Activist Plans to Tree Sit for One Month

  • 12 years ago
Activist Plans to Tree Sit for One Month - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Some people will go to extreme measures to make their point known.

The Head of Public Engagement for the environmental organization, Greenpeace India has his own idea for a unique protest.

Brikesh Singh has officially begun his tree sitting stint to garner attention from international officials who will be venturing to India in October for the “United Nation Convention on Biological Diversity “.

Singh plans to reside in the tree for one month straight in a makeshift tree house. He hopes to ask leaders for updated forest clearances to save the landscapes and wildlife from coal mining. Singh states “This protest is to oppose the destruction of biodiversity and the displacement of thousands of forest dependent communities through expansion of the coal mining into forest areas."

In another recent report, two protesting men in Arizona chained themselves to a drilling machine in front of a tree where another protester was tree sitting 60 feet above ground.

What are your thoughts on such methods for protest?
