(Adnkronos) - ““Abbiamo seguito questo provvedimento in tutto l’arco dell’anno, chiedendo direttamente ai farmacisti che devono praticarla e ai cittadini che ne usufruiscono cosa ne pensassero. Sebbene ci siano ancora dei margini di praticabilità ulteriore, perché molti cittadini ancora non sono a conoscenza di questa misura, chi ne è a conoscenza e ha già potuto utilizzarla è molto soddisfatto: sia farmacisti che cittadini, infatti, sono contenti di implementare questa misura”. Lo ha detto Annalisa Mandorino, segretaria generale di Cittadinanzattiva, oggi al Ministero, in occasione dell’evento “Farmaco accessibile: bilanci e prospettive. Un anno dalla norma”.
00:00We have followed this measure this year, also directly asking pharmacists who have to practice it a little and citizens who use it, what they think about it.
00:15And although there are still margins of further practicability, because many citizens, for example, still do not know about this measure, even those who know it and who have already been able to use it are very satisfied.
00:31Both pharmacists and citizens are happy, let's say, to implement this measure from the point of view of citizens, because it guarantees much easier access to the drug, much closer.
00:44And because it is more guaranteed the assistance continuity, therefore, from the point of view of the health service, of public health, also adherence to the cures.
00:55Because it is guaranteed the possibility of dialogue also with the pharmacist, which we know is an important element in the relationship of trust that is created between citizens and pharmacies, in particular in the redesign of the pharmacy services.
01:10Therefore, this measure, although it needs to be better known and more practiced, a year after its implementation can certainly recognize a positive balance.