume it must have turned off round about here.
13:56What exactly is down there?
13:58About a dozen farms taking up 30 square miles.
14:00We don't have time to check them all,
14:02but the plate has been spotted
14:03going into the same Convention Centre car park three days in a row,
14:06and there's a dog show on there at that time.
14:09So we looked at the farmland again
14:10and found a couple of dog breeders in the area,
14:12so I want to start there.
14:13OK, you two get down there.
14:14Take one unit from here,
14:15and I'll get a local team to meet you there for backup.
14:18Do a trawl for any recent police reports
14:20or suspicious activity in the area.
14:22It might help us narrow it down.
14:23Good work, everyone.
14:26Hey. Hey.
14:30Stay safe.
14:39Should I put him in the barn with the others?
14:41No, bring him into the house.
14:58Hello, little boy.
15:01Don't move.
15:02What's this?
15:03Is that... Is that blood?
15:10Oh, thank goodness.
15:13It's not yours.
15:27Six must have come back here.
15:31She might have called the police.
15:35She could be anywhere.
15:37What do you want to do?
15:38Go to the barn.
15:40There's petrol in there.
15:42Start spreading it round the farm.
15:46We're going to burn it all down.
15:57Anything good?
15:59Yes, a woman filed a complaint
16:00saying she was being stalked and harassed
16:02by a local dog breeder.
16:05What do you mean, stalked?
16:06Yeah, allegedly he was following her
16:08just because her and her husband
16:09were trying to adopt one of his puppies.
16:11I'm sending you the dog breeder's address now.
16:13I'm sending you the dog breeder's address now.
16:35We've got a torch inside of the stables.
16:37There's seven assets left in there.
16:39I'll leave them inside.
16:45What about my mum?
17:00Fuck, that's a fire.
17:03Call it in.
17:04Urgent assistance required at Redwick Farm.
17:06Call it in.
17:07Urgent assistance required at Redwick Farm.
17:09Dirty road, river.
17:11Request fire and ambulance evacuation.
17:13Copy that.
17:32That went quick.
17:36Stop here. Kill the lights.
17:38That's the van that took Brendan.
17:40You check it out. I'll go check the farm.
17:42Kat, Kat, they've got hostages.
17:45We've got to wait for the team.
17:46Armed support. We can't just run in.
17:47Brendan's in there. I'm not just going to sit here.
17:54I'm coming with you then.
17:56You're not the boss of me anymore.
17:57I've passed my exams.
17:58Just stay here. Radio backup.
18:00Make sure they know where we are, OK?
18:02I've got this.
18:27Shh, it's OK.
18:30God, I do.
19:22Get him.
19:23Get him.
19:24Get him.
19:25Get him.
19:26Get him.
19:27Get him.
19:28Get him.
19:29Get him.
19:30Get him.
19:31Get him.
19:32Get him.
19:33Get him.
19:34Get him.
20:05Come on, just keep going.
20:08I've got your son, Dana.
20:10Sir, come on.
20:12Did you hear me?
20:13I said I've got your son.
20:18Sir, come on.
20:19Just go.
20:21Oh, my God.
20:22I don't have time for your ridiculous games.
20:25Come on, Dana, I've got a subject.
20:27I've got a subject.
20:33Did you hear me?
20:34You've got until the count of three.
21:03Just got the knee that time.
21:07Let's try again, shall we?
21:10Don't hurt him.
21:15Good to have you back with us.
21:19Everyone's escaped.
21:20Just let Brandon go, please.
21:25It's OK, Brandon.
21:27It's going to be OK, I promise.
21:28Drop it.
21:34Those assets are mine.
21:35Where are they?
21:47Put the gun down!
21:58What the fuck are you doing?
22:00Get off me!
22:01I'll shoot you in the head next!
22:03Get away from him!
22:09Drop the gun!
22:29Don't mention it.
22:32Told you we'd find your mum.
22:33Never doubted it.
22:35Hang in there, all right?
22:37I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
22:38I'm so sorry, I've got no idea who you are.
22:40I'm sorry.
22:42I'm not going to let you live this,
22:43I've got to know.
22:45I know.
22:52Don't be.
23:03What's the matter?
23:04I don't know.
23:05I found Parker. Like I promised. Are you sure you want to go down this road?
23:23You can't unring this bell. Send me the address.
23:26There's a reason why I never bothered with wife, kids, all that nonsense. No one to disappoint.
23:33I'll be fishing.
24:04Hi, I'm Detective Donovan. I'm looking for Parker.
24:23Kat, you're Clint's daughter. I'm Parker.
24:29Come on in.
24:33You look like him. Shall I put the kettle on?
24:51So you and my father were...
24:54I always thought it would be Odette. Come knocking.
24:59I've been thinking about what I would say to her for years.
25:16I'd say that Clint would have loved it here.
25:21But he would have hated it. He was too big for a life as quiet as this.
25:30You were together?
25:38For how long?
25:41Fourteen years.
25:44And it didn't bother you that he had a family? That he was cheating on my mum?
25:54Of course it bothered me. But you compartmentalise.
26:00When you love someone, you ignore things. Pretend they don't exist.
26:10You mean me and mum? You pretended me and mum didn't exist?
26:14Yes, I did. So did he. When he was with me.
26:25Your dad was a complicated man.
26:28Yes, I am hearing that a lot.
26:32I had to ignore a lot of things if I wanted to be with him.
26:38I kept trying to leave. Build a life away from him.
26:42But he had this way. He was fearless. Unstoppable.
26:51He made you believe that anything was possible when you were with him.
26:57Hard to walk away from.
27:01He loved you both very much.
27:05He just happened to love me too. Inconvenient, really.
27:19Do you know who Callaghan is?
27:26He knew about you two, didn't he? That's how he got dad to work for him.
27:34Yes. Callaghan blackmailed Clint into working for him.
27:39Clint went alone. Until it was too much.
27:45He couldn't live with himself. He told Callaghan he was done.
27:51Broke it off with me. Said we were through.
27:55When was the last time you saw him?
28:00The night he died.
28:05He couldn't stay away. That's the truth.
28:09Couldn't be with me, but he couldn't let me go either.
28:15It was a mess that night.
28:18He said we had to end our relationship before Callaghan said anything.
28:23I've never seen him so afraid.
28:26Something scared him that night. He ran off in a panic.
28:32Days later, I saw on the news...
28:40...he was gone.
28:43That was it.
28:47I never really got over losing him.
28:51He was the only man I ever really loved.
29:01I still miss him so much.
29:06I'd give anything, forgive anything...
29:09...just to be with him for a few more seconds.
29:15Me too.
29:31I love you.
29:50How long you been waiting here?
29:52Eleven years.
29:56I'm not really up for a big chat right now.
30:00I get it.
30:01It's been a really long day.
30:02How about I buy you an ice cream?
30:06Works with Sadie.
30:11Eleven years. I never went a day without thinking about you.
30:16You changed your name?
30:19I wasn't in a good place after I left.
30:24Bar fight in Scotland?
30:28You found out about that?
30:37I thought leaving would make this... us... easier.
30:45It was just... it was like holding back a storm.
30:54We were meant to end up back here, weren't we?
30:59Where are we, Josh?
31:23I just spent a whole morning with someone...
31:27...who waited a very long time to be with someone.
31:35I don't want to wait.
31:54You can ask me anything you want.
31:57Whatever you want to know, I'll tell you.
32:54I love you.
32:57I love you.
33:28I need to go and pick up Sadie.
33:33I don't want to leave.
33:36You can live without me for a few days.
33:40Can I?
33:57I love you.
34:28A bit early, isn't it? What do you want?
34:31It took a few days, but the fingerprints from your dad's murder weapon came back.
34:36What, there's a match?
34:38Yeah. Well, you only gave me a partial print, so it's not perfect.
34:43And we can't say for sure...
34:45Charlie, just get on with it. Whose is it?
34:49The match was from a bar fight in Scotland.
34:53The match was from a bar fight in Scotland.
34:59I'm sorry, Kat.
35:07Kat, you still there?
35:20Kat, listen to me.
35:24I didn't mean to kill him.
35:31I was there the night your dad died.
35:36So was Aqua.
35:40Aqua saw your dad with Parker.
35:43Please come to the flat.
35:45You bring me some flowers and all will be forgiven.
35:47No, I'm not.
35:48Listen, you know how I feel about you.
35:51What do you mean?
35:52I don't deserve it.
35:56Clint, no.
35:58No, Clint.
36:07She said she'd never seen him like that before.
36:10She just lost it.
36:18I need an address.
36:20Aqua Vanesh.
36:21I need it now.
36:22Yep, I'm on it.
36:24I'll text and get to you.
36:26What's wrong?
36:28Why do you need it?
36:40Stagger tried to get to Aqua's before Clint.
36:44Aqua called me.
36:46She sounded worried.
36:47I wanted to tell you the truth.
36:49He said no one would believe us.
36:55I know you can hear me.
37:09Can you hear me?
37:20Don't tell Kat.
37:22I'm begging you.
37:23I'm not going to tell Kat anything.
37:25But you need to tell her in a depth of truth.
37:29I know what you're going through.
37:31You don't know anything about me.
37:34You think you've got it all sorted?
37:36Because you're free.
37:38You can be who you want, love who you want.
37:42You've had it easy.
37:44You've had it easy.
37:45You think this has been easy for me?
37:48You have no idea what I've had to do to get here.
37:50Do you have any idea the things I've had to do to protect my family?
37:53I know how much you love them.
37:56But you have the right to be true to yourself.
38:00It's your life.
38:02Your choice how you live.
38:04I don't get a choice.
38:06I've lied to everyone about everything.
38:09You don't understand.
38:14I've destroyed everything.
38:18Done so many things.
38:20They'll understand.
38:22They love you.
38:23Not when he tells them everything.
38:36Are you fucking kidding me?
38:38Why is my daughter calling you?
38:40What have you told her?
38:44Stay away from my family.
38:45Get the fuck away from me.
38:47Stay away from them.
38:49Jimmy, stay away from them.
38:53Why is Kat calling you?
38:55What have you told her?
38:56Jimmy, I...
39:03Get the fuck back.
39:14Hey, stop.
39:15What are you doing?
39:17Put the knife down.
39:30I didn't mean to kill him.
39:33I didn't mean to kill him.
39:44Oh, fuck.
39:46Just breathe. Breathe.
39:48It's all my fault.
39:50Not your Kat.
39:51Not police.
39:54Not police.
39:55We need to...
39:56We need to call an ambulance.
39:57Not police.
39:58We can still save him.
39:59With my phone.
40:00With my...
40:04Kat can't know.
40:06Or Odette.
40:10You heard him.
40:11Not police.
40:13Give me your phone.
40:16Give me your phone.
40:22Stagger took care of the crime scene to protect us all.
40:27We convinced Monty to confess.
40:30So the case would be closed,
40:32and everyone could go back to their lives, but...
40:35seeing your face every day,
40:38I had to leave.
40:59But this past week,
41:01you've still been living with Eliza.
41:04What was your plan, Josh?
41:06What were you going to do?
41:08I don't know.
41:11I just... I just wanted to be with you.
41:15I wanted you to be happy.
41:18I'm sorry.
41:38I'm sorry.
42:09I miss you.
42:11Since you've been gone.
42:13I miss you, boy.
42:15I ain't missing you.
42:18I miss you.
42:20No matter what I might say.
42:25I miss you.
42:26There's a message in the wire.
42:30And I'm sending you a signal tonight.
42:34You don't know
42:36how desperate I've become.
42:39And it looks like I'm losing this fight
42:43in your world.
42:45I have no meaning
42:48though I'm trying hard to understand.
42:54And it's my heart that's breaking
42:57down this long distance line tonight.
43:01I ain't missing you at all.
43:04I miss you.
43:06Since you've been gone.
43:08I miss you, boy.
43:10I ain't missing you.
43:31© transcript Emily Beynon
44:01© transcript Emily Beynon
44:31© transcript Emily Beynon
45:01© transcript Emily Beynon