Trump Says He Rushed Signing Of Tax Bill After TV News Reports Of Possible Delay

  • 7 years ago
President Trump said on Friday he did a "rush job" on signing the tax bill after media reports that he might delay its signing.

President Trump said he rushed the signing of the GOP tax bill into law on Friday after watching news reports on television.
"We had the largest tax cuts in our history just approved. And I was going to wait for a formal signing sometime in early January, but then I watched the news this morning and they were all saying, 'Will he keep his promise? Will he sign it by Christmas?'" Trump told the reporters prior to the signing. "And I called downstairs, I said, I get it ready; we have to sign it now."
After signing the bill in the Oval Office, Trump went on to mention that he won't have to do much "to sell" its benefits to the American people.
"I think the corporations that are giving billions and billions of dollars away to their workers — and many more are coming — I think that's really what's selling this maybe better than anybody could, including myself," Trump said. "But I think come February, when they open their checks and they see, 'Wow, what happened? I have a lot more money in here' — I think that's really going to be something very special."
