• 20 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - Farmaci: Gemmato, ‘con antidiabetici in farmacie nostro Ssn risparmia 9,7 mln’


00:00The consequences are all to be evaluated, but I imagine that Italy offers an extraordinary
00:09opportunity for all the international players of the pharmaceutical industry who come to
00:16invest in Italy today. I want to remind you that Italy is first in Europe for the production
00:22of drugs. This year we have 52 billion euros and this data has helped us to
00:31scale the exports rankings. We are fourth in the world. I believe that the presence of the
00:37pharmaceutical industry in Italy is determined not only by a theme of economic character,
00:42but also and above all by the fact that in Italy there are extraordinary professionals
00:47prepared that our public university prepares and who work precisely in the
00:51pharmaceutical industry, in addition to a system that performs and therefore manages to
01:04guide paths together with the industry. So, compared to what can be a
01:08criticism, obviously we have antibodies that are provided to us by the professionalism of
01:14our professionals and also by the Italian micro system, which is a system that works,
01:20manages to dialogue and keep the largest international pharmaceutical industries in Italy.
01:25Some drugs are distributed within hospital pharmacies that are not
01:31present uniformly on the territory, evidently giving patients, mostly
01:37pathological, many times elderly, a disorder of a structural nature, that is, to go away from
01:43one's own municipality, to join a local municipality, in order to be able to take the drug in
01:49structures that are open a few hours a day, that are not open on Saturdays, on Sundays, on
01:55Ferragosto, on the first of January, on the 25th of April and therefore inaccessible, by posting the
02:02distribution in public, private and conventional pharmacies that, by means of an organic plant,
02:08are present everywhere, from the city center to the smallest municipality of our Italy, there is a
02:15white shirt, a green cross that dispenses drugs. We have moved a first class of drugs,
02:21glyptine, which are drugs for diabetics and even, instead of having a higher expense,
02:28the AIFA certifies that we have saved 9.7 million euros, therefore better access for the
02:35citizen, better compliance, therapeutic adherence and care, savings for the state coffers,
02:43it seems to me an excellent result. For the whole other series of drugs, on the other hand, the possibility of
02:48moving opens up and therefore, year by year, with a long-term average logic, we will move,
02:54compatibly with the balance of the state, therefore always keeping the accounts of the state under control,
03:00we will sponsor as many categories as possible of drugs. In the complexity there are many drugs,
03:06now I will announce it to you later, there are also drugs for rare diseases, therefore the so-called
03:12orphan drugs, which, how to say, are taken by patients, unfortunately, pluripathological and
03:18which are forced to that line that I told you before, basically they will have to go to
03:24hospital pharmacies, which becomes a limit, many times the management of these
03:29pathologies is very difficult, you miss the pharmacy on Saturday, Sunday, April 25th,
03:33May 1st, unfortunately mothers do not know where. Otherwise, if we manage to get to these
03:40categories and I have given the mandate to the AIFA to make a recognition with respect to this
03:45galaxy of drugs, which are so many, we could also imagine moving to these.
