Baby Born in 7-Eleven Parking Lot

  • 12 years ago
Baby Born in 7-Eleven Parking Lot - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

The nightmare of not making it to the hospital in time for delivery is a common fear with expectant parents. That fear became a reality for one Florida couple, while mom gave birth with dad’s assistance in of all places; a 7-Eleven parking lot! Chad Malley and his wife Tye were en route to the hospital for the birth of their third child, when Tye realized the contractions were just too close and told her husband to stop the SUV. They only made it 2 blocks from their home before Tye’s water broke and less than 10 minutes later, they were parked at 7-Eleven; mom in the front seat, Chad outside the door and with assistance from a 911 operator, used his own shoe string to tie the umbilical cord once his son was in his arms.

Although Chad is a fireman and emergency medical tech, he had never delivered a baby on his own before. He jokes about his son, ‘His nickname is probably going to be ‘Big Gulp’ forever, whether he likes it or not. And I think all 9 pounds, 10 and a half ounces, I think Big Gulp suits him’.
