McConnell: 'I Haven't Been A Fan' Of Trump's Tweets 'Until This Week'

  • 7 years ago
Mitch McConnell said on Friday that he hasn't been a "fan" of President Trump's tweets "until this week."

Months ago, President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell were trading barbs. Now, in the wake of the GOP tax bill victory, both are making positive remarks about each other and McConnell even told reporters on Friday that he's "warming up" to Trump's tweets.
Days prior to the bill signing, Trump's tweets took a less controversial tone with the majority focused on pushing the tax reform.
"Regarding the President's tweeting habits, I haven't been a fan until this week," McConnell said at a press conference. "I'm warming up to the tweets."
And on Wednesday, after Congress passed the tax bill, McConnell said, "Mr. President, you made the case for the tax bill...this has been a year of extraordinary accomplishment for the Trump administration."
Back in summer, there was reported friction between the two, in part, due to the July Senate vote against repealing the Affordable Care Act. 
Trump blasted McConnel in a series of tweets; on August 9, he wrote, "Senator Mitch McConnell said I had 'excessive expectations,' but I don't think so. After 7 years of hearing Repeal & Replace, why not done?"
The president then tweeted a day later, "Mitch, get back to work and put Repeal & Replace, Tax Reform & Cuts and a great Infrastructure Bill on my desk for signing. You can do it!"
Trump was said to have been angered by a speech the Kentucky senator gave in which he suggested Trump had "excessive expectations" for the lawmaking process due to his relative inexperience in D.C.
