The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible is an animated film series produced by Hanna-Barbera that tells of three young adventurers who travel back in time to biblical events, released between 1985 and 1992. Music by Hoyt Curtin.
00:00While surveying the site of some ancient ruins, two young archaeologists, Derek and Margo,
00:22and their nomad friend, Mokey, find themselves trapped and sinking in a whirling pool of sand.
00:37And when the dust settles, they stare up in awe at a vast chamber filled with giant relics
00:44and artifacts from another civilization. And there, at the far end of the cavern, a door
00:51with a strange inscription. All who enter these portals pass through time.
01:52In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was formless and
02:01empty. And the spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, Let there be
02:11light. And there was light. And God separated the formless from the light. And the light
02:21from the darkness, and called the light day, and the darkness he called night. There was
02:32evening and there was morning, the first day. On the second day, God said, Let the waters
02:42separate and form a space, a sky above and oceans below. And let that space be called
02:52heaven. On the third day, God said, Let the waters be gathered into one place, and let
03:07dry land appear.
03:21God called the dry land earth. And the gathered waters he called sea.
03:52And he saw that it was good. Then God said, Let the earth bring forth grass and seed bearing
04:00plants. And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation.
04:21And God saw that it was good. There was evening and there was morning, the third day. And
04:39on the fourth day, God made the stars. And he made the sun and the moon.
04:52And the moon to divide day from night, and to mark the seasons and the years. And God
05:06saw that it was good. So on the fifth day, God said, Let the waters bring forth living
05:14creatures. And there were great stars. And he made the
05:21sea creatures and sea animals of all forms and shapes.
05:43And to fly in the skies above, God created every kind of bird.
05:52God saw that it was good. And on the sixth day, God made every kind
06:03of animal, the beasts of the field, and everything that creeps upon the earth.
06:21And God saw that it was good.
06:52And God was pleased and said, Let us make man in our own image, in our own likeness.
07:02And so, from the dust of the ground, God formed man and breathed into his nostrils the breath
07:10of life. Man became a living soul.
07:22And God made him master of all life upon the earth.
07:36And on the seventh day, God rested. And he blessed that day and made it holy.
07:44God planted a garden eastward, in Eden. And there he put the man whom he had formed,
07:56the man called Adam. And God told Adam to tend and care for the
08:03garden of Eden, and to eat freely of the fruit of its trees, all but one tree, this one,
08:10the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God warned Adam that eating the fruit of this
08:15tree would make him know right and wrong, good and evil, and he would be doomed to die.
08:29You there!
08:31Oh, these apples look good.
08:34They should. I've grown these apples myself.
08:37There's nothing but the best in my orchard.
08:40But maybe they're sour.
08:43Sour? My apples? Well, they're the sweetest apples in Nod.
08:48Who says?
08:49Here, try one.
08:57Well, am I not right?
09:04Sour? Impossible.
09:10Let's settle this, Margo and Derek. Are these apples sour or not?
09:22Mmm, mmm, delicious.
09:25Mmm, the best apple I ever ate.
09:28Ah, you see? What did I tell you?
09:32Well, I've got to admit, I was wrong and you were right.
09:39I guess I showed him.
09:49Hey, hey, come back here, you! You old tricksters!
09:54Come back here!
10:03We really shouldn't have done that.
10:06I know.
10:08But we were so hungry.
10:10Well, where do you think we are?
10:12Where? We don't even know when we are.
10:15You are never lost if you have friends.
10:18Shall we be their friends and let them join us?
10:21Sure, why not?
10:24Only if they sit quiet.
10:27Sure, why not?
10:30Only if they sit quiet and you get right back to the story.
10:35I was telling you about the creation.
10:37We're in a land the Bible calls Nod, just east of Eden.
10:45You mean like in the Garden of Eden?
10:48Exactly so.
10:51Look at the four rivers.
10:55The Gihon.
10:56The Tigris.
10:57And the Euphrates.
10:58So, what does that mean?
11:00According to the Bible, that one large river watered the Garden of Eden.
11:05The real Garden of Eden? The place where?
11:09The place of creation.
11:11But I thought that was just a story.
11:14No, he was telling us the real story.
11:17Stop talking and listen.
11:19Oh, I'm sorry. Please, go on.
11:22You were just at the part where God had finished his work on the sixth day?
11:26And now he's taking the day off because he worked so hard creating men.
11:31And what about women?
11:32Yes, what about us?
11:35I was just coming to that.
11:39God not only asked Adam to tend the Garden of Eden,
11:43but to give names to all the birds and animals there.
11:48Whatever Adam called them, that's what their names became.
11:52You're so beautiful and graceful. You're...
11:57You're a swan.
12:02You. You are a deer.
12:07And you're a horse.
12:10You. What can I call you?
12:12What can I call you?
12:16Ostrich. That's you all right.
12:22This isn't easy.
12:41Largemouth bass, a smallmouth bass, and a rainbow trout.
12:47And you're a rabbit.
12:50And you're a fox.
12:55No, the other way around would be better.
12:59You're the fox and you're the rabbit.
13:02You're a cat.
13:09And your singing friend there is a canary.
13:12No, no, no. Hold it.
13:14No cats are no friends with no canaries. That's for sure.
13:19Back then they were, young man.
13:21How things changed is the story you're going to hear.
13:25All the creatures in the Garden of Eden were at peace.
13:29With themselves and with Adam.
13:32Except one.
13:35And this one was the craftiest and most hate-filled of all God's creatures.
13:42The serpent.
13:50No, please, no.
13:52Don't tell me anything about snakes or serpents.
13:55They scare me.
13:57I hate them more than anything.
14:00Many people feel the same way, Mokey.
14:03Listen and you'll find out why.
14:07While the serpent secretly observed Adam in the garden,
14:11God was watching him, too.
14:18You all have someone to be with, one of your own kind.
14:23Adam had named all the animals and all the birds,
14:27but he had no companion, no one to help him.
14:32So God caused him to go into a deep sleep.
14:41But while Adam slept, God took one of his ribs,
14:55leaving no mark behind.
14:59And from the rib which God had taken from man,
15:03he made a woman.
15:12I am here to be with you.
15:16Now, at last, from my bones and my flesh,
15:21she shall be called Woman, for she was taken out of man.
15:26And so it is that a man will leave his own father and mother
15:30and be united to his wife.
15:42Like the animals, they were both naked, the man and his wife,
15:47and were not ashamed.
15:54All was innocence, and their Garden of Eden was paradise.
16:02Look at all that beautiful fruit.
16:05I think I'll try some.
16:07No, Eve, no!
16:09What's the matter?
16:10God forgive me.
16:12What is it, Adam? What have you done?
16:15It's not what I've done, it's what I haven't done.
16:18I haven't told you about this tree and its fruit.
16:21God made only one rule for us in this garden.
16:24We are never to eat any fruit from this tree.
16:27This is the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
16:31And if we disobey God and eat from it, we will die.
16:36Die? What does that mean?
16:39What does it mean to die?
16:41It means an end.
16:43An end to all we have here, everything.
16:46An end to this perfection.
16:49That is the tree of life.
16:51Its fruit gives us eternal life.
16:53We may eat from it and live forever.
16:56But we may not eat from this tree over here.
17:00If that is God's rule, we must accept it.
17:04It's too bad, though.
17:06The fruit really does look delicious.
17:09Yes, it does.
17:11I know it does.
17:17The fruit of this tree is delicious.
17:23No, please, no more about creepy, crawly, slimy snakes.
17:28No, please, no more about creepy, crawly, slimy snakes.
17:33But this one can talk.
17:35Oh, that's the worst kind.
17:37Oh, it looks like rain.
17:40Yes, let's move on to the awning, at my father's place.
17:47Father, have you seen Kalief?
17:50Seth, I told you, Kalief is your snake.
17:53He's your responsibility, not mine.
17:55Kalief, where are you?
17:57Oh, I hope he hasn't run off.
18:01If you see him, I'll be with the storyteller.
18:03Here, for the storyteller and your friends.
18:07Oh, thank you, Father.
18:09Oh, I hate snakes.
18:12So, what else would my son have for a pet?
18:18Thank your father for us all, Seth.
18:21He is a generous man.
18:23And his apples are the best ever.
18:27Well, I'm glad you're happy, Mokey.
18:29Because now I'm afraid we have to return to the crafty serpent.
18:34Oh, no, you know I don't like snakes.
18:38Yes, Mokey.
18:40Adam and Eve and the most famous or infamous serpent in history.
18:49I'm sorry if I startled you.
18:53Um, where's Adam?
18:56He's, uh, tending to the olive trees.
19:01Oh, but all your pretty fruit is bruised now.
19:07I'll show you the sweetest delight in the garden.
19:11As a surprise for Adam.
19:18All right.
19:23This is the one tree in the garden we cannot touch.
19:26This is the forbidden fruit.
19:29Did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden?
19:36Surely not.
19:38We may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden.
19:41Except for the tree in the middle of the garden.
19:44God has forbidden us to either touch or eat the fruit of that tree.
19:49For if we do, we shall die.
19:54You believe that nonsense?
19:58Of course you will not die.
20:03God knows that as soon as you eat it, your eyes will be opened.
20:08And you and Adam will be like gods yourselves.
20:13You will know good and evil.
20:19The fruit here is truly beautiful.
20:22Oh, yes.
20:26It is.
20:39Hello, little friend.
20:41Let's go find Eve.
20:42Go ahead.
20:44Taste it.
20:46Find out for yourself.
20:48But Adam...
20:49Will be pleased.
20:52You will make him wise.
20:54A god.
20:56And you will become his goddess.
21:03You touched it and nothing happened.
21:07Now, taste it.
21:19Something's wrong.
21:25It is extraordinary.
21:27Adam will be so pleased.
21:30I will.
21:31About what?
21:32About this.
21:34Take a bite.
21:35You'll love it.
21:38Well, it looks good.
21:49Now, for the first time, all was not perfect in paradise.
21:59Something's happened.
22:01Something's not right.
22:03I feel... I feel...
22:06I feel strange.
22:12So do I.
22:14The fruit.
22:16We ate the forbidden fruit.
22:20We must hide ourselves.
22:23But as the day grew toward evening,
22:25they heard the sound of God moving through the garden.
22:29Adam and Eve hid,
22:31afraid for what they had done.
22:34And from that moment forward,
22:36man has known good and evil.
22:39Adam and Eve made simple clothes for themselves
22:42from the fig leaves in the garden.
22:46What happens next? Go on.
22:48I can hardly wait.
22:55You found my pet snake, Monkey.
22:59Thanks a lot.
23:01You're welcome.
23:05As I was saying,
23:07God called to Adam and Eve.
23:14Where are you?
23:16I heard your voice,
23:18and I was afraid because I was naked,
23:20so I hid.
23:22Who told you you were naked?
23:24Have you eaten from the forbidden tree?
23:27The woman you put here with me,
23:29she gave me some fruit from the tree,
23:31and I ate it.
23:34What is this you have done?
23:36The serpent.
23:38The serpent tricked me.
23:40And I ate...
23:49You are cursed above all cattle,
23:52and above every beast of the field.
23:54On your belly you shall crawl,
23:57and thus shall you eat all the days of your life.
24:00The woman shall be your enemy,
24:03and her children the enemy of your children.
24:07Go, Adam.
24:09Go, Eve.
24:11Out of the garden, Eve.
24:13Out of this garden forever.
24:16All your lives you will work the soil for your food,
24:19and you shall gain your food by the sweat of your brow
24:23until you return to the ground.
24:26For dust you are,
24:28and to dust you shall return.
24:32So God drove Adam and Eve out of the garden.
24:36You know what I think?
24:39God showed us paradise,
24:41so we could see what we'd lose if we disobeyed him.
24:45Then it's because of Adam and Eve we all know right from wrong.
24:50And we know we'll have to work and sweat for whatever we get.
24:54Just like me.
24:55I tended the orchards myself and harvested them, too.
24:58Would you like some?
25:00There wouldn't be a serpent with you, would there?
25:04Oh, I hate snakes, too.
25:06Here, take these for your trip.
25:08My son says you have a long way to go.
25:11Believe me, you have no idea.
25:13Why can't we go back to the garden again?
25:16Yes, why don't we just go out and find the garden ourselves?
25:21None of us will ever return to the Garden of Eden.
25:34God's Flaming Sword.
25:37It was sent to block the entrance to the Garden of Eden forever.
25:42And God said,
25:43Man has now become like one of us,
25:46knowing good and evil.
25:48Now he will never be able to reach out and take from the Tree of Life,
25:53and he will not live forever.
25:56But Genesis, from which this story has been told,
25:59means the beginning, not the end.
26:03And for all of mankind, for all the ages,
26:08this was just the beginning.
27:03THE END
27:33© transcript Emily Beynon