Woman Arrested After Lying About Dying Father

  • 11 years ago
To get out of trouble with the law after being caught speeding, one woman went too far in saying she was rushing to the hospital before her father with cancer died.

Police are used to hearing white lies to get out of tickets, but one woman went too far in saying she was rushing to the hospital before her father with stage IV cancer died. When the New Hampshire state trooper later found out it was all a big act to manipulate his emotions and she was driving on a suspended registration, he went to her house and arrested her.

Officer Christopher J. Cummings pulled over 28-year-old Carley Williams for going 82 in a 65 mile-per-hour area. When asked if it was an emergency, Williams began her lie.

According to Cummings, “There was a good act that went along with it. She seemed pretty emotional.” Still, he wisely gathered Williams’ information, including her father’s name and which hospital, before letting her go.

Cummings later found out Williams’ father died in 2008 and she had a suspended registration. As Cummings explained, “Driving with a suspended registration is a misdemeanor in New Hampshire…This wasn't personal, it was a matter of law.”

When confronted with the evidence, Williams continued her tangled web of lies saying the obituary notice was for her uncle and not her father. She finally confessed when at the police station.


