(Adnkronos) - StarCasinò presenta a Roma la sua nuova campagna di sensibilizzazione sul gioco responsabile, con un ambassador d’eccezione, l’amatissimo attore Lino Banfi. L’iniziativa nasce in un momento di grande trasformazione per il settore, con l’entrata in vigore del Decreto Legislativo 41/2024, e punta a promuovere un approccio consapevole e sicuro al gioco. L'evento ha coinvolto esperti, istituzioni e rappresentanti del settore, offrendo un’occasione di confronto sulle strategie di prevenzione e sugli strumenti messi a disposizione dei giocatori per un'esperienza di svago equilibrata a fronte di 7,9 milioni di giocatori on line per un deposito netto di circa 3,7 miliardi, questo equivale ad una spesa di 450 euro all'anno, ovvero una media di 40 euro al mese.
00:00Star Casino presents its new awareness campaign on the game with an exceptional ambassador, the beloved actor Lino Banfi.
00:13The initiative is born in a moment of great transformation for the sector and aims to promote an aware and safe approach to the game.
00:20The event has involved experts, institutions and representatives of the sector offering a chance to compare prevention strategies
00:26and the tools available to the players for a balanced and safe experience,
00:31in front of 7.9 million online players, for a net deposit of about 3.7 billion euros.
00:37This is equivalent to a spending of 450 euros per year, or an average of 40 euros per month.
00:43Star Casino has introduced a series of tools to help its users to maintain a responsible gaming behavior,
00:49including the possibility to set spending limits through self-limitation, the option of temporary or permanent self-exclusion,
00:56but also new tools to limit the player's actual time and spending.
01:00To make the message even more incisive, Star Casino has chosen as a witness Lino Banfi,
01:05icon of Italian television cinema, who with his charisma and his sympathy,
01:09conveys in the new television campaign a fundamental concept, the game must be a hobby, not a vice.
01:15Every vice is a bad thing, of any kind, the food, the drinks, and all the rest we know.
01:23So, to say, let's say, in Mediastat Virtus, don't bring a credit card behind you,
01:30do a prepaid card if you want to play a little somewhere.
01:35And this seems to work, especially then the phrase Banfiota at the end that says,
01:40understand, that is, you understand me as a young man, even if I am old and I don't have much practice of the subject,
01:47but I have the practicality of life, I have the experience, I have the wisdom,
01:53you appreciate this wisdom of mine and I believe that people will receive it.
01:57The initiative is inserted in a broader framework of social responsibility,
02:01promoted by Betson Group Italy, which is led by Star Casino.
02:05Prevention is essential.
02:07What we are doing together with this campaign,
02:10clearly also thanks to Lino Banfi, our campaign witness,
02:14is to give the right message, but it is also to support associations of the territory.
02:19Associations that work every day and also have problems with self-financing on the subject,
02:25to manage problematic profiles, to do screening.
02:28We will help these associations, also economically,
02:32to carry out as many screenings as possible
02:36and we will train operators, we will help the training of operators.
02:39The campaign of Star Casino with Lino Banfi marks an important step in the promotion of the conscious game,
02:45combining information, prevention and control tools to send a strong and necessary message
02:50in a continuously evolving context, where the player's protection is increasingly at the center of the sector's strategies.