Man Takes His Pet Chihuahua to Bank Robbery

  • 10 years ago
A man allegedly robbed a bank in Tucson, Arizona with his pooch right next to him.

There are some people who can’t bear to be without their pets, even for a short duration. Take one man, who allegedly robbed a bank in Tucson, Arizona with his pooch right next to him.

The crime occurred in broad daylight, at about 11 in the morning. The suspect reportedly walked inside the Chase bank carrying a grocery style basket with a tiny dog inside.

The man approached a teller and placed the basket down on the counter. He then demanded cash and once it was it his hands, he grabbed his pooch and fled from the business on foot.

No weapon was used during the crime and no one was injured. The male was able to get away with an undisclosed amount of money after pulling off the unconventional robbery.

By the time police arrived at the bank, the suspect was nowhere in sight. Law enforcement authorities describe the robber as white or Hispanic, weighing approximately 180 pounds and standing 5 feet 10 inches tall.

His accomplice in the crime is said to be a Chihuahua.


