Started going to the gym but CAN'T LOSE WEIGHT?

  • 13 years ago
Fitness Instructor Russ Howe explains why so many people start going to the gym and simply can't lose weight in the first couple of months no matter what they eat or how hard they workout.

This is a very common, and very easily solved, issue which affects so many gym users and often holds people back by making them think that the gym isn't working for them but in truth it's perfectly normal.

During the first 1-2 months of any get fit plan your body undergoes a radical change which sees fat loss mount and muscle building occur (even if you aren't training to build muscle, it happens). This counter balance creates the situation for you. It's perfectly normal. "Like" Russ' new facebook fanpage to get free fitness help every 7 days via your facebook news feed! (search: Russ Howe PTI)