• 11 years ago
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Phirni is a very popular north-Indian sweet dish which is extremely delicious and vegetarian too.


1/2 ltr. दूध
7 tbsp कंडेंस्ड मिल्क
3 tbsp चावल (1 घंटे के लिए पानी में भिगोए )
1 tbsp किशमिश
पिस्ता के गुच्छे
काजू बादाम के गुच्छे
1 tspइलायची पाउडर
1 tspगुलाब पानी


- Grind the rice & water in the mixer into a smooth paste.
- Pour milk into a round bottom pan. Bring it to a boil.
- Add the rice paste. Stir well.
- Keep cooking till the milk reduces almost to half. Avoid lumps.
- Add condensed milk. Mix well.
- Turn off the flame once milk thickens. Let it cool down.
- Add cardamom powder, raisins & rose water.
- Sprinkle almond flakes and pistachio flakes. Serve cold.

Director: Narayan Thakur
Camera: Jay Nayak, Kawaldeep Singh Jangwal
Editing: Ravi Varma
Script: Narayan Thakur
Voice Over: Mohita Namjoshi
Creative Head: Kavya Krishnaswamy
Producer: Rajjat A. Barjatya
Copyrights: Rajshri Entertainment Private Limited.
