Biden Says He Feels 'Guilty' About 'Not Wanting' To Run In 2020

  • 6 years ago
Joe Biden weighed in on a range of subjects in his Washington Post interview.

Former Vice President Joe Biden recently revealed that he still has not come to a decision about running in 2020.  The topic came up during a discussion with the Washington Post about the future of the Democratic party, and more broadly, the fate of the US under President Trump.  Biden briefly addressed the potential for greater crisis and commented, "It makes me feel guilty about not wanting to [run for president]. But it doesn't make me want to. I'm not looking to live in the White House, I've seen it up close." "But all kidding aside, I don't know what I'm going to do," he continued. Biden has been a vocal critic of the Trump administration.
In a wide-ranging speech at the New York state Democratic convention in May, Biden sharply criticized the Republican Party for its "fake nationalism."
CNN quotes him as telling the audience that many of the nation's values are "under siege by this administration."
"This is not your father's Republican Party. This is a different deal. They are not -- they are not who we are. They are not who America is. But what they are doing is they're sending a vision of America that's distorted, that's damaging, that is hurting us. With its phony populism. And this fake nationalism," Biden added.


