Trump Tweets After Tax Bill Passes: 'Great Republicans' Will Now Be Going 'For Final Passage'

  • 7 years ago
President Trump tweeted Saturday after the Senate passed the GOP tax bill.

After the Senate narrowly passed (51-49) the GOP tax reform bill early Saturday morning, President Trump took to Twitter and praised the efforts of "great Republicans."
"Biggest Tax Bill and Tax Cuts in history just passed in the Senate. Now these great Republicans will be going for final passage," Trump tweeted. "Thank you to House and Senate Republicans for your hard work and commitment!"
The tax rewrite will have a significant impact on individuals and businesses across the country.
As the New York Times notes, it "will touch almost every corner of the United States economy, affecting families, small business owners and multinational corporations, with the biggest benefits flowing to the highest-earning Americans."
There are still some more steps before it becomes law.
"With the bill finally through the Senate ― the House passed its tax bill two weeks earlier ― the two chambers still have to work out their legislative differences in a conference committee before the tax rewrite becomes law," the Huffington Post noted.
In another tweet early Saturday, Trump said, "Look forward to signing a final bill before Christmas!"


