Internet Loses It After Trump Asks 7-Year-Old If He 'Still' Believes In Santa

  • 6 years ago
President Trump asked a 7-year-old if he still believes in Santa.

President Trump stirred quite a few reactions on social media after he asked a 7-year-old if he still believes in Santa Claus.
During a Christmas Eve call with Coleman, Trump said: "Are you still a believer in Santa? Because at seven, it's marginal, right?"
"Coleman's response, though inaudible to the press, left Trump with a chuckle and a smile," reports CNN.
According to the New York Times, "The president made the comments from the White House while he and the first lady, Melania Trump, fielded calls from a hotline for children wondering where Santa was."
The remarks immediately prompted a flood of reactions on the internet.
Responses included, "I think we've found the person who launched the war on Christmas," "This is how Eric Trump found the truth about Santa," and "I wish that he was in charge of someone else's country so that I could enjoy how hilarious this is."
One tweeter wrote: "Would have been nice if the 7 year old's response was, 'Do you believe in climate change yet?'"
"Good grief if he can't even keep Santa a secret from a 7 year old can you imagine what kind of secrets that might come out of him to people like Putin?" someone else tweeted. 
